AGNPH Stories

PMD: Team Elemental Hearts' Misadventures. by testa


Team Elemental Hearts' 2nd Run

A rescue message shot to Boltma as she was having a shared snack with Scorch as a Dragonite leaned against the wall, wearing a dragon fang on his neck, looked at the letter from where he was. "Isn't that a SOS message from team cupid?"

A female umbreon, named Qui and Echa's sister, nodded, "Figures as much."

Scorch sighed, "What the hell kind of trouble did they get into this time?"

Boltma read the letter, "Let me..." she finished reading and looked to Qui and Echa, "ECHA, QUI, Gear up SOS mode! Elements got a score to settle with a place." Scorch saw that look in her eye before. This was when she was serious bout a mission. But what mission did this stir up? As the girls are all set and about to exit as he just started reading the letter. Scorch smirked, "Ahh...the tower...hmm...maybe I'll follow...just in case they need my help again...I know team cupid will." he chuckled, heading off at a leisurly pace.

The dragonite, BB or big bro as they called him, poked his head, "Scorch you know we got to wait a bit... if anything wegot to be team be... and the last thing we need is to be unprepaired." he held up a team bag, "Got this incase of emergency so pack up were following as soon as were loaded."

Scroch grumbled, but nodded, "Fine...let's pack up and head off..."

BB was getting some throwing spikes packed, "I know you care about the boss..."Little bro" but have some faith in those three...they only had one experience in there but they are not ones to let history repeat."

Scorch nodded, "I know...but still...there are a lot of males in there...not that I didn't mind what happened after the mission...but still...I don't want that to happen to Echa or Boltma again."

BB nodded, "Yea...but what worries me... is what is at the top." he put the pack on his back, "Elemental Hearts, lets roll!" Scoch rolled his eyes and shook his head, as he went to the tower.


The girls already beat them there as they ran up the tower...speed formation. Qui eyed her sister and Boltma, "Question, mind telling me what you guys know that I don't?"

Echa answered the question, "This place is full of males and in this case of a certain type. We are here to save the Team Cupid and get them out of here. But we got a second mission too thanks to the fact we got here before."

"Enough talk.. you three know the drill. Echa, Psy-scan and keep moving... Qui, Arm Dark Pulse." Sparks as she got Thunderbolt, "Keep moving and don't stop."

The sisters nodded, "Right!"

A lot of the males saw them, and quickly ran away, "It's dem fems with the charmeleon friend!"

Boltma was fast blasting them if they didnt' move....grring. "Don't know don't care keep moving." Qui had to blast the back with a Dark pulse as they are struck and she moves on...running on up with quiet care...despite the fact they are friends with Scorch that didn't stop a higher number of males for trying for them. Most of those males were new in the tower, and hadn't gotten a taste of what Scorch could do, especially when his friends were in trouble. Of course those were on the lower floors as they get to the 20s it ws cler they were more determined to screw the trio over as they are moving on faster thanks to it being a three fem team. A lot of opponents were being beaten down, as the girls slowly made their way up.


Meanwhile, BB and Scorch made it to the tower, Scorch looking up, "Alright...let's get this over with."

BB looked up, "heads up!" evades as a male was soon kissing the floor... a Houndoom as it ws clear Boltma gave him some punch as he sparked with lighting. "I think they are at 24 by now. The SOS mode of the team is working so far. And I don't know if we can go in since we'd be over the team limit." As in until the team they belong to is in trouble they shouldn't go for it. Scorch growled, but nodded.


The girls meanwhile was at floor 26... they had to sneak.. taking out foes as quietly as possible.. hearing moans and yelps from where they are at. "Oh fuck...these three are so good!" "Yeah, can't believe how tight they are!" Boltma saw it.. ype it was a monster house as the trio was watching the Ampharos was a cum mess, her back to the wall getting a dick up her sex deeply and was already a creammed one, to the other side they was noting the ninetales fem split roasted between a Vaporeon and a Golduck by the looks of it....but the loudest...well that was in the middle with the males mostly around all three girls had one thought from what's going on "Bounce has been turned into a slutbunny...again."

