AGNPH Stories

Mother's heat by mongoose



There she was again, my mother. My beautiful Zangoose mother. She was walking awkwardly about the house, clamping her thighs together tight, trying to fight back that natural desire that filled everything. The seasons were nearly upon us and both of us could feel it's pressuring call.

She couldn't walk anywhere without leaving a trail of her honey, her scent overwhelming. I would draw it into my lungs, breathing rapidly, greedily trying to suck every bit of air that laced with her scent. And when she was not around, I would wildly feast upon the scraps of juice she left behind. I could not resist it, I was hard constantly. My cock, the center of her attention. I could see her as she walked by, taking quick glances at my throbbing hardness. Shivering and shutting her legs tighter, scurrying off to some secluded area to think about me and rub herself and feel shameful for wanting her own son. Yet, there was no reason to feel shameful, for her soon wanted her, with the same, powerful desire.

The days would pass by and the callings only got stronger and stronger. She would come to me and she would shake and shiver, locking her muscles into place, fighting back every urge to offer herself to me. She would ask me, repeatedly, "You are old enough, are you not? Is there not some female out there, desiring of you and you of her? When will you go out and lay with her?" And then she would pause and wait for an answer, all the while staring at my engorged maleness.

I would reply, "Soon, mother. Soon." and I would smile. Because I had no intention of pluging into the depths of any female but the one standing before me.

She would cross her hands over her chest and shiver, her breast sensitive to her own touches. "I would like to still be alive to care for your grandchild when he comes." She would say to me and she would smile that lovely content smile. And I would smile back and for a moment we'd feel like the way mother and son should be, until our mating parts would zap us and wake us to reality and she'd turn away from me, to run off to that secret place of hers.

But soon that day came, the first day of the heat. It was not hard to tell. From that very morning, you could smell it, hear it, taste it in the very air. Sex. Sex and so very much of it. Today was the day I would take my very own mother for my desire, make her mine. But, she was nowhere to be found. She was hiding from me. Again, in her secret spot.

I began my search, furious. I tore through the forest, checking under every rock, inside every tree. I saw many a zangoose and even some that were not. All tangled together, moaning and gasping, lost within their lover's embrace. Oh mother! How I longed for her. But it only enraged me further. What if she was with another male, taking in her such ways, defiling her! My claws hardened and I near unleashed my rage upon an unsuspecting pair of lovers.

The matings were making it difficult. Everywhere I turned, there was a couple, or three, or four. Hindering my progress, forcing me to find a way around. There was so many scents in the air. If my mother had been near, I would have not been able to tell. The air was so thick and hot that it burned my nostrils and made my head ache. I needed her, my mother. And I needed her now!

I searched tirelessly all day. And only once, did I waiver. The sun had started to set and I was still parading about with my painful hard maleness, when a female had grabbed me by the waist and had pulled me towards her and taken every inch of my shaft into her mouth and suckled upon me as if she was starving. I would have killed her. But I recognized her, Cynthia, and the male that had been mounting her during that moment. Both my friends - but she, she looked up at me with her eyes longing and filled with guilt. We were both betraying our hearts, for she wanted I and I desired another. But, I could not help but feel regret, not being able to return her love. And so, I mated her. I fucked her face, fed her my seed and she swallowed everything down and opened her mouth wide to show me that every drop had been pulled down her throat and into her stomach. Then I switched positions with her partner - my friend, Dunkin - and I took her and I fulfilled her dreams, rutting her harder than any Zangoose male could, thrusting and pounding until I filled her belly once again with my thick creams. She cried my name, begged for more, but I dropped her there and left, for even though I was satisfied. I still hungered for another woman.

Evening came and I began to grow discouraged. With the setting of the sun, the matings would grow more and more passionate. Groups would split into pairings and each would take their lover to some secluded area to rut and pour their love into their partners. I grew jealous. I wanted to partake in that passion too. I soon gave up my search. The sounds, the smells, the sights - it all wore down on me. Unable to find the woman of my desire, I no longer wanted anything to do with the matings.

I tucked my ears down against my head and held my breath, walking with my eyes to the floor. Making for the outskirts of our lands. Everywhere I went, there seemed to be another couple, mating and mocking me. But the closer I got to the edges of our territory, the cooler the air got and the less sex I had to witness.

When I finally left our lands, I felt purified. The air was cool and refreshing, the grass soft beneath my feet. The light of the moon and stars were bright and I could see clearly for miles over the bright grassy plains. I sighed, releasing all that disgusting air from my lungs and I sucked in the fresh clean air through my nostrils.

But the air wasn't clean at all. There was still two filthy lingering scents. Mine - and my mothers. My nostrils widened and I drew in again. There was no mistaking it, she was close. So very close. I swung my head about. This was her secret spot?! Out in the very open? I turned around and the very sight made my eyes swell in their sockets.

There was my mother, her back propped against the trunk of a tree, her legs spread, gates open wide, flower presented to my very eyes. Petals pink and bright, damp and oozing with her sweet honey, her fingers coated in the sweet substance. My mouth watered, I longed to press my face between them and drink until I satisfied my drawn out hunger.

She raised her head to gaze at me with a look that said, "Come, take me, make me yours. I need it, I need you." And yet, somewhere in those big, ruby eyes of hers, there was a woman shouting at me, telling me no, that this was not meant to be, that it wasn't right, and in my heart. I could feel it to. For a moment, I felt guilt stab at my chest, for this was not how mother and son should act. But, with the next breath I drew, her scent filled my lungs and once again, my mind was clouded with lust and I stepped forward with the same, hungered desire as a starving wolf with a lone sheep. We could not resist each other, even if we wanted to.

