Story Notes:
I do apologize for Grammar, spelling, dailogue and etc. If you have a complaint then oh well. I hope you enjoy.
Pokemon are Real?
Disclaimer: if you are offended by sexuality in this content then do not read further. If you are under 18, you should not read further. I do not own pokemon but I wish I did.
Author's notes: I thought about the idea for this story when I randomly thought of my dog Sunday. This story is dedicated to her. This story will also be told by Sunday's point of view.
Chapter one: Pokemon are real?
If you are wondering, Sunday is a black Labrador. Also a note on where we live. We live in the country, we have thirty-three acres, and we have plenty of animals on the farm. We have an ostrich, several cats, a dog-named trip, a horse named little miss, two female goats, and several chickens.
"My name is Sunday and I live with my master Dairu. He plays with me often and I usually sleep in his bed with him. My life is filled with doggie treats and doing tricks for my master. He has many pokemon toys and collectables everywhere in his room. He even dressed me up like a Mightyanne once for Halloween."
Now on to the story:
I walked through the house looking for Dairu after waking up from her nap on his bed. My nose filled with the smell of bacon and followed it until I found Dairu cooking in the kitchen.
Translation - "Hey Dairu."
"Hey Sunday you hungry?" Dairu said as he went and grabbed a bag of food and poured it into my bowl, "Here you go girl."
I ate happily and I would not have changed this life for anything. After I ate my breakfast I heard, Dairu yell, "Come on girl lets feed the animals."
I ran out the door and jumped up on the Mule. (The mule is a vehicle that is kinda as if a small truck fused with a golf cart.) He reversed it and headed down to the barn. Wind passed my jaw and my tongue flapped in the wind. The Mule came to a halt as Dairu stepped from the mule and I jumped off following him into the barn. Dairu started feeding and I walked into Little Miss's fenced home.
"Hi Sunday." Little Miss said happily trotting up to me.
"Hi Miss, How you doing this morning?" I asked.
"Well the baby chicks kept me up and I didn't get a wink of sleep." Little miss explained.
"Why, hello Sunday." Miss hen said waddling up to me.
"Hey miss hen how's the little ones?" I asked sitting down.
"They kept yelling all night and I finally got them quite around five am." Hen said franticly explaining.
"Sunday let's go." Dairu yelled to me as he walked from the barn.
"See ya later." I yelled back to the other animals.
I jumped up onto the mule and I knew the next stop was the garden. I walked behind Dairu being careful not to step on any of the plants. Dairu taught me many things to do while on the farm. Like not stepping on the plants. Dairu picked several vegetables and placed them in a bucket.
"SUNDay." Dairu yelled as the ground crumbled and he fell.
"Bark bark."
Translation - "Dairu."
Then the ground crumbled under my paws and I fell with him. I lost sight of Dairu and we fell for ages. A flash of light blinded me as I finally fell into a raging river. My fur was doused with the cold raging water. I paddled my paws trying to swim and my breathe was cut off as my head went under. I tried to fight my way to the top but my energy left my body along with the air in my lungs. Then I felt something wrap around my body as I finally lost consciousness.
Sometime later:
I awoke my eyes and I felt the warmth of a fire. My fur had dried off and my body had regained most of its strength. I looked around the fire and saw...
Translation - "Dairu."
I pounced on my sitting master and licked his face. Happy he was alright. I noticed he was just holding me. I pulled off him and noticed the gash in his arm. It was wrapped in white appendages with blood soaking through.
"Whine" I whined to let him know I knew he was hurt.
"It is ok I am fine." Dairu said with a weak voice.
I laid next to him with my head in his lap. He stroked the fur on my neck with his hand. His hand stopped at my red collar and started the petting again at the top of my head. The faint smell of blood coming from his arm kept me concerned.
"You hungry?" Dairu asked pulling over the bucket of Vegetables he had gathered from the garden, "These were all I could salvage."
