AGNPH Stories

Kates lost by dairu123


Story Notes:

this is the only chapter and i might not make more of it.send requests to [email protected]

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This might not be suitable for people under the age of 18, and if Pokemon/human sexual relationships bother you then don't read any further. Enjoy

Chapter 2: Kate's realization

Since me, and Umbreon have shown each other our feelings for each other a year has passed and I have made friends with Umbreon's friends in the forest. There is Mareep, Ampharos, and also Mankey. We have settled down and we are happy in our hut. I have pretty much forgotten that I was a human or at least try to keep it behind me.

I awoke on the bed and I didn't see Umbreon anywhere. I left for the river as I thought he might be getting breakfast. Which I was right. He was underwater and he had a couple fish on shore already dead. I started to eat one as he made his way out of the water with another fish in his mouth. I heard a loud noise coming from the air. It sounded like a helicopter. Umbreon yelled, "What is that?"

I noticed that they were landing near the hut and I rushed to see. Umbreon rushed after me yelling, "Kate it might be dangerous."

I hid in a nearby bush and saw a well built man step out of the helicopter. He then helped a woman out. (It's my MOM.)

So many memories came back as I saw my mom snap pictures of the landscape. Then I heard her yell, "Kate where are you?"

I almost started to cry as I thought, (She hasn't stopped looking for me!)

I couldn't decide to show myself or not. I decided to walk out and I said, "Hi mom."

Mom looked at me and freaked out and said, "You can talk!"

I realized that I could still talk human and I replied, "Yea and I'm Kate some kind of magic turned me into a pokemon."

Mom then looked at the man she had with her and said to him. "Do you think something like that can happen?"

He replied, "Actually considering that ditto can transform and all the other things pokemon can do its not a surprise."

Mom then bent down on one knee and looked me over and asked, "How did you turn into an Espeon?"

I answered as I remembered back. "I was in Mt. Coronet and I stumbled across an inscription and when I read it aloud, I turned into this."

Mom started to cry as she hugged me and said, "You really are my daughter."

The man that was with her asked, "What gave you proof that, Espeon is your daughter?"

Mom then stood up and said, "Butch I was the only one that knew that she was exploring Mt. Coronet."

Butch looked from her to the Espeon and I then asked my mom, "Why did you just now look for me here."

Mom sat down so we could see eye to eye and said, "I did but I was looking on foot and when I rented this helicopter I saw this valley and I landed next to that hut thinking you were in it."

Umbreon stepped next to me, and my mom asked, "Is he a human too?"

I smiled and said, "No, but he saved me from the caves and took care of me."

Umbreon looked at me with a confused look, "I guess when you said you were a human you weren't delusional after all."

But all mom heard, "Umb Umbreon Umbe."

Mom looked to me and asked, "What did he say?"

I told mom, "He said he believes me now that I'm human."

We all laughed and mom asked, "How about you and Umbreon come back with us?"

I frowned as I looked at Umbreon. Umbreon kissed me on the cheek and said, "We can go if you want I will stay with you."

All of us got on the helicopter and took off. Mom then asked, "Can you talk to all pokemon?"

I thought for a moment, "Yea I guess so."

Butch looked back from the pilot seat and asked me, "So are you and Umbreon there together or what?"

I blushed and answered, "Yes"

Mom then looked worried and asked, "Have you two done it?"

I got worried of what she would say, and said, "Yea."

She then looked out her window and back to us, "Well I guess I don't blame you, being stuck in a valley, and thinking that you would be a pokemon forever."

I sighed and I was relieved seeing that she was ok with it so I asked, "So your alright with me and Umbreon being together?"

Mom scrunched her eye brows and said, "No, your human and its not natural."

I got mad, "Like I'm going to leave Umbreon."

Mom got mad and raised her voice, "What, but aren't you going to turn back to a human if we find a cure?"

I then realized that if I turned back Umbreon might not want me. Umbreon put his paw on my shoulder and said, "If you want to be a human I will be ok with that."

I then hugged him and said, "No I want to be a pokemon with you."

Umbreon smiled as he kissed me. We landed next to my mom's house in Sunyshore City. We entered the house, and my mom said, "I left your room how you left it."

I ran to my room and Umbreon followed. I jumped onto the bed a stuffed my head into the pillow. It had a clean smell, and I couldn't believe my mom even clean, and made my bed when I was gone. Umbreon laid next to me and asked, "You really missed your home didn't you?"

I lifted my head out of my pillow, and answered, "Yes"

Mom then came into the room and I said to her, "I want to take a nap if you don't care."

Mom gave Umbreon a worried look, and closed the door as she left. I jumped off the bed and stood on my hind legs to lock the door with my teeth. I jumped back onto the bed, and pushed Umbreon over to where I was standing over him. I kissed him as I laid on top of him. I could feel his shaft coming out of his sheath, and touching my stomach. I turned myself around and took his length into my mouth. He started to purr and he licked my sensitive clit. I moaned as I went faster on his member and I was nearing my orgasm. He came first releasing his seed in my mouth. I almost gagged as I swallowed all I could. I licked up the rest. I came next as I felt him lick up all he could also. I turned around to kiss him. Umbreon pushed me on my back and asked, "Are you ready?"

I purred as I answered, "Give it to me Umbe."

Umbreon pushed his re-growing member into my lips and started to thrust. I closed my eyes and relaxed as my mate had his way with me. He started faster as I yelled, "More Umbe."

Umbreon quickened his pace as I moaned louder. The friction between us heated up as did our orgasms. Umbreon yelled, "I'm cumming."

He pushed hard into my tunnel and shot his seed panting. I panted hard also as my orgasm subsided. I moaned, "I love you Umbe."

Umbreon let his weight go as he laid on top of me and replied with a kiss, "I love you too, Kate."

We fell asleep with him still in me.

The next day I awoke with my lover licking my neck and I heard my mom knock, "Kate breakfast is ready."

Umbreon licked my body clean from any cum and we left for the kitchen. Mom had set me and Umbreon a bowl on the floor with pokemon chow. I looked at it and Umbreon looked at me, "It tastes great you should at least try."

I took a bite and gulped all I could down. Umbreon smiled and said, "See it does taste good."

I smiled as I looked at him. We finished our food and we headed to the living room. Mom sat down and asked me, "So since your staying an Espeon are you going to have babies with Umbreon?"

Me and Umbreon looked at each other shocked, and I replied, "I don't even know if we can have kids I mean I was human at one time you know."

Mom looked sad as she said, "That's to bad I was hoping to have grandkids."

I looked at Umbreon and he asked, "Well we haven't really tried I mean those times you went into heat and all we didn't do anything."

I then asked him, "So are you saying you want kids."

A drop of sweat ran down his forehead and he hesitantly replied, "Yea sure why not."

I then thought for a moment and then asked, "How often do Espeon's go into heat?"

Umbreon looked to the ceiling and I could tell he was thinking. "Well you seem to go into heat every two months."

I then asked when he finished, "How long ago was it when I went into heat?"

Umbreon then thought again and answered more quickly this time, "I think about two month's ago."

I then got worried, "So that means I'll go into heat soon?"

Umbreon smiled and said, "I guess so."
Chapter End Notes:well as requested i added another chapter. Remember send requests to [email protected]
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