AGNPH Stories

The Origin - Shadows of Discord by charms


Story Notes:

Know that the story may not be the most descriptive story in the world, I tell you what you need to know and what is necessary. I'm just not trying to bore people with ridiculous amounts of description. PS: It's always good to know that "Acts" in this story is pretty much just one chapter broken up into normally 4, 5, or 6 parts, so think of one Act as one huge chapter that was just broken up. Hehe.

Act 1/6: Part 1 - Priority Halt: Degradation

"...My fellow comrades, I will not bead around the bush with all of you. All I can say is that the Sinnoh region, which we all served and love so dearly, is under attack by the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions. We are to evacuate all cities, hold them off as long as we can and... just pray that we get through this..."

-General Kevin Kriel
December of 2032


Act 1 - Part 1: Priority Halt - Degradation

Beyond the horizon, the twilight, the ending of the day is marked with the loss of visual on the sun but the light still shines. The snowy meadow was all the naked eye could see all around Snowpoint city and beyond a 45 mile radius. A blizzard ripped through the plains, trapping anybody caught in its wake between 60 miles per hour winds. Night had finally come and the twilight had ended, but as soon as the last flicker of light disappeared, through Acuity Lakefront they came, with the roars of 5 M1-Abrams tanks and 7 Dzik-3 APCs (Armored Personnel Carrier) they rode, with their mandates in mind and their guns in hand, they mobilize, with their family pictures in sight and their hearts aching, they advance. Marines.

Such a heroic sight to see the Sinnoh Marine Corps ride through the devastated Snowpoint city with the survivors of the first raid: The Attack at the Entrance, watching them as they pass, they watched from under boxes, blankets, tents, dumpsters, destroyed walls, they watched the Marines advance to fight in the upcoming battles that idolize their mandates and drive around the rubbles of uptown Snowpoint city straight to downtown. Beyond the horrid high-volume winds of the blizzard whistle passed the cold ears of survivors, so did the reverberating propulsion of helicopter propellers. Overhead, 7 WAH-64 Apache helicopters passed, men and women with their guns cocked and loaded awaiting their destination with an eager but unnerved demeanor. Absolutely oblivious to know if this was their final moment on Earth.

At the sight of this, one revealed himself from his shelter and cheered for the Marines that passed by, he clapped his hands and chanted, "You're our heroes!" a gunner on the last tank in the single-line formation gave a salute to the survivor which, in-turn, made the survivor salute the soldier as well. They both gave each other a smile of hope, hope that the Sinnoh region was going to get through this.

Incoming 3 additional helicopters: Bell-206s, these 3 were for the survivors to evacuate the area as soon as possible. They did not know when or if the Continental Alliance forces were going to commence with one last sweep to wipe Snowpoint city off of the map. On the landing skis stood a Lucario with a blue winter jacket, headphones, and snow boots but did not wear anything for his lower body. The Lucario ordered for all of the survivors to reveal themselves right when the second helicopter landed on the snow next to them, then the third on the opposing side. Everybody obeyed the Lucario's command and revealed themselves from their locations.

"Oh shit... HQ, Ciras Arestos of Alpha squad reporting." The Lucario spoke through his headset, "We are in Snowpoint city and are ready to evacuate all of the citizens."

"Roger that Alpha," a female voice, Andrea Shooks, responded, "There should only be a dozen survivors in the city according to Adam Harrison. Evacuate everybody and bring every single citizen to Pastoria city."

"Negative, command,"

"Negative?" Andrea asked, "Alpha, what is wrong?"

"Give my props to Harrison; the fucker doesn't know how to count." Ciras glanced back at all of the survivors once more, 124 of them stared back. The pilot gave out a frustrated laugh from the cockpit, "Nice... that's real nice." He muttered as the last of the Marine vehicles disappeared from the area into the devastating blizzard facing them.

Then, out of nowhere, a rogue APC passed through from the Acuity Lakefront in the direction of the previous battalion. Ciras gave a quick glance to the rogue APC then directed his attention back to the survivors because the APC was not of the Continental Alliance.


Guns were blazing, mortars firing, buildings collapsing, the sound of gunfire and screams of pain drowning each other out, incoherent orders were shouted out, blood, violence, death, discord, chaos. This was war, "Mayday, mayday, mayday, multiple contact units from CAMs in downtown Snowpoint city, they are heavily armed and organized, repeat, heavily armed and organized. We are taking heavy..." the plea for assistance was cut off by a loud explosion with eventuate static afterwards.

