AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

The beginning

A Pokemon Far Apart:
Chapter 1: The Beginning

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!! also the first chapter has no sex its just plot.

This starts with a trainer named Kade he is 15 and unsure of what he will do with his life. he doesn't have any Pokemon and he lives in Floaroma town which is tiring because of many people in town are flower, and grass Pokemon lovers. Kade spends his time taking care of Pokemon in hopes to become a trainer but has had a hard time getting a Pokemon. Kade lives with his mom and his older brother Bret which is twenty-four and is relaxing after beating the Elite Four and is now taking care of the family. Kade's life is about to change on his 16th birthday. Which is two days away!!!

Oct 5th 2 days until my birthday and also the day I plan on leaving for my journey as a Pokemon trainer. I haven't been able to leave because I have been taking care of my mom but that changed when Bret came home and agreed that I could leave to become a trainer, only if I could get a Pokemon by my birthday. currently I haven't had any luck.

I awoke to the bright light in my window as I dressed myself in my coolest clothes. A blue jacket with a grass Pokemon symbol on the back. long blue jeans and my belt with all my empty poke balls. I slipped out the door without seeing Bret or Mom in the house and I made my way to the poke mart to borrow my friend Mari's Eevee so I can catch a Pokemon.

I walked through the automatic doors and saw Mari,
"Hi Mari."

Mari looked up at me and smiled, "how can I help you Kade?"

Kade sighed and replied, "I need to borrow Eevee to catch my first Pokemon."

Mari looked a little unsure, "Kade I swear if anything happens to Eevee your dead you hear me?"

Kade took the ball from her hand and said, "Sure I'll be back in a few."

I left for Iron Works north of Floaroma town, I entered the forest and then saw a Shinx.

I then yelled, "I choose you Eevee."

Eevee looked at the Shinx and back to her temporary master and growled at the enemy awaiting instructions.

"Eevee use tackle." Eevee moved quickly but the Shinx dodged and bite Eevee on the neck. blood dripping from the wound.

I quickly gave another command, "Eevee use tackle once more."

Eevee struck the Shinx with a hard thud and the Shinx quickly recovered and tackled back. Eevee fell to the ground and barely stood up again. I yelled, "Tackle one more time."

Eevee hit the Shinx but this time it didn't get up. So I threw an empty poke ball. "Go Poke ball"

The poke ball flew out of my hand and it sucked up the Shinx. The button turned colors as it wobbled back and

"We did it Eevee We caught a Shinx my first Pokemon."

Eevee then fell to her side and I ran to her frightened, "Eevee I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt."
"Eevee return."

I raced the Eevee in her poke ball to the poke center hoping she would be ok. The nurse took Eevee and said, "I'll see what I can do."

I sat down in the lobby worried about Eevee. Hours passed as I dozed off.

"Wake up.... Wake up Kade......" I awoke to the face of Nurse Joy hovering over me.

I groggily replied, "Is Eevee ok?"

Eevee then ran from behind Nurse Joy and jumped into my lap. She purred as I stroked her back. Blood matted into her fur.

Nurse Joy saw the relieved look on my face and reassured me, "She will be fine but you should return her to Mari."

I sighed, "Yea Nurse Joy I will right now."

I picked up Eevee and carried her the whole way and treated her like a princess as to say sorry. I halted in front of the Poke mart afraid of what Mari would do to me. I stepped in and handed Eevee to Mari along with her poke ball. Mari just looked shocked and looked up at me. "What happen Kade?"

I blushed and replied, "well we were battling a Shinx and he did some damage but she will be ok."

Mari seemed to be somewhat relieved and sighed. "Kade thank you for taking care of my Eevee."

Kade replied, "I'm so sorry."

I ran out of the store and back to my house with my new Shinx.

I went into the house and went to Bret and flashed my poke ball at him. "See what I got Bret now I can go become a trainer."

Bret looked surprised, how in the world did you catch a Pokemon, without a Pokemon?"

I laughed, "I borrowed Mari's Eevee."

Bret just looked back at the TV and replied, "I knew you could do it have fun and remember me on your journey."

Bret never was so nice or honest in his emotions so I didn't rub it in his face and went upstairs to play with my Shinx.

I released Shinx onto the floor and Shinx looked from the room searching his surroundings and looked at me. I then introduced myself to him, "Hi Shinx I'm Kade."

The Shinx just jumped onto the bed and yawned. "Shhhinxx."

