AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

Team Rocket's dasterdly plan

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!! also the first chapter has no sex its just plot.

Chapter 6: Team rockets dastardly plan.

I awoke to the sounds of the Pokemon playing in my room. Leafeon was laying next to me watching Shinx pounce on Quilava. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Leafeon followed. I started to do the usual. Brush my teeth and comb my hair to look decent. Leafeon was sitting on the toilet with the lid down licking her paw. I laughed at the site. I looked at Leafeon. "Good morning"

Leafeon stopped licking as she looked at me. "Where are we going next?"

I thought for and then answered, "We are going to Eterna City."

Leafeon followed me out of the bathroom and I returned all my Pokemon to there poke balls. I headed downstairs to see that Ash, Brock, and Dawn were eating breakfast that mom made. I decided to ask them, "Are yall coming with me to Eterna city or do you three gonna finish breakfast and head off?"

Ash gulped down his mouth full of pancakes and looked at me. "sure why not."

They finished there breakfast and we all headed to Eterna forest. We had been walking for a bit and I began to stare off into space. (I wonder if Pokemon ever owned a person before?)

I then snapped back into reality as Ash asked me. "Where is Leafeon?"

I looked around and didn't see her. "Leafeon where are you?"

Then I heard her yell. "Help Kade."

I followed her voice and the others followed. I then saw two team rocket grunts holding there hands over Leafeon's muzzle trying to keep her quiet. "Leafeon use bite."

Leafeon bit the grunt that was holding her and she jumped down and ran to my side. I then furiously yelled to the grunts. "Why were you kidnapping Leafeon?"

The first grunt growled back at me. "She found our base and....."

The second grunt hit him in the side and told the first grunt. "That's top secret dumb ass."

The first got scared. "The boss is going to kill us."

Ash yelled at the bad guys. "why are team rocket making a base in Shinnoh?"

The first grunt then answered quickly. "So we can take it over and make Pokemon our slaves."

I then finally yelled, "Leafeon use solar beam."

Leafeon's mouth then started to glow white. The grunts screamed, "Lets get out of here."

They took off into the forest and Dawn spoke up. "Well they said this was there base. Lets go wreck it."

Brock turned to Dawn and said, "You don't know how many grunts are in there it would be a suicide mission."

I looked at the mouth of the cave and ran in. Dawn and Leafeon both ran after me. "Kade wait for us."

Ash looked at brock then ran with him after us. I found a metallic door at the end of the cave it was locked. The others caught up to me and someone opened the door. It was another grunt. "Hey kid get out of here."

I hit him over the head and entered the base. The base looked like a big warehouse or something. Dawn looked all around as she asked, "What do you think they are doing here?"

We all saw conveyer belts carrying Pokemon in metal bar cages. Some were screaming to get out, and some looked like they were exhausted from working or something. Leafeon went up to one of the Pokemon in a cage and asked, "What are they doing to you?"

The small Pokemon answered, "Pich pichu pich."

Leafeon turned to me to tell me what the little Pokemon said. "Kade he says that they were making him power a generator and they had different jobs for all the other Pokemon."

I then said for everyone to hear. "There's no way there going to get away with this."

I then ran to this big picture on the wall that seemed to be the blueprints of the place. "This room on the third floor must be the boss's room, or at least the one that's running this joint."

I ran to the elevator and everyone followed. The elevator didn't come fast enough so I yelled, "dang it I'm just going to run there." I took off to the stairs and Leafeon followed me."

Dawn yelled to me. "We are just going to take the elevator."

When I was out of sight Dawn looked at Ash. "I'm worried about Kade."

Ash looked confused. "Why?"

Brock put his hand on Ash's shoulder and Ash looked at him. "Well Kade might get in something over his head and could get hurt."

Ash then repressed the button on the elevator. "Hurry up"

I made it to the top of the stairs and bent over and put my hands on my knees to rest for a moment. Leafeon looked at me worried, "Kade we are going to stop them but you need to calm down and have a leveled head."

I thought about what she said and agreed, "Your right but we need to stop this as soon as we can."

I then walked out of the stair case and into a large hallway. I walked up to a door that seemed to be the room I saw on the blue prints downstairs. "This must be it Leafeon."

I opened the door to see a guy looking out of a window and I couldn't see him because of his tall chair. "Your going to pay for imprisoning Pokemon."

The guy just sat there and answered, "So little brother, I didn't expect you to be the one to try and stop me."

I couldn't believe my eyes as the guy turned his chair to face me. "Bret how could you be in it with team rocket?"

Bret had an evil grin as he walked around his desk. "Well Mom was having a hard time paying the bills, and one day Giovanni himself found me one day and said, I noticed that your having trouble If you join me ill make sure you and your mother have everything you need and want."

I then looked at my brother and said, "If I had known I would've stayed home and helped out."

Bret then frowned, "Kade me and mom both knew that and that's the reason we didn't say anything."

I then sighed, "Well at least I know now and you can stop working for Giovanni and come home."

Bret grabbed a poke ball from his desk with an evil grin on his face. "I don't think so, since I have had a taste of what being evil can give I'm going to stay this way. But if you join me then I wont half to kill you Kade."

Leafeon growled and yelled at Bret. "What are you going to tell your mom if Kade dies?"

Bret laughed and looked from Leafeon to me. "I guess that poke translator worked."

