AGNPH Stories

The Origin - Shadows of Discord by charms


Story Notes:

Know that the story may not be the most descriptive story in the world, I tell you what you need to know and what is necessary. I'm just not trying to bore people with ridiculous amounts of description. PS: It's always good to know that "Acts" in this story is pretty much just one chapter broken up into normally 4, 5, or 6 parts, so think of one Act as one huge chapter that was just broken up. Hehe.

Part 3 - Priority Halt: The Uncurable Grudge Against Deoxys

Act 1 - Part 3: Priority Halt - Reminiscent: The Grudge against Deoxys

It was a definite relief to have escaped the mountain, but sadly, it was only temporary, Marshal knew it was required of him to return. The freezing air now was a problem; Marshal could never win in atmosphere for there was always something wrong. He was soaking wet and out in a blizzard. Instantly, that heat-thrashed feeling he had was degraded to ice-cold. He shivered uncontrollably.

To his left and down below was the Dzik-3, his APC, also, it was the site where the Bell-206 Mercy helicopter had crash-landed, leaving Marshal stuck inside of Mt. Coronet.

It was not a pleasant sight to see that he had exited near where he had entered; this was not good at all, if the Continental Alliance Marines entered the mountains threw this opening, they must have seen the APC with Charms inside. On closer examination, the driver's seat door was wide open, snow rushing inside with the heater melting most of it. Marshal's heart began to pound furiously against his chest, his eyes exclaimed fear, and his hands trembled and twitched.

"Sh-she just-she just opened the door because it was too hot..." Marshal thought in denial to Charms' supposed disappearance. He bolted towards the edge of the cliff he stood upon but halted when he realized how high up he was and how steep the cliff was, plus the fact that it was riddled with sharp rocks and boulders, "Come on Marshal!" he yelled, "Show some cajones!"

Marshal, full of regret as soon as he commenced, sprinted down the cliff, his legs spread far apart with each passing stomp until he tripped but recovered quick enough to slide down the hill with his feet forward and his behind sliding against the ground.

As he hit the bottom, he rolled over on the snow and made his way to the APC with no more obstacles in his path, "She just opened the door because it was too hot... and went in the back" he repeated, "That is the only sensible solution!" Marshal opened the back door.

His little companion was nowhere to be seen.

Marshal began to panic; he really did not know what to do, until the past week when he finally retrieved Charms from the Pokemon Center in downtown Snowpoint city after she has been there for almost 369 days -- he has never been responsible for a Pokemon in his life.

He began to open everything that could be opened in the back of his APC, the newly-installed cupboards, weapon storage, the refrigerator, even snack bags and pickle jars he was so desperate, "It... it can't be..." he murmured, his face under his ski-mask completely frozen in shock.


Marshal stumbled outside and to the front seat of the vehicle; he closed the door, and tried to warm himself up. He turned to the supposed frozen image of Amanda on his window, but it did not resemble Amanda anymore, it, shockingly, resembled Deoxys.

"No!" Marshal yelled in rage, he raised his fist, trembling, and tore the window apart.


It was suddenly dark: nighttime and under him, snow.

December of 2032; 376 days ago.

"Run soldier, run!" the reverberating roar of a male violently ripped through Marshal's eardrums. A mortar had fallen from the sky and bombarded its detonation point with dozens of alternate explosives. Marshal pushed the metallic lid off of a manhole near him before the mortar had fallen, and dove inside just until the sound of numerous bombs ceased which was about 4 seconds.

Marshal crawled up out of the manhole and rolled up on his back with his XM8 assault rifle resting on his chest. He took slow deep breaths as the chaos raged around him; he heard nothing but his rapid heartbeat, his slow breaths, and the sounds of vibrating gunfire.

This was outer-Snowpoint city 376 days ago, the Membrane it is normally called. The SMC Imperials desperately defended the city with everything they had, the Continental Alliance was laying siege on this snow city. Marshal wore everything back then, excluding the unprofessional scuba-mask he found on the floor, that he wore currently. He has not changed his clothes in over a year.

(Doesn't mean he doesn't clean himself)

"Evacuate the city!" an Imperial yelled from behind Marshal just to be pounded by a bullet to the chest. He fell back with a loud thud; Marshal turned back, watched him suffer, blood oozing out of his chest and around his hands as he tried to shut off blood-flow, and then turned back to the CAMs running alongside the buildings around him. Marshal's position was in the middle of the street. 3 loud bangs were heard and 3 bodies fell to the floor around him. A mercy helicopter flew over, a Bell-206, with a sniper equipped with a G3 SG/1 rifle, he waved at Marshal and gave the "'re welcome" sign.

Those 3 were the last hostiles left from the Continental Alliance's wave, but soon, there were more to come.

The Imperials were evacuating the citizens in hordes of Stryker APCs, so many families uprooted by the Continental Alliance all because of this war.

