AGNPH Stories

A Rare Sight by wxyzz


Story Notes:

This is my first ever story posted on here, and although it took me forever to type this I think it'll all be worth it. Just like the Pokemon television series, my mind is full of ideas and I will not stop writing my story(stories) until my mind is nothing but an empty space.  Anyways, have fun reading my story as much as I did writing it.

Chapter 3

A Rare Sight

Walking Around in a Big Circle

“Admit it,” Chole said in a much aggravated voice.

“No dammit,” I told her, knowing what she wanted me to say. Although I told her no, every inch in my body said yes.

“Vee…” Buddy said in a bothered voice.

“Fine! Alright, alright, we are lost. OKAY THERE I SAID IT!”

“About time,” Chole said with a sort of relieved tone, crossing her arms and in a proud stance knowing that she won the fight.

“Lets take a break for a bit, while I take a look at this damn GPS,” I said, plopping down onto the cold grass.

“I’m going to look around for some berries,” Chole said as she was floating around a tree.

“Fine, Buddy go with her, I don’t want to find you injured and not knowing where the hell a Pokemon center is.”

“Vee!” Buddy agreed and followed Chole off into the forest.

5 minutes passed and Buddy along with Chole came running back with an armful of berries.

“Everything went well I see.”

“Yeah, we found a ton of berries and even this weird thingamajig,” Chole said, throwing an object into my lap. I had to examine the thing for a few seconds until finally figuring out that it was a Great Ball.

“Wow, nice discovery guys, we can use this for later use.”

Another 5 minutes passed and I still couldn’t find anything that could get us out of this godforsaken forest.

“Petalburg Forest, such a famous place with rare trees and plants, you would think after all these years, people would put in a path for fuck sake,” I said with a now agitated voice. “Whatever lets get going, I want to make some progress before we make camp.”

Zigzagoon quickly gobbled up the last of the berries while everyone was getting ready, this kind of pissed Chole off after realizing all her work was gone in a few seconds. Luckily I grabbed her before she could get her paws on the now sleeping raccoon. We finally got everything ready, so I put Zigzagoon back in his Pokeball and started to head off.

Twenty minutes passed of nonstop walking, we were about to call it and set camp up until out in the distance, the figure of a person started to appear.

“Oh my god finally, a person. HEY YOU, OVER THERE!” I yelled, trying to get the person’s attention.

“Wha? Who? Where? Who was that?” the person said. I got closer to him to get a better look of this mysterious person.

“Hey we need some help, we’re lost and need to get to Rustboro City, do you know how to get there.”

“Heh, let me guess, you’re new to the Pokemon training business?”

“Uh…yeah I am, how did you know that?”

“Well…it’s typical for new trainers to be lost in this fucking forest; and I suppose you are heading to Rustboro for the gym am I correct?”

“Yeah, it seems you know everything I’m going to say.”

“Heh, it seems so. Names Michael,” reaching out his hand for a handshake.

I copied his actions, “Garrett, nice to meet you, so what’re you doing out here?”

“My job, it’s a little something I created that is making me a fortune.”

“Which is what?”

“Well let me first ask you a question, are you lost and looking for directions?”

“Well yeah, I figure you already knew that already.”

“Alright I’ll make you a deal, have a Pokemon battle with me, if you win I’ll give you your battle earnings and the directions to get out of the forest, and if I win, you give me my battle earnings and you go on without any help. Are you up for the challenge?”

“Well it seems I have no choice, if I want to get out of here then I guess I’ll have to fight you.”

“Sweet, let’s get ready then.”

As we were walking toward an open space for our fight, I noticed that Chole was gone, I started to whisper her name, no response; I was starting to get worried until I felt a tug on my shirt by something invisible. I called her name again and was responded back with a “shh,” she must have somehow disappeared so she wouldn’t cause attention to Michael.

“Alright, this seems like a good place,” Michael halted us.

“Cool, I’ll go over there then we can start.” He already had his Pokemon out as I was still reaching to the opposite side.

His first Pokemon was a Wrumple, not a real surprise for someone who is making a living out in a forest. To not risk my loss, I decided to go with Zigzagoon first and leave Buddy for last. I threw Zigzagoon’s Pokeball into the air and in a white flash, Zigzagoon had appeared. Looking like he just awoke from a long nap, Zigzagoon was energized and was impatiently ready for orders.

It was quiet, all of a sudden, “Wrumple, use string shot!” Michael shouted.

“Zigzagoon, dodge then use growl!” Zigzagoon immediately responded with some kind of barrel roll you would see on Starfox, picking up a lot of dust and dirt in the process. There was so much dirt and other particles in the air that it caused Zigzagoon to blend in with the dirt because of his brown fur, Wrumple was unable to find Zigzagoon; all it could hear was the terrifying growl of his enemy.

“Tackle, Zigzagoon!” Zigzagoon then came from behind Wrumple and slammed right into Wrumple, leaving it flying into the air and slamming into the trunk of a tree. Wrumple could not fight anymore, Zigzagoon had an easy victory. He walked back over to me for the next orders, I gave him a treat and he gave me a dust shower by shaking his whole body like a dog, yeah what a nice way of saying thank you.

