AGNPH Stories

The Lost and Found by buizel61393


Chapter 5: The Found

The Lost and Found
Chapter Five
The Found

"Buizel, you're being stupid!" Lotram yelled at me. "You don't know who's over there!"

"Well, that's what I'm trying to find out." I stopped running. "Lotram, I swear, this is the dream that's been plaguing me the last few days. I need to find out whom it is, that's standing on the other side of this swamp."

"I...but," Lotram sighed. "If you must. But be careful, there are pretty strange folk around here."

Lotram stayed behind as I slowly made my way across the swamp. The whole world seemed silent. Something told me I would like whomever it was, although I was sure it was my trainer's Bayleef. Something was arousing me, for my member was hard at this point. Now I was nervous, for what if it wasn't Bayleef, but...well, it had to be.

I sat on the ground for a moment, wondering why I was trying to convince myself nonsensical thoughts. It was whoever it was.

I started to continue again, feeling as if all eyes were upon me, including whoever was there, on the other side of this swamp.

At last, I finally reached some bushes, at the spot where someone was staring at me. It didn't appear big enough to hold a Bayleef, but I pushed aside the bushes anyway.

"Hey! Could you keep the noise down? I'm trying to sleep here."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Guresia, what's it to ya?"


"Can't a Croagunk get any sleep around here?" Guresia was yelling quite loudly. I could get that this Croagunk was someone who fends for herself easily.

The yelling caused Lotram to run over. "What's happening!? Buizel are you okay?"

I was slightly cross at the Croagunk's snappy attitude. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Who's this?" Lotram asked.

"I'm Guresia, and I'm trying to get some sleep." Guresia stood up now, and I saw a slit, indicating she was a female. "So, if you don't mind, go over there and sleep like the rest of the world."

"Yeah, well, we didn't want to talk you anyway!" Lotram retorted. Lotram was another one who could defend herself. They started exchanging insults, and I was tired of the fight, so I interrupted, "Come on Lotram, it's time to sleep anyway."

I noticed a sudden change in Lotram. Normally, she'd disregard me and continue to fight; however, this time, she shut her mouth, and walked over to where we were sleeping.

"Come on Buizel, we don't need her."

Perhaps there was a sudden change in me as well, as I just stood there, looking at the most beautiful Croagunk I have ever seen. My thoughts were of her slit, which I had thought for a second, looked ready to be penetrated by me; by my member, that is. My member sensed this too, as I stood up, there it was protruding from my waist, hardened.

However, she noticed me too, and wasn't the least bit interested in my sex drive.

"Well...get the hell outta my sight, you orange furball!" she yelled.

This had gotten me extremely hurt. I lowered my head and tails, and slowly started walking backwards, eventually turning around to walk correctly.

I laid down next to Lotram, and after a few seconds, she asked me, "Are you crying?"

"No...just some dust in my...eye..." I said, although I knew she didn't take my word for it.

I didn't have any visions that night, my mind being too clouded by sadness.

I woke up on my own the following morning. The sun was right in my face; it appears that I slept until noon. Lotram was not sleeping beside me. I looked over, and saw her getting some food out of Luca's bag. I also noticed a fog around us.

"Oh, good morning Buizel...finally," she giggled. "I'm taking out some pancakes; Luca said we'd have to eat them as soon as possible, or they'd spoil."

I remained silent, and looked to the bushes where Guresia slept; however, she wasn't there either. The sweet, yet stern Croagunk was standing over by the swamp, as if waiting for something.

She finally spoke (unaware anyone else was listening), "Oh where the hell is he?" She had a rather strange accent.

I walked shyly over to her, "Um,Guresia...?"

"What the...? Whatâ�"oh, just the Dirty Little Buizel." She yelled in surprise.

This didn't bother me, "Who is it that you're waiting for?"

"Well, if you must know, you little pervert, I'm waiting for my friend Meleondo," she said exasperated.

"Who's that?" I asked, half interested, half pretending, simply to talk to her.

"He's this Charmeleon, a traveler, actually. He stopped here a few days ago, to get some rest. I let him sleep here in exchange for food. He's been gone since last night, and I just want to know whereâ�"wait, there he is."

I looked where she was looking and saw a strong-looking Charmeleon with a canteen and a bag full of what I assumed was the food.

"Well, it's about time!" Guresia said impatiently, when Meleondo was about 10 feet away.