"Regroup, soldiers!" General Kevin Kriel yelled out, a Marine in his 50's, from the APC in which 3 families embarked into. 4 medics ran to the injured Marine's aid, the Marine Marshal did not even bother to assist, while 18 other Marines lined up at attention horizontally opposite from Kriel, "Imperials," he valiantly spoke, "The apocalypse is upon us. We are the carrier of the disease that befalls this war, the Plague," he took a pause and marched around the Marines, still formed in a straight line with their rifles in hand, everybody knew he was going to start his inspirational speech by telling them things they already knew, "Know this, there are no antagonists to this war besides the infected, the Continental Alliance is not bad, they are just trying to protect their Continents... the choice they made to rid the world of the Plague, however, is something to be frowned upon. They have marked our Continent, the Sinnoh region, as a Quarantine Region. They have isolated us from the rest of the world and now they are trying to kill us off." The medics went to work on the young private who was shot, he began to scream in agony as soon as they commenced, the Marines in formation did not even twitch to the eerie sound of a man's pain, they took him away in a Stryker APC, "Comrades, if we are to survive this, we must pull together, be a band of brothers, be the last option for the Sinnoh region. We must free all of the semi-infected (People with the Plague in their blood but has not been activated by a fully-active carrier) of our people and retreat to the Orre region."

A group of citizens then came out of the Pokemon Center near the horde of Stryker APCs, in that group was Marshal' 9 year-old daughter Amanda with another woman trying to see her safely rescued. Charms was already taken to downtown Snowpoint city where helicopter evacuation was being held for it was too dangerous in the Membrane.

Marshal looked into his daughter's eyes; they were filled with sadness, anger, fright, and confusion. It was such a horrible combination. Marshal waved at her and it finally let her recognize him, for a second, she thought she was just looking at some random Imperial Marine, but no, this was her father. She broke from the other woman's handgrip and ran towards her father yelling, "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" she was crying.

Marshal dropped his weapon and she jumped into his arms, "Daddy..." she sniffled, "Please... please... come with us." She begged as she buried her head into Marshal's stomach.

"Amanda!" Marshal growled, Amanda gasped and stopped crying, "Straighten up, little soldier!" he squeezed both of her cheeks with his palms and got down to eye-level with her, "Listen to me," he started, his voice suddenly cracking up as tears formed in his eyes, "You get yourself to safety, I'll be there, I promise you, I'll be there to retreat to the Orre region, now don't you cry!" tears suddenly began to rush from his eyes, soaking his ski-mask, "Amanda, promise me you'll be strong and wait for me, I'm going to beat all of the bad-guys and come back to you!"

A few families stopped to watch this heart-breaking scene, "Daddy," Amanda said, her voice cracking up, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course sweetie, what is it?"

"Charms is still in the deeper part of the city, before you leave, can you get her back?"

"Of course Amanda, of co..." a loud rumbling was heard which interrupted Marshal.

The other Marines jumped into attention with their rifles in disarray, they did not know where the rumbling was coming from.

"What the hell was that rumbling?" Kriel muttered.

Screaming of Marines was soon heard from far, a 9 foot tall wooden barricade down the street had blocked visual of what was truly occurring, but something malevolent was coming that way, no doubt about it. Imperial Marines flew through the air like ragdolls, ramming into whatever stood in their way, windows, cars, brick walls, trees, anything. Gunfire was heard but was soon ceased when a lengthy blue and red tentacle tied up in a double helix formation, just like DNA. A Marine was caught in this double helix tentacle, it ripped through his stomach, lifted him high, and flung him far like a piece of gum.

"General Kriel!" one of the soldiers currently fighting whatever beast lied over there yelled out in his headset, "Retreat, I repeat, retreat, De..." transmission was cut off when the sounds of screaming was heard, then, a Marine went flying towards Marshal and the others, he tumbled and slid straight to them then stopped at Marshal's feet. His arms, legs, neck, skull, and ribs were all broken to pieces.

All of the APCs, except one, retreated from the area, the woman caring for Amanda disappeared.

Marshal signaled for Amanda to get back.

"Mother of Mercy..." Kriel whispered as the wood barricade exploded, fire racing through the air as a slim figure jumped high up, its body enshrouded in the shadows of night, the full moon behind it as it reached the peek of its ascent.

It hit the ground with a loud thud, its right knee bent forward and its left knee rested on the snow, its left arm pierced within the ground and its right arm up in the air with that double helix tentacle formation, its back bent over and its head bowed.

"Dad...?" Amanda squealed as she ran over to her father, "What is that?!"

Marshal pushed Amanda back and told her to stay out of dodge.

The creature looked up at the Marines and Amanda; it was Deoxys.

"Deoxys?!" Kriel yelled in outrage, "How did they get Deoxys on their side?!"

"God damn it, I don't know!" Marshal yelled in response as all of the Marines opened fire on the legendary Pokemon. It started its charge, jumping off of the walls, bouncing everywhere, flying up in the sky just to dodge the bullets fired at it. Suddenly, it shot out its tentacle-like arms towards Marshal, he dove away and it ended up piercing right through the ribs of General Kriel.