The weavile that had first fucked Boltma was moaning, as he rammed into Bounce's ass, "Man...this slutbunny is so good...I could fuck her all day." A smeargle nodded, "yeah...and she'd probably let us." Nods as they got into a position... Boltma holding both of their tails and then sparked energy though them before they lunched Psybeam and Shadow Ball at the same time before everyone in the area got a nasty wke up with a an explosion. Paralization all over as well as confusion and blindness thanks to the triple team attack. "THIS PARTY'S OVER!...Team Cupid gather up now!" Boltma called as the trio saw the males were clearly either Koed or struck as the other girls gathered around their rescuers.


Outside they heard a powerful blast from inside inside the tower. BB smiled "Triple attack formtion Shocking Balance Boltma must have found them."

Scorch yawned, "Good for her...let's see if she can avoid getting her ass kicked."


The weavile glared, "Who lot! Fuck! I'm guessing your little boyfriend is waiting outside if we try to get some fun out of your asses again."

She had to grin.... gripping her badge a bit hard. "We were exploring this place the first time... but we are here on SOS this time.... he isn't here as far as I know but I know those girls are getting out of here and so will us.... GO!" the eons were fast saving Ampa and Fira quick but since Bounce was a cummy mess and in the middle they got to get to her as the trio got ready.

The weavile smiled, "Oh? Good then...we'll still have you all as our personal sluts." he snickered, "The boss will just love having six new bitches to seed."

Qui smirked, "Four... two lready are out... and it's time to save the leader... SIS."

Echa nodded, "Right." "YIN-YANG BOMB" Boltma jumps back as the Weavile and the others saw the two explode in colors of light and dark sending everyone flying. By the time the males were able to see they saw the trio running for it... their Lopunny gone to safty. Boltma led the charge, "Floor 27.. hurry up!" with the confusion and two eruptions of energy the trio are going for the top fast. The weavile cursed and collapsed, out cold.

With other males chasing after them they had a time keeping up with a trio of speeding girls... the treasures plundered almost as it's found... evading the traps of the area as the three panted...taking a break as they restored their health by sittind on the stairs of floor 49...drinking up sports bottles full of Max Elixer. The next floor would hold the big boss of the place, the one who made the tower, so he'd be a male, and he'd be a horny one most likely. They could also hear moaning coming from the next floor. The girls decided to investigate as the trio had to play sneak again... considering the dome at the top protected the top floor from serious wind and sorts it was kind of they snuck to peak at what's going on The girls had a thought already that a team of three males controled the top.

The girls saw it was a trio though they had to be surpried and quiver a bit, A Nidoking, a Lucario, and a Typhlosion were screwing a Flareon fem, a Shiny Umbreon fem, and Leafeon fems all of them full of dick... the Lucario seeming to relax with his umbroen as the other two are just letting out their cream. All three were smiling, as they enjoyed the fems they had, before noticing the three visitors, the nidoking smiled, "AHh...three more sluts. Good...I was getting bored with this flareon."

Boltma shakes her head as the trio took the side to side formation... the trio of fem having gotten free with the bre last thnks to lucario's knot. "Pardon us for interupting but it seems that we never met your team and considering that you three might own this lace I'm guesing you three made the rule up about the female teams only rule."

The nido nodded, "Yep."

The typhlosion chuckled, "And sure enough...stupid girls came...and became a part of our little harem." they noticed quite a few females were chained around the room.

The lucario shrugged, " come it's only fair you pay a price for your cockyness."

Boltma shook her head, "Acually we didn't get cocky." She shows the's an SOS one.

The nido chuckled, " you saved a team from becoming our whores...oh well...I think you 3 will do fine." The other two males nodded. Then the lucario gave them a second look, "Wait...aren't you those two fems that came in here a while ago...we nearly had you until a charmeleon came and saved you?"

Qui glared, "I got some payback ready to you three for the sex you forced on my sis."

