AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

Route 204

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!! also the first chapter has no sex its just plot.

Chapter 4

As I threw my Rucksack onto the floor and took off my shoes I sighed as my back was aching from rushing all the way back to Jubilife. Leafeon looked worried as she jumped on the bed. "Kade are you alright you're a little red."

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. "I'm fine Leafeon I'm just a little tired and hot."

Leafeon jumped on top of my body and laid down. I laid my hand on her face as I brought her to a kiss. I started to rub her side with my right hand as I held her head close with the other. I started to rub between her legs as I put a finger in her sensitive area. She let out a gasp as we kissed. I could feel my member growing and throbbing as it pressed against my pants. I reached down with one hand and took off my pants and underwear. Then threw them to the floor. I entered her and she gasped for air when I did. I positioned my shaft in front of her slit as she pushed down. She held it in her for a moment. Then I grabbed her hips as I moved her up and down on my hips. Taking my entire length inside her body. Leafeon moaned. "Kade faster."

I started bucking my hips along with pushing her up and down. I grunted as I felt my balls ready to expel my seeds. I yelled, "I'm Cumming."

She screamed, "Kaade"

As I spurted my seed deep into her love canal. We panted as Leafeon started to lick my cheek. "Kade take off your shirt."

I did as requested as I threw it to the floor she started to lick my chest. "Kade your taste salty but good."

She slowly licked my body until she made her way to my now regrowing member. She licked the head as it grew. Once it was fully hard she took the whole thing in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down. I sighed as I enjoyed the treatment I was retrieving. Her rough tongue made the feeling intensify as she gave me pleasure. I grunted as I gave my seed to my beloved Leafeon, As she swallowed as much as she could. She got up and laid on top of me again. She put her head next to mine and whispered. "Kade I love you."

I kissed her on the cheek as I replied, "I love you too Leafeon."

We feel asleep with her sweaty furry body on top of mine.

I awoke as I heard something hit up against the window. I Slowly moved Leafeon off my body trying to not wake her up. When she was off me I got up and looked out the window but I didn't see anything. I looked at the clock on the wall. I had to clinch my eyes in order to see. It was 6 am. So I decided to go to the rest room. I rubbed my eyes as I entered the well lit hallway and made my way to the restroom. I grabbed the handle and entered. I started to release myself into the urinal as I held my eyes closed and thought to myself. (I wonder how mom and Bret is doing.)

Then I realized that how would they react if they knew that me and Leafeon were together. I pulled my boxers back over my stuff and headed back to the bedroom. I then heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned as I put my hand on one of my poke balls as I realized I didn't have my pants or my belt.

I just turned back around and headed to the room. I laid back down on the bed and laid there thinking. (Well I don't know what that shadow was or whatever, but I will be heading through Floaroma town as I head to Eterna city for my next badge. I finally fell asleep as I heard Nurse Joy panicking in the lobby. I put on my clothes and I looked at Leafeon on the bed. I put my hand on her and rocked her back and forth gently. "Leafeon wake up."

She woke up and saw that I was dressed. "Kade what's wrong?"

I looked at her and headed for the door. "I don't know but Nurse Joy sounds panicked and I'm going to go see."

She followed me to the lobby and I saw Nurse Joy talking to Officer Jenny and a small Growlithe sitting next to her leg, so I asked. "What's going on here?"

Nurse Joy said in a panicky voice. "Kade all the Pokemon were stolen from the healing bay."

I looked shocked as I looked at both of em. "Do you know where they are?"

Officer Jenny looked at me and said, "They were seen outside the city in a cave, do you want to help?"

I had a smirk on my face as I agreed, "Of coarse I'll help."

We ran out of the center and we got into a jeep with Leafeon and we drove out of town toward route 203.

We came across a cave as we stopped. Jenny jumped out of the jeep and took out a speaker mic. "Come out with your hands up team rocket."

I then looked at Jenny then the cave and thought. (Team Rocket, could it be the same ones we fought the other day.)

