AGNPH Stories

A Pokemon Apart by dairu123


Story Notes:

it may be slow at the start but trust me it gets good. ^^ Also if you have requests email them to [email protected] and be aware that i might not accept them but ill see what i can do. your welcome to send pokemon pics.

Chapter 7

Disclaimer: don't read this if your offended by stories of human/Pokemon relationships or sex. lol this isn't intended for younger aged viewers under 18. enjoy!!! also the first chapter has no sex its just plot.

Chapter seven:

I just didn't feel like doing anything and I felt like nothing mattered. As we were walking I heard Dawn say something to me, "Kade you half to cheer up."

I didn't reply as I was watching my feet as I walked. I wasn't looking where I was going as I bumped into this young woman about 15 or 16 years old. I then quickly blurted out. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't"

The young lady stopped me before I could finish and said, "you look like you just lost an important battle."

I looked back at my feet and replied, "Well I didn't lose but I might as well had."

She smiled as she tried to cheer me up. "Well its not the end of the world. Oh and I'm Mina."

I looked back up to her and shook her hand, "I'm Kade and these are my friends Ash, Brock, Dawn, Pikachu, and Leafeon."

She looked at everyone and smiled, "Its good to meet all of you."

She then looked around and asked, "Are you going to Floaroma town?"

I answered slowly, "Yea you can join us if you want."

She smiled again, "Sure I was on my way there to meet my friend Mari."

I then looked surprised at her and asked, "You know Mari?"

We started walking back down the path as she answered, "Sure we used to play together before I moved away from Floaroma."

We then kept walking when we came across a Buneary. Mina then jumped forward and asked, "You guys don't mind if I catch it do ya?"

Ash replied first, "Not at all."

She then threw her poke ball and said, "I choose you, Roserade."

Roserade stood into a stance and waited. "Roserade use Leaf-storm."

Roserade spun around in a circle and shook her petals at the Buneary. Buneary tried to run but got stuck in the storm of leaves. Buneary yelled, "Bunearyyy."

Buneary fell to the ground after the storm dispersed and Mina threw a poke ball. "Go poke ball."

The Buneary got sucked into the ball as the ball flashed, White......Red......White.......Red..........Ding.

The Buneary was caught. Mina held out her poke ball and said, "Return Roserade."

Roserade returned to her little mobile home and Mina grabbed the poke ball with the Buneary in it and place it with her others in her pack. "I caught that one easily."

I looked at her and congratulated her. "Well done now can we be on our way?"

Mina looked at me and said, "Ok I didn't mean to keep ya waiting."

I looked back at the ground as I trailed back into thought. (I cant wait till we get there and get this over with.)

We arrived at Floaroma and we stopped in front of the Pokemon center, and Mina asked, "Why did we stop here?"

I then answered, "Well Mari works here."

Mina smiled and replied, "Well this is where we say bye bye for now."

Then Mina did something unexpected and kissed me on the cheek. "Kade I hope you can take me out sometime."

I just blushed as I muttered the first thing I could think of. "Sure thing."

Leafeon growled as she ran off towards my house. I then realized why she ran when it hit me of what I said. I yelled after her. "Leafeon please wait, I didn't mean it."

I ran into my house and ran into mom. "Where is Leafeon did you see her?"

She looked at me and pointed toward my room. "She went upstairs, she looked upset."

I then ran upstairs to my room and saw Leafeon sitting on my bed. I tried to apologize. "Leafeon I just said the first thing that came out of my mouth I didn't mean that I would go out with her."

Leafeon turned her head. "Kade I know your just a guy but your with me and you shouldn't be attracted to another girl."

I then sat on the bed next to her and replied, "Who said I was attracted to her?"

Leafeon then turned around and yelled, "I saw how madly you were blushing."

I then looked at her in her bright green eyes. "I'm attracted to you Leafeon."

Leafeon sighed as she laid down. I started to rub her back. She didn't reject so I used both hands. She got up and kissed me on the lips. "Kade I forgive you I don't know why I get so upset over little stuff like a peck on the cheek."

