AGNPH Stories

Homecoming by captanblue


Chapter 1

The raichu was walking along in a clearing with out too much worry. He WAS a raichu, not many pokes would dare fight with a full grown raichu anyway, they were hardly worth the effort and not many could stand to the raw power they had anyway. However because of this the raichu was also alone. Not many would associate with a pokemon like that either. This particular one wasn't affected by being himself... in fact he was more than used to it and relished the time he had to gather his thoughts, letting his mind wonder as he shifted from one memory to the next. He making his annual trip to his home forest to check on his old place and see if ANYTHING had changed since he had been there. As he passed through trees and familiar bushes he could tell he was close to his cave he had lived in for a while. He had gone on a journey to get away from the same scenery, leaving behind his one real friend, a quilava that had taken residence there about a month before the raichu left. He was the only one the 'chu confided in because unlike all the others, the quilava didn't take one look at him and instantly assume he was hostile.

The raichu sighed and looked around again. There was no one around... which made sense; most wouldn't come close to a 'savage' like himself. He had never actually hurt anyone other than a few trespassers that refused to leave another reason he left. He personally didn't take too much interest in fighting but he could defend himself and live up to the violent reputations raichus had. After going across a slow stream and climbing some of the rocks he made his way into his cave. When he had left he had given it to his friend, the quilava. "Where is Tret?" was the first words the raichu muttered almost his entire journey. Tret should have been watching over his home since the quilava had no interest in leaving... but the cave was empty... and showed no sings of life at all. He frowned as he noticed something. Being a quilava meant burning things and he was expecting maybe a few blackened marks from him living in the cave and being a fire type... but as he walked inside he noticed they were everywhere... on the ceiling, the ground, the walls had scorch marks and cuts as well. Something was wrong... He rushed outside, cheeks sparking and his tail raised as he tensed up automatically. Come to think of it... it shouldn't be THIS quiet after all. Maybe if he was here yes but quilavas weren't as scary as he was... He stepped out of the cave and searched around with his eyes, scanning the area...

Nothing looked wrong.

Despite the seeming calm though he still was ready for anything as he climbed from his place and walked around, looking for anything amiss. His fur sparkled with energy and his own popping and crackling sounded loud in his ears. So loud... that he never heard a twig snap... or the leaves rustle from above as umbreon in the bushes and a murkrow, hidden in the leaves waited. Following some unseen signal the murkrow attacked first, screeching loudly and launching a feint attack. The raichu spun around, seeing the murkrow for only a moment before he was struck in the head by its sudden maneuver. It didn't come without a price though. The murkrow screeched again, but in pain as the static leapt from the 'chu and clung to the bird, paralyzing it instantly. The raichu had fallen after the attack but he rolled to the side and sprang up, fur sparking even more now... but the bird was only moving around feebly, its muscles locked. For a moment the raichu did nothing, a bit dazed but after shaking his head he prepared to finish the job his own electricity had started. His paws raised and his body sparkled again as power rushed through him. Suddenly he screamed, his entire body shuddered as the air around him glowed dark blue and shimmered, racking him with agony. As soon as it started it stopped but his attack dissipated as well. He panted, exhausted as if his entire body had been pounded on. When he looked up he only saw the umbreon for a brief moment. His eyes widening as he saw the black sphere known as a shadow ball fly towards him, the blackness engulfing his vision as it neared his face... then darkness...

When he woke up he was greeted by... a typloshion! The raichu tried to get up but his body wouldn't respond, nothing seemed to be working. He tried to talk but his mouth was dry and nothing came out. He could look around though. The room he was in was dark, with only one light on the top... that was blocked by the typlosion's head. Its red eyes seemed to glow in the dark but there was something there, something chilling...

"Eclat! Nice to see you again... No! Don't talk, you won't be able to yet." the typloshion left and came back with water. After helping Eclat up he began helping the confused chu drink. Eclat was helpless at the moment and shocked as well. Once he had gotten a few swallows he frowned at his helper "Tret? Is that you?"

