AGNPH Stories

Team Fortress by that_guy


Story Notes:

A special thank you goes out to Sanji! If you haven't been to the gallery to look at the awesome artwork he has produced, I highly recommend doing so!Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.I also do NOT own Team Fortress, classes, or anything related to it.

Chapter 1

"GO GO GO GO!", someone yelled, as Pokemon after Pokemon poured out of the safe-zone, into the empty battlefield.

Crisp paw-steps were heard all around, along with the constant jangle of zippers, straps, and weapons. Occasional yelps of excitement were heard as well, along with a large amount of mixed chatter involving battle tactics, and where everyone should be. Tina, a young, female Espeon, couldn't be happier. She was glad that she was able to engage in this part of the war, as this area was always her favorite. She knew every hidden corner, every vantage point, and, most importantly of all, the best sniper spots. She wore standard issue Sniper apparel, which included her vest, her red shirt, and a the hat that she loved. She wore the shirt only because she had to. Battle rules indicate that you MUST indicate your team colors at all times, to the exception of the Spies.

She smiled, feeling the large gun bouncing loosely on her back, as she ran on all fours, weaving between Heavys, Soldiers, and Engineers. She almost tripped over her own paws when she saw a blue Demo-man, standing right in the midst of everyone! She froze, and looked right at him. He looked back, right into her eyes, and winked, moving a fold of clothing. She looked closer, and saw a sharp tie, with a tinge of red, concealed just beneath it. She realized this was a friendly Spy. She gave him the best thumbs up she could, and continued with the mob of red.

As they ran along the red hallways of their base, Tina broke away from the group, turning down a separate passage. She broke into a sprint, wanting to be the first one to the roof. That way, she could pick the blue team off as they exited their own base. Laughing at her own genius plan, she ran faster, the extra cartridges of ammo slapping against her chest. She found the flights of stairs she knew all too well, and climbed them, reaching the door at the top.

She stopped, and caught her breath. However unlikely it was, there could be blue team members up here already. There were only 2 alternative routes to this sniper spot, the routes being ladders on either side. The only way there could be anyone up here was if a Scout had zipped up here. She knew how absurd this was, because Scouts would be down below, out running everybody, and gathering reconnaissance for the rest of the team. Training protocol indicated that it is always a good idea to "expect the unexpected".

She readied her sub-machine gun, made sure it was loaded, checked the safety, and with one swift kick, the door flew off of it's hinges, sliding across the floor. She ducked, rolled, and quickly observed her surroundings. It was empty. No one had reached the roof yet. She smiled, flipped the safety, and clipped the gun back onto her hip. She walked across the roof-top, a slight breeze making her shiver. As she drew close to the edge of the building, she crawled the rest of the way, her belly dragging against the metal paneling.

She peeked down onto the ground below, watching troops march towards their destinations. She watched as a Raichu, a red one, practically materialized from spot to spot, each jump about 10 meters apart. Tina giggled as she recognized her as Jessica, a friend she had got to know recently. She was a Scout, no doubt, and Tina's eyes widened with disbelief when she saw her sneak up behind a Heavy. Tina shuddered thinking about the large chain-gin that they carried. One quick burst would tear anyone into shreds.

Jessica slowly got close, and, in one quick motion, jumped straight up, tapped him on the shoulder, and appeared in front of him. This perfect timing made the rather dim-witted, and unfortunate, Tyranitar look behind himself allowing Jessica to leap onto his turned face. Before the Tyranitar had time to realize what was going on, the Chu had already delivered 5 lighting fast strikes to the face with her aluminum base-ball bat. The Heavy collapsed, out cold. Tina watched Jessica examine her bat, frowning when she found three large dents in it. She sighed, wiped the blood off of it, and continued onward.

Which reminded Tina of what she should be doing as well. She took the Sniper off of her back, and positioned it accordingly. One thing she discovered she could do was use her 2 pronged tail as a stand for her gun. This also let her aim more efficiently. She moved her long tail from behind her, snaking it over her shoulder. She held it rigid, and set the sniper in it. Tweaking her tail, she found the perfect position, and kept it there. She did feel slightly more exposed, as the light breeze blew across her rump, making her shiver. she reached up to her head, and moved her fur so that it covered the red jewel implanted in the center of her forehead. More then once had she been spotted, the sun glinting off of the crystal like stone. She brought her eye closer to the scope, and peered into it. Adjusting the magnification, the Espeon started to choose targets.