"Kill this bitch!!!" were Kriel's last words as he was pulled in with a great force back towards Deoxys which, in turn, flung him right up in the sky, Kriel disappeared into the dark clouds, never to be seen again.

Marshal was the first to fire his second round at Deoxys with everybody else following his lead. Deoxys quickly transformed into a slimmer being and vanished.

"What the hell did it just do?!" Marshal screamed, hyperventilating in utter fear of Deoxys.

"It went into its speed form, it is when it..." Deoxys interrupted the Marine explaining the Speed Transformation by appearing behind Amanda who was trying to make a quick escape in the last APC.

"No!" Marshal screamed, "Get the fuck away from Amanda!" he grabbed the Marine who tried to explain Deoxys' speed transformation and shoved him in the way of the Zap Cannon that Deoxys was recharging.

It exploded right in the Marine's face, ripping him to bits, blood splattered everywhere, and guts tumbled across the floor. Deoxys slid back from the push of the Zap Cannon's explosion with its arms in a cross formation over its face.

"You... mother... fucking... traitor!" 3 out of 17 of the Marines yelled, but before they could do anything about it, Deoxys' blue tentacle ripped through 8 of the Marines while the red tentacle ripped through another 8, leaving one young Marine and Marshal by themselves.

"Fuck you man, I'm outta here!" the young Marine yelled, and right then, he high-tailed it on out of the area, leaving Marshal as the last Marine against ruthless, ruthless Deoxys.

Deoxys was already on the move, it targeted Amanda once more, piercing its tentacles through the APC in which she tried to retreat, but there was no driver. Marshal could hear Amanda's faint screams of terror inside of the vehicle as it rose off of the ground, Deoxys' tentacles increasing in length until; finally, it was dangling from above Deoxys, scraping the sky at up to 50 feet high.

Marshal felt his blood boil, his veins pop out of his head, sweat trickled down his neck, "No, no, no!!" he screamed as he jammed the Magmatic Short-Sword Device, or MSSD, at the tip of his rifle and attempted to stab Deoxys with all of his might.

He had run out of ammo, there was nothing else he could do.

Tears ran down Marshal's face as he tried and tried to break through Deoxys' left tentacle-like arm, the arm in which opposed the right arm that held the APC up high, "You son of a bitch, let her go!" he pleaded as he pushed the MSSD into the left arm of Deoxys with even greater might until he began slipping on the snow below him.

Deoxys gave Marshal a look of pity as it whipped him right across the chest with the double helix tentacle. Marshal, acted upon by a great force, slid backwards into a pile of snow where he gave a grunt of anger, shut his right eye in pain.

This was it, Deoxys had grown tired of teasing Marshal with his daughter in the APC, it decided to end this entire thing and just drop it down to Earth, which it did. Before Marshal could even get up, he saw the large vehicle fall to Earth in a blur and before he knew it, the Stryker had crash-landed, snow and dust flying everywhere.

It sounded like a bomb had fallen.

Marshal heard nothing except what sounded like eerie microphone feedback, he covered his ears and blinked several times from the blurred vision. It was like he was stoned right then, he had no idea what had just happened. Marshal looked up to see that the Deoxys had vanished and he also saw the burning vehicle before him.

All was quiet, the battle had moved elsewhere... for now. All Marshal could hear was the sound of crickets and all he could feel was a sharp pain on his ribs and the cold caress of the Snowpoint air.

Marshal was finally able to realize what had happened after a few minutes, "AMANDA!" he screamed. He tried to get up but something or somebody was holding him down. It was no inanimate object; it was a person holding him down by the feel of it now: A CAM.

"Stay down there bitch!" the CAM yelled but Marshal would not cease his retaliation, he was forced to be put down by a pistol whip to the skull. Everything went black.


"Can... can anybody hear me?!" Marshal's radio automatically activated, it was like somebody had snuck inside of his APC and done it themselves. It was just so random. Marshal, at full attention, turned the volume up on the radio with tears soaking his ski-mask, "Please... somebody respond, please!" it was a female's voice, human of course with a bit of a farm-girl accent.

"Roger, this is Sergeant Marshal Vice: Decommissioned Marine of the Sinnoh Marine Corps, what is your status and give me a description of your position."

"Oh thank God... somebody is here... but I am not a Marine, could you repeat what you said?" the female responded sounded much less frantic than 5 seconds earlier.

"This is Sergeant Marshal Vice... are you okay and where are you?" Marshal repeated in more of an understandable, non-militaristic choice of words.

"I am in Mt. Coronet," she said, "I found this military car just parked outside with a Pikachu inside, I got her out, of course, and now we're stuck in this mountain!"

Marshal sat there, petrified for a few moments, "Ch-Charms...?" he whispered with a smile forming under his mask.
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