AGNPH Stories

Retribution and Escape by sky_render


Retribution and Escape

The Official AGNPH Archive
Title: Retribution and Escape
File Name: retribution_and_escape.txt
Author: Sky Render
Rating: G
Size: 10KB
Type: fanfic
Action: none
Added: 11-09-99
Read by: Racso
Description: While Rockman is fighting Forte, he opens a portal to escape.
The portal brings him to PokeWorld.

This is best explained as an impossible crossover. I've written a story that
combines Rockman and Pocket Monsters, literally. I've yet to write any further
parts, as well, so any commentary would be welcome.

Retribution and Escape

By Sky Render

"I'll not forget this!" the fleeing figure of Dr. Wily said as he ran
towards his escape pod. Rockman shot a power bolt, but it only got
deflected off of the side of Wily's vehicle. "Shit!" he said, and
called Rush. "All right, Rush! Rush Armor!" Rush morphed, and merged
with his master. In a violent flash of electricity, Rockman's body
turned red, and a set of wings emerged from his back. He took off,
jetting straigt towards the escaping pod. "You will not live to see
another encounter with me, Wily!" Rockman said, smashing open the canopy
of Wily's saucer. "Augh! What are you doing?!" Wily screamed out loud.
Just then, a bolt struck Rockman in the back, making him fall off of
Wily's craft. He regained himself before he fell too far, but he'd lost
Wily. He turned to see Forte, his buster charging. "So," Forte said in
his menacing voice, "you thought you could win, did you? Well, I'll not
have it!" He launched off his power shot, far too large to dodge
horizontally, but... Rockman quickly flew downwards, and the shot just
barely singed his helmet. "Very clever! But you can't win, Rockman!"
Forte switched to a different weapon, one Rockman was all too familiar
with: the Horming Missile. "Forte, are you insane?!" he said, thinking
quickly. "If you launch a horming missile at this elevation, it'll kill
you, too!" Suddenly Rockman got an idea. Faster than Forte could
react, he fake-dodged to the left, then flew off to the right charging
his most secret weapon. He launched it, and a portal appeared. He had
no clue where it went, but he was out of options. He could hear the
launching of the horming missile behind him, and he hesitated no longer.
With all of his remaining jetpack fuel, he launched himself into the
portal, and closed it behind him.
As he looked around, he saw that the world he'd gone to was very
different from his. The sky was still blue, not tainted by the horrible
smog that had polluted his world. He saw that he was on the grass, just
outside of a large forest of some sort. As he looked with his enhanced
vision, he saw that a small city was the other direction. Seeing as he
needed to refuel, he started off towards the city. But after only a few
feet, he stopped as a voice called out.
"Hey! Who or what is that thing?" someone said behind him. He turned
to see a strange young human boy, wearing a red and white hat with an
odd Japanese character on it. He saw that with him was a young girl and
a bizzare young man. "I'm Rockman. Who or what are you?" he replied to
the boy. "I'm Satoshi, the Pocket Monster trainer! This is Kasumi and
Kenji, my travel companions." Rockman shook his head. "I've no clue
what a `pocket monster' is, nor do I want to know. I just need to
refuel and..." Satoshi began to approach Rockman, and he decided that
this boy might be dangerous, after all. He brought out his Rock Buster.
"Woah!" Satoshi said, "How'd you do that?" Rockman pointed his weapon
at Satoshi. "I suggest you back off. I don't know if I can trust you,
yet..." Satoshi complied, and shook his head. "I've never seen anyone
with a hand that turns into a gun... What are you?" Rockman looked at
Satoshi critically. "I'm a robot, designed by Doctor Thomas Right to be
a household servant... Or rather, originally designed to do that. Now,
I'm a fighting machine..."
Satoshi just stared wide-eyed at Rockman. "You're a ROBOT?! I thought
those were only science fiction!" Rockman laughed. "You thought wrong,
didn't you?" He retracted his gun, and remembered that he was still in
his power suit. "Rush, disengage!" Rush returned to his dog form, and
looked at his master tiredly. He was drained from all of the work he'd
been put through, Rockman could see. "Wow!" Kasumi said, stepping
forward, "You were... WEARING that dog?!" Rockman nodded. "He and I
are companions. Where I go, Rush goes. We have compaitble circuitry,
and can merge with one another at will." Kasumi looked at Rush with a
careful glance, and then turned to Kenji. "What do you think? Should
we trust him?" Kenji looked at the two carefully. "Yeah, they're not
gonna hurt us."
The air began to chill suddenly, and the sky started to get dark. The
three travelers all looked upwards, awestruck. "What's going on here?"
