AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

First Gym Battle

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!!

chapter three:

I started to leave as Nurse Joy stopped me and said, "This is from your brother." I opened it and took out the moss from moss rock. I turned to Eevee next to me and asked, "Do you still want to be a Leafeon?"

Leafeon looked at the moss and replied, "of coarse."

I place the moss on the ground and Eevee placed her paw on the moss as she started to glow. The light faded as she turned into the Leafeon, that I expected to see. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked, and I blushed when I realized I was staring her whole body over. "Kade what are you looking at?"

I then came back to reality. "I was, I was just I."

Leafeon smiled and said, "It's ok Kade."

I stopped blushing and I followed as Leafeon as she headed toward the door and I followed. We left for route 218, and as we were walking I noticed many people fishing on the side of the water. It was an enormous ocean. I saw one guy fighting his pole when he saw me. "Hey kid you want I free Ultra rod?"

Like I would turn something free down. "Sure what do I half to do?"

The man handed me the rode. "Just catch this damn Pokemon, I'm done with fishing."

I just said, "ok" and started to real. "Leafeon get ready to attack."

Leafeon got into a fighting stance and replied, "Ok I'm ready Kade."

I reeled the rode and a Fineon jumped out of the water. "I don't think we need to attack it."

Leafeon looked up at me. "Go poke ball."

The poke ball the Fineon broke free and splashed back into the water.

I looked at the water and sighed. "Oh well he wouldn't of been useful on land anyway."

I stuck the rod into my pack as it shrunk in size and we headed toward Town. I decided to heal my Pokemon and spend the night in the Pokemon center. I opened the door and placed my Pokemon on the counter. "Can you heal my Pokemon and can I borrow a room for the night?"

Nurse Joy put the balls in a case and said, "Your Pokemon will be fine with me. Take the third room on the right."

I left with Leafeon to the room and she jumped onto the bed as I dropped my rucksack onto the floor. Leafeon looked at me from the bed, "Kade since I evolved and since we already said we love each other does this mean we are well... boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I blushed and answered, "Yea I guess it does."

Leafeon turned my head with her paw and kissed me. I pulled away. "Kade is there something wrong?"

My heart was racing a little. "You caught me off guard."

Leafeon frowned, "I'm sorry. Do you wanna try again?"

I looked at her and moved forward and locked lips with her. We stayed like that till I threw off my shoes and laid down never unlocking our kiss. I started to rub her body. When she broke the kiss. "Kade you can pleasure me if you want."

I didn't say anything as I started our kiss again. I rubbed her body getting lower as my right hand made its way in between her legs as I searched. Then she let out a moan as I found her wet pleasure. I ran my finger over her slit as I continued the kiss. I pulled down my pants and boxers to reveal my throbbing member. Leafeon broke the kiss, "I want you in me Kade."

I replied by positioning my member to the lips of her clit. I then flipped her on her back and I was atop of her. I slowly pushed in as to not hurt her. she yelped in pain and pleasure as I broke her hymen. "Leafeon are you ok?"

Leafeon panted. "Please fuck me Kade."

I did as I was told. I moved into my new lover. I started to thrust faster as I gasped. I moved faster as I heard Leafeon. "Kade faster."

I started to thrust in and out as much as I could when I felt she was coming close as her clit was squeezing my member. I could barely stand myself as our juices mixed as we came and Leafeon said panting. "I love you Kade."

"I love you too Leafeon."

I exited my lover and laid down next to her. She got on top of me and started to kiss me again. I accepted as I started to get hard again. "Leafeon I guess your not done with me are you?"

Leafeon smiled, "You guessed right Kade."

She sat on my lap pushing her lips over my shaft. I moaned as she was still wet from the first time. She started slow as to enjoy the re-hardening shaft growing on her slit. She moved up and then took my shaft in her. Then she moved down fast as I grabbed her hips to move her faster. She was moaning. "Oh Kade."

I couldn't hold on long as I Came, but kept fucking to make sure she got hers. a minute later she slammed hard on my member and screamed. She then collapsed on my chest. We fell asleep in each others arms, or well arms and legs.

I woke up to the feeling of something around my growing shaft. I looked down and saw Leafeon sucking my member. "That's one way to wake up."

Leafeon ignored me and continued. I started to moan as I felt her rough tongue on the head of my shaft. She managed to get about two or three inch's in her mouth as she was moving up and down. Bobbing her head when I gasped. "I'm Cumming."

I came as she swallowed what she could. then I heard a knock at the door.

I put my clothes on and answered the door.

Nurse joy Looked around. "What was that noise?"

I answered swiftly. "I hit my foot is all."

Nurse Joy looked at my feet. "Are you ok?"

I looked at her and replied relieved that she bought it. "Yea its ok."