All of route 217 was falling into chaos; buildings burning to rubble, bodies flooding the streets, skies darkened by the fall of bombs and mortars. This was mass annihilation which was directed from route to route, city to city in the Sinnoh region.

"Charlie squad, our forces are scattered out to no end, it is so bad we have one soldier holding off an entire flanking rank. We need military assistance ASAP in downtown Snowpoint city!" the sound of gunfire was heard as a background noise from the transmission that was given. The sound of a mortar detonating was heard in the distance as a loud thud followed by the rumbling of the ground.

Helicopters surrounded downtown Snowpoint, smoke arose from almost every building in the entire city, fires spreading across streets, flashing lights of gunfire were seen in almost every corner, street, building, alleyway, "Charlie squad, Snowpoint city is under heavy fire, continue assault or retreat?"

A rogue APC, another Dzik-3, with a man inside halted near the edge of the 1 mile tall hill, 2 miles away from Snowpoint city where the chaos ceased, which overlooked a seemingly abandoned prison outpost. He was listening to radio transmissions from the Sinnoh Marine Corps just to have an inside on what is really going on in this war.

"Negative, KC-98, retreat, you need to get everybody out of there, we need to make a full regroup in Pastoria, our forces are too spread thin, but consult the Chairman before proceeding, over."

"Roger, though it would be much easier if you were here to give me that order in person, Lieutenant, over."

"Negative, I'm currently in Pastoria city; we are trying to create a path of refugees through cities so I may be out of commission soon after this... over."

"Roger that, clearance from the Chairman, evacuation to Pastoria has just been initiated." On that transmission, the words, "...Full evacuation, all citizens and soldiers are to evacuate the area and head for Pastoria city as soon as possible, full evacuation, all citizens and soldiers are to evacuate the area and head for Pastoria city as soon as possible..."

"Roger, Charlie squad out."

Marshal Vice, the man who operated the rogue APC, opened the side door and jumped out into the cold blizzard with appropriate attire for intense weather, plus, blizzard-camouflage was definitely necessary if he were to be spotted by Continental Alliances Marines, "Okay squad," he said to himself, "We're going to have to hole up in the APC overnight, there's no ending to this blizzard for today so we'll have to hope for the best in the morning" He looked around, knowing nobody else was with him but still continued to talk, "Dismissed" He said with depression. He opened the back door where all of the soldiers were meant to embark and/or disembark to see Charms, the female Pikachu who was travelling with him, huddled up in a fetal position just trying to contain her warmth.

"That's what you get for peeing on the passenger's seat." Marshal muttered.

Charms woke up from her little nap, yawned and stretched, scratched her left ear with her back paw, then finally saw Marshal staring at her with the doors open. Charms' zig-zaggy tail began to wag then she charged at Marshal, jumping on him and squeezing him tightly like she was trying to man-handle him.

"Funny how clingy you Pokemon are even after you were punished, fine, you're allowed to sleep up with me in the front, you might catch a cold if I leave you here for too long anyways."

"Pika-pi!" Charms squealed in delight as if she knew what he said. Marshal let her on his shoulders then put her back in the passenger's seat of the APC. The front was much warmer than the back which was the only reason Pikachu really wanted to stay there, she did not really mind the fact that there was barely any space; she just wanted to be warm like most Pikachus naturally do. Charms cuddled up on Marshal's lap as he detached a mike from under his seat, turned on his radio just to hear, "...attacks on Snowpoint have taken a turn for the worse..." he then switched to "Record".

Marshal took a deep breath, waited a few seconds, rubbed his eyes, then said, "Marines of the Sinnoh region, in this time of chaos, I understand how some can be left behind for I feel the same way. The command of the Sinnoh region is undergoing so much, you must understand that, sometimes we just can't retrieve you from the supposedly horrid situation you are in... but I can. Just contact me in any way, Marshal Vice: Decommissioned Sergeant of the Sinnoh Region Marine Corps and I will help you because nobody deserves to die because help cannot arrive. Contact me if you hear this message and I swear I will help you, I give you my word... thank you."

He shut off all connection and returned the mike from where he retrieved it; this was a weekly routine. On his way to safety in Pastoria city, he owed it to the Marines who are keeping this many citizens alive from the Continental Alliance, they believe that the Sinnoh region is going to fall in a matter of time and their citizens need to evacuate to a place where the Continental Alliance will never be able to infiltrate: the Orre region.