A blue Ivysaur was hiding from gunfire, crates propped in such a way it made it impossible to get close without risking themselves. 5 or so red teammates had formed a formation, surrounding the Pokemon. They were firing randomly into the crates, hoping to take him out. It looked very risky, as they were now open to enemy fire. It looked like it was very difficult. Not for Tina. She had the higher ground, and found a gap between his shelter. She aimed, took a deep breath, flicked the safety off, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet found it's mark, as blood was splattered across the ground beside the crate. The red team noticed this, stopped firing, and ran towards the matching color that was dripping onto the ground. They took any extra ammo off of the now fainted 'Saur, and advanced towards the blue team's base.

Tina's ears picked up a distant screech. She pinpointed the sound, and tilted her rifle towards it. Jessica was cornered. Two Charizard Pyros had teamed up on her, each taking a side, to make sure she couldn't escape. Jessica was fast, but even speed won't help you avoid a blast of scorching hot fire. The blue Pyros slowly lowered their heads to "Raichu" level, and let small licks of flame escape their lips. The fire started to grow, until it was an orange and red stream of heat, tipped with blue. They began to walk towards her, slowly, while she pressed herself into the corner as tightly as she could, squeezing her eyes shut, waiting to cooked alive.

"Not on my watch...." Tina whispered, before taking a deep breath, flicking the safety, and firing twice, in quick succession. The first bullet cut clean through the unfortunate Charizard's throat, blood pouring out of his jugular vein. It spurted out into the fire that had continued for a second, sending a vile smell into the air. The Pokemon clutched it's neck, trying in a futile effort to stop the blood. He turned a shade of white, and crumpled into the ground, wings folded at his sides. Meanwhile, the second bullet hit the other Charizard in the foot, making him scream in agony. He fell onto his back, holding his bleeding foot.

Jessica, who was surprised she wasn't dead yet, opened her eyes to find one of her attackers fainted, while the other one was pretty darn close. Jessica tilted her head to the sky, said a silent thank you, and grabbed her baseball bat. She walked over to the fallen Charizard, who was now crying in pain, and brought the bat high above her head. Before bringing it down however, she said one last thing.

"Don't ever mess with me again."

This made the lizard open his tear-stained eyes. He yelped in surprise, shock, and anger, as the sports instrument was slammed directly between his eyes, cracking his skull, but not piercing the skin. This made the structure of his head look horribly disfigured, and Tina laughed as a passing by Quilava vomited up his breakfast. They both moved onward, and allowed Tina to choose her next target.

A high-rank soldier was commanding every troop he had available, telling them to cover corners, and to guard the base. He looked very important, and he knew what he was doing. Tina knew that if he took him out, everything would be a panic. She once again held her breath, flicked the safety, and pulled the trigger.


She pulled the trigger again.


She looked at her ammo counter, and realized the cartridge was out of bullets. Irritated, she dropped the clip, and slammed in a fresh one. She brought the scope back to her eye, and found her target again. She held her breath, flicked the safety, and pulled the trigger.

At that very moment, Tina was tackled from behind, holding her in place. The bullet flew out of the redirected barrel, and flew harmlessly into the atmosphere. Tina was about to call for help, but was silenced by a smooth voice.

"Don't yell, or I'll attack you right now." He said.

Tina turned her head to look at her assassin, and was met with the eyes of a handsome Flareon, and quite a large one at that. He was noticeably a member of the opposite team, and that's when Tina thought of something.

"If he isn't attacking me, then what's he doing?" Tina silently asked herself.

That question was soon answered, as she felt something poke at her rear-end. Tina screamed in complaint, but was silenced when she felt something sharp stab lightly at her neck. His claws had been sharpened to a point, and he was now lightly tracing little circles on her neck.

"You don't want to end up like that Charizard, do you?" He whispered into her ear. Tina shuddered, feeling his hot breath roll onto her face. She shook her head slowly, not wanting him to accidentally stab her.

"Goooood. Now, you better do what I tell you. If you do, then I'll just walk away like nothing happened. Afterwards." the Flareon explained, grinning a little.

"Now... Where to begin? Why don't you suck me off, so I can get ready for later." Once he said this, he dismounted her, and, keeping a claw on her throat, walked over to her side.