I then kissed her back and replied, "Its just cause you love me Leafeon."

We kissed harder as I then laid her on her back. I kissed her passionately as I reached my left hand down and felt between her legs. She was really moist. I stuck a finger in her pleasure and she moaned slightly. She took one paw and pulled my head close to make sure the kiss didn't end. But Then I broke the kiss and I brought my head down to her love hole. I started to lick her out as I tasted what juices I could. She let out a small moan as she whispered, "More"

I felt her walls of her clit tense up as she moaned out my name. "KADe"

I drank up her juices as I lifted my head and said, "Yum Leafeon flavor."

Leafeon giggled as she begged for more. "Kade please I want you in me."

She got on all fours and I took off my clothes and positioned my member in front of her tunnel. I slowly entered feeling her already wet Insides. I went in and out thrusting trying to build out pleasure. Her clit was tight around my member as I let out a breath as I thrust in her as fast as I could. I could feel her clamp down on my member as we both moaned and I burst out my seed deep into her womb. We both panted as I stayed in her as I slowly panted. "Leafeon I love you."

"Kade I love you too."

I then heard knocking at the door..... "Hey is everything all right?"

I realized it was mom. "Yea mom everything's alright."

I put my clothes back on and headed out the door. Leafeon followed me to the bathroom and I locked the door behind us. I took a wet rag and tried to clean the cum from the fur in between Leafeon's thighs. She moaned as I ran the cold rag over her pleasure and cleaned her of my mess. After we were through we headed downstairs and I sat down at the kitchen table with mom that was drinking a cup of tea. "Mom I ran into Bret in Eterna forest."

Mom smiled and asked, "I know he has a job over there but he never told me what."

I frowned and told her, "Well mom he had been stealing Pokemon and making them slaves."

She laid her cup down and was speechless. I looked at her and then said, "Mom, Me and Bret had a fight."

Mom looked scared, "Kade what happened did he hurt you?"

I was upset from those words and hesitantly answered. "Mom I battled him and won and he pulled a gun on me."

I pulled my shirt off to show the wound. Mom looked jumped up and looked at my shoulder. "I'm going to kill him if he ever comes home."

I looked at the table and said, "Mom, Bret is dead."

Mom sat back down and tears started to come down her face. "Kade if he was doing that to Pokemon then I don't care about him anymore."

Mom then got up and left toward her room. I crossed my arms on the table and started to quietly sob. Leafeon stood on her hind legs as she put a paw on my shoulder. "Kade its going to be alright."

I then wiped a tear from my face. "Leafeon I love you."

Leafeon had a tear run her face and all she could say was. "I love you too."

I got some covers and pillows for Ash, Brock, and Dawn. They laid down in the living room and Dawn took the futon couch.

I headed upstairs to lay down. I laid my head on my pillow and Leafeon snuggled up against my body and we fell fast asleep.

I awoke to the sun coming through the windows. I changed my clothes and headed downstairs. It was quite and everyone was awake. Everyone seemed to be sad, and Ash came up to me. "Kade I'm sorry I killed your brother."

I looked up at Ash. "No its not your fault its Bret's fault."

I didn't say another word as I sat down on the couch. "Everyone I think I'm just going to stay home for awhile. Your welcome to stay or go as you please."

Dawn sat next to me and put a hand on my back. "We decided we should go to let you recover from all that's happened."

I didn't say anything as Ash, Brock, and Dawn headed out the door. I laid back on the couch and sighed. Leafeon jumped up in my lap and kissed me on the lips and we sat there for a couple of hours.

I spent many days making sure mom was alright but when Jonny asked mom to marry her I decided to continue my adventures with my beloved Leafeon and all my Pokemon to become the next Pokemon Master.
Chapter End Notes:This is the end of the story that you get to read but Kade's and Leafeon's adventure has barely begun as they start the beginning of a grand adventure
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