AGNPH Stories

Brotherhood by testa


Brotherhood Ch.3

Brotherhood Ch.3

Mecha: *smiles, carrying his Jewel on his back* Hey readers.
Xehta: Welcome back all.
Jewel: Ok you can put me down. I'm not a pup.
"Speaking of which." *Purple came in with a giggle.* Purple: The two star pups found treasure and more in a cave Inferno found.
Mecha: *awws* But I like carrying you. *lets her down*
Xehta: They sure did, so it's a sure thing they'll be big adventurers like their parents.
Jewel: Maybe but then again Brotherhood is supposed to have the orginal gang plus Death and Furra as stars too.
Mecha: *nods* yeah. I wonder what travels await them in the near future.
Purple: Well we could ask Green to peak into the future for a moment...
Jewel: But that'd be called a Spoiler.
Mecha: And I hate it when the story is spoiled.
Purple: Well considering how long they are waiting for the story it might take longer than to talk to Green about the future.
Jewel: It's called drama. And Mecha is a fan of well as something else.
Purple: *Snicker* I know what that is for sure.
Mecha: *blinks* Huh? What else am I a fan of?
Jewel and Purple: Erotica.
Mecha: *Blushes up*
Xehta: *snickers*
Purple: *bounced on Mecha's back.* I think I know how to keep this canine busy for a while. ELEMENT PILE ON!
Jewel: *Black looks while shaking her head seeing the other elemental vixens dog pile on Mecha* Your not joining them?
Black: Nope.
Mecha: *yelp and murph*
Jewel: I'll start the chapter while he's stuck.
Black: I'll just enjoy the mess he's in. *Snicker.*
Xehta: *laughs, rolling on his back*

Robie collapsed with a groan, "Damn it!"

"Fool, you stood no chance against our might!" The dark figure tossed Saria beside him, the latias shaking and groaning in pain. "You shall die here now. A fitting end for such unfit fools."

Saria glared, grabbing ahold of Robie, "Go to hell!" she and Robie began to glow, before vanishing in a flash. The dark figure glared, "Fools. You only delay the inevitable."


Flint yawned, as he stumbled out into the light of day, on his back was the blade he had found in the cave. He had found a fire type who actually knew about smithing, which Flint learned was the way humans made swords and armor and such. The fire type agreed to make the blade useful again, and kept the promise. Though the blade shrunk in order for that to happen, which was actually good news for flint. While the blade was still pretty large to his puphood body, once he was full grown he'd have a real useful weapon on hand...or back.

He had gotten a sheath for his blade thanks to a grovyle, vines used to keep the blade and sheeth attached to his back. Flint was quickly learning to use his new, man-made weapon with his teeth, since he lacked hands, and even how to keep it maintained. He was able to keep his blade sharp, clean, and ready to use. Though it still took a lot of strength to wield it well. Azur had thought he was an idiot for keeping the thing, but her tune changed when he sliced apart 3 apples that fell from a tree.

And of course Inferno and Sky had drilled in how important it was he be careful with that weapon. Eventually Flint had convinced his parents that he wouldn't just swing it around like an idiot. After all, he wasn't Azur, that comment got him tackled post haste.

Flint yawned again, as he saw Death already outside. "Morning Uncie...Uncle Death." Flint was trying to sound mature, and uncie was so childish.

Death chuckled, "Morning Flint."

"What'cha doing?"

"Nothing...just enjoying the morning...thinking a bit."

"About?" Flint said, sitting beside his uncle, curious.

Death looked to the horizon, then gave a small sigh, "How lucky I am." Flint tilted his head, confused, so Death elaberated. "Remember how I use to be a bad guy...and tried to hurt everyone?" Flint nodded, "Well...I'm lucky because I found Ferra before I could die I've got brother...I've got a real family."

Flint smiled, giving his uncle the best hug he could, "You sure do uncle Death."

Death smiled, hugging Flint with a tentacle. "So, what you plan on doing today?"

Flint shrugged, "I don't know. It's boring around here. Nothing new to explore."

Death chuckled, nodding, "Yeah. I think we need to hit the road and see a little more of the world myself." he chuckled, "But I don't think your mother will be so eager."

"Kiss my lovely rump." Sky emerged, going up to Flint and nuzzling faces with him. "I think showing my Flint and Azur the world would be a good thing." Death chuckled, looking away, not saying a thing. "So we can go mama!?" Sky smiled at her son's sparkling expression, nodding. "Yay! Where we gonna go!?"

"Huh? We going somewhere?" Azur walked out of the cave, yawning.

"Mama says we can travel with them to parts of the world!" Azur's eyes lite up at that, and she began bounding around like her brother, cheering. The commotion woke the others in the den, and slowly everyone filed outside, wondering what was going on. When the pups quickly explained, Inferno chuckled, "So we're heading out huh? Alright, but where to?"

Everyone immediately looked to him, making the houndoom groan, "I've got to do everything."

"You are the most well traveled...or was that just a lie?" Death said with a smirk.

Inferno glared at him, "I'll think of something...don't worry." Inferno then began thinking, where could they go that would offer some excitment? And at the same time, a place that wouldn't put his kids in extreme risk. He got it then, "I know...we can go to Kimimaru beach!"