He pulled out a carrot and three tomatoes. I bit down on a tomato and swallowed sending the red morsel down my throat. The silence was broken when Dairu started talking, "Sunday I pulled you from the water and was attacked by a Grovyle."
I knew what a Grovyle was from his collectables and posters from his room.
"I believe we fell into a universe where pokemon are real." Dairu said with a sigh afterward
I looked at my master concerned and I gently licked his face. He laid down and I cuddled up next to him. My mind filled with the same thoughts I knew Dairu had, "Will we get home? What will happen to us? Is there humans here or at least a specie that can help Dairu's wound?"
These questions went unanswered as I fell asleep with my head on Dairu's arm.
The next day:
I awoke to Dairu rocking my body, "Sunday wake up."
I opened my eyes and saw Dairu smile when I woke up, "Ok we need to get going."
I followed Dairu's lead as he walked on the path. All was quite except some Tailow in some trees nearby chirping. Dairu halted when we came to a house.
"This is the abandoned Chateau in Eterna forest in the Shinnoh region." Dairu mumbled.
I followed him to the doors and we stepped in looking around the dim building.
"Growl" I growled as I heard the worn drapes of a window ruffle.
"Its just the wind." Dairu reassured.
Then a Tailow landed on the windowsill and I barked scaring it away. I followed Master Dairu up the stairs and into a bathroom. Their he unwrapped his wounds and treated it with medicine and some fresh bandages from a medical kit he found in the closet. He turned his wrist as he said, "That's better."
The bleeding has stopped long ago and I could tell by his expression he would be ok. I followed him out of the bathroom and into an office. Dairu pulled some rolled up large parchments and spread them out on a desk. I jumped up and placed my forepaws on the desk as he explained, "Sunday we are here and the closest place would be Floaroma town. Their we could get some help and see if we cant get home."
Dairu pulled a compass from a drawer and he rolled the map back up. After being in the dim house the sun blinded us as we exited the building. Then my stomach growled.
"Are you hungry Sunday?" Dairu said looking down at me.
He pulled out the last tomato and tossed it. I snapped it out of the air and chewed until I was able to swallow. It wasn't much but it filled my stomach. We continued on our journey down the road.
Hours later.
Floaroma came into view and we saw many trainers in the town. We stopped at a pokemon center and Dairu just froze staring at the building.
"Cant believe we are at a real pokemon center." Dairu said in awe.
Dairu stepped forward making the automatic doors open and we stepped in feeling the cold air of the center cool us down. It felt good to get out of the hot air outside. I sat at Dairu's side as he spoke to nurse Joy, "Excuse me nurse?"
"Yes can I help you?" Joy asked kindly
"yes can you look at my arm?" Dairu asked holding out his arm.
Joy unwrapped his arm, "Oh my, how did you do this?"
"A Grovyle attacked me?" Dairu explained.
"Well it seems you treated it well and their isn't anything I can do for it, It will heal fine." Nurse Joy reassured.
"Thank you and can you help me I came from another world and well I am stuck here?" Dairu said with a waiting nervous look.
Nurse Joy was a little concerned when she replied, "Did you hit your head too?"
"No I can prove that I come from another world just look at my dog." Dairu said pointing.
Nurse Joy came around the table and looked at me.
"Well?" Dairu asked.
"She could be a pokemon." Joy exclaimed.
Dairu sighed as he turned and said, "Well if your not gonna help then ill find help."
"Well I guess Pro. Rowan can help you probably." Joy said stopping Dairu.
"Thank you." Dairu said as I followed him out of the building.
"Well I guess we have awhile to go Sunday." Dairu said looking down at me.
"Hello are you a trainer?" A young lady dressed in a white top and red skirt asked.
"No I'm not." Dairu said.
"Tats too bad I was wanting to battle." The lady announced and then pointing, "How about you battle with that pokemon."
"Who Sunday?" Dairu said almost shocked, "Sunday cant battle she isn't strong like a pokemon."
The girl frowned as she sighed, "You wont know till you try."
"No I will not allow Sunday to battle." Dairu said crossing his arms.
