AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

Jubilife City "Oh, Joy"

Disclaimer: Do not read if your underage 18 and if your offended by sex or human/Pokemon relationships

chapter two:

I'm off to Jubilife city but I half to get through route 204 and hopefully my three Pokemon. Cyndiquil, Shinx, and Eevee will help me catch another Pokemon.

Pant..., Pant.., Pant.... "how far is Jubilife?" (need water)

We then see a small pond where I stop and get a drink. I then release my Pokemon from there imprisonments and let them relax before we go. Out of the corner of my eye I see a Ralts.

"Shinx use tackle." Instead Eevee push's Shinx to the ground and hits the Ralts.

I ignore it for now not wanting the Ralts to run. Ralts used fake tears. I throw my Pokeball at it and it flashes

"Good job guys it was a little sloppy but we got her."

I look at Eevee confused, "Eevee what's your problem?"

Eevee looked down at the ground. "Eevee eee"

"It's alright Eevee its not your fault, its my job to be a good trainer all we half to do is work at it is all."

Eevee smiled and she laid in my lap. it was around 7pm so I decided this would be my first time sleeping under the stars.

Me and my Pokemon got a nice fire started, and I decided to teach my Pokemon to talk. I turned on the poke Tm talk and went to bed. I could here the Tm giving a low Hume all night.

The next morning I awoke to find all my Pokemon huddled around me.

I laughed as I said, "Wake up sleepy Drowzee's its morning."

"Leave us alone master." I jumped throwing all my Pokemon off me on accident, realizing it was Shinx that said that.

Shinx then realized he talked and looked at Kade speechless.

Kade started to stutter.... "Wh Wh What in the world, the Tm actually worked?"

Eevee stretched and yawned. "Of coarse it worked your big bro said it would."

Kade still baffled replied, "I thought he was pulling my leg or something. Well I guess I cant sit here being bewildered so lets go to Jubilife city." I returned all my Pokemon except Eevee.

"Eevee whey don't you go back into your Pokeball?"

Eevee gave Kade a evil look. "Its cramped in there. how would you like it if I kept you in a ball?"

Kade sighed looking at her Pokeball and put it on his belt. "Well if your staying out how bout I give you a name or do you have one?"

Eevee licked her paw and said, "No master but you can give me a name and it better be cute."

Kade thought for a moment. "Look you half to call me Kade not master and you will be called Lafy."

Eevee gave another evil glare and snorted. "No that will not do you can just call me Eevee for now till I think of a good name."

Kade looked at her as she started off in the wrong direction of Jubilife. "Eevee, Jubilife is in the other direction."

Eevee just turned around with her head held high and I heard a humph. We headed toward the path and then I saw the city in the horizon. "Were here!!"

Eevee didn't say anything as she kept walking. Kade glanced at Eevee. "Why are you being so mean to me or have I done something to upset you?"

Eevee blushed. "Well I don't know I've just have this weird feeling in my stomach when I'm around you like Butterfree in my stomach or something."

Kade realized what she was talking about but thought can a Pokemon be in love with a human, is that possible? "Eevee I think your in love with me."

Eevee turned a beat red but her fur covered it. "Kade I've just never been in love before and I don't know what I'm doing."

Kade decided to make this easy. "I don't know what I'm doing either but we need to decide if were going to be together right now so we wont be confused later."

Eevee just stopped dead in her tracks and looked and Kade. "I'm not sure about being with you I mean I have feelings for you but well I've seen the humans and there beautiful and how can I compare."

Kade was amazed how a young Eevee could be this scared of her looks. "Eevee your beautiful and I'm willing to be with you but I think you need to evolve first. Your way to small right now."

Eevee blushed again. "Kade your so smart but can you do me a favor?"

Kade looked. "yea what is it?"

Eevee stopped blushing and asked, "can I be a Leafeon I've always looked up to my mother being a Leafeon."

Kade was deep in thought. "Well it'll take some time to get some moss from moss rock. when we get to town I'll call Bret to see if he has any."

Eevee smiled and we started walking toward town.

I was looking from building to building scanning each looking for a Pokecenter. then I found it. I walked in and gave my Pokemon to Nurse Joy. but Eevee wouldn't go. "Eevee why wont you let Joy take a look at you?"

Eevee looked at Kade. "I don't feel like it."

Kade sighed. "It seems your just as stubborn as Mari."

We walked to the video phone and dialed Bret's Pokegear number. ###-#### ring... ring

Bret: "Hello......"

Kade: "Hi Bret its me Kade, I need some of that moss that you got from moss rock last year."

Bret: "If I give you this to you will you evolve your Eevee?"

Kade: "Yea so will you send it?"

Bret: "yea it'll be at the center in the morning by then you should have your first badge. right?"

Kade: "Yea I will well I will see ya bye. click......"

Bret: "why you little I didn't even get to say goodbye."

I left the phone and sat down to wait for my Pokemon from the Nurse when I heard the doors to the center open. So I decided to introduce myself. "Hi I'm Kade."

The guy in the front spoke first. "Hello I'm Ash and these two are my friends Dawn, and Brock."

I saw a Pikachu on ash's shoulder and asked, "So are all of you Poketrainers?"

Brock stepped in front of ash and said, "They are but I'm a Pokemon Breeder.

I smiled at Brock and replied, "I've never seen a breeder before.

Dawn finally said something aster listening to the conversation. "How about a Pokemon battle?"

