AGNPH Stories

Cruel Beginnings 1 by mnementh


Cruel Beginnings 1

Cruel Beginnings - Part 1 (M Trainer, M Seviper / F Vaporeon)

By Mnementh
WARNING: Non Consentual, Rape, Violence

This series will be the Prequel to my Super Effective series, going into detail on all the cruel treatments Vaporeon, Bayleef, and Ninetales had to endure. We begin with Vaporeon, whom was the first Pokemon caught by the abusive trainer besides his own loyal, obedient, and sex hungry Seviper.

It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was out in a cloudless sky with the temperature a perfect 70 degrees. In a forest somewhere in Johto, an Eevee was enjoying the weather, laying on a large rock, sunning herself. "After all those showers, it's about time we got some good weather" she said out loud to no one. She then dozed off into a nap that lasted for about an hour. Eevee suddenly woke up to a person's voice issuing commands. She didn't hear every word, all she heard was "....tackle attack, now!" She couldn't believe someone had the nerve to attack her in her sleep. She growled, getting ready to take care of whatever was coming at her. Eevee looked up at her attacker and just gasped. Coming straight at her was a huge Seviper, fangs bared. She squeaked in alarm and tried to use a quick attack to get out of the way but was too late. Pain flowed through her tiny body as she was struck and sent flying into another rock, slamming into it with a dull thud. Eevee couldn't move, she was sure that something had just been broken inside of her. She just started crying, wondering what kind of sick person would unleash such a huge Pokemon against a practically defenseless one like herself. Suddenly, the trainer spoke again, a twisted smirk on his face, "Alright Seviper, wrap attack now! And don't you stop until I hear bones breaking!" The Seviper hissed in acknowledgement, wearing almost the same smirk as his trainer. He slithered over to wear Eevee was laying, grabbed her, and then tightly wrapped his body around her, squeezing the life out of her. She howled out in pain, blood starting to trickle out of her mouth. She was quickly silenced, though, as she succumbed to unconsciousness. Seviper continued to squeeze her hard, eventually bones could be heard cracking and breaking. "Enough! Good job, Seviper. Release her now." Seviper did as he was told, letting the injured Eevee fall to the ground. "Pokeball, GO!" the trainer yelled, pegging the Eevee with a pokeball. White light enveloped her and she was pulled inside the ball, captured inside without a struggle. "Excellent. I can now begin my research." And with that, he let out a laugh that would've chilled anyone to the bones.


Eevee awoke in a dark room with a sudden gasp. All she remembered was that she had been attacker by a huge Pokemon, but she had no idea how long ago that was. She tried getting up but quickly noticed that her legs had been tied together, making it impossible to move anywhere. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was covered in bandages, no doubt from the injuries she sustained during that attack. She started whimpering and tears began to lightly flow down her face as began wondering what was going to be done to her.