She then handed me my Pokemon and I headed to the gym. I entered the door and saw a guy cleaning the gym. So I asked, "Where is the Gym leader?"

He looked up at me and answered, "Your looking at him."

I was embarrassed. "Sorry, But anyway I wanted to battle for a badge."

He smiled and said, "Wait one moment I need to get a referee and we can start."

He came back and we took our spots along with the referee. "The battle will be 3v3 and the trainer will be the only one aloud to trade his Pokemon out when the battle starts."

I threw a poke ball. "I choose you Ralts." Ralts appeared on the floor of the gym.

Roark decided to go with his Geodude, "I choose you Geodude." Geodude formed in the air and awaited his command.

I decided to attack first and yelled to Ralts. "Use confusion." A purple mass flew at the Geodude and it fell to the ground.

Then Roark said out his command. "Geodude use tackle."

Geodude rushed toward my Ralts and I yelled, "Ralts use Confusion once more." The Geodude stopped in his tracks as the confusion hit again. Ralts threw Geodude into a wall with her mind and the referee then yelled. "Geodude is unable to battle."

Roark threw out another poke ball. "I choose you Onyx." Onyx roared as he came out.

I wanted to use Cyndiquil so I yelled, "Ralts return, I choose you Cyndiquil."

Cyndiquil formed on the floor of the gym and flames spurt from his back. "Cyndiquil use flamethrower."

Cyndiquil shot flames at the mass of rock, and Roark yelled, "Onyx use dig."

The flame missed onyx as Onyx buried underground.

I decided to use the same trick that Dawn used on me. "Cyndiquil use Flamethrower in the hole."

Cyndiquil shot fire into the hole and Onyx shot out of the hole roaring. Onyx was red as the heat left its body. Then Cyndiquil started to glow after Onyx recovered. "Cyndiquil is evolving."

The female Cyndiquil grew larger into Quilava as she landed on the ground, "Onyx use roll out."

Onyx hit my Quilava sending her flying and hit me in the chest. I then yelled, "Quilava use Iron claw."

Quilava hit Onyx and gashed marks into its rock hard body. The ref then yelled, "Onyx is unable to battle."

Roark then yelled, "I choose you Cranidos."

Cranidos awaited his command as I told Quilava. "Quilava use Flamethrower." Quilava burst flames out of her mouth as it hit the enemy Cranidos. Cranidos didn't even flinch as Roark raised his voice. "Cranidos use your Zen Headbutt."

Cranidos butted his head into Quilava and I yelled, "Quilava grabbed hold of him."

Quilava grabbed him and waited for my command. "Quilava flamethrower."

Quilava shot the flame in close impact at the Cranidos as she let go. Cranidos flew back as Roark yelled, "Cranidos use ancient power."

Cranidos sent rocks at Quilava and Quilava fainted, "Quilava is unable to battle."

I then yelled, "Leafeon its your turn."

Leafeon ran onto the field and I yelled, "Quick attack."

Leafeon ran at Cranidos and sent him flying. Cranidos stood up and Roark yelled, "Cranidos use, Pursuit."

Cranidos hit Leafeon and Leafeon jumped right back up. "Leafeon use leaf blade."

Leafeon slashed Cranidos and the referee then yelled, "Cranidos is unable to battle. The victor is Kade."

I ran over to Leafeon and gave her a hug as I said, "Good Job"

Leafeon smiled as she kissed me and said, "Thanks Kade."

Roark walked over to me and handed me something. "Here is your badge Kade."

I took the Badge and thanked him. "Thanks Roark bye."

Me and Leafeon left the gym and on the way to the Pokemon center Leafeon looked up to me and smiled.

Then I smiled and said, "Lets go rest at the Pokemon center."

Leafeon gave me a happy look.

We entered the Pokemon center and gave my Pokemon to the Nurse. "How long will this take?"

Nurse Joy answered after taking my Pokemon replied, "Just one minute."

I waited in the lobby as I said to Leafeon. "Leafeon I hope we can make it back to Jubilife Before night."

Leafeon was sitting in a chair. "Kade I think we have time route 218 is very short."

I sighed as Nurse Joy came out from the back. "Kade your Pokemon are rested."

I took my Pokemon and left for Route 218. It started getting dark as I then saw Jubilife in the distance. "Leafeon there's Jubilife. Lets hurry to the Pokemon center."

Leafeon started to run. "I bet I can beat you there Kade."

I ran after her. "No you wont I'll beat you."

She beat me by a long shot as she put her paw on the poke center wall. "I beat you."

I panted as I entered the Pokemon center, and I asked, "Can we stay here again Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy laughed as she replied, "If you keep staying here ill half to make you pay rent, Its the same room you stayed in the other night."

Me and Leafeon walked into the room as I threw my stuff down.
Chapter End Notes:send requests to [email protected]
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