AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!! also the first chapter has no sex its just plot.

Chapter 5

We made it to Floaroma and I was yelling "Hi" to many of the friends I knew in town. When we went by the Pokemon mart Mari rushed out to say hello. "Hi Kade I didn't know you would be back so soon."

I stopped walking and told her. "Eevee evolved while I was gone and also we caught a Ralts."

Mari smiled and hugged me. "I knew you could do it, So did you get your badge?"

I looked at her and pulled out the badge. "Here it is."

She grabbed it and held it up to look at it. She handed it back and said, "you should go home and say hi to your mom. She's been depressed since you left."

I then looked at her with confusion. "Why?" (Like I don't know the answer.)

"She miss's you of coarse."

I then said, "Fine ill go now and see her. Bye."

Dawn then asked me on the way to my house. "Kade was that your girlfriend?"

Right when she asked Leafeon walked in front of her and Dawn fell flat on her face. I yelled at Leafeon. "Leafeon she was just asking me a question, so it doesn't mean nothing."

Leafeon gave me a mean glare and replied, "Mari's always liked you Kade and I guess I didn't like the idea of her being your girlfriend."

I sighed and helped Dawn up. "Leafeon you apologize."

Leafeon growled and muttered through her teeth, "I'm sorry Dawn."

Dawn patted her skirt off and replied, "Its ok."

I looked at her and asked, "Are you ok?"

Dawn stood up straight after dusting herself off and replied, "Yea lets go I'm getting hungry."

We got to my house and we entered the front door with my key and I yelled. "Hey is anyone here?"

We didn't hear anything then we heard a loud thump coming from upstairs. I went upstairs as my friends made there selves at home in the front living room. I went across the upstairs hall as I followed the sounds to my mom's room. I held my ear to the door as I heard moans. I thought she was hurt so I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. "MOM what are you doing with our neighbor?"

Mom looked back at me as she got off Jonny out next door neighbor. "Kade I'm sorry but."

I slammed the door and rushed downstairs. I tripped and I stumbled down the stairs. Leafeon rushed to my side and yelled, "Kade are you alright?"

I got up holding my side and replied, "NO I just saw my mom doing the neighbor."

Everyone laughed except Leafeon. She was worried I might of hurt myself. "Kade are you sure you didn't hurt anything you are holding your side."

I lifter up my shirt and there was a small gash of blood leading down my side. Mom came down the stairs fully dressed and saw my side. "Kade what happened?"

I yelled at her. "I was so freaked out at seeing my mom naked that I almost killed myself."

She sat me down and Brock pulled out his first aid kit. "I will patch you up Kade."

Brock put a large bandage on the cut, and I put on a fresh shirt on from my bag. Then mom took it and said, "I'll wash your clothes while you're here."

Mom knelt down in front of my and took my hand. "Kade you were the only thing that made me happy and when you left I was so sad. So when Jonny came over he saw that I was crying and he comforted me."

I then stood up and walked toward the kitchen and stopped. "Mom like I care who you sleep with, but the least you can do is hang I tie or something on the door, and where is Bret anyway?"

She stood up too and answered, "Bret went and got a job, So your telling me that the only thing that bothers you is that you saw me naked?"

I crossed my arms a replied, "You deserve to be happy and I'm not going to stand in your way, but the last thing I want is to have that picture in my head."

She sighed in relief, "Kade thank you, Jonny and I have always had feelings for each other but I just hadn't had the time so when you left I decided to add to my life with Jonny."

I sat back down on the couch and looked at Jonny, "So you love my Mom huh?"

Jonny sat in the chair across from me and answered with a straight face. "I love your mom and I'll make her happy if you'll let me."

I then sighed, "You better because if she's ever unhappy because of you ill hurt ya you got it?"

Jonny smiled, "Sure thing Kade." And Jonny stood up and looked at Mom. "I need to be going a lot of work to do, and Mari should be home soon too." (Mari is Jonny's daughter)

Jonny shut the door behind him as he left and I laid back on the couch and sighed. "I thought it was just going to be a happy reunion or something when I got home."

Mom then looked at me and said, "Kade if you want I'll cook or order what ever you want to make up for you seeing me naked."

I thought for a moment. (Should I order something....hmm..... What do we have in town to order from.....)

Leafeon put her front two paws on my knees and said, "How about pizza?"

I replied, "You want pizza Leafeon?"

Leafeon looked me in the eyes and said, "Yea me and Mari used to always eat pizza with bacon and pepperoni."

Mom then handed me the phone and I said, "Pizza it is then."

I put in the numbers....***-****....ring ....ring .....Hello...