I drew closer to her, crawling to her upon all fours, growling and snarling like the beast I truly was. I could see her chest rise, her breathing quicken, I stared up into her pleading eyes, every second that I was not touching her was torture and when she finally could not stand it anymore, she forced a scream from her throat.


My ears twitched, I snapped. I grabbed her thighs and I shoved my face between her thighs, and I licked, and sucked, and rubbed my nose against her flesh, so that with every breathe I drew I could smell her lust filled scent. She tasted sweeter than any honey, richer than any milk - I feasted from her depths, pushing my tongue in, tugged it back out, and swallowed every drop that I could get out of her. And when I had my fill, I dragged my body up and on top of hers, jaw wet and messy with her honey.

I could feel her body tremble as my lips crawled to hers and my shaft pressed against her flesh. I stared into her eyes, she was still resistant. Her mind was clouded with lust, she wanted this, there was no denying it, but she was still too proud to admit it. I would change that. I grabbed the back of her head and I kissed her, so fiercely that it hurt. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she fought it back, then grabbed it and tugged it back into a needy embrace.

I pressed my chest to hers and I could feel her heart pounding. Yes, she wanted this. She needed this. I needed it. I slid a hand down her body, tracing over her waist, her hips, grabbing a pawful of her soft rear pulling her towards me as I thrust into the very depths that I was born from.

I gasped into the kiss, her body was hot, so hot! It burned me, seared my very flesh. I tugged back, pulled my shaft out and into the open. But the air was cold and unforgiving, it stung my shaft, and I thrusted right back into her heat. I trembled and shiver, beyond the burning pain was an intense pleasure that rocked my entire form. I tugged and thrusted, quickly, powerfully - rutting my mother wildly with every powerful muscle within my body.

I got lost in that feeling - that pleasure. I know she did too. I had long forgotten about that kiss, her lips had left mine, her body focused on that pleasure. She grabbed at my shoulders, tore her claws into my skin. I was so overwhelmed, her scent, her taste, her feel - that I had not even realized that I was bleeding. I could see her, her eyes clenched shut, her head tossed back, her gasps and moans lost to my ears. All I could hear was my own pounding heart and my very own panting. Every breath I drew was painful, at times, I don't think I was even breathing. I was just staring at my mother, her body tight, curling, writhing around my flesh. I knew she was calling my name, I knew it. I knew she wanted me, wanted this.

I could feel it, my body - my muscles tighten. I felt her tighten too and I had push every muscle, just to force my cock to move, she held me so tight. Everything began to build, the pressure, the pleasure, and I fought it back, trying to see just how long I could draw out this very moment and when her quickened heart finally matched mine, I knew we could not hold it any longer. I tossed my head back and I howled and I know she did the same. I claimed my mother at that very moment, poured every thickened drop of my cream into her, filled her until her belly swelled and it had nowhere to go but out. The world flooded back to me. Every sound, color, scent, pouring back into my mind, making my head spin and my eyes hurt as all the images swirled back into place and thought finally returned. I could see her, recovering from the same bestial lust that had driven us mad.

She lifted her head up and looked at me with her eyes glazed with a sort of drunkeness and she smiled at me, squeezing me in her arms, cuddling me close to her motherly chest, still rising and falling quickly.

"Oh, god. Son. So good..." She mumbled, "You're more of a man than your father."

Pride filled me at the sound of those words and I kissed her lips firmly. She returned the kiss, pushing back sweetly, tilting her head to tease my lips with her tongue and when I pushed my tongue out to meet hers, she darted back inside of her mouth and coaxed me to venture further. We sat there, kissing like that, like lovers - forbidden lovers.

"Mother, be my mate. " I whispered to her between the kiss. She pulled away, blinking her big, crimson eyes. When she silently shook her head, I felt defeated, but I understood. Our love is forbidden and will always be that way. We would be shunned by others, forced from our home. We'd have to live by ourselves, build a new tribe... But as I played with that idea in my head, I dreamt of a daughter that would desire me as much as I desired her - and that perverted fantasy drove me back to hardness. My mother smiled, she could feel me throb, still locked inside of her. She wiggled her hips teasingly.

"There's plenty of time left, dearie... Mate your mother." She spoke with a very strict tone, one that she would give me when she wanted something done and done now. When she smiled at me, I smiled back and turned her onto her hands and knees, grabbed her tail, forced it high and took her the proper way a female should be taken.

I drove my shaft back into her, watched it disappear into her needy, messy depths. I listened to her gasps and moans and every time she cried my name or when ever she called out 'Son'. It made me shiver and made thrust with a new found vigor. I pounded her body, abused her, grabbed her back and tugged her against me. I stared at her, watched her muscles clench and twisted, grinned at the very way her tailhole convulsed. I wanted to dive into that tight hole, make my mother cry - but I resisted, there would be plenty of time for that later.

I would have much fun with her this very night.

I had given my mother the grandchild that she had desired, two in fact. One strong son from her - another from Cynthia. Imagine the surprise upon her would - be mate when she had birthed a son that turned away from him. Disappointed and ashamed, he hid his face and left, giving me the perfect opportunity to sweep Cynthia and claim her for mine. I loved her, yes, and at times, it shamed me to think that I would have passed her for my own mother. But that night had only strengthened our relationship, mother and I, and now, I had something that connected us even stronger. My son, my brother.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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