AGNPH Stories

Shadow to Guardian by totall


Chapter 4

Ch 4

It looked like the end for the Gardevoir, but just as the blast was about to hit, the Gardevoir fell forward and pushed back with it's arms. In doing so it was like it jumped backwards only in reverse. The only problem was the Gardevoir performed this act to late and the blast exploded once it hit the ground, throwing it a good distance into the forest.

("Oh now I've done it again. I've gone and used to much power. Sometimes I don't know my own strength.") The thing laughs. ("Well I best go and get my fill of that tasty morsel.") An evil grin spreads across it's overly large face. With that the brute stomps off towards where the Gardevoir has flown off to. While he watches as the thing moves off he sees that the Gardevoir's trail isn't hard to follow as many of the trees look to be snapped in half from the Gardevoir being blown through them.

This wasn't good. He quickly pulled out his gun and unloaded the dart rounds and pulled out the higher powered rounds. This thing was going to die right here and right now. Once the clip was in he quickly darted around the trees to find a good location to kill that demon.

The hunter knew that he had a chance to save this thing, as long as that overgrown monster kept moving, so he continued to scoot around the area. Eventually he saw a ball of green and white a little ways off. As he got closer he began to smile since the demon had misjudged where the Gardevoir and been blasted to, so he quickly moved over to it and knelt beside it. 'I need to check and see if this thing is still alive.' So he placed his hands on it's side and was rewarded when it slowly rose. 'Thank god, I'm not to late.'

Looking over his shoulder he could just make out that thing a little ways off. If he didn't hurry and move this creature to a safer place that thing would eventually lay waste to this area to find it, or move over here next. So he had to come up with a plan and the best he could come up with is to draw that thing away from the thing. The only problem was, how was he going to take revenge against that thing.

Looking around he saw the things upper body tower above the tree a little ways off. He didn't remember that thing being that tall so long ago. How did it grow to that size? He didn't have time to ponder that question as the monster turned towards him and smiled.

("Now what do we have here? A lowly human has found my meal.") It's smile widened. ("You look pretty tasty too. I think I will have you for a snack then move on to that Gardevoir as the main course.") Just then it's left eye exploded outwards. The demon howled out in pain as it shook it's head. After thrashing around for a while the thing looks down at him with it's one good eye.

The hunter ejects the spent shell and transfers another into the chamber. "Do you really expect that I would just sit here and let you do as you please. Ever since you killed my family, I've been in training for this very day." Lifting the gun up he took aim again. "NOW YOU DIE!"

Unfortunately he didn't have time to fire the next round as the dragon opened it's mouth again. ("And I won't stand here and let you do as you please either.") With that the dragon fired off another bout of flame, but this time it wasn't in the shape of anything. It was just a strait shot of flame, probably meant to just lay waste to everything. The hunter quickly shoulders the gun and begins to move. As he moves around the dragon to avoid the flame, he reaches into his pack and pulls out his camouflage jacket and slips it on and fastens it into place. He smiles to himself as he pulls out his gun again and transfers another round into the gun.

As he lays flat on the ground and sights in the dragons back, he decides to have some fun, as he unloads the current round and transfers in a special round. This round he has developed for the sole purpose of confusing his target and getting the target into a proper position to be killed. He aims for the dragons lower back and slowly squeezes the trigger.

The dragon is currently shuffling it's foot around the burnt down trees looking for the hunter. ("I knew these humans were fragile but there should be some sign of the remains at least.") Just then a whizzing sound can be heard, but the dragon doesn't have time to turn around as something buries itself into his lower back, just above it's tail. The dragon still doesn't have time to roar as whatever has buried itself into it's back explodes.

Finally the dragon turns around and lays waste to the area that is believed to hide the human.

The hunter believes that if he doesn't finish this dragon off, then it just might lay waste to the rest of the surrounding forest, and loads in a high explosive tip round. Raising his gun he knows that now is the time, now is the hour to avenge his parents death. Time seems to slow as the thing slowly turns and faces his direction, and he squeezes the trigger. It's eyes go wide as it finally finds the hunter and begins to open it's mouth to let loose another gout of flame. Time seemed to slow as he watched the round leave his gun and sped towards the demon.

'This ones for my family.' The round sped through the things mouth then through to the back of it's skull. It only takes a few moments but finally the round blows the things brains out of the back of it's skull. The demons eyes rolled back into its skull as it raised it's mouth to the heavens where it froze. Just then the demon seemed to be engulfed by a bright light and then exploded. (Not knowing that the round also ignited a gas pocket). The explosion was almost instantly as the not parts of the thing exploded but the whole thing all at once.

The hunter was thrown back by the explosion and was thrown right into a tree, head first. He lost consciousness before he even hit the ground so he didn't notice the events that happened afterwards.
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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