AGNPH Stories

Shadow to Guardian by totall


Chapter 7

Ch 7

The hunter was in total shock. Here was something that for most of his life he hunted down and mostly killed, and it was not only talking with him but negotiating with him. His body was finally his own again as he slowly backed away from this thing and sat back down on the bed. The only thought that kept repeating through his mind was that this all had to be a dream.

"Well as it would seem, you are still recovering from the last battle with that overgrown Charizard. And I would like to personally thank you for saving my life." The thing bowed just like a Chinese or Japanese person would to show respect to someone.

"How is this even possible. I've been hunting your kind for so many years, and not one of your kind has ever spoken a single word to me or shown any kind of decency, next you go on to say that you have a proposition for me, and finally you go on and bow to me. How am I to believe that this isn't some crazy dream brought on by the blow to the head I got from that demon."

The Gardevoir nods to him, then looks out the window. "I can understand your confusion about that, but I can assure you that we psychic types have the ability to communicate with you humans. Though we have been in hiding from the other types out there due to the virus that seems to be spreading throughout as you call 'our kind'."

"Wait a minute. What do you mean a virus?" The Gardevoir slowly turns to the hunter and slowly nods her head.

"No one knows where the virus originated from, but one thing is sure. It affects nearly all that it comes in contact with and turns them back to the old days." She slowly raises her head to look at the hunter who wore a quizzical look on his face. "I see that you still don't understand. Well to put it into words that you understand, before the virus, we got along with you humans very well, but now, those infected will attack anyone or anything with little to no warning whatsoever." She slowly walks over to the chair the general had been sitting in and sits in it, crossing it's legs when it did so.

The hunter just stared at this thing for a while, until the pieces started to come together. What this thing was saying made a little sense, Pokemon that had been together with a human as a pet would suddenly attack it's owners, when it never even shown any aggression towards it's master in it's life. He had seen it himself many times, and had even been called out to a few cases like that. Only one question popped into his mind, "Then I guess the only natural thing to ask would be, are we human in danger of being infected by this virus?"

The thing brought it's hands up in a defeated gesture. "I haven't heard of anything like that happening from all my travels, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't."

The hunter nodded to it then thought for a moment, then another thought came to mind, "If this virus attacks your kind, then why haven't you been infected?" As the hunter looks at it with a heated gaze.

The Gardevoir nods. "I have been doing research of my own and have come to conclusion that those that are hit directly or indirectly from a physical attack like a scratch or bite from an infected Pokemon will become infected though it may take longer or shorter depending on how bad the injury. Fortunately since I'm a psychic type I don't use physical attacks so there is no danger of me touching one, and can defend myself from most physical attacks."

What she was saying made a little sense. Viruses had many ways of travel, the most effective was a transfer from body to body, like the Resident Evil series when a Zombie bit someone. It was true as well that a Gardevoir could use certain moves that could defend against physical attacks, and if she had done research on the subject then it would be obvious that... 'Wait a minute, what did she mean that she did research on her own? And on top of that, why did she just bow to me?' Slowly the hunter slid off the bed and walked forward and stopped right in front of the Gardevoir.

"Your hiding something..." He said in a small voice. The Gardevoir looked up at him with a shocked look in it's eyes, then smiled and turned her head away.

"You must be joking... W...What in the world would make you think that I was hiding something from you?" She said in a jittery voice. The Gardevoir would look up at the hunter to see that he was still staring at her, then she would quickly advert her eyes.

"I may be a poor judge of character, but I know when someone is lying to me. If you want my help then you are going to have to level with me. Otherwise I won't be of much use to you. And further more, you haven't even told me what you want my help with." The hunter scratches the back of his skull as many questions start to buzz around in his mind. "Man this is a pain. I should be recovering right now instead of making deals with someone." So he walks over to the bed again and lays down on the bed and pulls the covers up to his hips.

"Wait a minute...Your not going back to sleep are you?!" It asked in a harsh tone as the Gardevoir quickly jumps to it's feet. "I thought that the two of us were going to discuss things."

The hunter scratches his skull again and gives the Gardevoir a irritated look. "Until you decide to level with me, and tell me the truth about everything..."

"Everything?" It asks in a disbelieving tone.

"Everything." He continues in an irritated tone. "Then I won't now how much help I can be. Not to mention I don't go into a situation without all the details."


"Because I don't like surprises. Because surprises in my line of work can get someone hurt or even killed. And that's something I wont let happen again." The Gardevoir looks over to the hunter who is looking at the floor on the side of the bed and grabbing the sheets with white knuckles. "So until you wish to tell me everything, I can't help you."

The hunter sinks a little deeper under the sheets and pulls them over his shoulders as he rotates to his left side. The Gardevoir slowly nods and walks over to the hunters then places a hand on the bed. "I see. I guess I'm just wasting your time. I'll just go and look somewhere else for help." Just as the Gardevoir lifts it's hand off the bed the hunter whispers something to her. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I never said that I wouldn't help. But if your asking my help as a hunter then you know what you need to do."
Chapter End Notes:Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
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