Ferra smiled, "A beach? As in water? I'm in!"

Death chuckled, "Guess I'm for it too."

Sky smiled, "A beach is a wonderful idea."

Rika and Bane both nodded, but Blaze grumbled, "A beach? Anything else?" Tia tapped his head, "We'll be happy to go Inferno...won't we love." Blaze grumbled.

The pups smiled, "Yay! We're going to a beach! We're going to a beach! Fun in the sun!"

Azur looked to her dad, "Where is Kimamiru beach papa?"

Inferno smiled, "Kimimaru beach is about a weeks walk from here. We'll be going through a vally, plus a lot of open plains." He knew the path there would give the pups loads of excitment, while no being a serious risk to them. It was perfect. "Can we go now papa?" Azur asked, looking up to him with big pleading eyes.

He smiled, "Sure. Let's just say bye to your grandpa." The pups nodded, heading inside the den to tell their grandpa good-bye, before they all headed out on the path that was going to take them to Kimimaru beach. The pups led the way along side their father, Sky taking the spot just behind. Death and Ferra brought up the rear as Tia, Blaze, Bane, and Rika exchanged the middle. Aside from Blaze, who didn't want to get wet, cooked, or sand in his fur, everyone was smiling big and happy.


Robie panted, as he and Saria were huddled together, "Damn many of them..."

"Yeah..." Saria nuzzled him, "I don't think we have much choice. We need help to defeat them."

Robie nodded, "Your right...they're to powerful for us alone." he hugged her, and she licked his cheek in response.


In a darkened room, around a long table made of black wood, sat several different figures, all cloaked in shadow. The one in the most elegant chair of the room rose, "Now is our time!" a small cheer came from the others, "The only real threat to our power, Orochi, has been delt with. Those who delt with him shall be easy enough to handle." snickers came around the room.

"After took a small military force to give them the edge...they lack that advantage now." one figure spoke out, his clawed gloves drumming on the table, "But we can't just treat them like flies...they are still a big enough threat to warrant a serious approach."

"Bah...what kind of weakling are you? If their the enemy we kill them. Just go in and slice them apart." Said another across the table.

"You make it sound so simple." was the reply, "Do you honestly think you can take care of them?"

"This retch can't be trusted with such a task. Not that the task is all that important. We need to focus on taking out the cities, not some group of stupid pokemon!" Spoke yet another figure.

"Watch your tongue Nadox! If you have a problem with all means let's face one on one...without your precious Dragoon Platoon behind you!"

"Silence." The figures grew silent, "We have to focus on several different issues. Not just the cities of thee area...and not just the pokemon group that bested Orochi." the lead figure turned, "Today marks the beginning...of a glorious new chapter...for the Brotherhood." All the figures nodded, smirks on all their faces.


Inferno smiled happily at his children, who had worn themselves out during the day and were now snuggled together, sleeping peacefully and heavily. The others were smiling too, even Death couldn't repress the grin on his face. "Well...night everyone. Don't worry, we should reach the beach by the end of the week."

Rika yawned, sleeping snugged up to Bane, who was curled around her. The same position Tia and Blaze slept in, Tia doing the curling. Death had Ferra hugged to his stomach with his tentacles, a wing drapped over her to keep her warm. Inferno and Sky were side by side, nuzzling one another lightly as they drifted into slumber.

*Yellow tap the camera ball lens.* Yellow:'s on.
Xehta: Cool.
Mecha: Come on Black...what's your problem with me? You liked me when we first met...proof was in how much fun we had together.
Black: I didn't feel like piling on. 'Sides, I think I would have broken your back.
Mecha: It's not just the's the whole coldness thing I'm getting. You don't seem at all happy being around me.
Black: Ok... it feels like the spark between us is a little.... dim.
Mecha: I've noticed that ever since you beat me up for mating with White.
Black: It's probably an element-
"Will you just say that you don't feel him anymore? Damn it sis you just can't stand me around him like you.right?" *White comes over going at her sis*
Black: And your miss perfect? Ha! That's as good as a holy to my face.
Mecha: *blinks, confused*
Green: *appearing from behind him.* The two haven't been on soft terms for a good while. Allow me. *glows her color* MOTION STOP! *The two of them are floating as both of them are in the air and unable to hit eachother.* NOW... will you two top your aguments?
White: ..... I'll try to.
Green: Black...
Black: ........................Oh... ok. But I'm expecting somthing out of this.
Mecha: *goes up to the floating Black and kisses her* How about one on one time with me? I'll give you a massage, serve you dinner...the works.
Black: Ok. But first *Murfs as she noted the cameraball.*...who's taking care of that?
Mecha: *bats it to Yellow* Alright then...come on Black. *lets the dark vixen get a ride on his back, taking her to more private quarters*
Xehta: ...umm...uhh...
Yellow: O...k.
Green: Xehta... mind doing this for us? Since you are a partner in this commentary.
Xehta: *nods* the gang is headed for a beach...but dark things are happening in other places. Least we know why it's called Brotherhood now.
Green: I can tell from here it might get dark on either 4 or 5.
Xehta: *nods* Looks like we shouldn't doubt Mecha...he did get a bad feeling. *shrugs* Oh well...see you all next Chapter.
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