"Chicken." The girl teased.
"I'm not Chicken I just don't want Sunday hurt." Dairu explained.
"What ever floats your boat." The girl said snickering.
"FINE." Dairu said yelling.
"Ok then it will be a one on one battle." The girl said while putting some distance between us.
"You ready for this Sunday?" Dairu said looking at me.
"Bark bark." - Translation "I'll try my best."
The girl threw her pokeball yelling, "I choose you Mightyanne."
Mightyanne sprung from his ball landing on all fours facing me. I have seen the pokemon episodes with Dairu and I knew I needed to wait for his command.
"Sunday attack." Dairu yelled.
I ran toward as the lady yelled, "Mightyanne use tackle."
Mightyanne sent me to the ground and I yelped.
"Sunday." Dairu yelled.
I forced myself to my feet showing Dairu that I was ready, "Sunday bite him."
I ran toward him and he went to dodge but my teeth sank into his neck releasing blood into his fur.
"Release." Dairu yelled to me.
I released running to Dairu's side. Then Mightyanne stood up as his trainer yelled, "Use Thunder Fang."
"Dodge it Sunday." Dairu said a little late.
I tried dodging and his fangs dug into my neck. Pain shot through my body along with lightning and my body tingled as he released my neck. The pain overwhelmed my body as I fainted.
An hour later.
I awoke to the sound of the lady and my master Dairu talking.
"My name is Cyndi by the way."
"Mine is Dairu."
"Sunday your awake." Dairu said happily hugging my neck.
The bite mark didn't hurt and Dairu explained, "Sunday, Cyndi used a potion on you and your wound healed."
I sat up and liked his face and he smiled. My eye then caught Mightyanna's. I didn't know if he could understand dog language so I tried, "Hey I am Sunday."
"Hey." Mightyanne said in a strong voice.
I walked over to him and sat down, "So you can understand me?"
"Yea well you are a pokemon." Mightyanne pointed out.
"No I am a dog." I said a little annoyed.
"Whatever." Mightyanne said not really caring.
I laid there listening to Dairu talk to Cyndi.
"I'm going to Twinleaf town to get help from Pro. Rowan." Dairu said drinking some of the drink he had in his hand.
"I am headed to Jubilife city so I could accompany you until then." Cyndi said.
"Ok that sounds good." Dairu smiled and then asked, "What other pokemon do you have?"
"Lets see I have Mightyanne, Pikachu, and a Cyndiquil." Cyndi answered.
"Cool." Dairu replied, "When do you want to head to Jubilife?"
"We can go now if you like?"
"Sure lets go." Dairu replied, "Sunday lets go."
I perked my ears up as I walked beside Dairu and followed him, Cyndi and Mightyanne onto a trail to Jubilife. The sky was blue and bird pokemon flew across it. All was quite as we walked.
"Stop right there." A man said jumping out in front of us. "Surrender your pokemon."
"Who are you?" Dairu asked.
"Nooo don't ask them that." Cyndi yelled.
"Prepare for danger." The first guy yelled.
"Or your gonna get it." A lady stepped from the trees from beside the trail.
"Beyond the stars and light." First guy exclaimed.
"Team Rocket will give a big sight." The lady said.
"Told you not to ask that." Cyndi said sighing.
"Why you little brat." Kate yelled irritated. "Go Glameow."
"Go Roserade." Juno yelled soon after.
I started to growl and bared my teeth. Both enemy pokemon took a step back with a drop of sweat forming on their forehead.
"Ok Mightyanne use Shadow ball." Cyndi commanded.
Mightyanne shot a purple ball sending Roserade back. Roserade stood up and Juno yelled, "Roserade use Razor leaf."
Roserade sent an array of leaves at the awaiting Mightyanne. "Dodge it Mightyanne." Cyndi yelled.
Mightyanne dodge with ease and Kate yelled, "Glameow use Slash."
Glameow's claw glew as she prepare her attack. I saw this as my opening and I attacked Glameow with my own tackle followed with a bite. Glameow screamed in pain as my teeth dug into her fur and skin. Glameow's fur matted with blood and she struggled for me to release her.