"Yea I'd like to order four pizza's pepperoni and bacon Please."

The lady on the other end answered, "Ok that'll be forty two ninety five. We will be there in 30 minutes or less."

I hung up as I laid the money on the table and told the others. "When she gets here there's the money. I'm going to take a shower."

I headed up for a shower and Leafeon followed. I closed the door behind us and locked the door. "Leafeon I'm so tired."

Leafeon looked at me. "Kade falling down the stairs drains you."

We then laughed as I turned the faucet of the bath on. Testing it for the right temperature.

I took my pants and underwear off and I had trouble with my shirt because of the gash in my side. "Leafeon bite my shirt and pull."

She pulled my shirt and I yelled as it slipped from my body. I grabbed my side in pain as I stood up. I took the bandage off and it seemed that the wound had closed up. I got into the bath and Leafeon joined me. I grabbed the soap and rubbed my body of the dirt. Then I noticed Leafeon looking up and down my body. "Leafeon what's the matter?"

Leafeon came towards me and put her right paw on my shoulder. "You think your well enough to have a little fun?"

I got an evil grin and started to kiss my little lover. I immediately inserted two fingers into her sensitive area. She moaned as I moved my fingers faster in and out. Then Leafeon realized that she felt my growing member throbbing against her stomach, and she positioned herself over my cock and pushed down as she took my shaft into her tunnel. We both moaned as she started to ride my cock. I kissed her as I grabbed her hips to move faster. I could feel her orgasm as her juices ran over my cock and into the warm water. I started to hump for all I was worth as my pleasure built to a point I couldn't stand anymore. "Leaf"

I Yelled as I came. My side flared up in pain but it didn't compare to the pleasure I felt as I came in my lover.

My member excited my lover as it grew limp. I kissed her as I waited to get aroused again. My member hardened once again and I picked Leafeon up and laid her on her back at the end of the tub. I quickly thrust my member into her snatch as she yelped in surprise of the penetration. She moaned as pumped in and out of my lover faster and faster as I felt we were getting close. I panted harder is my member filled with intensity and I came in Leafeon panting with bliss. "I love you Leafeon so much."

Leafeon panted with her paws wrapped around my neck. "I love you to Kade, And never leave me."

I whispered in her ear, "Never."

We washed off as we smelt the pizza downstairs and got out of the tub. I was dressed and we were still panting as we headed downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate for both me and Leafeon then headed for the pizza box. When Ash asked, "Why did you order so much pizza?"

I looked at ash and answered, "I was going to bring my other Pokemon out."

I then pulled out my poke balls. "Come out everyone." Red lights flashed as my Pokemon appeared. Shinx, Ralts, Leafeon, and Quilava all headed to the box of pizza I laid on the floor for them to have.

They ate as I sat as the table and Mom asked, "Kade I don't mean to pry but you were moaning in the bath and panting when you came back, Are you ok?"

I saw this as good a time as any. "Mom me and Leafeon are girlfriend and boyfriend."

Ash and Dawn spit out there pizza across the table as Brock, Mom and Leafeon all looked at me like I was stupid. Mom then managed to speak. "Kade I don't know what to say."

I then looked her in the eye and asked, "Do you have a problem with it or what?"

She laid her slice of pizza on her plate and fell silent for a moment. "Kade as long as both of you love each other then I have no problem."

I smiled and Leafeon sighed. I finished off my slice of pizza and Ash asked, "Kade I didn't ever think of my Pokemon in that way, how come you two decided to be with each other?"

I remembered back when I taught my Pokemon to talk and answered. "Well she told me her feelings and well I do love her so we decided to be together."

Brock looked at me and had to ask, "Kade were you really having sex with her in the tub?"

I laughed at the question and answered, "Yea"

Dawn blushed and looked down at her plate and asked, "How'd it feel?"

I saw that it was hard for her to ask but she had to ask it. "Well it felt better than anything I thought could happen. Well I mean her fur on my skin as she riding on top of me."

Mom started to yell, "Kade I don't want you to talk like that at the table."

Quilava and Dawn blushed and Ash, Brock, and Shinx were all trying to hide there hard ons and I decided to go onto bed. "Good night everyone."

Mom had made them a bed on the futon couch and I headed up to my room with my Pokemon behind me. I have a king size bed so all of my Pokemon and me were able to sleep on it. I laid on my back with my arms spread across the bed. Quilava laying her head on my right shoulder and Leafeon crawled up on my left. Shinx was curled in a ball at the foot of the bed and Ralts was laying on my chest. We were all asleep in minutes.
Chapter End Notes:well i hope you liked it, Leafeon sure did
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