AGNPH Stories

Pokemon: Max Limit by soulthehornyraichu


Story Notes:

nothng speacial really just another story on the website

Pokemon Retrival part 1

alrite ya'll this is the first story i ever written so i hope u guys enjoy it

pokemon:max limit

On a boat headed for the Sinnoh region we meet our star character, Brendan Brookes,and his friends.they would've already be in the region sooner if it wasn't for one little thing.
"Oh man can't this friggen boat move any faster?!"Said Brendon obviously annoyed and bored.

May heard what he said and tried to bring him out of his state of boredom as best as she could.
"Aw come on Brendan its not that bad,just try to enjoy the beautiful ocean okay?" She said cutley and happily,Brendon just rolled his eyes. Brendan was almost like your normal 18 year old pokemon trainer,trying to beat every pokemon league and all that,he wore baggy denem jeans and a plain white t shirt with a black vest over, he had white spiky hair hiding under a blue barret with a pokeball symbol on the side.Brendan was heading to the Sinnoh region for the pokemon league so he can achieve his goal of pokemon master,he had already conquered the kanto,johto,and hoenn league,meaning unlike any other trainer he was one league away from achieving his goals.

May and Brendan both focused their attention to the direction where they heard a kind of vomiting sound. Brendan chuckled when he noticed it was his furry,little pokemon companinon Norman.J.Brookes(eevee for everyone else :3)

Norman was just like your normal sized Eevee, but his body fur was a little darker than normal and his neck fur was normal light brown. He also has some fur going down his head in a mowhawk kind of way between his two floppy ears."Well I guess you can't call it beautiful no more." Brendan said joking.

Brendan walk over to his sick friend while a tower of fire came around him transforming him into a charizard.Brendan had the ability to transform into pokemon for over 4 years,thanks to an experamental accident cause by his cousin,Michael Brookes. Although he could transform into any pokemon he wants,he always uses three of his favorite forms,a tyranitar,a charizard,and a raichu.

Brendan's charizard form was his most used out of those three forms.In his freqeuntly used form he stood taller then his normal human form,he was about 13ft in this form,his wingspan was just as normal as any other charizard and his horns were sharp and thin as normal charizard.In other words he was the exact image of a charizard.

Brendan finally made his way over to Eevee and look down at his feet to see him lying on his back looking miserable."you okay buddy?" brendan asked his small friend."never been better."Norman replied obviously lying.

"Then why do you look so sick?" Brendan asked knowing he was lying.

"He's got a bad case of sea-sickness,thats why." Said a voice belonging to none other than Bruce.G.Birch(also known as eevee). Bruce's body fur and neck fur was exactly like Eevee's and their size were the same,he looked exactly like Eevee,he only had four features that made him different from eevee,his eyes were a clear, sparkely sapphire blue, he always wears glasses,he was the smarter one out of the two of them and he too had fur between his ears,except that fur was just four spike. Three were almost as short as his ear base,but there was one hair long enough to get in the way of his left eye,which he never bothered to move.

"Hmph,ironic,the strong and mighty Eevee submitting to a litte sea-sickness,like a little bitch" Brendan laughed at that last remark and walked back to May.

"You know what,fuck you eevee." Norman said back trying to protect his manliness.

Bruce got tick off at that last word eevee said "I told you not to call me that."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"This!" Was all bruce said as he tackled eevee,knocking him three feet in front of him.

Eevee got back up with a smirk "Alright,it's go time."

"Bring it on furball."
Norman charged at Eevee the same time he did and they were lock into a match trying to get the other down to the ground,pushing each others shoulders in a way sumo wrestlers would.
May was watching them with a look that says "They are so predictable",she knew they would'nt actually hurt each other,but she was still worried knowing the kind of powers they got.
"Brendan,aren't you ever worried that they'll hurt each other?" May said watching Brendan walk back towards her.

"Nope,as long as they're not bothering me." He replied joking

"Don't you worry about them at all?"

"Barely." Brendan said as he returned to his regular posistion beside May,looking back into the ocean with the previous unexcited expression on his face "Fuck,i'm so bored."

