AGNPH Stories

Rose's One Love and other Short Stories by majinonifox1


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

My Bodyguard

I don't like my life.

I've never been very lucky. My father died when he was saving me from some Seviper that died before it could get to me, my mother left after I was born, and I'm all alone.

I'll say it again: I don't like my life.

My name's Gorendo. Anyone that knows me enough just calls me Gor or Goren. I'm a Zangoose. Have been all my life.

Anyway, about me. After my mother had given birth to me, she left without any warning whatsoever, leaving my dad to take care of me. After about 4 years on our own, a group of Seviper crossed over to our side to eat our berries that we'd been saving up for winter.

"If you know what's good for ya, you'll hand over the berries and just walk away." One of the Sevipers said.

And in that instant, my father vanished, only to reappear with a bloody claw. All but one of the Sevipers were dead. The final one had seen the attack, and struck my father just as he passed him. My father had been poisoned.

"Goren, get away." My father said. He was brave. He turned to the Seviper and dissapeared again. He then reappeared in front of the Seviper and struck upwards, hitting the Seviper clean in the neck. However, the shot wasn't initially fatal, but afterwards, my father collapsed, dead.

"Now, you." He slithered towards me, but then slowed down, and collapsed himself. He had died from massive blood loss.

Since then, I've found and killed any Seviper that came my way.

That's where things went weird.

It was a normal day for me. I was out gathering berries, until I saw a Seviper. I found myself wanting to kill it. I ran to it, and saw another sight. A Sneasel was on her back, scared for her life.

"Now, don't go making a fuss, sweetheart. We both know you want it." the Seviper said in a sneer-like voice.

"No, I don't want that from you! Get away!" And she fired off a Shadow Ball at her attacker. It hit, but he was only knocked backwards. "Was that supposed to hurt?" Then, a claw appeared out of the Seviper's face.

"No, but this does."

I had slain the Seviper. I removed my claw from my kill and began to walk.


I turned around and saw the Sneasel looking at me. "No need to thank me. I always kill Seviper, no matter what's happening." I then started walking again.

"That's not what I want, but that as well. I wanted to thank you for killing that Seviper, and to ask you if you could be my bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" I looked at her with a quizzical look, honestly very puzzled.

"Yeah. I can't very well fight. I've never been trained how to properly. All I could ever do was to knock a Pokemon back, like it was with that Seviper. Please?" She looked at me with somber eyes.

I couldn't ever get that image out of my head. So, I said "Come with me if you want."

At this, she squealed in delight. "My name's Darla. What's yours?"

I looked at her and said "I am Gorendo. If you wish, you may call me Goren or Gor."

"I like Goren. Sounds like Golem, which is indestructible. I'll call you Goren." She said.

"Okay." I looked at the setting sun. "It's getting late. We should stay here for the night."

Darla didn't have any problems with it. She went over to a tree and laid down. I did the same.

That night, there was a strange noise. It was coming from Darla's sleeping spot. I cracked open my eyes a bit and saw a weird site.

Darla was rubbing herself. The noises I heard were her moaning from herself. Also her saying "Ooh, it hurts too much."

I then got bold somewhat and said "Then why don't you stop?"

She got extremely surprised and shot a Shadow Ball at me. It hit, and it only knocked me back a bit. She wasn't lying. She didn't have any real talent for battling.

She then saw what she had done and quickly went up to me and apologized. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that. It's just that you surprised me." She then realized her sex was still very wet from her mastrubation. She then said "Well, you probably want to have your way with me, huh?"

"Why?" I asked. I didn't have a clue as to what she was talking about.

She got a puzzled look on her face. "Wait. Don't you know what sex is?"

"Huh? Sex? Is that supposed to be some game?" I asked.

"Oh great. Listen. Do you smell that aroma in the air?"

I didn't really pay any attention to it, but now, I smelled something very sweet. I wanted to know what that smell was. I then started sniffing the air. Then, it led me down. Down, and down, and down, until my nose hit a very wet spot. I sniffed and it was the source of the smell.

When I had sniffed, she moaned again. I had no idea why she was doing that, but I was getting somehow... agitated? No. That word didn't seem right. So I asked. "Why do I feel this way? I feel as if I want something, but I don't know what."

Darla smiled. "It means you want something, but you can't get it yourself. Here, let me help you."

She then pushed me on my back, and moved her hand down to my crotch area, all in one fluid motion.

For some reason, my penis had unsheathed itself. I didn't know why, but that feeling of wanting something had grown stronger as well. As if her simple action had brought the feeling to a boil.

I didn't have time to think too hard about it, because at the time, Darla had begun to massage my dick.

Oh, it felt good. The feeling of wanting something? It was abated somewhat, but I still wanted more. More that I didn't know what I wanted.