“Nice moves your Pokemon has, to bad he won’t get to see the finish,” Michael threw his second Pokeball into the air and causing another blinding white light, his next Pokemon was a Heracross, this would be a little difficult for Zigzagoon.

“Heracross, show this Pokemon how you deal with other Zigzagoons.”

“Heracross!” Heracross responded and then quickly dashed towards Zigzagoon.

“Dodge it!” I commanded Zigzagoon. Zigzagoon dodged the attack but was a little late, Zigzagoon’s left side was scraped by Heracross’s horn and was starting to bleed.

“Sand attack!” Zigzagoon turned around and started to dig a hole, tossing the dirt in the direction of Heracross.

“Blow it away why don’t you,” Heracross then turned around and blew the sand away with his wings before it could even touch him.

“Heracross, lets move on please,” Heracross dashed toward Zigzagoon once again.

“Zigzagoon dodge….” Too late, Heracross was so fast that before Zigzagoon could even make a move, Heracross’s horn had rammed into Zigzagoon and punctured Zigzagoon’s chest with the spikes located around his horn.

I already knew Zigzagoon was done fighting, so quickly reacting I brought Zigzagoon into his Pokeball before he could suffer the pain of hitting the hard ground.

Although it felt horrific to see Zigzagoon in that condition, I had to put the sadness to the side, now was not the time, I had a battle to win.

“Ok buddy now it’s your turn to shine.”

“Eevee!” apparently Buddy had the same reaction as I did to Zigzagoon’s beating, except of being sad, Buddy was pissed.

“Alright Buddy, go get..” *Flash* “Whoa, what the f…” *Flash*

Buddy had used quick attack and appeared right behind Heracross.

“Heracross behind you!” Heracross was a little late, Buddy slammed right into Heracross’s back, disappearing before he could turn around, Buddy then appeared above Heracross and slammed into his head. This little act was going on for a couple of minutes, you didn’t have to be a damn genius to know that Heracross was about to go down for the count.

Finally, Buddy appeared right in front of me, waiting for the final blow.

“Buddy, you know what to do.” Buddy opened his mouth and started to charge a Shadow Ball; before the ball could explode, Buddy let it go, the ball flew towards Heracross and hit him dead center in the chest. Heracross was flung into the air and landed only inches from Michael’s feet, we won the fight.

“Holy shit, we won Buddy,” I kneeled down to pet Buddy and give him a treat. Although he seemed happy we won, I saw the sadness in his eyes because of Zigzagoon, I had only a slight glimpse of Zigzagoon’s injuries before going back into his Pokeball, but I knew that we had to get to a Pokemon center.

As I was checking Buddy for any damages, a shadow appeared from above us.

“Good fight, my Heracross seemed invincible to other trainers that fought us, but apparently not you,” Michael then held out his hand to help me up.

“Thanks, although you did quite a number on my Zigzagoon, is there a center near?” I asked while wiping the dirt off my pants.

“Yeah there is, the city is actually a little bit ahead once you exit the forest. Anyways, a deal’s a deal, here’s a map and your earnings. Hope to see you in the future.”

“Yeah me to, sorry but we got to get going now, time is being wasted.”

We then said our goodbyes and ran off, making Michael disappear into the darkness the further we ran from him.

“Well, that was….interesting,” Chole then reappeared; sitting on top of my head like it was some chair.

“Yeah it was but now’s not the time, and get off of my fucking head!” I grabbed Chole and flung her up into the air. “You can float, I’m not going to be your moving bed.”

“Sorry, sorry, it won’t happen again,” Chole apologized while trying to regain her balance from being thrown into the air.

We were running and walking for almost half an hour until we finally got to Rustboro City. There was no time for sightseeing; the only thing on my mind was to get into the Pokemon center. The automatic doors flung open, I ran to the front desk and slammed Zigzagoon’s Pokeball onto the counter.

“Heal my *gasp* Pokemon *gasp* please,” I was telling the nurse while trying to catch my breath.

“Of course, should I take your Eevee also?”

“Yes *gasp* please.”

Buddy then jumped onto the counter and was picked up by the nurse. She then walked into one of the rooms and shut the door.

I then flopped onto the couch like some rag doll, about to close my eyes, so close to sleeping, wait a minute, where the hell is Chole? I stood up and started to look around for Chole with my arms reaching out like I was looking for my glasses.

“Chole, Chole,” I whispered in a sort of loud tone.

I felt a tug on my pants, I looked down and saw a Charmander, wait a minute, could that be… “Chole?” I asked

“Just play along like I was your Pokemon,” she grinned.

“Alright, just please tell me before you do something like that again, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

We both sat down and almost immediately fell asleep, Chole decided of just sitting, she would lie down and put her head on top of my leg.

“*sigh* Alright, fine. You know Chole, you are full of surprises aren’t you?” I asked while petting her head.

“Eh not really, you probably can’t expect anything extraordinary from me besides the fact a Mew is laying right next to you,” she then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

I followed her actions after, but as I was falling asleep I couldn’t help but think, “there had to be something more about you than just being a Mew, something…something.”

Chapter End Notes:

Well, there 3rd chapter is done, onto 4th. For future chapter I really didn't plan onto writing about all gym battles, but, if you think I should go for it then I will. Once again, no grammar nazis, just positive comments or future suggestions, thank you.

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