Two people came out and they started to say, "I'm Cassidy, and I'm Butch."

I then stepped forward and yelled at the two bad guys. "Give back all the Pokemon you took from the center."

Cassidy snickered. "We stole those Pokemon fair and square and a twerp like you isn't going to stop us."

I grinned and grabbed a poke ball and yelled, "I love it when the bad guys like to do it the hard way, Leafeon use Leaf blade."

Leafeon formed a blade with her tail hit Butch on the head. Butch then screamed, "Ouch your gonna pay for that you twerp. I choose you Primeape." Primeape landed on the ground.

Cassidy then decided to join in. "I choose you Sableye." Sableye also formed on the ground next to Primeape.

Officer Jenny stood next to me with her Growlithe and yelled at the two rockets. "So I guess it's a battle of two on two. Growlithe use flamethrower."

I then pointed at team rocket and yelled, "Leafeon use seed bomb."

Growlithe's flame rushed toward the two Pokemon as Leafeon's Bomb formed into a ball and formed with the flame to make a comet rushing toward the enemy.

Cassidy and Butch yelled, "Dodge it."

With no chance of evading the attack hit full force it hit the Pokemon and sent team rocket flying into the air. As Cassidy cried, "How can we lose?"

I walked into the cave to see all the poke balls laying in box's and the Pokemon not in balls were in cages. I yelled to the Pokemon. "Don't worry we will get you back to your owners."

I helped release the Pokemon and loaded the balls into the jeep and headed back to the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy joined us at the door. "Thank you so much Kade and Jenny I cant thank you enough."

I then said to her. "You can thank us by helping bring the balls bake into the center."

After the hard work was through I sat down in the lobby chair to rest. "Joy I'm glad I could help but I think I need to leave before It gets dark. I wanna get as far as I can to Floaroma town as I can."

Nurse Joy agreed and put her hand on my back as I headed for the door.

On route 204 I ran most of the way with Leafeon when I heard her pant. "Kade lets stop to rest I'm hungry and its getting dark."

I stopped at a tree and sat down as I looked through my rucksack. "I don't think I have anything."

Then I saw a bag with three sandwich's in it. I took them out and handed one to Leafeon and started to eat one of the others. "I love peanut butter."

Leafeon didn't reply as she gulped down the sandwich.

I finished my sandwich and put my rucksack under my head and laid down.

Leafeon laid down next to me and I put my arm around her. "Leafeon I love you."

Leafeon started to purr. "I love you to Kade."

I awoke to the chirping of a Starly. It was bright out and I looked over to Leafeon and she was awake eating the last sandwich. "Leafeon you didn't save me any?"

Leafeon laughed, "You snooze you lose."

I laughed too and waited for her to finish. When she was threw we got up and headed for Floaroma. We were walking when I saw the backs of three familiar people. I ran up to them and realized who they were. "Hey, Ash, Dawn, Brock."

They stopped and turned to me and ash spoke. "Hi how ya doing?"

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my badge. "See I have my first badge."

Dawn looked at my badge and said, "Kade did you catch any new Pokemon during the time that we saw you?"

I thought for a moment. "Yea I did I caught a Ralts."

Dawn then asked, "Can I see her?"

I pulled the ball from my belt and yelled, "Ralts I choose you."

Ralts formed on the ground and Dawn grabbed her and hugged her. "She's so cute."

Brock then turned to me and said, "I used to be the first gym in pewter city but it seems that the gym in Canalave was a lot harder."

I looked at him and asked, "Did you not beat him?"

He looked back at me and replied. "I didn't fight him I'm a breeder."

I then returned Ralts to her ball when Ash said, "How about we travel together at least till the next town since we are headed that way."

I replied, "Sure" and we went on our way.

I then decided I should tell them. "Guys Floaroma is my hometown I bet my mom would love some company."

Dawn looked at me while walking. "Sure I would love a homemade meal for once."

I smiled at her and saw the town up ahead. "Here we are."
Chapter End Notes:this is where i leave you again. await the next chapter plz. send requests to [email protected]
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