AGNPH Stories

The Other Side by namesreturn


The Apprentice

The Apprentice

Walker ran up the stairs as fast as he could his heart racing the quickest it ever has before. One thought ran though his mind the entire time.

Did I make the right decision....would the master approve?

It was only a few moments ago that he sent the cruel man Luke to his fate by shooting him in the shoulder thus ending his time in this world. It was a very intense moment that kept flowing though his mind as he ran up the stairs of the old prison to his very own destiny.

It was only a few minutes ago that the shot heard around the world was fired......

"OH.....DAMN!!!!" Luke yelled as he felt a bullet hit him in his shoulder. He couldn't believe what was going could he lose like this?

"Guess I'm the better man." Walker announced with a grin.

"Fuck you!" Luke yelled. His arm was in such burning pain that he could barely move it. Already he felt that he was starting to vanish from this world. "What's going to happen to me now?" He asked getting up. Looking behind Walker he saw the bullet hole that he was so close to where he needed to hit that Luke was burning with bitterness. "How could I miss?"

"It was not your destiny to win here today."

"Don't talk to me about destiny!" Luke said with a cough and fell to his knees and looked up at Walker who stood there looking down at the sad man.

"You still understand nothing!" Walker said feeling no sorrow for him.

"What do you know?" Luke said as he felt more and more of his body vanishing. "I don't even know why you're here."
Walker looked at him and closed his eyes and signs. "You really want to know....?"

He looked at his watch and saw that he had 5 minutes to spare and he did need to collect this fools DNA. "Very well...I shall tell you everything."

Luke pushed back and got onto his rear to hear this before he went to who knows where.... Where do people go after something like this?

"My name is Walker and I am the Apprentice of Giovanni." Walker saw the look of surprise on Luke's face but he ignored it and moved on. "Under his direct orders I was sent to this island to find and capture the rare DNA of an eevee."

"Who me!?" Luke asked confused. "If you haven't looked at me since our meeting....."

"Each person who was in this experiment that took place on this island thanks to that mad man was injected with DNA of their partner at its lowest level. So you see you are in a way-"

"One of those weaklings!" Luke said with hate in his eyes. It was so strange....why was he so bitter about a species that he has been using since he first started his quest. "Besides why couldn't you use a real eevee? Why would you do this to people?"

"We needed the mixed DNA that you have now. In truth the bullets that were given to us have contain a substance that seems to speed up the transformation process and that everyone here but myself have been undergoing since you was first injected with the DNA." He checked his watch and saw that he only had a few minutes left and Luke was almost completely gone now.

"This experiment involved injecting normal humans with the DNA of pokemon to help increase some of our own natural abilities. The only thing is that the DNA seems to slowly eat away the human DNA and slowly after a period of time changes that human being into one himself. The bullets that Trump had you use somehow contain some sort of chemical that speeds up this process."

"What's happening to me though... Why am I vanishing like this..." He could see though his body now. It was almost over for him.

"There is said to be another world that is parallel to this one, in that world there are no humans."

"I heard of a place like that." Luke was starting to become harder and harder to breath at this point.

"Yes just like in that game Mystery Dungeon or what ever you like to call it. But anyway that event was real and after some studies we came to find that by sending a large amount of people into that world all at once we might be able to tear a hole between these two worlds long enough to send one person into that world but not at the cost of them losing themself."

"Shit a entire world of only pokemon.....thinking of all the rare pokemon that you can catch."

"Yes and thanks to you we'll find out how to reach that destination." He used a cotton swab to pick up some of Luke's blood that had been lost from the bullet wound. "We needed eon DNA because of its unstableness which makes it easy to not only track but help to open up a void that can take us into that world."

"WHAT!" Luke yelled as he fell onto his stomach....his vision blacking out more and more.....

"You....can'" And everything went black.....

"Fool." Walker laughed evilly as he walked away. "Didn't even know that he was being used in the greatest mission by Team Rocket ever. With this bloody cotton swab my master will be one step closer to achieve idle world." He placed it into a test tube and began to walk towards his destiny.

Walker reached the top of the stairs and saw his master standing by the chopper that he had cam e in. Walker's heart felt heavy as he walked over slowly. But just as he reached 10 feet from him Giovanni held up a hand and soon enough Walker felt like he was being chocked. What is this Star Wars....