I joined him on the bed and fell asleep.

I awoke feeling something wet lick my face. I opened my eyes and there was Shinx licking my face. "Shin Shinx."

"Shinx good morning."

Shinx jumped to the floor and stretched his body. I took a change of clothes from my room and headed to the bathroom. Shinx eagerly followed. I ran the water as the bath filled I took all my clothes off and got into the tub.

Shinx jumped in after me throwing water every which way including my face. "Shinx don't make a mess."

Shinx looked sad and I started to pet him. "Shinx I didn't mean to raise my voice, I just don't want a big mess."

Shinx cheered up and started playing in the water. I took the soap and washed my body trying to get some of the blood off my skin. Then after I was clean I took Shinx and started to clean him. He seemed to like the treatment. "Shinx I think we are going to have fun on our journey."

I got dressed and dried Shinx off. We headed downstairs and stopped as I heard mom and Bret talking. I then hid as I listened, "Bret its all good that your staying and letting Kade leave but did you get him something?"

Bret grunted as he swallowed the milk from the cereal bowl. "Yea I did I got him a Poke Tm talk."

Mom looked confused. "What is a poke Tm talk?"

Bret sighed as he saw he would half to explain. "A poke Tm talk is a gadget that goes on your belt and it teaches your Pokemon to talk when you turn it on."

Mom just looked at Bret and said, "I hope he likes my gift, I got him a rucksack and all kinds of items and money for his journey I even got him a pokedex from Pro. Oak, I wrote him a letter explaining the situation."

Bret chuckled a little and said, "Kade has it made because all of his friends and family."

I then walked into the room letting myself be known, "Hi what's for breakfast?"
(pretending not of heard anything)

Mom took the cereal and placed it in front of me. I ate my cereal and fed Shinx some of the poke food Bret feeds his Pokemon. After me and Shinx were done I decided to go to meet Mari.

"Shinx return." a beam of light ate the Shinx. Then I headed to the mart.

I entered the mart and was greeted by Mari, "Hi Kade how's your new Shinx?"

I laughed and said, "I challenge you to a battle Mari."

Mari eagerly accepted, "ok Kade your on."

Mari turned the open/close sign to closed and we left the building. Mari got far enough away for the battle and raised her voice, "Since you only have one Pokemon it will be one on one."

I yelled, "Fine" and grabbed my poke ball, "I choose you Shinx."

Then Mari yelled, "I choose you Spinarak."

I saw that Mari had a small evil smirk on her face and I had to ask. "What's wrong Mari?"

Mari just replied, "How bout we make this interesting, if you win I will give you Eevee."

I looked in surprise and asked, "What do you get if you win?"

Mari laughed and said, "I get to travel with you is all."

I thought for a moment and looked at her. "Fine its a deal."

"Shinx Tackle." Shinx ran toward Spinarak and Spinarak hit the ground.

"Spinarak use poison sting." Spinarak tried to hit the small Shinx.

"Shinx dodge it." Shinx moved out of the way.

"Shinx use tackle." Shinx tackled the Spinarak and it flew back.

Mari then yelled, "Spinarak use Night Shade."

Spinarak shot some darkness at Shinx and he jumped out of the way. I then yelled, "Shinx finish it, Use Bite."

Shinx bit the Spinarak and it fainted.

Mari returned Spinarak to his ball and said, "good job."

I walked over to Mari, "Well hand her over she's mine now."

Mari looked kind of sad and said, "Well Eevee couldn't be in better hands Kade, Good luck on your journey."

Kade smiled and said, "Your welcome to come with me anyways, but if you don't then Thanks anyway"

Mari smiled, "That is sweet but I need to run the mart."

I then turn and left towards the Pokemon center to give my two new Pokemon a rest break and headed home. Mom greeted me at the dinner table and said, "I made you a plate honey and also got a view of your show in front of the Mart, good job."

I looked at her and replied, "Thanks but I think she went easy on me."

I quickly went to bed so I could get up and I could get my birthday over with and head off onto my journey.

I woke up to my alarm clock that I set so I could prepare for the departure.

I went downstairs when I heard. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" I jumped still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes nearly given myself a black eye. "Thanks everyone."

Then I announced it then and there. "I will be leaving today for my journey to become a master of Pokemon."(nearly broke out in song)
Chapter End Notes:i am reading over the story and fixing some problems. Also send requests to [email protected]
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