Suddenly, the lights in the room were turned on, blinding Eevee for a second. She looked around and saw the trainer emerging through a door, closely followed by his Seviper, who stared at her and hissed menacingly. "Ah, you're finally awake. I'm glad to see my skills as a healer haven't left me yet" the trainer said, laughing madly. "You will be my first test subject for a new controlling device Team Rocket is paying me to develop." With that, he pulled something out of his coat pocket, displaying it to her. It was cylindrical in shape, about 6 inches in length and an inch thick. "This is what I like to call a Vaginal Enforcer" he laughed, "Basically, I shove it up your pussy and administer pain to your most sensitive areas using this remote. So far, there are just three things it can do. Every time I push this button, the diameter of the Enforcer will increase by half an inch." He pushed a button on the remote and sure enough, the thickness of the device increased. He pushed a few more times until it was about 3 inches thick. "That's for whenever I just feel like giving you discomfort, hehehe." He pushed another button and it shrank back to its original size. Eevee just stared at it, too shocked to even cry. "This button" he continued, "Will administer a shock to your insides, the power of which depends on how high the voltage is set to. It is most painful, I guarantee you that. Whenever you disobey orders, you will be shocked. The voltage will increase each time. Eventually, when that's not enough to deter you, I've got this button to push," he said, indicating another. "There are a series of extremely sharp needles built into the device, pushing this button will cause them to prick your sensitive walls with them." He pushed the button and laughed, displaying a bloody hand to the frightened Eevee. "I'm in development of a similar device for males, but females are just so much more fun to play with. Don't you agree, Viper?" Seviper hissed in agreement, flicking his tongue out in the air. "Of course, we're only interested in controlling powerful Pokemon, not runts such as yourself. But don't worry, I had a plan in my head as I stalked you and eventually caught you" he said, reaching into another pocket and pulling out a water stone. "I swiped this from the Celadon store last time I was there, I had no idea I'd be using it so soon. I can't wait to see what a sexy Vaporeon you become!" He threw the stone hard at her motionless body, nailing her in the side. Eevee gave out a blood curdling scream but was quickly silenced as she was enveloped inside a bright, white light. Her body began to grow, her fur turning blue and eventually turning from fur into scales. Her bushy tail elongated into an elegant flipper twice as long as her old body was. After the transformation, she stood tall and erect on all fours, standing in pride. But she quickly remembered where she was and why she had transformed. She laid back down, curling into a tight ball, crying.

"Seviper, restrain her so that I can bind her legs again. Don't even think about fighting back, I will have Seviper kill you if you try anything." Seviper slithered over towards where she was still crying, and wrapped himself tightly around her so that her legs were conveniently sticking up in the air. Vaporeon's captor then tied her legs together tightly, painfully restricting the blood flow. "Now it's time to have some fun, before I begin my tests. Seviper, you may let her go now." As he said it, the trainer began rubbing Vaporeon's thighs on her hind legs and also began stroking the underside of her large tail. She tried to crawl away, afraid of where those fingers would go next, but she was quickly stopped with a painful punch to her ribs. "Don't you fucking move!" he shouted at her, punching her in the side again. Vaporeon yelped out in pain, staying still so that he would stop. He continued fondling her body, mumbling appreciatively to himself as he did so. Eventually, his hands found her pussy and he began exploring the inside of her body, removing his hands once in a while to lick off her juices. She tried to shrink away from his touch, but his other hand was holding her firmly in place by her tail. She started crying again, finally realizing what his idea of fun is. Suddenly, she cried out in pain as he began pinching and twisting her clit hard, torturing that sensitive mound of flesh. Vaporeon looked at the Seviper, tears streaming out of her eyes.

"Please, make him stop! You can't be as evil as he is! Please, I'm begging you!"

"Are you kidding?" Seviper asked. "I'm just waiting patiently for my turn. Once my trainer is done, you'll be all mine" he hissed at her.

