AGNPH Stories

Shadow to Guardian by totall


Chapter 5

Ch 5

(The whole scene is in black and white and silent as the films of Charley Chaplin.)

A small boy no older than five with curls on his head was sitting on the lawn, happily playing with a young Poochyena in the bright sunny morning. The boy was dressed simply in a pair of Levi overalls, a white shirt, but no shoes. The puppy happily jumped and barked at the boy as it circled him and the boy would often try to reach out and catch the young playful pup.

The parents were sitting on the porch of their two story home, in a set of whicker rocking chairs watching over their son. The mother looked to be in her late forties and the man in his fifties. The mother is wearing a sun dress that had the image of a sunflower on the bottom seam and she had a set of sandals on her feet. She had her hair up under an old grass sun hat and a smile upon her lips. The father was dressed just like his son, only his shirt was dirty with dirt stains and pieces of straw stuck in it due to a hard days work out in the hay fields.

The picture perfect family as the mother set three glasses of lemonade on a small whicker table between the two chairs. The father calls out to the boy and waves him in. Just as the boy gets to his feet both the parents faces turn to one of horror and point to something behind the boy.

The scene flashes forward and all around the house, trees are burning and everything else that can catch fire has. We find the family cowering under the house in a basement clutching at each other. Just then it's as if a twister has touched down as nearly all the house is pulled from it's foundations in less than a second. The family stares up at the open space that was once their home in dumb founded stupidity. Time seems to slow as they look up and then are buried under several pieces of wood. Just then a giant three fingered clawed starts to dig through the rubble.

Just then a silent scream is heard as the claw impales the parents, then lifts them from the pile. As they are lifted the claws sink deeper and deeper into the mothers stomach, effectively killing the mother. All this is seen as the young boy who is buried under the rubble. He is unhurt thanks to his parents when they had shielded him with their bodies. The boys eyes are still wide open as he continues to watch the horror unfold. Finally the claw stops about where the roof of the house once was and the boy watches as the man wrenches a piece of wood that had apparently impaled the father in the back and start to swing it back and forth like a bat.

A monstrous roar is heard as the man scores with the splintered edge of the wood on the things chest. The boy looks up and sees that his father has cut the demon in the chest in the shape of an x over the things black heart. The man laughs for only a moment as the monster says something in their tongue to the man then throws both parents into the air only to be snatched out of it and the demon begins to chew.

The screams begin anew as this time it is the man that is brutally murdered. The screams of his dead mother and dieing father sends the boy into shock, then passes out hidden under the rubble. Thankfully when he did this, he didn't know that that act had actually saved his life as the demon begins to dig again through the rubble for something else to eat. Thankfully after digging for a little while the thing never finds the boy.

And just as quickly as a twister the thing up and disappears, though the memory of watching this thing kill his parents, chew them, and the x shaped wound on the demons chest will forever push the boy nearly to insanity. But a single word is what saved the boy, and that word is REVENGE.

For years the boy remains silent. Being moved time and again from different foster homes and shrinks. Traumatized over watching his parents being murdered in the most horrendous way. As time moves forward as it always does, the boy begins to see more and more of these thing happen to more and more families. Finally upon his twenty first birthday he can no longer take the horrendous nightmares of his parents death and decides to take his life.

Going out to a local pawn shop he purchases a gun and decides that if he can't be with his parents in this world, then he would be with them in the other. But just as he is about to take his life he sees something that would forever change his life.

Not far away he sees a young child being chased by what looks like a green bird that had flown off a totem pole. It has the red feet of a chicken, two small yellow-red-black wings on either side of it's body, and the size of a bowling ball. Looking down at the gun he shakes his head and gives chase after the thing.

The young man knows that he doesn't have time to find a path down to the attacking creature so he runs over to the slope leading down to the two and skies down the slope and moves into the forest, intent on intercepting the monster. Fortunately the thing only seems to be playing with the child at the moment so he easily moves ahead of the two and hides behind a tree and waits.

The monster never sees him step from behind the tree as the child runs past. The demon stops right at the end of the barrel with both it's eyes wide. The boy doesn't say a word as the thing knows what is about to happen and the boy simply squeezes the trigger, blowing the things body to pieces in a bloody mess.

Now the boy has purpose, now he has a reason to go on living. He will hunt down these creatures that pray on human lives and kill them one by one.
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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