Boltma just looked at them, "That monster house of yours is a great trap and the fact it's infront of the stairs mkes it all the aluring to get them caught." she had to give them credit where it's due. Knowing it's impossible to make it up a floor easily alone... set a trap in the room where the stairs are and you got a royal amount of bait.

The nido chuckled, "Thanks...but curious...who was that charmeleon...a boyfriend?"

The lucario smiled, "I'm guessing with how hard he fought to get to did say he could burn up the seed they had in them...with his own seed...I'm guessing you three are a bunch of sluts."

The three all replied, glaring, "AS IF!!!"

Boltma glared, "He is only my friend tht is a boy. He was worried and had to help me when I was in toruble along with her. At least we were able to clean out most of the cream and took a pill for this mission so if anything we at least are ready for this."

Qui glared, "Besides, if we were sluts we would have been kit heavy already."

The typhlosion chuckled, "'re gonna be sluts soon enough."

Qui smirked, "This'll be fun shutting you up fireball."

Echa looked to Boltma, "Boltma..."

"Elemental hearts, Battle!" the girls split up... Boltma going at the Lucario as Echa got the Nidoking, leaving Qui with her rage on the Typhosion. The lucario chuckled, as he used extreme speed, to kick Boltma in the air. The Nidoking glared at Echa, as he charged her. And the typhlosion was blasting at Qui. Boltma was fast to grip him... his speed got her but he pays the price for ti as boltma stunned him with her static.... leaving him open for a stronger thunderbolt up his rear. Echa bowed as she blushed. "I'm sorry if I hurt you too much even if you are quite a male." She glows as she soon flashed at the eyes before he felt his weakness hit him hard... Psychic types.. how did he end up with his weakness?! Qui ws fast faint attacking and teased his mind as her paws strike him in the faint attack.

The males all glared at their opponents, the lucario trying to keep moving, " the way...who was the charmeleon? From what I've heard...he might be someone I know."

The Nido glared, "Sorry? What the hell's up with you?" he used a pin missle on her. The typhlosion growled, as he charged and managed to tackle Qui.

Boltma stared, "Scorch. Why do you ask?" She spins so fast as her Iron Tail becomes a multi hit strike as she spun around him before sending him to the wall.

Echa stared down the attack, "I try to show respect to my foe reguardless of what I feel so even if it might be interesting to play with you..." her eyes glowed blue before he saw his missles turned 180 on him. "..I have to fight you." they now attack him... powered by her energy. Qui was able to take it but then glows black before sending her Dark Pulse out..his back skidding as he is flying off her.

The lucario stood up and smiled, "Scorch...I much as I'd love to fuck you...I've got someone else who needs to be killed." he blasted a hole in the tower, and lept out, running down the wall.

The nidoking staggered, wavering, "Ouch...just my luck...I get....the fem...that can kick my ass..." when the lucario left, the nido cursed, "fucking...Ranor..." he fell down, "ohh...I'm done..."

The typhlosion hit the ground, and just layed there, he was out cold.


BB looked up, then pointed, "Enemy freefalling to us....a lucario?" Boltma was surprised... looking down before she took the rush....running down the building fter him...she had to wonder what is going on.


Qui smirked, "That's the trash."

"Sis... we got to get out of here... bind those two up for now and leave a return marker."

Qui blinked, "Why that?"

"I at least wanted to be sure everyone here is ok before we leave."

".......Ok sis. Your call." The two got to binding the two males up near the already bound fems.


Scorch stared up, then his eyes went wide, "...Ranor..." Ranor hit the ground with a force palm, knocking BB and Scorch back, the charmeleon quickly being assailed by attack after attack, Boltma's effect wearing off. "I'll admit Scorch...I'm surprised you survived."

BB stared, "Ronar?" he skids before he glows red in the eyes and then fired a flamethrower at the Lucario's feet. Unlike the Static a burn won't leave as fast and would stick to him. Only thing is making it stick as it was clear the two pokemon below was suprrised at this turn of events from what is going on.

Ranor lept up, "It's Ranor." he kicked BB with enough force to send him through the wall of the tower. Then he turned his attention back to Scorch, "I can't believe you lived...I thought I killed you and your entire team. And yet here you are...only this're playing second bannana and not head honcho." Ranor chuckled, as Scorch struggled to stand, fear gripping his body.