"release Sunday." Dairu yelled.
I did as I was told and released the cat and Cyndi yelled to Mightyanne, "Lets finish this with your strongest Hyperbeam."
Mightyanna's mouth glew with a yellow beam that emitted heat around from his body. His fur swayed from the wind from the beam. Then with a loud roar and crackling Mightyanne released the beam sending the two Rocket members flying into the sky screaming, "We are blasting off for the first time."
I licked my jaws clean of the blood and returned to the side of Dairu's leg and he laughed, "Wow I cant believe we just beat two actual team rocket members."
"Yea they have been trying to steal my Mightyanne." Cyndi explained.
"well they wont be back for awhile." Dairu grinned.
Hours later.
I panted with my tongue out wondering how far it would be. It was tiring for us. I looked up at Dairu and he looked back panting as he said, "I think we should rest."
"We are almost their." Cyndi announced.
"Ok we will rest when we get their." Dairu said.
Right then Jubilife came into view the tall buildings stood tall above the people below. The city was bustling with people and it seemed pretty loud and busy. We pushed our way through the people till we came to a pokemon center.
"We can stay here for the night." Cyndi said.
"Thank goodness." Dairu said chuckling a little.
We entered the automatic doors and Cyndi spoke to the nurse. "We would like to stay the night."
"well just pick a room ok." The nurse said with a smile.
It was getting dark out and my body ached from the workout today. I jumped onto the bed and let out a sigh of relief as my sore muscles relaxed. Dairu sat on the bed and pulled off his shoes.
"Dairu you going to take a shower?" Cyndi asked.
"No I don't have any clothes so it would be pointless showering then putting on dirty clothes." Dairu said pulling off his socks.
"alright then well good night then." Cyndi said pulling out some fresh clothes.
Dairu laid down wrapping his arm around me as Cyndi left the room for the ladies shower. I closed my eyes as I drifted off.Chapter End Notes:I wanted to dedicate this story to my dog Sunday and i hope you liked the first chapter. Send requests to [email protected] or just send an email if you want to talk
Author's notes: I thought about the idea for this story when I randomly thought of my dog Sunday. This story is dedicated to her. This story will also be told by Sunday's point of view.
Chapter one: Pokemon are real?
If you are wondering, Sunday is a black Labrador. Also a note on where we live. We live in the country, we have thirty-three acres, and we have plenty of animals on the farm. We have an ostrich, several cats, a dog-named trip, a horse named little miss, two female goats, and several chickens.
"My name is Sunday and I live with my master Dairu. He plays with me often and I usually sleep in his bed with him. My life is filled with doggie treats and doing tricks for my master. He has many pokemon toys and collectables everywhere in his room. He even dressed me up like a Mightyanne once for Halloween."
Now on to the story:
I walked through the house looking for Dairu after waking up from her nap on his bed. My nose filled with the smell of bacon and followed it until I found Dairu cooking in the kitchen.
Translation - "Hey Dairu."
"Hey Sunday you hungry?" Dairu said as he went and grabbed a bag of food and poured it into my bowl, "Here you go girl."
I ate happily and I would not have changed this life for anything. After I ate my breakfast I heard, Dairu yell, "Come on girl lets feed the animals."
I ran out the door and jumped up on the Mule. (The mule is a vehicle that is kinda as if a small truck fused with a golf cart.) He reversed it and headed down to the barn. Wind passed my jaw and my tongue flapped in the wind. The Mule came to a halt as Dairu stepped from the mule and I jumped off following him into the barn. Dairu started feeding and I walked into Little Miss's fenced home.
"Hi Sunday." Little Miss said happily trotting up to me.
"Hi Miss, How you doing this morning?" I asked.
"Well the baby chicks kept me up and I didn't get a wink of sleep." Little miss explained.
"Why, hello Sunday." Miss hen said waddling up to me.
"Hey miss hen how's the little ones?" I asked sitting down.