Tret grinned and helped the raichu up, Eclat suddenly finding he could move again. "Of course! A lot has happened the past year. I bet you are just DYING to know what's been going on... why you are here... why you were attacked... Well I will let you know later. You see you were giving a drug earlier to keep you sedated while my master moved you in here. Yes that's right 'Master'. I am part of team rocket now and you will be too. There's no point in resisting, that water you drank was made to help you move again but it also has some other side affects as well. I think you will notice them soon friend..."

He smiled and walked behind Eclat. The raichu was stunned to the point of immobility. No, this couldn't possibly be real! Tret, a typloshion, a part of team rocket and talking about it as if it was completely normal! He growled and pushed Tret away weakly. The typloshion grinned maliciously and spun him around, forcing Eclat to the ground on his belly. Eclat gave a loud "Rrrraii!" of frustration and tried to charge up power... but his cheeks gave weak sparks and he cried out in pain as they just HURT for no reason. He struggled and whimpered while he could feel the warmth of his friend shifting around as he laughed "Ahh, good boy!" he heard him say and even felt his paw patting him on the head. "You already found your power is gone. I was going to tell you but this is more fun~ Please keep struggling, the rockets want a good show." As if on cue there was a burst of light as one way mirrors were lifted, revealing almost 20 scientist and rockets looking at the two. Eclat shuddered and writhed under Tret but it was no use.

"Yesss... you should feel special Eclat, you will be part of a new program just for you! They want to test a new brainwashing machine and the chemicals in the water were meant to help you focus more on it...." a loud mechanical noise sounded and the raichu craned his head up. A black helmet was lowered down, right over his head. Before he could move Tret's arms were under his, pulling him up and sticking his head in the machine. Almost instantly black lenses covered Eclat's eyes and he was blinded. He struggled but his head was stuck... and Tret wasn't letting him go. "Eclat..." he heard him say. Though his voice sounded different, his words seeming to weave in and out in his mind "Eclat, you will work for team rocket now. You will be part of a new era, you should be proud..."

The raichu grunted "W-What!? Tret... you are not Tret! What are you talking about!? I work for no... One..." his arms strained against Tret's but it was no use, he couldn't move them. He pushed his head forward and... The helmet went with him! He felt something above him snap but the helmet was still on his head. It was thin, made of a shiny metal and as the horrified raichu found out, had an enormous grip. He moved his head around but nothing could force it off.
Tret pushed him down on all fours, arms still under his, forcing Eclat to support both of them. "Nono Eclat, you want this, you want to obey. Obedience brings pleasure. You can have power, respect. No one would dare challenge you. You can see it can't you, pokemon trembling at the mere sight of you?"

Eclat shuddered at his word, his voice still having a different quality to his ears. As he talked he noticed his head felt funny, as if it was clouding up and stuffy. But Tret was right, he COULD see it. He could see it as if a small screen was in front of him. He watched himself have hundreds of pokemon standing the side and looking down, all giving small movements of fear as he walked by. He actually smiled at the sight, for a wild moment enjoying the picture but he shook his head quickly and tried to close his eyes... which didn't help at all. "No! I don't want that! I never wanted that!"

"Oh but Eclat, the drink just takes what I say and adds your images in your mind. You're seeing what you want..." the raichu didn't notice the typloshion rubbing against him, never felt the hot erection that the typloshion possessed pressing against his backside. He was too terrified by his own thoughts. It seemed he couldn't stop the flow of images in his mind. Everything he thought of appearing in his mind. Pokemon that had attacked him in the past were bowing before him, trembling in fear. He watched his imaginary attack them, overpowering them easily and destroying them one by one. He cringed at the thoughts but deep in his mind he craved more. He was still fighting his own thoughts before he felt cried out in shook, a hot member forcing its way in him! There was no pain, only a numbing fire that overwhelmed his rump and made him moan. "You see Eclat? Just pleasure and power, what more could you want?" Tret humped him hard, not letting up for a second. His sex pierced deep into the helpless raichu and he nipped at his neck, blowing heated air there as well "Tell me this is good Eclat, tell me this feels wonderful. Can't you just see yourself destroying your foes and being surrounded by admirers for your strength?"

