AGNPH Stories

Lightning and Water by dairu123


Story Notes:

send requests to [email protected]. the story came to me when i was looking at there breeding information. They are the same breeding group even though diffrent elements.

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: do not read further if you are under 18 or offended by Pokemon sexual relationships. Otherwise, enjoy to you hearts content.

Author's Notes: Pokemon I am guessing are like animals and have babies in less time than humans. So bare with me on the facts of the pregnancy.

Chapter 3: Parenthood

It has been about six months since we found Vaporeon and a year since I met Sumi. Both Sumi and Vaporeon's stomachs are rounded from being pregnant. I do not know how it happened but both Sumi and Vaporeon are in labor. They were screaming in pain as I watched the two females. I was nervous as hell and was yelling, "Breath."

My face was turning red from forgetting to breath myself and Sumi was yelling, "Mitsu breath."

I let out a breath and panted. Vaporeon was the first to have the first kid. An Evee landed on the ground as Vaporeon licked its head and said, "This one is a girl."

Vaporeon panted and was waiting for the next one. Sumi then said, "Vaporeon you might not have anymore."

Vaporeon licked the little Evee as she said, "No matter I just need one."

I smiled as I looked at Vaporeon. My attention turned to Sumi when she yelled, "Its coming."

A small Buizel escaped Sumi's womb and soon after came another. Both females. I smiled as I watched my three daughters nurse on my lovers. Sumi yelled again as another Buizel came. This one was a boy. I jumped in joy as I said, "at least I have one."

Sumi smiled as she licked the Buizel's.

-Two months later-

Two month later both Vaporeon and Sumi were in the cave cooking while I and my three daughters and son were playing at the crescent lake. I was on my back and Sasha, Mina, Suma, and little Mio tackle me. We decided to name all the kids. Sasha was Evee, Mina, Suma was female Buizel, and Mio was my only son a Buizel. We were laughing and playing all day and Mio pounced on my stomach. Mio is an energetic boy and he has to be to keep up with his three sisters. I screamed as my children crawled on top of me, "Ah help they have beaten me."

Suma laughed as she yelled, "We are winning."

Mio let off a water gun on accident and I laughed, "Mio you just learned water gun."

Suma, Mina, and Sasha all pounced on Mio as they yelled, "Yay for Mio."

Dinnertime came and we headed back to the cave. I looked at Vaporeon cooking the fish and looked over to Sumi. She was laying down asleep. She awoke to the smell of food and we all ate quietly. I then asked Sumi, "Sumi you have been resting a lot lately."

Sumi swallowed as she said, "I haven't been feeling well."

I got up and licked her cheek, "If we only had a pokemon center."

Sumi laughed, "I don't need no Cent....cough..."

I patted her back as I asked scared, "Are you ok?"

Sumi fainted as she fell onto my chest. The kids ran to her side crying, "Mommy are you ok?"

Vaporeon then pulled them away, "Give her some room."

I sighed as I said, "We need to get her to a pokemon center."

All was quiet and Vaporeon then said, "How about Cresselia?"

I looked confused as I asked, "What about him?"

Vaporeon looked at me, "He can take her to the pokemon center."

I then ran out of the cave in the dark. My Jolteon eyes and nose made it easy to find Cresselia's home. I ran to the lake and saw Cresselia asleep in the lake. I yelled, "Hey Cresselia"

Cresselia opened his eyes as he swam up to me, "What is it Mitsu?"

I caught my breath as I asked, "Sumi is sick can you take us to a pokemon center?"

Cresselia hovered out of the water as he replied, "Sure and everyone can come too."

I smiled as I ran back to the cave. Vaporeon helped me get Sumi on Cresselia's back. Vaporeon and the kids all laid on Cresselia's back and we took off as we headed to Snowpoint city. Many hours passed and I tried to keep the kids calm and Sumi warm. We landed in front of the center and many people saw the pokemon and ran. I carried Sumi into the center and a Chansey said, "Here put her on the table."

Chansey took her to a surgery room with Nurse Joy. Vaporeon and I stayed with the kids. The kids quickly fell asleep and I stayed awake waiting for news on Sumi's condition. I soon fell asleep and Cresselia fell asleep.

The next day I was awoken by the sound of the kids playing in the lobby. Chansey walked to me and said, "Floatzel will be fine but she needs to stay here."

I sighed in relief as I asked, "Can I see her?"

Chansey smiled as she said, "Follow me."

I followed the pink Chansey to the room she was in. the room had one bed and it was white. Sumi was eating some poke chow that the nurse had given her. I smiled as I asked, "Is it good?"

Sumi smiled as she swallowed, "Yea it beats having fish and Berries all the time."

I smiled as I gave her a kiss. Vaporeon and the kids soon came in and they all surrounded Sumi on the bed. Mio hugged his mother as he cried, "I am glad you are ok mommy."

Sumi hugged her kids including Sasha the Evee. I smiled at the sight. We stayed in the pokemon center a couple more days and I asked, "Vaporeon, Sumi do you want to live forever on Fullmoon Island or stay here somewhere?"

Vaporeon and Sumi instantly replied, "On Fullmoon Island we don't halve to worry about being caught."

I sighed as I looked at the kids, "Well how about them. They might not find love on Fullmoon Island."

Vaporeon laughed, "You didn't have any trouble getting two mates on that island."

I laughed a little and said, "Well I guess we are going home then."

We rode Cresselia home to our cave and the kids grew up happy. Many pokemon came to the island and we were happy with the little pokemon town we built. Just pokemon city on Fullmoon Island.
Chapter End Notes:well here is the last chapter. send requests to [email protected]
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