I then jerked my hips upward and then something weird happened. I shot some weird substance out of my dick. It wasn't pee, but it was something. It was white. It showered Darla all over her body.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Darla. I didn't mean to do that. I-it was an accident. I didn't mean-"

She raised a finger to my lips and then brought it to her chest and wiped the stuff off, only to bring it to her mouth, which was somehow getting me more of that feeling. My dick then became harder than when she was massaging it.

"Ugh. What is this feeling?" I asked.

"Well, maybe a jack-off isn't what a growing boy like you needs." Darla said. She then moved her head down to my dick and began sucking it. I'll admit. It was extremely satisfying, if a bit weird.

I laid there, enjoying her actions. I then felt some unknown force drive me to do something that I had never dreamed of doing in my entire life, especially to a lady. I grabbed the back of Darla's head and pulled her down on my dick, forcing more of it into her throat. It was too much for me to bear. I had that same feeling that I had before. So, I told her, but not before I let go of the back of her head.

"I'm about to do that thing again." I said.

"It's called cumming. And do it." She said, bringing her mouth a little ways off my dick to say it, but then forced her own mouth as far down as she could go, which brought me to my cumming even faster. I shot my cum into her mouth.

She swallowed alot of it, which surprised me. I didn't know that it was that good.

She then srprised me again by getting up and turning around, giving me a good view of her private areas.

My dick was stiff again, and I wanted her private areas to cover it.

'Why the hell did I just think that?'

Nevertheless, I knew it to be true. I wanted my dick in her hole.

I then worked up the nerve to stand up and walk over to her backside. As I did, she began to shake her ass wantonly. She wanted it, and I wanted to give it to her.

I then let instinct take over, as it had a better idea of what to do than I did. Without skipping a beat, my head shot down and started a tongue bath on her hole.

I knew I had done the right thing, as she started to moan extremely loudly. She was loving the tongue bath on her private area.

I kept up the treatment, until I heard her gasping somewhat louder. I stopped, and asked "Are you alright?"

She just gasped out loud "KEEP GOING YOU IGNORANT BOOB!"

I then started licking even faster, and for a minute, my tongure went inside of the hole in the area, and as I did, I felt the walls clinging to it, and pulling it in.

At that moment, her walls spasmd out of control and I felt a warm liquid pouring onto my tongue. It tasted sweet, like Pecha Berries, but also had kind of an earthy taste to it as well.

She fell to the ground and started panting. "Well, that was fun."

"Well, yeah, but I stil have that feeling." I explained.

"Well, don't you worry about that. We'll get that feeling out of you in no time."

I didn't know what she meant, but at that time, she brought her private areas into my line of sight again, and it sent me into overdrive. I went over to her and let instinct take me again, letting it do what it wanted.

It didn't hesitate, nor did it show much mercy. It took hold of me, and I grabbed Darla's ass and pulled her to me, which is where I felt her walls that covered my tongue before now covering my dick. I pushed in some more, and then kept pushing. I pushed until I was completely inside of her. Once I was, she said "Well, aren't you gonna continue?" She said this in a few pants.

I then pulled out and pushed back in, giving a grunt as I did so. My thrusts were met with her own as she was pounding backwards faster than I was pounding forwards. My instinct took the hint and bade me to go faster. I did, and I heard her moan incredibly loud. And now, that word that made me feel weird using - Agitated - I now knew that wasn't the word I should have used. It was an a word, and I had noly heard it used once before my father died. Aroused. I was becoming incredibly aroused by her and I wanted her.

Apparently, she wanted me as well, which I got that impression when she started sucking me off.

We kept this up for what seemed like hours, but judging by the moon, it had only been a few minutes. Finally, I felt myself beginning to cum again, and said "Darla, I'm gonna cum again!"

She pounded backwards with more fierocity as she said "Cum in me, Goren!"

I took the hint and pulled he to me as much as I could. Her walls did the same thing to my dick as it had done to my tongue. They squeezed, pulling me deeper. this action brought me to my breaking point, and I exploded inside her.

This sent Darla off as well, and she sent her juices to my balls. It smelled of Pecha Berries and earth. I liked the smell, and I didn't want to have any other smell in my nose.

I pulled my dick out and fell to the ground, completely exhausted. She followed me, and as she did, she licked my face. "That was great for your first time."

"Well, I just did what my instinct told me to. And it's now telling me to say I don't want to be with anyone else but you for the rest of my life."

Darla kissed me and said "Same with me. I'll never leave you, no matter what."

We laid there, watching the moon, and I finally fell asleep with one last thought in my mind:

'I think my luck's just turned around.'
Chapter End Notes:Okay, how do you like it? Let me know, and if you want your own story here, let me know, and I'll make you one
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