Tina finally got a good look at her attacker. His fur was a radiant orange, that would probably match his fire, which he hopefully will not have to use. He donned a large tank on his back, that was filled with methane gas. If he got tired of spouting natural flame, he could always gulp a few shots of gas, super heating and intensifying it. He wore a belt, containing a few supplies as well. He looked about the same age as her, and he actually looked kind of handsome, though she hated to admit it. Her thoughts were interrupted by his cock, which was now positioned at her face. She had never done anything like this before, but she had a pretty good idea. It was easily 6 inches long, which is big for a Pokemon his size. It bounced up and down, throbbing painfully, small drops of precum dripping onto the floor.

Tina stuck her pink tongue out and, squeezing her eyes shut, gave the phallus a quick lick. She brought her tongue back into her mouth, expecting the worst, expecting it to taste horrible. It wasn't that bad, she realized. In fact, she kind of liked it! She stuck her tongue out again, and gave his cock a long lick up the bottom, making him groan in pleasure. She gave it a few more licks, before dragging her tongue across the tip of it. She continued to lap up his fluids after discovering it tasted really nice. Not really salty, but relatively spicy. The perfect medium! She worshipped this newfound drink, and made a game of not letting the drops roll down too far.

Meanwhile, Flareon was in heaven, groaning, moaning, and thrusting lightly, trying to gain access to her warm, wet mouth. After getting poked in the chin several times, she realized what he wanted her to do. Giving one last final lick, she lowered her mouth onto his member, receiving a gasp of thank you from him. She got the full taste of his pre, and was loving it, pumping her head up and down, wanting more. Flareon was happy to oblige, and clenched his muscles, shooting more of his seed into her mouth.

"Waai...Waaiit... Wait! Stop!" He managed to say over the intense waves of pleasure he was receiving.

Tina reluctantly stopped, mumbling disappointedly. She was soon put back to work however, when Flareon stood back up, and mounted her face. Tina's eyes widened, afraid she was going to choke on it. Flareon was wildly thrusting at her face, trying to find the mark he was looking for. Once he had found it, he drew back, and pumped into her, mating her face like he was on the other side, his sack slapping her chin.

Tina suddenly had an idea. What if she sucked on it while he was doing this? Would that feel good for him? Probably! Without further thought, she closed her mouth around him, making the passageway nice and tight. This drove Flareon crazy with pleasure. He began to thrust faster and faster, like a piston into a cylinder, until he couldn't take it anymore. He gave one last thrust as he collapsed onto her.


Tina felt something hot and sticky spray the inside of her mouth. She was about to tear her muzzle off of it, when she got a good taste of his sperm. It was just like his precum, but better! There was more flavor, and it was very spicy. Shot after shot of gooey cum was blasted into Tina's maw until it overflowed, his seed spilling out over the edges of her lips. When it finally slowed to a trickle, she gulped the rest of it down, savoring the taste.

"Ohhh... Gooood girl..." Flareon said, dazed slightly, rubbing her back. He dismounted her, and sat down. They both watched as his slick member slowly retreated into his "base".

"Since you were so good, I'm going to return the favor, before moving on to the real deal."

And with that, Flareon flipped Tina over who, without complaint, complied. Tina was now laying on her back, her paws aimed straight up into the air. Flareon, without hesitation, moved his head down to her lower regions, and found what he was looking for - her slit. Tina hardly complained as he began to lick her outer lips. He lapped at them, flicking his tongue briefly inside. This allowed Flareon to get a good taste of her juices, which were delicious. It kind of tasted like his favorite berry!

Tina whimpered softly, letting her tongue loll at the side of her mouth while she panted lightly. Flareon knew she was loving this, like most females do, and stuck his snout inside of her, bringing pleasure to the next level. She gasped as it felt like she was being penetrated, but the wild licking of his tongue told her otherwise. She moaned, as she released more and more of her wonderful fluid into his mouth.

"Almost there, Baby?" Flareon asked her, drawing out for a few seconds before diving right back in, licking the little bump he had known as the clit.

Tina nodded in response, as she felt a burning feeling in her groin area grow hotter and hotter and hotter, until it turned into a pleasure that she could not even describe. She flailed wildly at the air, like she was being attacked by a swarm of Combees. The intense feelings of pleasure grew into something, more. She came, her sex fluids practically gushing over his face. He happily licked up every single last drop of the mesmerizing, clear liquid. It tasted so delicious, he just couldn't get enough.