There was no way they could use helicopters, they would surely be shot down by the brigade of boats created by the Continental Alliance to make sure such a thing like this was impossible.

Marshal stroked Charms' body softly, feeling her warm fur on his cold hands, she purred. The blizzard was going to get worse before it got better, Marshal knew that, he was busy thinking how hard it was going to be to sleep with the incredibly fast winds pounding at his APC.

He turned to look out the window, "Sweet mother of God!" he yelled as soon as he saw a child's face in the formation of frost. Charms yelped and ripped her claws onto the ceiling above the passenger's seat while Marshal whipped out his pistol as a natural reaction but halted fire. He observed the supposed child's face and concluded, "...Amanda?"


"Amanda... is... is that you?"

Could this be her exact portrait created in frost or was he just going insane when he lost everything three-hundred-seventy-six days ago?

Marshal rubbed the window slowly and carefully, tears began forming in his eyes but he shut them out by turning away from the window. He began hyperventilating, "What kind of sick joke is this...?" he asked himself, trying so hard to stop his lower lip from quivering.

"Chu-u..." Charms whimpered, her ears pointed downward.

He turned back around to the window, just as he thought; this was just how Amanda looked: long, flowing hair, perfect skin, cute dimples, and a beautiful smile.

"Daddy, please take Charms and get her somewhere safe where I can play with her again." Those words echoed through Marshal's mind as he looked into the frost-replica's eyes. Marshal's depressed demeanor suddenly switched to enraged pain as the image of the event that caused Amanda's death flashed-backed to him.

"God... DAMN IT!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he punched the wheel with all of his might. Charms backed up as far away from Marshal as she could, whimpering, knowing that this was not the time to try cuddling with him in an attempt to make him feel better.

He ceased and turned back to the window, cold tears finally flooded his face and he broke apart; banging at the window and wailing as loud as he could. Charms could only watch. Marshal slid down the window, his tears soaked the window, his fingers screeching as they went down. Charms slowly approached Marshal as soon as he got quiet and unmoving; it was like he was a zombie now, "Pika...?" she muttered, "Pi-pika-pikachu." She rubbed her head against his right arm and licked his hands softly and gently.

Marshal banged his head a few times against the car seat and began to growl which forced Charms. He opened the door and disembarked his APC with his pistol in hand, leaving Charms. The blizzard turned worse since he was last out and his blizzard-clothing was starting to become ineffective against this magnitude of wind and temperature, but the heat of his anger was so fiery, he did not even feel the icy sting of the blizzard.

"Why, why, why, why, why did that have to happen!" the sound of an explosion raced through his mind, "Why?!" he cocked his pistol and fired off 5 bullets into the air randomly, causing all bird-type Pokemon to fly away from the area. At ease he panted with a violent look on his face, veins revealing themselves from his forehead, tears flooding his face then freezing up. He threw his pistol at the snow and collapsed.

"I love you daddy..."

"Pika-pi, Pika-Pikachu!" Charms began to bang at the window with great power. Slowly and lazily, Marshal lifted up his head.

"Shut up, Charms." He muttered.

Charms became even more violent, yelping out her normal Pikachu language and ramming against the window repeatedly.

"Damn it Charms, I said shut the... fuck... up..." Marshal slowed to a stop when a worm-like figure larger than life itself crawled up near the APC on the opposing side of his position. Marshal quietly stood up, grabbed his pistol, and aimed it at the figure, "What on God's green Earth is that?" he asked himself.

A loud roar was heard that felt as if it shook the very world itself. From the blizzard came an Onix, one of the largest rock Pokemon to ever slither on Earth, "An Onyx, what the hell is an Onix doing in a fucking blizzard?!" Marshal yelled with deep fear in his voice.

The Onix took a familiar position: The Ramming Position, it was going to destroy the APC with the upper-half of its body, "Charms!" Marshal yelled and fired off the last 2 bullets he had in his clip; the first bullet had no effect but, miraculously, the second was able to cause a great deal of pain for the Onix. It screamed at the top of its lungs while Marshal ran into his APC, turned it on, and drove away.

"Pika, pika, pika-chu, pi-pikachu!" Charms was freaking out they drove away from the Onyx who had finally returned the chase.

"Quiet down, Charms, I'll get rid of this thing fast," Marshal reassured, "But still, how in the world did a rock-type Pokemon get in this blizzard and survive for this long?" he asked himself as he made a hard left to avoid a boulder. Charms slid from the turn and rammed into the passenger side car door.