Satoshi asked. Rockman looked up, and was not surprised to see a portal
opening overhead. They'd found him... "Make for cover!" Rockman said,
once again withdrawing his Rock Buster from its usual location. "They
are after me! You shouldn't get involved!" Satoshi shook his head.
"I thought you said you need to refuel? We can help, honest!" Rockman
looked at the boy again. "How could humans help out a robot like me?"
he asked him. In response, Satoshi unhooked an odd ball from his side,
and said, "Charizard, go!" Suddenly, a red light shot out from the ball
in his hand, and a form began to appear from the red haze. It
solidified, and a very large dragon became apparent.
A figure dropped from the craft above. It was Forte, obviously. He
was already charging Rockman, his Forte Buster aimed at his head. "You
will die, now, Rockman!" he said, and began to fire. The shot lanced
towards Rockman, and he knew he couldn't dodge it without endangering
the humans. But just as it was about to hit him, a massive wall of
fire appeared, and the bolt diffused on impact with it. The Charizard
smiled benignly at Rockman, indicating that it had made that wall.
"Thank you, odd monstrosity. Now, to face my enemy..." He walked
through the flames, unnaffected, and shot his charged bolt at Forte.
Not expecting this, Forte was knocked backwards by the force, and
landed fifteen feet away. He slowly stood up, smiling. Rockman could
see that he'd hit a barrier that Forte had built around himself, and
had merely knocked him backwards. Rockman began to charge again, but
Forte was too fast. He shot an enormous bolt, five times the size of
any other Rockman had seen, at him. He only barely managed to dodge it,
and it still did quite a bit of aftershock damage to him when it hit
the fire wall. He knew something was wrong here.
"You cannot win, Rockman." Forte called out to him. "No matter how
hard you try, I will always defeat you!" He shot another massive shot
at Rockman, but this time he managed to avoid both initial and after
shocks. He shot his own charged shot, but gaped in amazement as it was
deflected off of Forte's chest armor. "I've been enhanced massively.
Now, nothing can defeat me! And I have Doctor Wily to thank for it!"
Rockman looked at him, enraged. "Wily is using you, Forte! He uses
every robot! You must understand this!" Forte laughed. "Use me?
Please! I could kill him in an instant, would it suit me. And I
would, too. But it does not suit me, as he can still enhance me even
further. You've already seen my most impressive enhancement..."
Rockman knew then that Forte was too far gone. He'd been re-brainwashed
by Wily, and it was too late to save him. Or was it...? He switched to
a weapon that he'd hoped he'd never have to use again: the Gravity
Switcher. Seeing as they were outdoors... "Forte!" he called out. The
other robot turned back towards his opponent, but he was too slow. The
gravity bomb landed right at his feet, and he felt its effects almost
instantly. "No!" he cried out, flying upwards at increasing speeds. "I
will not be defeated!" Forte stopped falling up, and started falling
down again. Rockman realized he must have used his own Gravity Switcher
on himself. He landed hard on the earth, and it was obvious that he had
no shock protection for such a fall. Forte knew he had no chance now,
in his condition. He reluctantly shut down.
Rockman walked up to the fallen figure of Forte, and used his Gutsman
Strength add-on to lift him. The fire wall had died down into embers,
and he had no trouble crossing it. "Please... My friend... He's been
damaged... if you can provide me... with a scientist..." Satoshi
nodded. "Say no more! Let's get to Professor Oak!" They all hurried
towards the city, Rockman more worried than ever. He hadn't wanted to
destroy Forte, only stop him...
Meanwhile, Wily watched them go from the edge of the forest nearby, a
smug grin on his face. That Rockman's compassion would be his own
undoing. And this world...! It was perfect! These animals, these
poket monsters! They would make a fantastic army! Coupled with his
army of robots, he would be undefeatable! Opening the portal to his
own world, he returned to his lab, with plans brewing in his corrupted

To be continued... (Maybe?)

Well, what do you think? As I said, any comments are welcome.

���ζ� - Sabaki no sora - Sky Render
(The poster previously known as Doom Guru and Doom Guru X)
Remove the corrupt universe to e-mail me
ICQ: 2632972 AIM: SkyRendrX
home page: * Sky Render's Domain
Reviewer: Maktos.Com *
My real sig is at


Giver of Impaled Cow points
Owner of: 1265459.14159265359 metal arm points
23 Bliss points * 2 Wyvern points * An Obscure Little Book

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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