"Sorry," he laughed, "It's a bit funny, actually. You see, on my way to the place where I get food, there was this female, and she--"

"Save it, you can talk about your sex life at another time. As long as you didn't get any cum on my food, I'm good."

Meleondo didn't look at all offended by Guresia's brash behavior; he must have been living with her for several days. He placed some of the food on the ground (a type of meat, of some sort. I didn't wish to know what exactly it was), leaned backwards, and sent a small flamethrower, cooking the food. I hadn't had cooked meat in a while.

Guresia looked over, and saw how pitiful I looked. "Aw, you can have some too, you wet furball." she stared at me for few seconds, as if she wanted something.

"Who's this 'wet furball?'" Meleondo asked Guresia playfully.

" one...just no one." she answered, unsure of herself. Then she had a guilty look on her face, that nobody but I noticed.

Lotram had heard everything and walked over. She wasn't very pleased.

"How could you say he's no one!? Why are you so rude all of the time?" Yeah...this was the old Lotram. However, I didn't want a fight to start.

", it's not a big deal." I said tentatively.

"Buizel, how could you want to talk to someone like this? A bitch is all she is. Come on, let's go eat breakfast."

"You know," Guresia said, "I was going to offer you some, but since you feel that way, go eat your own breakfast."

"Fine!" Lotram yelled, pretending not to care. "Come on, Buizel, we don't need to stay where we're not welcome."

"Buizel can stay. I want him to. He'll be back in a bit."

I really wanted to stay, but I didn't want to upset Lotram. I simply went with what happened; Guresia pulling me over to where the cooked food was.

She ripped off a decent-sized piece, and gave it to me. She suddenly took on a more pleasant disposition.

"So...where are you from?" she asked, then took a bite.

"Er...not sure exactly. I've been separated from where I was born for a while."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"I'm actually a captured Pokemon."

She almost choked. "What!?" she looked very confused.

"Yeah, it was a whole thing, a war in fact, my trainer released all of us, so we could get to safety. I've been looking to get back to him, for about a week now."

Guresia seemed dramatic, "Wow, that is pretty interesting. Now eat your meat." She then remembered something, "Oh, and Meleondo?"

"Hm?" he answered, with food in his mouth.

"I've been meaning to ask you: what kind of meat is this?" Then, Meleondo choked.

Later, I went back to Lotram, who also was finished eating breakfast. However, I snuck out some meat for her.

"Thanks Buizel," she praised, "I can't take her anymore."

"Yeah..." I trailed off. I was still torn between Lotram's friendship, and Gureisa's...well, "features."

I actually did have a dream that night. Unfortunately, it was probably the most vague and unclear dream thus far.

My viewpoint was from the bushes, and I saw Guresia and Lotram, standing and facing each other, angrily. I believe they were talking, but once again, no sound could be heard. Next, they suddenly started to attack each other, at first with actual moves. Soon, the attacks turned into physical attacks, like punching, kicking, and slapping, among other things. The fight started to scare me a little. I visions have yet to be inaccurate.

I woke up, with cold sweat on my face. I looked over, and Lotram appeared to be in a peaceful sleep. I gingerly moved away from her; I decided to take a walk.

I traveled over to Guresia's side of the clearing; she too was asleep. I had a heavy sinking in my heart, since something made me want to talk to her some more. I walked over to where some trees were, and I saw a light, a fire in fact, in the distance.

This must be where Meleondo sleeps; however, he appeared to still be awake. I walked forward, hoping I wasn't intruding. He was sitting upon a fairly dry spot, that looked comfortable to sit down upon.

"Hmm...?" Meleondo looked over. Then, I could see what he was doing...he was masturbating. "Who is that?" he asked, trying to put his hand into a normal position.

I walked out sheepishly from where I was hiding.

"Oh, it's you Buizel." He laughed, "Well, I suppose it's okay...after all, I'm sure you've jacked off before."

I blushed at the topic, "Er...a few times, yeah..."

"Ah, good then," he said with a laugh. "Masturbation's fun, but wait until you get to the good stuff."

I froze, "Good stuff?"

"Yes, namely, the most fun of all, mating."

"Oh, of course, of course." I calmed down. I thought perhaps there was more I didn't know about. "'ve done it before?"

"Oh yes, but it's not that surprising. When you travel as much as I do, you certainly experience a few new things once in a while." he said casually.

"Why do you travel all of the time? Why not find a place to live with other Charmeleon?"