"Chu... yu... yu..." she muttered in a dazed tone of voice.

"Explosions won't work blindly, there is no way I can get it to detonate at the right time with the speed we are going at, I can't take this thing down easy then... what can I do?" thoughts raced through Marshal's mind, his sadness turned into fear instantly, "It can't end like this... not like this!" he yelled as he made a hard right to avoid a tree which, apparently, the Onix could not avoid.

"Wait a second," Marshal said to Charms, "Did I just see a chip of that Onix break off when he hit that tree?"


"I... I think I did, could this blizzard be freezing him to the point of fragility?" Marshal said, "But I can't jump to conclusions, I need to test this out, let's do it Charms!" but once Marshal stopped talking, he hit a large rock on his right and tipped over to the side.

Marshal and Charms screamed at the top of their lungs, they still advanced forward but they were on their side until Marshal turned the wheel to the right which flipped it back upright. By that time, the Onix was able to catch up with the APC then ram it at full speed, forcing it to rotate on the slippery snow. Marshal's smacked his head against the wheel but ignored the pain, he just shook it off and tried to get control of his vehicle.

"Roll down the windows, Charms!" Marshal yelled. Charms just looked at him with a confused look on her face, "You know what Charms? You're useless!" Marshal lowered the windows himself, put a new clip in his pistol and then fired whenever the Onix was in view through the window as they rotated, 2 bullets per spin for an 8 bullet clip.

"This shit isn't working, think of something Charms!" Marshal yelled. Charms sighed.

The APC finally stopped rotating and Marshal stopped firing his pistol, but now he was riding on a frozen lake which was breaking apart due to the extra weight. Instinctively, Marshal took advantage of this situation, "The ice... of course!" Marshal grabbed a grenade from under the passenger's seat, "At least one grenade was stored up front, lucky me."

With a final and terribly risky move, Marshal stepped on the brakes and made a hard left so he could face the charging Onix from out the window while still sliding across the ice, "Well, forget trying to break you in pieces, now you'll just be one huge block of ice. Sorry pal." He said as he bit the clip off the top, threw the grenade, and made a hard right to straighten his path once more.

A wave of vibrations blasted passed Marshal as the lights from the explosion nearly blinded him. He stepped on the brakes and swerved around so the front would face the dusty aftermath of the explosion.

The ice broke apart under the Onix; it fell into the freezing water and sunk slowly as it howled in pain. Marshal disembarked from his APC just to look at the Onyx slowly die underwater.

"I told you it wasn't going to end like this."

Marshal opened his door again, put one of his feet in the APC, and that is when the Onix made one last attempt to kill him, it dove up and rammed its entire body into the ice but was too short to actually run into Marshal. He just stood there watching the pathetic dying-attempt of the Onix, watching the aftermath of bubbles pop at the surface of the water. All was quiet from underwater, no disturbances, no nothing; it was the sweet sound of death.

Soon afterwards, the reverberating vibrations of helicopter propellers were felt, dozens, no, it almost felt like hundreds of helicopter propellers.

It was.

Beyond the blizzard were hundreds of Bell-206 helicopters, used for transportation, "What the hell is happening?" Marshal asked himself as he jumped back in his APC and turned on the radio to have, "Citizens, evacuate the area!" blast in full volume.

It was a male voice announcing ordering this, "All citizens and Marines are now required to evacuate Snowpoint city, enemy reinforcements have become overwhelming and we fear we can hold it no longer. Repeat, evacuate Snowpoint city!"

The helicopters raced by, so many people had evacuated, so many lives uprooted by the Continental Alliance.

"Guess that's our cue too, huh Charms?"


"Okay then, I guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight but... whatever, better safe than dead." He rolled up his window just to see the frost-image of Amanda gone; it was just frost and frost only. There was no super-natural formation to it, "Crazy or not crazy," Marshal muttered, "I'm going to fulfill your dying wish, even if I keep getting into trouble like this I'll complete your dying wish."

"Pi-Pikachu..." Marshal rubbed Charms' head until she jumped up on his lap and curled up with a smile.

"Even if you're totally useless... you're still a cute little Pokemon girl."

Charms wagged her tail and licked Marshal's palm.

"Fine, I'll forgive you for not helping me with that Onyx..."


"Okay... and for peeing on the passenger's seat, I forgive you for that too."

Marshal started the APC, got off the ice, and was off through Mt. Coronet as the only area to reach Celestic town.
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