The raichu could only groan in reply. Tret's cock was hot! But it was a burning he almost instantly loved for no reason. It could not possibly have been him he reasoned, it was that drink! He couldn't think long though, already he was seeing himself surrounded by females, all types though mainly raichus. All of them were hugging and kissing him, worshiping his body, all willing to give themselves up to his pleasure. As he watched he could feel himself get aroused. The typloshion, sensing Eclat's thoughts reached his right paw down and stroked idly along the hard meat while he thrust fast into his tight hole. "Yesss... you can see it can't you Eclat? The treasure is waiting for you. All you have to do is submit to your master. He will be intelligent, strong, and ready to help you become even more powerful. We can do it together, you and I. Just think, we could be fighting side by side and riding the world of the weak... Is this what you want? Tell me you want this Eclat; I want to here you say it. Say you will join Team rocket... that you submit mind and body to them."

Eclat almost said yes but he held back. Even under all this lust and pleasure he just couldn't! "Tret... please... I-I Hoooo!" Before he could finish talking Tret bit his neck and held his head down, pinning him easily. In this new position he stopped humping and let Eclat feel his friend's sex slowly exciting his abused hole

"Okay then," Tret replied, his voice almost regretful "you don't have to submit, you can go back to wondering around... alone with no one there but your own misery. Don't expect me to go with you though, you'll have to keep your cave by yourself" Almost as soon as he said it Eclat saw himself as his mind envisioned him. In a black forest with no one to turn to because he was 'savage'. His once inviting home looked like a prison now. "Nooo! I will do it Tret!" he begged... Tret smiled and stood up, leaving Eclat in the position, on all four, rear raised and gaping a little "Is that so? You will submit then? You realize that you must respect your superiors too. I am one of them, we may fight together but until then I OWN you. Frankly you haven't treated me well, you haven't been sounding like you enjoy my special treatment. Aren't you loyal Eclat? I thought you wanted to belong with us...

Eclat's eyes teared up. He didn't want to see himself alone but he could anyway... and then there was a countless crowd of pokemon, all belonging to team rocket and waiting for him in the front was Tret himself. The typloshion was reaching out, beckoning. He knew it was all in his mind but he couldn't stop himself from seeing his imaginary self taking Tret's paw. "Yes... Yes I am yours... and I want to be a part of team rocket..."

Tret's eyes brightened and he mounted Eclat again, his sex, pushing in slowly past the out edges of Eclat's reddened hole "Are you sure? You really want to be mine and Team Rocket's?"

Eclat nodded and groaned, wanting the pleasure now and even pushing back against Tret eagerly, hoping to show how much he wanted to be his. Almost instantly his enthusiasm was met but a much harder thrust and a stronger mate bite as Tret wasted no time in taking advantage of the offered pucker. "Wonderful Eclat, now repeat after me, I vow to obey Team Rocket's wishes and bring all pokemon to our ranks."

"I vow to obey Team Rocket's wishes and bring all pokemon to our ranks" He said it and it just sounded right. It took him a few tries to say it though; Tret wasn't letting up and was repeatedly aiming for his prostate. The paw on his sex was making concentrating harder and he bucked into it, almost within reach of his release.

"Great Eclat...Now say it again... and keep saying it. You are mine and I belong to Team, rocket, so you do too." The typloshion was humping faster, driving his sex deep into the raichu's depths. Each time Eclat repeated the phrase the cock deep in his bowels seemed to grow hotter. Finally his depths were flooded with Tret's steaming seed. "Eclat screamed, his sensitive anal passage almost broiling from the heat but it soon faded to pleasant fire that almost seemed to burn his possession into him. His walls clamped around the sex in him as his own orgasm hit, shooting out his own pleasure and his freedom as well, all over his belly and chest. As his inner walls squeezed around the flaming cock in him he almost screamed again, pure burning pleasure filling him. He could feel the sperm filling him, slipping down where it left an incredible warm feeling that he had never felt before. He sighed and slumped on his chest, his inner depths feeling full and the haze in his mind completely gone. Tret stood up, giving Eclat's rump a parting pat as he pulled out completely and walked in front of him, his erection leaking some of hi hot cum on the new convert's nose. "Welcome then pet, you my start by cleaning this off for me."
Eclat didn't even hesitate and quickly went to work, happily tending to his new master while eagerly waiting to meet his human master so he could have all the power and pleasure he wanted.
Chapter End Notes:and that's it. This isn't exactly my style but he really wanted it and I had fun messing around with this raichu
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