"Why didn't you bring back the sample?" Giovanni asked bitterly as he walked over slowly. "WHERE IS MY SAMPLE!"

"Master......! I...I came to the....conclusion that......

A few minutes ago.....

As Walker made his way up to the top roof of the complex when he walked along a series of windows over looking the courtyard and saw all the pokemon from the trainers helping up Luke's Leafeon who was crying in pain from the gunshot wound.

"Not even worth the time to capture." He said walking on, though groans as he looks back with out of curiosity and watched the group speaking to one another in their own scrambled up language that couldn't even begin to understand and a look of surprisement fell over his face as he saw they were not angry at one another for fighting the other. This was something that Walker couldn't even begin to understand. Such strange fight one another but yet hold no grudges against the other." Walking on he began to feel terrible for creating such a threat to such peaceful creatures that it made him start to question why he was going to hurt them like this.

"Why do we need such weak creatures anyway?" Sets the test tube on the ground and starts to run up the stairs again. His master had better things to do then waste his efforts on trying to capture creatures that didn't even hold a grudge against one another. At least this was what he thought the real question was how would his master feel about such a decision?

Normal time:

"I...I came to the....conclusion would of any.....importance" Walker said as he started to reach for his gun.

"I shall be the one to make that decision not you!" He tightened his grip even more. But then for some reason Giovanni release his grip on his apprentice and walked away muttering something to himself before turning around. "Walker why not tell me why you have decided to defy me for the sake of something that you can not even see or touch?"

"What do you mean?" Walker asked feeling for the first time in years scared of someone.

"I can see everything now...." He said with a laugh of madness. "And what I see is someone who has forgotten who is. A cold hearted thief who actually sent his own pokemon down the river just to save his ass."

"I had no choice." Walker said tightening his fist into a ball. "It was me or her...."

"And you did the right thing boy." His master said walking to the edge of the roof and peered over the side to the ocean. "We might not had made this world but we control it boy. Power is the source of everything, without it you, me, everyone is useless! Do you not understand?"

"Yes...." Walker said looking at his bandaged arm...... "Up until this point.....up until only two days ago I followed you blindly and without question......" He pulls out his blade and points it toward his dark master. "It's because of me....because of this experiment that you are the way you are......the way we both are!" Rips off the bandages on his arm and revealed that it was covered in black fur, his hand had claws instead of fingers but what was he turning into.

"Beings like us don't deserve to be in this world." Walker said as his eyes turned red while his mouth had fangs now instead of normal teeth.

"I thought of you like son...." Giovanni said turning around and glaring at his apprentice. His skin turning a bit purple, a long tail fell out from behind him tearing though the fabric of his pants. "A few years back we had a traitor....the greatest weapon known to man kind was in my grasp and he bailed on me simply for the sake of gaining his freedom....." A grin on his face as his eyes flashed for a moment. "But not without leaving something behind."

"You didn't..." Walker growled. "That DNA is more unstable than that of a eons. Your mad to even consider using it."

"Yes my failure of a creation proved to be more useful after all." Giovanni said holding out his arm and a dark blade appeared. The power of darkness flowing though his veins seemed to give the man quite a ride.

"You've let the darkness over come you my master." Walker said sadly.

"I am the darkness." Giovanni said in a inhuman voice. "Mewtwo....." He muttered. "Though you might had failed me in person your DNA and powers have proved that there was some use in creating you."

"I'm sorry but I can't allow you to leave this place master." Walker said gripping his blade tightly. "Its time for me to repay my debt to the world....."

"Only one of us shall walk away today......." Giovanni began to float off the ground as he tore off his jacket and white shirt and showed his bare chest as it had markings all over it of varies ancient symbols. "Walker my apprentice its time for me to teach you one final lesson...." He raised his other hand and another dark sword appeared in it. "Never allow the dog to overtake its master!"

"Master its time for both of us to leave this world forever." He said balling up his wolf hand. "Now its time to end this my unforgiving mistake!"

And with that they clashed swords.....the sky began to grow dark as the battle between two dark forces commenced......

Walker......a confused soul who once committed many sins now fights against the one who gave him a meaning in life.....

Will he...will he ever find peace......only time will tell......but for now......he fights to protect a world that does not know of his tale......

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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