Vaporeon cried out again as she was slapped in the face. "I know you were just trying to convince my Seviper to help you. You mind as well just save your breath. In return for helping me, I allow him free access to all the females I catch. What kind of male pokemon wouldn't want that?" the trainer laughed. He then unzipped his pants and threw them to a corner in the room, quickly followed by his boxers. Vaporeon felt her tail being lifted up followed by something hard and warm poking around her entrance. She yelled out again even though she knew her situation was hopeless. Seviper whipped her in the face with his tail to shut her up, leaving a cut under her eye. She felt her walls being spread apart as the trainer's cock entered her but was surprised when he stopped after just a few inches. He had run into her proof of virginity. "Ahhh, so you're a virgin? Oh yeeahh." With that he withdrew and then slammed his entire dick inside of her, forcefully tearing through her hymen. Vaporeon screamed from the pain coursing through her body but was quickly silenced by another whip to the face from Seviper. A little bit of blood trickled out of her pussy and onto the trainer's cock as he began thrusting his member in and out of her body. He didn't seem to care. If anything it just turned him on even more. He held onto her tail tightly as he rammed her, his cock spreading her tight, virgin walls as it moved in and out. The pain of losing her virginity began to slowly fade away and, even though she would never admit, Vaporeon began to feel pleasure. She couldn't control herself and let out a soft murrr of delight. "You're enjoying this too?" the trainer asked. "We can't have that. Seviper, make her suck you off and make sure she doesn't enjoy it." Seviper hissed in acknowledgement and quickly began wrapping his body around her chest and face. Vaporeon let out a squeal of fright as she felt herself practically being choked. The trainer continued to pound into her pussy as Seviper finally positioned his sheath right up against Vaporeon's mouth. She was wrapped up so tightly it was impossible for her to turn her head away. "Lick me!" Seviper yelled at her. "And don't you dare bite me, or I'll bite you and kill you." To emphasize his point, Seviper made a long, deep scratch along her side. She tried to cry out in pain, but was only able to let out a muffled gasp. The trainer laughed at her as he continued to fuck Vaporeon, his pre beginning to shoot out and lubricate her tight passage. Vaporeon knew she had no choice and began moving her tongue up and down Seviper's smooth, scaly sheath. She was disgusted at how he tasted but forced herself to continue. Within moments, the pointed tip of Seviper's cock was emerging. She began flicking it with her tongue, causing him to shudder as the sensitive area of his dick was assaulted. His entire rod soon showed itself, only about 10 inches in length. It was, however, very thick, about 4 inches in diameter. He tightened his body around her even more to make Vaporeon take the throbbing member in her mouth. She could hardly breathe with his large cock in her mouth, taking up most of the space. Since she couldn't move her head at all, Seviper began moving the rod in and out of her mouth on his own. Her rubbery tongue could do nothing other than try to fight back the large intruder, earning loud hisses of pleasure from the snake.

Meanwhile, the trainer could feel his orgasm coming close. He slowed down a lot, only fucking her with part of his cock. He was just enjoying the feeling of his member being inside of a sexy Pokemon now, he was in no rush to cum. He began to sickeningly feel up her body again, touching her everywhere not covered up by Seviper's body. He especially enjoyed massaging Vaporeon's tail, tails were a huge turn on to him. Despite his slowing down, he felt his balls begin to contract and knew that he was about to cum. Her virgin tightness was too much for him to handle. He grabbed her tail again and dug his nails hard into her skin, causing her to twitch it in pain. He began slamming her at full speed again and yelled out loud as he shot his load into her. Vaporeon felt his seed splashing against her insides, frightened and disgusted that a human had just raped her. She tried to pull away, desperately wanting that intruder out of her body. But Seviper sensed her struggles and quickly tightened his body even more around her. Vaporeon's eyes widened as she tried to fight for air, feeling herself getting light headed from lack of oxygen. She began seeing spots in front of her eyes before passing out, falling limp in Seviper's grasp. The trainer finally stopped cumming and pulled his limp member out of the unconscious Vaporeon. "Good work, Seviper. I'm gonna go take a shower. She's all yours for half an hour, then we've got to test out the device I made." With that, he left the room, leaving the two Pokemon by themselves. Seviper uncoiled himself from around her body, his cock pulling out of her mouth with a loud popping noise, still throbbing violently.

"Unconscious or not, I'm gonna fuck the hell out of her!" Seviper said to himself. He slithered over to Vaporeon's rear and began coiling himself around her tail and stomach, binding her tightly while his cock was pressed up against her cunt. He flexed the muscles in his body around his dick, causing his member to penetrate her tight body. He hissed in delight as her walls pressed hard against the thick intruder. He began relaxing and tensing his muscles, his rock hard member moving slowly in and out of her. Vaporeon began to unconsciously moan, her body enjoying the pleasure even though her mind didn't know why she was receiving it. Seviper moved his head so that it was under her body and he began flicking his tongue against her small tits. She groaned again, her body loving the tickling sensation it was now feeling. It also caused her to suddenly regain consciousness. Vaporeon lifted her head and looked around, confused. Quickly, however, she felt the feeling of being restrained and, worst of all, could feel an even larger object violating her body. She yelled out in despair, struggling with all of her power to try to get away from the rod that was impaling her, stretching her to new limits. "Shut up!" Seviper yelled, "You were enjoying it while you unconscious, unknowingly moaning in pleasure as I fucked you."