May was getting tired of hearing Brendan complain about how bored he was and decided to do something about it."Okay,Brendan if you're so bored,why don't you just fly over to the island huh?"
May was caught off-guard and let out a cute little yelp as Brendan picked her up in his muscular charizard arms,instantly their lips were locked within a short loving kiss,May was once again taken by surprise by his actions,but she accepted the kiss and enjoyed the warm feel of Brendan's scaly body pressing against her own.

After what seemed like an eternity of happiness,Brendan broke the kiss which made May disappointed.
"So you want me to fly to the island,leaving you with those two idiots,are you sure?"
May didn't really had to think hard on that question. She gave her answer after a moment.

"You make a good point,now shut up and kiss me." Brendan chuckeled and then granted her wish,once again they pressed their lips in a passionate kiss letting their toungues explore inside of each other's mouth.

As Brendan and May continue their pleasureful kiss Norman and Eevee finally ended their match with Norman as the winner. He was sitting on Bruce's stomach,holding his wrists down,smirking,enjoying his victory."Eevee,get off me!" Bruce half-shouted trying to get Norman off his stomach.Eevee didn't reply he just reach for Bruce's glasses,taking them off his eyes then putting them just above his own eyes
"Hey,give me those back." Bruce demanded.

"Why you look so much better without them." Eevee said before moving his head downwards and connecting his lips with Bruce's in their own passionate kiss of love,their toungues massaging one another,savouring the taste of each others mouth. Eevee was the one to break the kiss,leaving a trail of slobber which snapped ending their lip connection "So are you going to leave me alone,or do i got to fuck you senseless til you do?".

Bruce could have said no,but he didn't want to be mated by Eevee in open public. He had to give his answer as Eevee slid pass his stomach and pressed his sheath against Bruce's.

"Alright,i'll leave you alone." Bruce said surrendering to Eevee's little threat.

"Good." Eevee said getting off of Bruce's stomach and walking over towards Brendan and May.

"Hey give back my glasses!"

"Maybe later." Eevee said making Bruce very annoyed with him

Brendan and May were continuing their kiss until Eevee tugged on Brendan's pant leg causing him to break his kiss with May,he look down at Eevee with an annoyed face.
"Hey Mook,you don't mind getting me some food do you?"

"Actually,yeah i do mind." Brendan said setting May down as that same towering inferno transformed him back into his human form.

"Ok,how about this,get me some food please?" Eevee said in a still demanding voice."You'll eat when we reach the island,so just chill."

"Oh man,fine,whatever." The michevious little pup said as Bruce came and snatch his glasses off Eevee's head.

Finally, our heroes arrive to their grand destination known as the Sinnoh region,they followed the crowd of people who were also leaving the boat "Finally were here,i thought i was going to die of boredom." Mook said grabbing his luggage.

"Yeah and i thought i was going to die of hunger." Norman spoked while hopping on brendan's shoulder.

"dont you ever think about anything else besides food?"

"Yes,girls and Bruce." Said Norman as Brendan finally sets foot off the boat and onto land for the first time in a long while,he yawned and streach his arms,almost causing Eevee to fall off,and sought out to catch up with May and Bruce.

"Alright were do we go from here?" Bruce asked.

"Do you really have to ask,i told first we visit Prof.Rowan's lab,i get my starter pokemon then we begin our adventure dummy."

"Ok,1.don't call me dummy and you even know where Prof.Rowan's lab is?" Bruce said not wanting to be called less smarter than he actually is.

"Hey not everything is a straight line ya'know." Mook said not wanting to admit he didn't know where Rowan's lab was. There was a long pause between the group since nobody knew where the lab was,until Eevee broke the silence,remembering he was hungry.

"Well we have all day to find this lab of yours,but what you say we get something to eat now?"

"Fine we'll shut you up and get something to eat,then we'll find the lab,ok?"

"OK." Eevee said with glee.

Our heroes finally arrived at a local eatery,walking up to the counter to speak his order. "Hello,can i help you?" the man behind the counter asked Mook and his crew.

"Yes,give me two bowls of your best pokefood please."

"Ok,anything for you and the lady?"

"Nope,thats it." As the man went to get his order,the team discuss what they were going to do next.

"So how are we going get to the lab if you don't know where you're going?" Bruce asked.

"We'll just ask someone for directions,is that good enough for you?" Brendan said getting annoyed by Bruce always making him feel like he didn't know what he was doing.