I then yelled at Bret, "You aren't going to get away with this because I'm going to take you down right now."

Bret then tossed the poke ball he had in his hands. "I choose you Arcanine."

An Arcanine formed on the office floor. "Arcanine Flamethrower."

Arcanine shot a flamethrower at me and I jumped out of the way. "Leafeon use Leaf-blade."

Leafeon attacked Arcanine but it looked like Arcanine didn't even feel it. Bret laughed evilly, "You think you can beat me after being a trainer for a couple of days."

I then got up and yelled, "Leafeon use razor leaf."

Leafeon shot leaves at the dog Pokemon and cut gash's in his fur. Blood flew out as the leaves passed and Arcanine shook it off. Then Bret yelled, "Arcanine use Quick attack."

Arcanine bolted with extreme speed toward Leafeon. Arcanine froze before hitting Leafeon. Leafeon then said something that I couldn't almost hear. "why didn't you attack?"

Then I realized that Leafeon and Arcanine used to play together before she evolved. I then yelled out a command while Arcanine was frozen. "Leafeon use fury cutter."

Leafeon got up and cut Arcanine. Arcanine fainted as Bret yelled, "Stupid Pokemon."

Bret then went behind his desk and pulled out a gun. "Kade I said your going to die if you don't join me."

Then Ash ran in with Pikachu and yelled, "Pikachu use bolt tackle."

Pikachu rushed towards Bret and hit him in the chest. Bret pulled the trigger which I heard and Bret fell backwards out of the window. I fell to my knees as I grabbed my shoulder in pain. I had been shot. Leafeon ran to my side. "Kade are you ok?"

I stood up grabbing my arm as I walked to the window. I looked down at my brothers body. The pain I felt deep down in my heart was way worse than the pain in my shoulder. Brock sat me down in Bret's chair as he took some first aid supplies and took out the bullet and bandaged me up. I was breathing hard as I got up. "We half to get the Pokemon out of here before team rocket come to retrieve any of them."

We all took the elevator and headed downstairs. We started to release each Pokemon one by one and we ended up with about seventy Pokemon. Most of them were wild Pokemon so they just ran off into the forest. Some were too injured to do anything so we found some trucks that Bret hade in the base and loaded the Pokemon up that had trainers or that were injured or exhausted. We were closest to Eterna city so we drove straight there. We took two vehicles to bring all the Pokemon. Ash was driving the first one with Dawn In the passenger seat, and Brock was driving the second with me as his passenger. Leafeon was sitting in between us. I laid me head back holding me shoulder. A jolt of pain would rush through my arm after every bump and turn. Leafeon looked at me. "Kade are you alright you looked red and like your going to throw up?"

I answered reassuring her. "I'm alright Leafeon."

Then she looked at my shoulder. She saw blood coming threw my fingers as I held the bandage on my wound. All I heard was, "Kade are you alright?"

I had passed out from the loss of blood. We had made it to the Pokemon center and Nurse Joy took care of both me and all the Pokemon that were in the truck.

I awoke in a bed with Leafeon, Ash and the others sitting be my side. Dawn stood up and took my hand. "Are you alright Kade?"

I sighed, "Yea I'm fine, are the Pokemon alright?"

She laughed, "Yes there all alright because of us."

I grabbed my shoulder remembering what had caused it. The sadness returned as I thought. (Bret is dead, But what will I tell mom. Hey mom I'm home and oh yea I killed Bret.)

Leafeon jumped onto the bed and gently laid on top of me as she looked at me. "Kade I think your mom will understand if you tell her the evil thing he was doing."

I just looked at Leafeon as I laid my head back down. "Well Leafeon I never expected something like this to happen."

Ash was staring at the floor. When Nurse Joy came in. "Kade your well enough to leave if your up to it."

I looked at Nurse Joy and answered, "Thanks I guess the first thing I can do is go home and tell mom the news."

I got out of bed and grabbed some non-stained clothes from my rucksack. I headed to the shower down the hall. My legs felt wobbly and Leafeon walked next to me unsure which way I was going to land. We made it to the bathroom and I locked the door behind me and Leafeon. I laid my gown I was wearing on a hook and slipped into a handicap stall that had a seat in it. I slowly took the Bandage off my shoulder as I could feel it peel from my wound. Leafeon watched as a chill ran down her spine. "Doesn't that hurt Kade?"

I looked at Leafeon and answered, "It hurts a little but nothing to worry about."

I started to wash away the sweat and blood stains from my body and it felt good to be clean. I looked into Leafeon's eyes as I pondered my thoughts. (Why does it have to be so hard, I mean Bret turned out to be evil. I shouldn't feel bad for him dieing. But he was my brother.)

Leafeon had a vague idea what I was thinking. "Kade its not your fault."

I knew she was right and said, "Yea"

I turned off the water, dried off and got dressed. I headed out of the room and to the bedroom. Everyone had left to the lobby and I grabbed my rucksack and belt with my poke balls. I entered the lobby to find Ash, Dawn, and Brock looking at me so I asked, "Why are yall looking at me?"

Dawn spoke first. "Were just waiting to go."

I headed out of the center and headed to eternal forest to head home. We saw a couple of Pokemon but I didn't feel well enough to catch any of them.
Chapter End Notes:well this is the end of this chapter. I hope you liked the twist in this story
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