"," Vaporeon cried. But she couldn't deny the pleasure she was feeling. The trainer's small cock had brought her close to climaxing and her body was once again on the verge of cumming. "No" she thought to herself. "I can't give him the satisfaction of making me cum." Seviper continued fuck her, his full length now sliding in and out of her. Every part of pussy was being massaged by the large dick and Vaporeon's will power was no match for the pleasure assaulting her. She cried out as powerful orgasm rocked her body, causing her to writhe violently in Seviper's grasp. He hissed in appreciation as his member was grabbed and pulled by her convulsing walls, feeling his orgasm suddenly approach. Her juices allowed his cock to move around inside of her more freely now so he could speed up the rate of his fucking. Pre was shooting frequently out of his dick as Seviper's climax neared. His whole body began tingling and he let out a loud hiss as he came, shooting his thick seed into her tight body. His body tightened as he shot his load into her, again causing Vaporeon to fight for air. Each shot of cum was so powerful that she could feel it splashing against her walls. After he stopped shooting his load, he loosened his body again. Vaporeon gasped and took a big breath of air. She then laid her head down and began crying, angry at herself for allowing her orgasm to come and scared of what else would be done to her. Her first two sexual encounters, both of them rapes. Seviper withdrew his softening dick out of her pussy, their juices pouring out of her and onto the floor.

"Stop crying you bitch! Your body obviously enjoyed it, there's no way you can deny that." Seviper said. Vaporeon just began to cry louder, knowing his words were true but not wanting to believe them. She felt a sudden jolt of pain as she was once again whipped in the face by his tail. "I said stop crying!" Her face stung badly, but she listened this time, whimpering lightly now. The door to the room flew open suddenly and the trainer walked in. "Damn it! It's been a half hour already?" Seviper complained.

"I hope you two enjoyed each other's company while I was gone" he said with a wicked laugh. "But now it is time for me to test my invention." With that, he once again pulled out the Vaginal Enforcer. He walked over to the trembling Vaporeon, lifted her tail out of the way, and pushed the device deep inside her pussy. She cried out again and thrashed around as her walls were forced apart by the cold, metal object. Seviper again whipped her in the face, drawing blood out of her nose this time. "There" the trainer said, pulling his hand out of her body. "Alright Seviper, cut the ropes binding her legs." The snake did as he was told, cutting through the ropes with his sharp fangs. She stood up and noticed that the door was unguarded. She had to take this chance. Vaporeon ran as fast as she could towards the door but suddenly stopped in her tracks and began convulsing as her body was electrocuted from the inside. She howled in pain and distress, quickly giving up her bid for freedom. The shocks stopped finally but she just laid there on the floor, having no will to do anything anymore. "Hahaha, I knew you'd try to make a break for it. You will be mine forever" the trainer said coldly, breaking into maniacal laughter. He then pushed the bottom button on his remote to emphasize his point, signally the device to prick her sensitive walls with its many needles. Vaporeon jumped up and screamed in intense pain. She ran around in circles, blood dripping steadily out of her pussy. The trainer laughed and pushed the button again, causing her to give another blood curdling scream of terror and pain. She quickly passed out again, however, her body unable to bear the pain of vagina being cut up. The trainer cackled as he stared at her lying on the floor, blood still trickling out of her body. As cruel as Seviper is, even he couldn't stand to watch it. He slithered out of the room, leaving his master alone with his experiment.

The End
Finally finished this lemon. That damn virus that was running around greatly delayed me. I though my computer was on the verge of dying until I heard about on the news ^_^

I hope you guys enjoyed this lemon, I tried not to make it too violent. I feel sorry for the poor Vaporeon 

Please post or email comments, suggestions, requests.
[email protected]

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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