I replied with a kind of smirk on my face, "Sure but my Pokemon are being treated right now so you will half to wait."

Dawn looked at Nurse Joy as she came up to me from behind, "Sir I have your Pokemon and there all rested."

I took my Pokemon from the nurse and thanked her, "Thanks nurse just in time too."

I turned and headed out the door, "Ok Dawn lets battle."

Dawn and her friends followed me outside and Brock then went to the middle of where we were about to battle. "I will be the referee and let the battle commence."

I then yelled to Dawn, "Dawn I only have four Pokemon so how about a 2 vs. 2 or something?"

Dawn replied, "sure, I choose you Baneary."

Baneary stretched as she yelled, "Baneary."

I finally grabbed a ball from my belt, "I choose you Cyndiquil."

Cyndiquil flew from his ball with a bright light, "Cyndi"

"Cyndiquil use Ember" Cyndiquil opened her mouth to spurt the flames but all that came out was smoke. "Cyndiquil what's wrong?"

Brock from the side lines yelled to me. "Cyndiquil must of not learned it yet."

I just looked back at Cyndiquil and tried to think if she had something other than tackle.

"Baneary use Ice beam" Baneary shot a blue crystal beam out from her mouth and hit Cyndiquil. "Then Brock yelled, Cyndiquil is completely frozen and is....." He was cut short as Cyndiquil's Flames came from her back and melted the ice. Cyndiquil then said after she was all thawed out. "I'm a fire Pokemon ice is almost useless against me." Ash and his two friends was baffled at the Pokemon but wasn't too surprised because of Meowth from team rocket could talk also. We then we continued back to the battle I then yelled, "It ain't over yet."

As I then yelled another attack out. "Cyndiquil use Tackle."

Cyndiquil rushed the enemy as he began to jump to hit. "Baneary dodge it."

Baneary jumped as Cyndiquil landed on the ground, "Cyndiquil jump up and use Tackle again."

Cyndiquil jumped and successfully attacked the Pokemon. Brock then looked at Baneary, "Baneary is unable to battle."

Dawn returned Baneary, "Good job Baneary, I choose you Piplup."

Piplup landed on the ground, "Piplup are you ready, Use whirlpool."

Piplup summoned up a big mass of water which formed into a whirlpool, and sucked my Cyndiquil into the water. "Cynd"

I then yelled, "hang in there Cyndiquil." Cyndiquil was then shot from the pool of water and swirls were in her eyes. Brock Shouted, "Cyndiquil is unable to battle."

I looked over at Eevee and said, "I choose you Eevee."

Eevee ran from my side. "Eevee use dig."

Eevee did as she was told and dodged head first into the ground as she disappeared. Dawn looked at Piplup, "Piplup Use water gun in the hole Eevee made."

Piplup Shot into the hole as I then yelled. "Eevee time to come out."

In the bush's next to use about 200 feet away team rocket was talking. "James how about we steal that Eevee, Baneary, and Pikachu?"

James kept his eyes on the battle and replied, "How do you expect we do that?"

Meowth pulled out a remote, "Like this." and He pushed a button. Click....

Three big mechanical arms jolted from there balloon that was behind them and grabbed the three Pokemon.

Ash jumped up and yelled, "Pikachu"

I was surprised but grabbed a Pokeball from my belt, "I choose you Shinx." Shinx jumped from his ball and landed on the ground.

Eevee yelled as the arms gripped her frail body. "Help me Kade."

I replied as I yelled, "Tackle Shinx."

Shinx tackled Meowth as the remote shattered. Pikachu, Baneary, and Eevee ran back to there trainers.

James stood up from behind the bush, "You can't do that, I choose you Cacnea." Cacnea threw pin missals at his master. "Cacnea the enemy not me."

Jessie walked forward and sighed, "If you want something done right, I choose you Dustox." Dustox flew from its ball and both me and Ash yelled, "Use Thunder bolt." Shinx and Pikachu shot bolts of lightning towards team rocket and they exploded as they flew into the air.

"We are blasting off again."

Meowth then said sarcastically, " you'd think wed retire after this."

I then turned to Dawn and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

Dawn ran back to her spot. "Sure"

I yelled, "Tackle" and Eevee ran toward Piplup.

Dawn quickly told Piplup, "Piplup dodge it"

but it was to late and it hit. Piplup got back to his feet panting. "Piplup use whirlpool."

Piplup formed another whirlpool but as it was about to pull in Eevee I yelled, "Eevee use quick attack and run around Piplup over and over in the same direction of the whirlpool."

Eevee started to run as the whirlpool became faster and faster and the whirlpool dispersed. Piplup was spinning in circles then fell to the ground. "Piplup is unable to battle the victor is Kade."

I ran to Eevee, "Good job your so great."

Eevee purred and said, "We make a great team."

Dawn and me both went in the Pokecenter to heal our Pokemon and I asked for a room for the night. We all got bunked in the same room with two bunk beds. I laid on the bed as Eevee curled up next to me. "Thank you Eevee."

Eevee just started purring as we fell asleep.

The next morning we awoke to knocking at the door. Bang, Bang, Bang. Ash got up and opened the door while rubbing his eyes. "Nurse Joy good morning."

Brock jumped from his top bunk and grabbed both of Nurse Joy's hands. "I was up all night thinking about your beauty."

Dawn got up from her bed and grabbed him by his shirt. "That's enough Brock."
Chapter End Notes:i redoing all the chapters so i can find errors
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