"They kept yelling all night and I finally got them quite around five am." Hen said franticly explaining.
"Sunday let's go." Dairu yelled to me as he walked from the barn.
"See ya later." I yelled back to the other animals.
I jumped up onto the mule and I knew the next stop was the garden. I walked behind Dairu being careful not to step on any of the plants. Dairu taught me many things to do while on the farm. Like not stepping on the plants. Dairu picked several vegetables and placed them in a bucket.
"SUNDay." Dairu yelled as the ground crumbled and he fell.
"Bark bark."
Translation - "Dairu."
Then the ground crumbled under my paws and I fell with him. I lost sight of Dairu and we fell for ages. A flash of light blinded me as I finally fell into a raging river. My fur was doused with the cold raging water. I paddled my paws trying to swim and my breathe was cut off as my head went under. I tried to fight my way to the top but my energy left my body along with the air in my lungs. Then I felt something wrap around my body as I finally lost consciousness.
Sometime later:
I awoke my eyes and I felt the warmth of a fire. My fur had dried off and my body had regained most of its strength. I looked around the fire and saw...
Translation - "Dairu."
I pounced on my sitting master and licked his face. Happy he was alright. I noticed he was just holding me. I pulled off him and noticed the gash in his arm. It was wrapped in white appendages with blood soaking through.
"Whine" I whined to let him know I knew he was hurt.
"It is ok I am fine." Dairu said with a weak voice.
I laid next to him with my head in his lap. He stroked the fur on my neck with his hand. His hand stopped at my red collar and started the petting again at the top of my head. The faint smell of blood coming from his arm kept me concerned.
"You hungry?" Dairu asked pulling over the bucket of Vegetables he had gathered from the garden, "These were all I could salvage."
He pulled out a carrot and three tomatoes. I bit down on a tomato and swallowed sending the red morsel down my throat. The silence was broken when Dairu started talking, "Sunday I pulled you from the water and was attacked by a Grovyle."
I knew what a Grovyle was from his collectables and posters from his room.
"I believe we fell into a universe where pokemon are real." Dairu said with a sigh afterward
I looked at my master concerned and I gently licked his face. He laid down and I cuddled up next to him. My mind filled with the same thoughts I knew Dairu had, "Will we get home? What will happen to us? Is there humans here or at least a specie that can help Dairu's wound?"
These questions went unanswered as I fell asleep with my head on Dairu's arm.
The next day:
I awoke to Dairu rocking my body, "Sunday wake up."
I opened my eyes and saw Dairu smile when I woke up, "Ok we need to get going."
I followed Dairu's lead as he walked on the path. All was quite except some Tailow in some trees nearby chirping. Dairu halted when we came to a house.
"This is the abandoned Chateau in Eterna forest in the Shinnoh region." Dairu mumbled.
I followed him to the doors and we stepped in looking around the dim building.
"Growl" I growled as I heard the worn drapes of a window ruffle.
"Its just the wind." Dairu reassured.
Then a Tailow landed on the windowsill and I barked scaring it away. I followed Master Dairu up the stairs and into a bathroom. Their he unwrapped his wounds and treated it with medicine and some fresh bandages from a medical kit he found in the closet. He turned his wrist as he said, "That's better."
The bleeding has stopped long ago and I could tell by his expression he would be ok. I followed him out of the bathroom and into an office. Dairu pulled some rolled up large parchments and spread them out on a desk. I jumped up and placed my forepaws on the desk as he explained, "Sunday we are here and the closest place would be Floaroma town. Their we could get some help and see if we cant get home."
Dairu pulled a compass from a drawer and he rolled the map back up. After being in the dim house the sun blinded us as we exited the building. Then my stomach growled.
"Are you hungry Sunday?" Dairu said looking down at me.
He pulled out the last tomato and tossed it. I snapped it out of the air and chewed until I was able to swallow. It wasn't much but it filled my stomach. We continued on our journey down the road.
Hours later.
