AGNPH Stories

Midnight reaquaintences by silentdawn


Story Notes:

reloaded under the order of Ardy

Chapter 1

The pale moonlight glimmered upon her feminine curves. In the near distance she lay,
as naked as any one person could be, her shallow breathing casting a slow, restful
shadow upon the dusty cave floor. She lay motionless, basking in the absense of the sun's
imposing nature, replaced with only the glowing rays of the full moon hanging in the cloudless sky.
Her soft, yellow fur stood as the only thing closely resembling such a thing.

Not too far off pearched a somewhat inquisitive Charmander. Silently he stood,
his masculine form barely visible from his rocky stowaway point, perched above the Cave's opening.
The beautiful Pik-girl slept onwards soundlessly, making a noise only by
turning from her back onto her side, offering a picturesque view of her
soft, firm buttocks. Her tail lay askewed to one side revealing the curve between the two,
her ears twitching to the rhythm of her beating heart.

The Charmander remained behind his hiding spot, whilst peering down upon the
sleeping pik-girl. Silently, he crept from his place, his anthromorphic form
making light work of the tough, steep downward climb. As he neared the bottom, his
silent approach was thwarted as the charmander fell down the remaining few metres
in a sliding fashion, loud enough to wake even the most sleepy Snorlax.

Almost at the crack of a whip, no-longer did the Pik-girl sleep. Rolling over onto her back,
before finally kicking her feet into the air, she threw herself onto her feet in
a somewhat impressive acrobatic maneuver. Her sleepy state made its presence vanish
almost instantaneously, replaced with an adrenaline charged battle-ready pose.

Her eyes looked menancingly at the Charmander for a moment, before she gave way to a more
calm state. "Baby, where have you been?" She asked, her soft and gentle nature making itself
more so apparant in her speech. "I've been waiting here for hours... I nearly fell asleep!"
she added defiantly, a small grin making an apprearance on her face.

"Geez, I'm sorry 'hun" The Charmander began to mumble, any trace of brutality and cunning
replaced with a stupefied expression of guilt. "I was held up... but I am here now." He added,
feeling a little reassured than before. "...I missed you..." he began to say, his entire body
quivering with relief at their long overdue meeting. "Oh, same here my love..." the Pik-girl began as
they met and clutched eachother in a passionate grasp. "...take...take me now..." began the Pik-girl, her
voice quivering as the two hugged even tighter.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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