AGNPH Stories

Two Realities - One World by shasui_tedeschi


Story Notes:

This story came to me as I thought, What if Halo and Pokemon came together in one story. I thought it would be interesting to see what I could come up with. Please enjoy the story. As this is the first of many ^_^

Chapter 2: Personal Demon

(For future reference, ** these mean thoughts within the mind, "" these are actual words, ::these will be projected words through the mind into another)

{The Universe of Halo}

6:45 A.M., April 18, 2552 (Civilian Calendar) /
Planet Reach, Main Base of UNSC Operations and Production
Civilian Quadrant

Shasui Tedeschi awoke. Covered in sweat and tears from his dreams which held all of his demons. Crying to himself feeling helpless to such horrifying dreams since he was Five years old. The same dream on replay, over and over. Hulking giants with swords from Greek mythology with eyes that cried for Blood. Shasui never understood the dreams, thinking that something was wrong with him he just dealt with it for the past Two years. After his intense nightmare of Hell he became aware he was not in his own room. The fear began to resurface from his new environment.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Shasui called out into the darkness of this strange room. Only to find himself alone for the time being. Before getting up to explore he noticed something was stuck to his arm. A needle was inserted in his left arm with an I. V. and some other types of chemicals being pumped into him. As his brain realized the situation his left arm began to throb with pain, quickly he removed the needle in hopes of quelling the pain. To much of his disdain the needle was longer than it seemed as he painfully removed them.

"Ah..W-Why do I h-have needles stuck in mee-EE?!!" Pulling the needle out was too much pain to bear, Shasui started to loose focus as the pain increased. Gripping his left arm he noticed more needles stuck into him like some voodoo doll. His mind responded to the new information with even more pain as he let loose a howling scream that reminded you of a Brute Chieftain.

*Too....Too Much....Pain...Why,Wha-What's happening to me..?* As soon as his thoughts ceased a figure came running into the room with a bright light protruding behind him. Shasui couldn't remain focused as the pain increased ten-fold, Falling back into bed with glazed over eyes looking onto the figure who stood before him. The figure reminded the boy of someone he knew. Attempting to speak he found out he could not lift a finger and was lost to the darkness.


{The Universe of Pokemon}

6:45 A.M. Hoenn Region
Route 104, Hidden Cave
Near Crash Site

I was so confused when I saw this being, Clad in full Armour. I never understood where one would have to wear something like that for protection. Trying to lift this being was one challenge I could not even take on. He weighed as much as a Charizard, How does one weigh that much. Lucky for me I had a friend of mine with me named Shuko, he was a Tyranitar. Not much of a talker but one I could rely on. He saved me countless times, now that I think of it many of my friends saved me countless times. Anyway by the time we got him to the cave we started hearing a commotion behind us thinking others have found the crash site. I motioned the others to keep going as I stole a look behind me. I was right, there were a few oddly dressed individuals clad in black suits. I couldn't see anything but their figures, but they had helmets that were rounded with black visors. Turning on my heels I darted back to the cave so I wouldn't be spotted by the strangers. Coming back into the cave I saw that my Riolu friend was leaning up to see the strangers face through his visor but the orange reflective blocked out his appearance.

"Seems like he's out cold for you to hold him like that Shuko." Shuko mearly nodded as he gave me a worried look, as if this thing was going to deem us Hostile.

"Relax, why would something be angry with us when we are saving it? Besides this thing may be human." As if I could be right, but the anatomy of this thing seemed human to me with the way the suit is step up. But I could be mistaken though. I motioned Shuko to place him up against a wall where I could examine him more closely. It seemed like his suits took some hits from the landing but in other places it looks like he was in a few battles of his own. Getting off the floor, taking a few steps back to see him full.

"Reminds me of a Far-Eastern story I once heard. A Ninja, his first name I forgot but his last name was Hyabusa. This beings outfit reminds me of that Ninja. Talk about bizarre." The others only looked at each other, just as confused as I was. Not knowing what Hyabusa's outfit looked like or what he was didn't help them any either. Soon I began to talk about the specifics of this man named Hyabusa.

