AGNPH Stories

Charmeleon's Contest by dairu123


Story Notes:

send requests to [email protected]

May's thoughts

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or you are offended by gay human/pokemon sexual relationships then don't read any further.

Chapter 3: May's thoughts

I awoke and found Charmeleon laying there. His chest was moving up and down as he breathed. I then looked under the bandages and to my surprise the wound was gone. Then I thought to myself, (Nurse Joy must of used Super potions.)

I sighed in relief which made Charmeleon wake up. Charmeleon smiled and said, "Good morning."

I kissed him on the lips and May then Yelled, "Why are you kissing him?"

I jumped and hit my head on the top bunk. Charmeleon then replied, "We are together."

May then gave me a mean glare and she said, "Well that is disgusting."

I frowned and yelled, "Well who asked you miss perfect."

May crossed her arms and then she sighed, "Well I don't see a problem with human and pokemon relationships but I never dreamed of two males together."

I rubbed the knot forming on my head and I replied, "Well there are tons of animals that mate with the same gender."

May then glared at me and asked, "Like which ones?"

I thought for a moment, "Orca, dolphins, dogs, and many others."

May was lost in thought and she then said, "Well I didn't know that."

She grew silent as she spoke again, "Well I guess its more natural than many come to believe."

I smiled as I said, "Glad you see it my way."

I left out the door and May stopped me and asked, "Which town you going to because if your going to Fortree City then we can travel together."

I smiled and said, "Sure I will travel with ya."

We waited for Brock, Max, and Ash to wake up. Charmeleon got tired and he said, "I'm fed up with waiting."

He went over to the ladder and pulled Ash from the top bunk. Ash hit the floor and yelled, "OUCH."

The scream scared Brock awake which also made him hit his head on the ceiling. "OUch."

I smiled and I said, "Lets get going."

Ash growled and Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and we all left for Fortree city. On route 119 I saw a Wurmple. Then I threw a poke ball and yelled, "I choose you Flygon."

Flygon cried out as I yelled out, "Use Arial Ace."

Flygon stuck the little Wurmple and left it unconscious. I threw a ball and said, "Go poke ball."

The ball sucked up the Wurmple and flashed,

"I caught a Wurmple." I yelled

Charmeleon then said, "Its getting dark lets rest."

We sat down and Brock made a fire and started cooking. Charmeleon then asked, "What you making Brock?"

Brock smiled and said, "Chicken noodle soup and for the pokemon, pokemon chow."

I usually give Charmeleon Sandwich's and apples. So He was a little shy of eating the poke chow. I then laughed and told him, "You can have some of mine if you don't like it."

Charmeleon took a bite and spit it out, "Yuck!!"

I then laughed and a said, "Let me try."

I took a bite and spite it out, "Wow Charmeleon."

Charmeleon sat next to me at the table and we both had our own bowl and Brock asked, "Why didn't he like the chow?"

Charmeleon replied first, "I always eat what Bern has."

Brock then understood and said, "Well I guess if you eat human food for so long your taste for it grows."

We finished dinner and we all laid down in our bags. After I thought everyone was asleep I heard Charmeleon whisper, "Lets go have some fun."

I quietly tip toed away from the others and "Snap"

A twig snapped and I looked back. "Phew nobody heard it."

We then ran until we thought we were safe. I could barely wait as I started to shed my clothes. Charmeleon pushed me on my back and we heard a feminine voice say, "What do you think your doing without me?"

We looked at who it was. "May we were just."

She interrupted me as she asked, "Can I join you two?"

I could clearly tell that she was nervous. I asked Charmeleon, "Are you ok with her joining us?"

Charmeleon smiled and he said, "Lets get her."

We got up and May saw both of our shafts out in front of us. I pulled off her shirt from the front and Charmeleon pulled down her skirt and panties from the back. I undid her bra and threw it aside. Then we heard May whisper, "Please be gentle its my first time."

I then heard Charmeleon say, "Don't worry it wont hurt, and if it does it will be for a second."

I kissed her on the lips as Charmeleon ran a claw along her forbidden area. May then broke free from our grasps and got into doggie style. "Guys I want both of your cocks."

I laid down in front of her mouth and she started to lick my shaft up and down. Charmeleon got behind her and slipped his red meat into he lips breaking her hymen. She moaned and the pain subsided and pleasure hit. Charmeleon humped in and out as puffs of smoke escaped from his mouth. May took my whole length into her mouth as I rested my hand on her head. Her breasts bounced back and force as Charmeleon's hips collided with hers. Charmeleon was rocking both of them which made her go faster on my cock. I came first as May licked up what she didn't swallow. I then moved as I watched Charmeleon pound into her. I could tell he was close as he gently let fire out of his mouth each time he went in. Then he pushed as hard as he could as he came inside her. I was already hard again as I was stroking myself. I was sitting up against a tree and May got up and wobbly walked over to me and kissed me as she pushed my member into her awaiting clit. Charmeleon sat down behind her and shoved his shaft up her rear entrance. May started to move up and down as she moaned, "It feels so good have two in me at once."

She moved up and down moving faster and faster. I could feel my orgasm closing and I could swear May had already came two or three times. I grabbed her hips up and down as I felt Charmeleon grab her hips from behind and force her down one last time as we both came at the same time. May laid up against my body as my member went limp and Charmeleon's member shrunk and went back into his hidden pouch. We managed to clean up a little with a rag I had in my jeans and we got dressed and headed back. May panted as she said, "I hope we can do this again sometime."

I laughed tiredly and replied, "Anytime May."

It didn't take us long to fall asleep.

I ended up continuing to travel with May, and her friends. Charmeleon, may, and I have shared many romantic adventures since then and we plan on continuing.
Chapter End Notes:Well this is the end i really hope you liked it. send requests to [email protected]
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