Floaroma came into view and we saw many trainers in the town. We stopped at a pokemon center and Dairu just froze staring at the building.
"Cant believe we are at a real pokemon center." Dairu said in awe.
Dairu stepped forward making the automatic doors open and we stepped in feeling the cold air of the center cool us down. It felt good to get out of the hot air outside. I sat at Dairu's side as he spoke to nurse Joy, "Excuse me nurse?"
"Yes can I help you?" Joy asked kindly
"yes can you look at my arm?" Dairu asked holding out his arm.
Joy unwrapped his arm, "Oh my, how did you do this?"
"A Grovyle attacked me?" Dairu explained.
"Well it seems you treated it well and their isn't anything I can do for it, It will heal fine." Nurse Joy reassured.
"Thank you and can you help me I came from another world and well I am stuck here?" Dairu said with a waiting nervous look.
Nurse Joy was a little concerned when she replied, "Did you hit your head too?"
"No I can prove that I come from another world just look at my dog." Dairu said pointing.
Nurse Joy came around the table and looked at me.
"Well?" Dairu asked.
"She could be a pokemon." Joy exclaimed.
Dairu sighed as he turned and said, "Well if your not gonna help then ill find help."
"Well I guess Pro. Rowan can help you probably." Joy said stopping Dairu.
"Thank you." Dairu said as I followed him out of the building.
"Well I guess we have awhile to go Sunday." Dairu said looking down at me.
"Hello are you a trainer?" A young lady dressed in a white top and red skirt asked.
"No I'm not." Dairu said.
"Tats too bad I was wanting to battle." The lady announced and then pointing, "How about you battle with that pokemon."
"Who Sunday?" Dairu said almost shocked, "Sunday cant battle she isn't strong like a pokemon."
The girl frowned as she sighed, "You wont know till you try."
"No I will not allow Sunday to battle." Dairu said crossing his arms.
"Chicken." The girl teased.
"I'm not Chicken I just don't want Sunday hurt." Dairu explained.
"What ever floats your boat." The girl said snickering.
"FINE." Dairu said yelling.
"Ok then it will be a one on one battle." The girl said while putting some distance between us.
"You ready for this Sunday?" Dairu said looking at me.
"Bark bark." - Translation "I'll try my best."
The girl threw her pokeball yelling, "I choose you Mightyanne."
Mightyanne sprung from his ball landing on all fours facing me. I have seen the pokemon episodes with Dairu and I knew I needed to wait for his command.
"Sunday attack." Dairu yelled.
I ran toward as the lady yelled, "Mightyanne use tackle."
Mightyanne sent me to the ground and I yelped.
"Sunday." Dairu yelled.
I forced myself to my feet showing Dairu that I was ready, "Sunday bite him."
I ran toward him and he went to dodge but my teeth sank into his neck releasing blood into his fur.
"Release." Dairu yelled to me.
I released running to Dairu's side. Then Mightyanne stood up as his trainer yelled, "Use Thunder Fang."
"Dodge it Sunday." Dairu said a little late.
I tried dodging and his fangs dug into my neck. Pain shot through my body along with lightning and my body tingled as he released my neck. The pain overwhelmed my body as I fainted.
An hour later.
I awoke to the sound of the lady and my master Dairu talking.
"My name is Cyndi by the way."
"Mine is Dairu."
"Sunday your awake." Dairu said happily hugging my neck.
The bite mark didn't hurt and Dairu explained, "Sunday, Cyndi used a potion on you and your wound healed."
I sat up and liked his face and he smiled. My eye then caught Mightyanna's. I didn't know if he could understand dog language so I tried, "Hey I am Sunday."
"Hey." Mightyanne said in a strong voice.
I walked over to him and sat down, "So you can understand me?"
"Yea well you are a pokemon." Mightyanne pointed out.
"No I am a dog." I said a little annoyed.
"Whatever." Mightyanne said not really caring.
I laid there listening to Dairu talk to Cyndi.
"I'm going to Twinleaf town to get help from Pro. Rowan." Dairu said drinking some of the drink he had in his hand.