"I did once," he suddenly frowned. "I was rejected from my own clan, for being too adventurous. A structured lifestyle isn't for me. I almost let our enemies, the Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise, into our clan. So, they kicked me out. I decided it would be best if I saw as much of the world as I could. Some day, I hope to evolve and fly around the world, as a Charizard."

"Wow, what a nice dream." I said, in awe.

"You look like something's bothering you..." he said.

"Oh, it's nothing..." I lied, absent-mindedly.

Something suddenly clicked with Meleondo, "Ah! I think I know what it is. I think you have a crush on Guresia and want to mate with her, is that it?"

I frozed, looking dumbstruck, and stayed silent.

Meleondo laughed, "You dirty little Buizel, and what's this?" He pointed at my member, which was rock hard, at this point. I blushed. "Heh, nothing to be shy about. However, I do think you need to take care of that." Then, he laughed again.

I frowned, "I can't wait for good stuff."

Meleondo thought, "Perhaps, you'd like to start now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, wondering what was coming next.

"Perhaps, we could do mutual masturbation."


"It's where we masturbate together, sometimes on our own, sometimes to each other. I've done it with a few friends before, and it's really fun."

I got really excited, "That does sound like fun. Oh, may I ask what you were masturbating to before?"

Again, Meleondo laughed, somewhat mischievously this time, "I'll tell you once we both cum, but first, I want you to concentrate on humping that Croagunk."

"Oh...okay." I was a little confused, but agreed. As fun as this sounded, I couldn't help but think that Meleondo was a bit strange. He was acting so casually to someone he's never really talked to before. I couldn't help but ask him.

"Er, Meleondo?"

"Hm?" Meleondo said, hand on member.

"I just wanted to know why you're so...casual and friendly with me."

Meleondo laughed, yet again, "Well, I suppose that's just the way I am. I'll do pretty much anything, no matter who I'm with. Well, I think we should get started. I suppose we could always do back-to-back, something basic, you know. Not really even true mutual, to be honest, but you need to warm up to being around others." He saw the confusion on my face, "Oh don't worry, it's just like how it sounds. We sit back to back and masturbate."

Meleondo got into a sitting position, so that I could easily and comfortably sit down. He moved his tail out of the way, so as to not burn me. I sat down and rested my back on his. His muscles were strong and clearly defined. I could feel heat radiating off of him, and a bit of sweat; it's obvious he had been masturbating for a while before I showed up

We both started, rubbing our members in an up and down motion. I could feel his should muscles expand and contract as his arm went up and down. It was so comforting. I relaxed and soon, my own thoughts started sinking in.

Guresia was laying on the ground, ready for me to mount her. I seemed to be in a haze, but I did what my mind wanted to. My humps started off slowly. She blushed and started to moan. I reached down with my head and gave her a lick on the face, and lowering as far as I could.

I soon started to go faster and faster. Guresia seemed ready for my seed, and a few hard thrusts later, I blushed, my member contracting and came inside Guresia, excess cum dripping out.

I opened my eyes to realize that my cumming inside the imaginary Guresia was in sync with my real life cumming. My paw was soaked and was dripping on the ground.

I felt movement on my back; apparently, Meleondo hadn't finished himself. I noticed on set of claws, the one not on his member, had started to finger his tail hole. I felt him slow down, and heard a small splash, indicating Meleondo's ejaculation.

I felt pressure as he laid his back upon mine.

"What was a good one." Meleondo said, trying to catch his breath.

I remembered something, "Hey, was that the same thing you were thinking about before?"

"Oh, it sure was."

"What was it?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, you know how I was late bringing back Guresia's food this morning?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I hesitated, waiting for the answer.

"Well, it was rather miraculous actually. On my way there, I found a female Charmeleon, Charlina was her name." He was really excited. I thought it was rather odd to find a random Charmeleon in a swamp area. "Well, she's coming here tomorrow to see me."

"I can't wait to meet her!" I said.

"Well, there may be one point you don't see much of either me, nor her." he blushed a bit.

"Wha...What does that mean?" I asked.

He leaned closer to me, and whispered, "We're going to mate."

My eyes widened, "Already!?" I exclaimed. "Won't this be only the second time you've seen her?"

"You've got to take opportunities when they come, I always say," he said casually. "And besides, this is not the first time I've done it."

I sighed, "I wish something like that would happen to me..." I said, saddened.

"I'm sure some day...some day you'll have the chance to mate. Mostly everyone does at least once." He saw how sad I was, "I'll tell you what, how'd you like to join Charlina and I, in our session. Perhaps seeing a nice mating session would help you feel better."