"This being, his Armour resembles a man whose named Hyabusa. A Legendary Ninja who stopped demons and humans from destroying the Far-eastern governments and way of life. Although this happened several centuries ago, I was somewhat interested in the stories I heard from them." I felt like a teacher of a kindergarten class as Shuko and Shesu were listening intently. Although it was kinda nice to tell a story about something I was interested in. Shesu the Riolu spoke up as if he wanted to know something.

:How long will we wait for this thing to wake up: Shesu pointing to the man clad in Hyabusa Armour. I was about to speak to Shesu, suddenly a cold drift and a familiar fear came back. Reminded me of when I saw the men searching the ship. As if on cue the figures appeared at the entrance of the cave with weapons designed for one thing. Death.

"So, This is where you've been hiding our guest! It would be a shame to have it wake up." Seemed like this one was the leader as the others stood still, weapons at the ready. My anger started to boil as I knew they wanted to take this being away to be experimented on or questioned in some Military Building. Either way, they couldn't have him.

"Sorry guys, but I cant hand him to ya. He weighs a good 600 pounds!" As if they could believe me. The leader just chuckled at my pitiful attempt to waver them from their goal. He started to get closer to me and explained something.

"If you don give it to us, then we will be forced to Kill You. Understand?" The man flicked me on the forehead, this guy is either serious or just a Dick head. I wanted to punch the guy in the face and have my friends back me up. Except the problem was they had guns that could drop us in a second. That's when the other two men started to open there visors.

"Sir, our heads-up display is going haywire. Something is jamming our equipment." Apparently there equipment was bugging out. I took the moment to surprise the men, hopefully they were slow on the uptake.

"Sir its strange, this...Sir! Look out!" One of the leaders underlings called out as the man in charge did a quick 180 holding his rifle like a club. I took the butt of his rifle to my jaw knocking me out on my ass. The quick connection of metal and bone hurts more than I imagined. Trying to get up I was kicked in the chest and held down by the leader with his heavy boot.

"Ha! Ya little shit. Did you think you could take me? I'am a trained soldier for this kind of job. Try it again and I will end your life right here. Now, hand us the....Wait where did it go?" The large man quickly pulled up his rifle to the spot of his missing target. Everyone else followed suite as Shesu, shuto, rhuto and the peons all looked at the same spot. Only to find darkness.


6 Minutes before Rhuto was knocked down

The sound of a muffled conversation awoke me from the never ending nightmare. Haunting memories, deathly scenes, and gruesome images came back in a massive wave of emotion as the screening process of my training was the beginning of my Hell. The only thing I can remember was my un-breakable will to live as I fought tooth and nail against everything in my life. Taught never to break, never to surrender and to never give up hope. Shasui was now wide awake as Rhuto was knocked on the ground by the large man in black Armour. The training given to him for the sole purpose of breaking him, making him stronger and faster than anyone anticipated kicked in. Assessing the situation before him, Shasui realized the kid on the floor was the same one before he passed out. Shifting his position to the left of both groups before being noticed, was well timed as the leader pointed the same spot the major was in seconds earlier. Shasui watched his prey, looking for an opening at the leader of the dark soldiers.

"Team do a sweep pattern, You two get back towards the wall. We don't want any loose ends." The man in black pointed to the two pokemon and motioned to the wall to the right. The major picking up on this perfect opportunity to strike, picked up a rock lying on the cave floor and tossed it behind the two peons placed at the entrance searching for shasui.

"What was that?" The peon on the left turned his attention behind him.

A costly mistake, the major charged full force into the leader striking the leader in the stomach with an open palm hoping that the strength of his hit was enough to put him under. Quickly turning his attention on the peons at the door as their attention was now on him. Shasui did a quick sprint and caught one peon off guard as the other was busy trying to shoot him. The major placed his hand on the mans wrists and snapped his arm like it were a twig. Then pulling the same man by the wrist into the other soldier standing next to him like a giant human club. The sudden impact caused both of the soldiers to hit the wall with inhuman force killing the soldier that was underneath the human club. The soldier still conscious brought a pistol to bear but found his hand clamped tight by the giant, shasui reeled his fist back to kill his prey quick with a full forced punch to his forehead. Killing both his bloodlust and his prey. Wiping the blood from his hand shasui turned his attention on the leader who was still knocked unconscious. Checking the man for other weapons such as knives, grenades and other types of lethal ordinance. Finding only a small combat knife and a few H. E. grenades with four clips of ammo for his rifle. Shasui noticed something white hanging off his belt, it was pair of plastic hand cuffs designed for constricting hand and arm movements. The major was quick to using the items to keep his enemy constricted as well as turning his attention to the other three beings in the cave with him. Being cautious with the new situation he found two strange creatures along with a human who had horrified expressions on their face from the sudden battle the major was in. Shasui made sure he tied the restraints on the unconscious man before dealing with the current problem before him. The Super Soldier stood up to see if the kid was unharmed.