After he was absolutely sure he had collected all of it, he stopped, leaving her in a haze. Eyes half closed, she managed to whimper "Please... Please fuck me...".

This was all Flareon needed to hear, as she was once again flipped over. This exposed her cunt, cutely spreading it. He groaned in anticipation, giving her one final lick. He pushed her forward, which took out her front paws, leaving them splayed at her sides. When he saw the view presented in front of him, something inside his brain clicked. This sight meant that he should be mating this beautiful, attractive, female in front of him. He didn't need to be told twice. He mounted her once again, moved her tail aside, and began to thrust.

Feeling his rod poke all around back there, her pussy, her clit, and even her anus a couple times, made her want it even more. She pushed back, praying to the Poke-Gods that his member was not currently over her tail-hole. She probably wouldn't have minded that anyways! She was so horny she couldn't think straight! Her eyes were glazed over in primal lust, which described the extreme levels of wanting she was feeling.

Flareon felt his body get pushed back, and thought she was trying to get him off of her. But after realizing she was simply trying to help out, he gave one big thrust, hoping for the best. And did he ever get the best!

His thrust sent his cock flying into her wide-spread pussy, breaking her hymen, and making her yell out in pain. Concerned for the well being of his slave, he stopped, asking her if everything was alright.

"Yes! Pleeaase! Please go on!" she begged, swinging her hips back and forth seductively.

The Flareon decided that he should get right down to business. He carefully drew his cock out of her lightly bleeding pussy, and thrust back in, hilting her. She yowled in response , and laid her head down on the ground, to further assist her lover.

"Ohh.... Your so tight!" He said as he continued to hilt her, poking at her cervix.

She felt every inch of his cock, every pulsing vein, every detail, as they slid in and out of her hole. She thought that she had received lots of pleasure when he was orally pleasing her. Well, that was nothing compared to what she was feeling at the moment. And however much she didn't want this to end, she could feel his cock pulse wildly inside of her, signaling a quick approaching orgasm.

"Ughh.... AHhh... Are... Are you ready?", he asked her, continuing to thrust as fast as he could into her. His hips were a blur, as she was pounded with a barrage of thrusts, his balls slapping against her ever-sensitive clit.

"I think... I think the real question is... Are YOU ready?" she asked him, whimpering all the while.

And with that, she clenched her hips closed, and used her powerful muscles to squeeze the life out of the phallus that was planted deep inside of her. This translated to pure ecstasy for Flareon, as he tilted his head up to the sky, and growled like the feral beast he was.

His cock erupted, as his cum shot out into her. He continued to thrust lightly, while in a land of bliss. Burst after burst of his hot, sticky semen painted the inside of her womb, creating a brand new sensation for her. Being heated from the inside out, was a new concept to her. Of course, her body had generated heat before, but never at this magnitude. She had been heated from the outside in, from a few close calls with a Pyro. But that wasn't at all pleasurable. This however, was!

The heat spike in her body seemed to blend in with her own orgasm, making it unexpected, but extremely pleasurable. She cried out in delight, as her hind legs wiggled, then collapsed. Flareon stayed in her however, making sure every last drop of his life-giving seed was out of him. Tina used her muscles in a wave like pattern, pulling the cock inside of her, pulling it deeper.

After a few more spurts, he was satisfied. He pulled his member out of her, dismounting her. It had already begun to retreat back into him, so he could get out of here right away, without anyone expecting a thing. He walked in front her, and locked her in a kiss that she happily gave into. After breaking, he walked over to the ladder that he had ever stealthily climbed in the first place.

"Same time, next battle?" He asked, rather sheepishly, blushing.

"You know it." She responded, basking in the after-glow of their union.

Several minutes later, she sat up, and looked down at the battle field. It was thinning rapidly, and as she watched both teams retreat to their respective bases, she saw a flash of orange dart from tree to tree. She could hardly believe how fast he was, and was surprised he didn't consider being a Scout. Sighing dreamily, she packed up her Sniper gear, and walked through the door she had walked through before.

As she felt his cum drool out her pussy, she had only one thought on her mind.

A well deserved bath was needed.
Chapter End Notes:I enjoyed writing this, as much I enjoyed coloring the picture
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 16 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1
    Bravo. 'Bout time someone brought in TF2 into this. I'm gonna try to find the artwork that inspired this now.