I perked up immediately. "Sure! That'd be pretty cool. You're sure you don't mind?"

"Nah, I'm sure neither of us will. I've done it in more pressing situations before."

"Meleondo, how many times have you mated?"

"Hmm..." he thought. "Maybe about five times all the way. Twice with the same Pokemon. Of course, there have been various other times, that didn't go all the way. They were just things to see if I was accepted by her. Recently, one didn't go so well."

"That's cool." I looked at the moon. I figured it had to be about midnight, probably even later. "It's getting pretty late, and you can imagine I'm pretty tired."

"Yeah, same here. Night, I suppose."

I made my way back through the swamp to the place where Lotram and I were sleeping. I carefully made my way into bed, and silence ensued for a moment.

"Oh Buizel, when will you learn?"

I opened my eyes and saw it was Lotram who had spoken. "What?" I asked.

"When will you learn that you can't fool me? Next time clean up better."

I looked at my paw, and saw the dried up cum I never bothered to clean. I sighed exhaustedly.

"Good night," she said, once again with her laugh, and went to sleep. I did the same.

I was shaken awake by a cold touch; it wasn't Lotram however. Lotram was still sleeping next to me. It was Guresia, regardless that it wasn't morning. It was more likely somewhere around 5 in the morning.

"Come here, with me," she said. "I want to talk with you." I was bewildered by her sudden desire to speak with me; however, I obeyed.

"You know, I didn't mean to scare you like that." she said, with her Brooklyn-esque accent.


"Yeah, It was just you and your friend, startling me the other night. I do, after all...know what you want." She laid on her back, and spread her short legs apart. "This is what you want, isn't it?"

I moved closer to her slit, and saw that it was starting to drip.

"You're cute, you know." she said. "I wouldn't mind holding your seed."

I became hard, hearing all of this. I was this close to penetrating her, but she interrupted. "First, lay on your back, so I can find out what you taste like."

As I laid on my back, I felt like her sex slave. She moved over to my member, and took a lick. It was something like I had never felt before. I had almost forgotten that Luca, well Rio, did anything to me.

Next, she did something that could never be matched. She lifted one of her hands, and moved it over to my tail hole. She started pushing it in, creating a new pleasure I've never felt before. Then, she started to suck on my member.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she charged up her hand, and sent a Poison Jab up my tail hole. You would think that would be painful; however, it was gentle enough to simply send a surge of pleasure through my body.

Apparently, she liked my taste, as she started to suck harder, and even deep-throated me. The poison jab, the sucking, and the fact that Guresia had my entire member in her mouth, was enough to send me over the edge. I felt three releases of my cum shoot into Guresia's mouth.

The Croagunk took her mouth off of my member, leaving a bit of cum left behind. She swallowed all three shots of my seed.

"Hmm..."she said pleased, "Not sweet, yet not too bitter, and not too salty. I've only given a blowjob to orgasm to a few, and I must say, yours tasted the best."

I felt really proud of something I really couldn't control. The sun was just rising, I could see.

"However, as many times as I've serviced someone," she continued, "No one has yet to taste me." She grinned at me.

My heart started beating faster at the thought of her choosing me over every other Pokemon.

I suddenly realized something, "Hey Guresia, have you ever done this to Meleondo?"

"Oh sure," she said casually, "But he tasted horribly."

Of course! Now, it all made sense. Meleondo's other "things" that didn't turn out so well. And why Guresia didn't want Meleondo to get cum on her food; he tasted horrible.

The way I saw it, I was the Lost, and Guresia was the Found. After all, I found her after being so lost, right? Obviously, The Lost and Found went very well together.

To Be Continued...
The Lost and Found
Chapter Six
A Journey Hindered
Chapter End Notes:P.S.- Wow! I think this is my longest chapter so far. Well, the again, it had more stuff in it, if you know what I mean. Okay, so now all my chapters are finished, until I can get to writing some more, so wait patiently, it will eventually get here
No comments posted
    Reviewer: redacted
    Date:Jul 21 2014 Chapter:Chapter 5: The Found
    The whole story is quite interesting, I must say you did a very good job. However like all, you had several errors, and some weird text glich (in this chapter).
    I do find it a shame you never continued the story, I say this because it was two years ago that you last did anything with this (so AGN says). It could have been without all the smut, but this is AGN so it doesn't suprise me...
    But, I'll "patiently" stand by for the chapters I don't expect to see. . .
    Well, again, good job and nice work.