BB came out soon enough to see Boltma electricute him with Thunder as she cracks her paws a bit. "Hey your not beating my crew up without a fight so it's time for you to pay up." Echa and Qui were soon at the bottom to see the fight going on... now it's Boltma, BB, and Scorch vs Ranor as the rescue squad altnernate team now is in a fight. Ranor used to aura spheres and blasted both BB and Boltma, "You lot have no's between me and this pathetic charmander gone pathetic charmeleon."

Scorch took a step back, "Bastard!"

He chuckled, "So you told me when I killed your little sister and girlfriend." Boltma and BB whenced from it...BB not as much being the flyer as he was ready to throw hi flame into the mix hearing this surprised him, knowing Scorch didn't like his memories dragged up... so much so it would be ugly and knowing wht the Lucario said now probably was enough to start the boiling blood in the Charmeleon. Scorch charged, and went into his graceful up close attack style...and Ranor dodged with ease, "Don't you have any new tricks!?" he kneed him in the gut, send him up in the sky, then with a twist and slam, Ranor had his paw spike imbedded into Scorch who let out a cry of pain, "I see you go through great pains to hide that old wound I gave you...but I can see the aura around the won't live this time though." he used a force palm, knocking Scorch into a tree.

"STORMING FLAME!" Boltma was on BB as a gold Flamethrower hit Ranor hard... it burned hard and it paralized him in a painful way. Boltma glared, "You really are an ass if your killing people. Your going to get turned in DOA for this." The clear look on her face said she'd do it too as BB was ready to go too. Ranor glared, "Stay out of this bitch!" he blasted them both with aura spheres again, "I wasn't planning on killing you...but if you insist on this...then I will." He charged up a growing aura in his paws, "Behold the true power of aura!" He was going to drop his arms, but his action was cut short, by a set of claws pushed through his body. Scorch stood behind him, "You won't hurt her!"

Ranor glared, and twisted his paws back, so the attack faced Scorch, "DIE!!!" the attack hit full force, the charmeleon blasted, and heading with the beam through trees and boulders. Ranor collapsed, coughing up blood. Boltma and BB growl...dashing to his side both stomping on the Lucario as he was recovering to check on their friend.... BB on guard as he downed a Citra berry. "Scorch...get up... I know you can fight..." she hugged him, whispering into his ear, "I care for you too much to let you go now fireball."

Scorch coughed, "I feel...numb..." his tail flame was weak, flickering and on the verge of going out.

Boltma...she really hated to do this but poured a Citra and Cheri berries down his throat as she can tell he's in trouble. "Come on... it's our fight.... not just yours...." She keeps holding onto him as she knows this'll be messy if they don't get this done.

His tail flame started to grow stronger, as he opened his eyes, then shut them, "Fuck!" he cluched at the wound. "Damn him."

Boltma kept a hold of him, "Hey...I got you... This is not where you'll die... at least if I can help it." she looked up at BB, "BB..get ready we got to nail him down if he even tries to get up." She and BB are infront of their friend... the two of them having taken a lot of damage but will still stand for their friend. Ranor stood up, "This isn't over Scorch." he smirked, and took out a different rescue team badge, "Oh...when I send you to your sister...tell her I said thanks for the badge." he pointed it at himself, and vanished. Scorch cursed, trying to stand, and failing, only landing on his face, with a groan of pain.

Boltma glared, "....that thing only had one use left... it was cracked...." She ran to Scorch's she had to grip onto him, "BB... your in charge of clean up... the girls are near by I know it." She grips his badge as she taps it's emergency recall button... flashing as she hit her own... the two soon teleporting back to the Lucky Healers tent. Scorch sighed, "Boltma...I'm sorry..."

Boltma carries him in as best she can, "Oh... don't blow... a fuse...if anything I know you better than before...but it's worthless if I don't save you."

He looked down and away, "still...I could have gotten you hurt..."