"Are you all right?" Were the words that came from shasui as he extended his hand to help the kid up. The creatures were quick to act, as they jumped in front of the horrified trainer. Growling and showing aggressive features, the small canine was doing a bad job. The Tyranitar on the other hand, was doing a perfect job of sizing up the man in Armour, making sure that he got the message. The major sighed heavily through his microphone.

"Even though I saved you and your friend, you still think im hostile. Well.....Your right, to a certain degree." Shasui began to talk to the creatures as if he knew what they were thinking. The kid started to push the blue canine to the side. Showing that he regained his composure. Shasui took another look at the kid, showing that he was still shaken by the events that took placed.

"Sorry, don't take it personal. They think your hostile, I know your not. Your different from them." The kid looked like he was about to pass out from the sudden change in position. Shuto turned around to see rhuto picking himself off the floor. Rushing to help him out, rhuto motioned him to stop, the kid wanted to get up with his own two feet. Walking towards the major, rhuto extended a friendly gesture to the being. Instinctively the major went to salute the kid, then scoffed at himself for forgetting that he was in a new world.

"Heh....I forgot this is not the same place I left. I guess I should have read the travel brochure." Cracking the comment through his microphone hoping to change the mood. Even his small wit was no use here. The kid was dumbstruck at his statement thinking if this is the same guy that killed the two soldiers now lying on the cave floor.

"Yeah....My name is Rhu...uh-oh....I feel dizzy now." Rhuto started to fall towards Shasui. The major was quick to act as his new friend was now in his arms passed out from the pain caused by the unconscious leader.

"Damn.....I guess he received a concussion." Shasui was lost at what to call the large creature next to him. Holding the boy in his arms, he motioned the large creature over.

"He's passed out. Most likely from the hit he took from that weapon. We cant stay here any longer. They probably have more men nearby looking for me. So, I need your help taking him somewhere safe. If you know a place, can you show me the way?" Shasui was talking to the creature hoping that it was sentient. To much of his pleasure the giant creature nodded, understanding the situation. The major handed the boy to shuko.

"Wait here, im going to take a quick look outside for more sentries. Oh...and if Major pain over there wakes up call me." Shasui pointing the dark figure on the ground with cuffs. Shuko nodded at his response.

The major began his search outside as his heads-up display came on-line. Radar started up with zero movement at first, small white blips came up suggesting unknown targets. Then multiple blips came and gone suggesting wild life is the main cause of movement. Returning his attention inside the cave he noticed a lifeless object come to move. The leader was conscious again. Shasui swiftly approached the leader that was coming around, he gave him another soft punch to put him under.

"There....That should keep him quiet for now." Looking back to Shuto who was grinning towards Shasui. The major made a smiling gesture with his hand on his helmet. The giant creature let out huff of amusement at the majors gesture.

"All right, I think its.....Oh I forgot you were here little one." Shasui crouched down near Shesu who was at rhuto's side. The riolu gave off a low growl to warn the man that he didn't trust him yet.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of harming any of you. We do have to get your friend there to a safe place." The riolu showed no sign of trust to shasui. Before shasui decided to leave he acquired the weapons left to him by his guests, as he placed the rifle on his back he turned to the others.

"I have one question and I know I wont get it from you. But exactly.......What are you beings?" Shesu and Shuko stared at the man dumbstruck before laughing. Shasui was now hating himself for asking the question.

{End of Chapter 2 Personal Demons}
Chapter End Notes:All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I Do Not own Halo or Pokemon
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