"I am headed to Jubilife city so I could accompany you until then." Cyndi said.
"Ok that sounds good." Dairu smiled and then asked, "What other pokemon do you have?"
"Lets see I have Mightyanne, Pikachu, and a Cyndiquil." Cyndi answered.
"Cool." Dairu replied, "When do you want to head to Jubilife?"
"We can go now if you like?"
"Sure lets go." Dairu replied, "Sunday lets go."
I perked my ears up as I walked beside Dairu and followed him, Cyndi and Mightyanne onto a trail to Jubilife. The sky was blue and bird pokemon flew across it. All was quite as we walked.
"Stop right there." A man said jumping out in front of us. "Surrender your pokemon."
"Who are you?" Dairu asked.
"Nooo don't ask them that." Cyndi yelled.
"Prepare for danger." The first guy yelled.
"Or your gonna get it." A lady stepped from the trees from beside the trail.
"Beyond the stars and light." First guy exclaimed.
"Team Rocket will give a big sight." The lady said.
"Told you not to ask that." Cyndi said sighing.
"Why you little brat." Kate yelled irritated. "Go Glameow."
"Go Roserade." Juno yelled soon after.
I started to growl and bared my teeth. Both enemy pokemon took a step back with a drop of sweat forming on their forehead.
"Ok Mightyanne use Shadow ball." Cyndi commanded.
Mightyanne shot a purple ball sending Roserade back. Roserade stood up and Juno yelled, "Roserade use Razor leaf."
Roserade sent an array of leaves at the awaiting Mightyanne. "Dodge it Mightyanne." Cyndi yelled.
Mightyanne dodge with ease and Kate yelled, "Glameow use Slash."
Glameow's claw glew as she prepare her attack. I saw this as my opening and I attacked Glameow with my own tackle followed with a bite. Glameow screamed in pain as my teeth dug into her fur and skin. Glameow's fur matted with blood and she struggled for me to release her.
"release Sunday." Dairu yelled.
I did as I was told and released the cat and Cyndi yelled to Mightyanne, "Lets finish this with your strongest Hyperbeam."
Mightyanna's mouth glew with a yellow beam that emitted heat around from his body. His fur swayed from the wind from the beam. Then with a loud roar and crackling Mightyanne released the beam sending the two Rocket members flying into the sky screaming, "We are blasting off for the first time."
I licked my jaws clean of the blood and returned to the side of Dairu's leg and he laughed, "Wow I cant believe we just beat two actual team rocket members."
"Yea they have been trying to steal my Mightyanne." Cyndi explained.
"well they wont be back for awhile." Dairu grinned.
Hours later.
I panted with my tongue out wondering how far it would be. It was tiring for us. I looked up at Dairu and he looked back panting as he said, "I think we should rest."
"We are almost their." Cyndi announced.
"Ok we will rest when we get their." Dairu said.
Right then Jubilife came into view the tall buildings stood tall above the people below. The city was bustling with people and it seemed pretty loud and busy. We pushed our way through the people till we came to a pokemon center.
"We can stay here for the night." Cyndi said.
"Thank goodness." Dairu said chuckling a little.
We entered the automatic doors and Cyndi spoke to the nurse. "We would like to stay the night."
"well just pick a room ok." The nurse said with a smile.
It was getting dark out and my body ached from the workout today. I jumped onto the bed and let out a sigh of relief as my sore muscles relaxed. Dairu sat on the bed and pulled off his shoes.
"Dairu you going to take a shower?" Cyndi asked.
"No I don't have any clothes so it would be pointless showering then putting on dirty clothes." Dairu said pulling off his socks.
"alright then well good night then." Cyndi said pulling out some fresh clothes.
Dairu laid down wrapping his arm around me as Cyndi left the room for the ladies shower. I closed my eyes as I drifted off.Chapter End Notes:I wanted to dedicate this story to my dog Sunday and i hope you liked the first chapter. Send requests to [email protected] or just send an email if you want to talk