She looked to him, "I am durable. I had to fight to help my friends and your one of them and trust me... I'm not giving up on you.. reguardless of what you think."

Scorch looked back at her, then smiled, "Thank you Boltma..."

She chuckled, "welcome." her body shook a bit as she just fell into the hospital...the Chansey's seeing her flop on her stomach like that in a painful way. "I think that was a rib."


As the two were getting healed, BB was asking the two males what was going on. The nidoking sighed, "Ranor came up to each of us, and said he had a proposition that would get us all the tail we could want. We took him up on the offer, and that's how this all started. Happy?"

"Hey... I'm not mad at you but if anything I'm surprised you didn't check the pup over but if anything this tower is in your names right? As in all three of yours?" while he was busy talking to them the girls at lest got some healing and asked if they wanted to leave or not... a number did stay behind.

The typhlosion sighed, "No."

The nido shook his head, "It was Ranor's...and his alone."

BB was looking through a pile of debris, then chuckled, picking up a piece of paper, "Well I think not anymore." it was the deed to the dungeon. "I think you two would be better dungeon keepers than him don't you say?"

As Qui used her badge to help the fems that wanted out, home Echa was watching the Nidoking a bit deeply.

The typhlosion smiled, taking the deed, "Alright!"

The nido looked to Echa, "What are you looking at?"

Qui eyed her sister, "... sis... your serious aren't you?"

"Sorry. Just he seem strong and I wouldn't mind helping where I can."

Qui sighed, "... Always the softy sister of mine. Just report in every few days to be sure we know your ok. Is that alright BB?"

BB thought about it, "Well I'll have to tell Boltma on this but since I'm the leader till she gets back I think I can allow this." Echa smiled a bit.

Qui finished sending the wanting fems out, "The last of them are out of the tower."

BB nodded, "Then we'll take our leave." he looked to Typhosion and Nidoking "Take care of our friend."

Nidoking nodded, "Right." he looked at Echa, then turned his head away, blushing a bit.

The two soon faded out as Echa looks to the two males and smiled. "Well where do we start on trying to work together?" she blushed a bit, looking up.

The typhlosion smiled, "First names...I'm Caust. And he's Horn."

"I'm Echa and my... less than light hearted sister that was the umbreon... was Qui."

Caust smirked, "Now that the introductions are out of the way...I say we get right down to the fun part...and the reason I'm sure you..." he got a smack to the back of the head from Horn, "Asshole." She was giggling about the two but if anything she did start to near them, her tail tips moving behind her as she was happy to play with them. Cause smirked, "see? She wants to have fun. Who are we to deny her the pleasure?"

"True...I just don't want to spoil it for either of you that's all." she had to blush a bit as her tail rubbed their legs.

Horn nodded, "Alright...if you want to..." he smiled at her, "You're pretty cute...and very tough." Caust rolled his eyes.

She smiled and looked to them. "Well I might as well start by cheering up one mon." As Caust got licked at his crotch first.

Caust smiled, and put his paws on her head, "Ahh...that felt good...more..." Horn got behind her, stroking her fur. She was growing hotter... moaning and was slurping on the growing erection as she keeps it up. Caust smiled, as his rod slowly got to it's maximum size. Horn was smiling as his own member brushed her entrance. She keeps it up... her tail coiling on it a bit as she can tell she's got plenty to enjoy. Caust managed to work his rod into her mouth and began to thrust, moaning as he filled her maw with his member. Horn was also sliding his member in, hilting then starting to thrust. the Espeon was splitroasted now as she started to feel like she wanted to do it, her paws groping Caust's gems as her tail psychicly pulses on the poison balls in pleausre. Both males moaned, smiling, and sped up their thrusting. She's milking and slurping her sex growing tighter as the pleausre is turning her into a sexually wanting fem. And the males could feel her want, and both were happy to give her what she wanted, going even faster, Horn stroking her body as he hammered her sex. She's moaning and was growing close the guys knowing the power of the tower's natural effect is going to kick in which allowed the males to be horny and not be as drained to the males the advantage of constant breeding. And the espeon that is taking their dicks is wanting her first serving. They both slammed into her, and let loose their first load of seed in mighty gushes. She gasped... her sex cumming with the two as she drinks up the hot cum and shivers panting good.

The males panted, smiling, as they pulled their dicks out. Caust pet her head, "Don't worry Echa...there's plenty more where that came from."


Now back with the pair they were on the road to recovery, Boltma seeing the charmeleon healing with wraps and patches to heal him as Boltma had her own repair needed as she got her rib fixed but she's moving slow for now. "Knock knock."

Scorch looked up at her, then looked away, "Hey Boltma...sorry...about your wouldn't of happened if I had never joined your team."

"Yea...right. This happens to every team eventually...I'll be stuck here a while, so what?" looks to him seriously as she sat on the bed...her fangs showing for a moment, whencing. "Right now I'm worried about you... I want to help you get better."

He sighed, "not much you can do...I'll all I need to do now is rest..." he looked away, "...though...I wouldn't mind the company of a beautiful raichu..."

She poked his head on the horn. "I'm still your friend...even if I am a girl." she hugged him.

He looked at her, "...Boltma..." he was trying to find the words he wanted to say.

Her eyes looked to him seriously. "You really do love me don't you fireboi?" the look in her eyes said plenty.. she wanted to know.

He didn't hesitate, nodding slightly, "yes...i can't think of any other word to describe how I feel about you."

She smiled, kissing him, "I wasn't sure how you'd feel about me.. or how I would be able to take it..I mean there's many choices in life. And if we do it...well we could adopt I think." she pet his head.

He smiled, and held her paw, "I wouldn't mind that." he kissed it. It probably became clear she started to kiss him, it was odd to feel this in her heart... but it was pleasing now too. He smiled, raising a paw up to hold her, as he kissed back. She mmed and started to keep the kiss going as she got over him. He kept it up, loving everything that was happening. She was hip to hip with him now as she carefully gets up and starts to grind to him. He murred, and smiled, "Ahh...that feels...good good..."

She chuckled..sparking as she nulled their pain though light paralizes, "I think I would want to at least do this on my own accord." Boltma had to giggle and keep up her work on him as she was growing hot. He smiled, nodding, as he clenched his claws, moaning slightly from the pleasure the sensation gave. He was feeling her against his crotch as she was sprking up while getting juicy hot soon enough. He panted, shivering from the joy. She's murring as she was starting to get into a wanting murrr as she keeps grinding to him, wanting so good with a smile. He murred, "Oh...Boltma...can we...get to the...good part...please?" She nods.... getting up as she was showing her sex off. He smiled, his member hard and wanting.

She helped his dick slip in slowly... moaning hard. He moaned too, panting and clenching the sheets, something seemed to make the situation so much better then when he had fucked her before. It was the feeling deep in her and him now.. the feeling they both can agree on as she moans and was bouncing hard. He smiled moaning, and gave light thrusts up, his hands on her hips. She's moaning as the two of them don't feel their pain thanks to the paralizing effect hitting her and him as they are going faster. He panted, moaning and smiling, "Oh...more Boltma." Boltma sparks up as she's speeding up.. moaning so hard, loving it as she moans harder. "OH...yes...Scorch!" He kept thusting up, holding her legs, as he moaned. Sshe's blushing and bouncing faster.. her tail sparking up a bit more as she's loving it. He was loving it too, overjoyed to be taking Boltma...this her love. She's sparking and blushing, she feels the love about to erupt as she was close. He could feel it too, about to erupt. Soon she chaas..shocking him and screaming as she came. The shock was too much, he let loose a flamethrower, and began to pump his seed deep into her.

She sighs.. panting as the two of them lay with eachother.. shaking so deeply. Scorch pet her back, "I love you Boltma."

She hugged him, "I'm surprised we didn't say how we felt for eachother earlier."

He shrugged, "i guess...neither of us was sure how it'd work out."

"Well I tried to date in my species since a good mon usually is in there. but then gain...I can be wrong."

He smiled, and kissed her, "I guess this is one're glad you were wrong." She nodded, grinning.
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