"Yeah,thats way more better,now instead of wondering around trying to find a lab,we get to wonder around trying to find people who know where the lab is." Bruce sarcasticly replied,Brendan just grumble and rest his head on the counter holding his barret so it wouldn't fall off.

"Bruce,leave Brendan alone he's just trying to find his way around this region." May said preventing Bruce from bothering her boyfriend any further.

"Yes ma'am." Bruce said,his ears drooping knowing he can't back-talk his trainer.

"Here you go sir." Their waiter said as he set down two bowls of pokechow in front of Eevee and Norman,Norman almost ate half of his food in one bite which made the waiter chuckled.

"Hurry up and eat so we can get out of here,ok?" Brendan said having enough strength to talk but keeping his head on the counter.

"OK,i'm here for my pokemon!" An unknown voice shouted,it was a girl,she was about the same size as may,she wore a white hat with a pokeball symbol on it,she had black hair with two clips holding some of her hair,she also wore a dress that was a black/pink,and she wore two pink boots along with two black socks that reached her knees.

"Ok,so are you going to order something." The guy behind the counter welcomed the girl in. The girl opened her eyes when she heard the man's voice,instantly her face turned bright red,obviously showing how embarrassed she was.

"Oh i'm sorry,i've got the wrong place." The girl said before she walk back out. As soon as she left everyone went back to minding their own buisness,except Bruce who knew what the girl was looking for.

"Hey Brendan,you know who she was looking for right?"

"Prof.Rowan,so what?"

"She had a map,maybe she knows where his lab is."

"But she ended up here,where we are because we didn't know where it was." Brendan said finally lifting his head.

"Not everything is a straight line,right Brendan?" May said smiling that beautiful smile of her's that always make Brendan's day.

May planted a kiss on Brendan's cheek which made him chuckle."Alright,hurry up finish eating and then we can go."

"Mook,Eevee's been finished with both mine and his food for a little while now." Bruce said pointing to Eevee,he was lying on his back,patting his stomach and then burping.

"Ok,now can we go." Eevee said now that his stomach is finally full. Brendan left a few bucks on the counter and made his way out the door.

After Brendan and friends left the diner they were,as Bruce predicted,wondering around trying to find Prof.Rowan's lab.They questioned a few people along the way,but apperently they still had no lead.
"Oh man this is hopeless,we'll never find the lab." Brendan said tired and wanting to give up. He looked at Bruce who was on May's shoulder with mad eyes.

"What?" Bruce asked seeing Brendan looking at him angrily.

"This is your fault,you're the one who has us looking for a girl with a stupid map.'' Brendan replied.

"Hey i said she had a map,you're the one who went looking for her." Bruce stated,a little tick off at Brendan claiming it was his fault for them wondering around. Brendan was going to say somthing until May interupted their conversation.

"He's right you know Brendan." May stated to stop Bruce and Mook's argument's.

Mook just spoke under his breath "whatever." Which made Bruce grin and stick his toungue out at Brendan.

"Um excuse me,can you help me mister?" A voice asked from behind Mook's crew,ironicly it was the same girl they saw from before,she walked up to Brendan with her bike on her right side.

"Uh,can you tell me where i can find Prof.Rowan's lab please?" Said the girl in a tone similar to May's voice.

"Sorry,i'm a bit lost myself." Brendan said rubbing the back of his head and grinning.

"Oh,okay,sorry to bother you."

"No problem at all." Brendan replied. The girl turned around and started walking away from Brendan and crew,after she was a few meters away she suddenly turned around.

"Um hey are you looking for Prof.Rowan too?"

"Uhh yeah,i guess."

"Well why don't we look for the lab together?" The girl suddenly suggested.
This made Brendan cringed knowing how jealous May gets when he's around other girls he or she doesn't know.

"Oh great,if i say yes May'll snap me in half." Brendan thought to himself and then looking back at May who had a dull look on her face which meant you better say no.

"Thanks,but no thanks i can find it on my own." Brendan replied in a gentle tone so he doesn't hurt her feelings.

"Oh,ok,i guess i'll see you later,bye." The girl said in a soft tone as she turned around again.

"Wait a second,what's your name?" Brendan asked causing May to narrow her eyes.

"Oh,my name's Dawn." She replied her voice sounding very cute and harmless

"I'm Brendan,nice to meet you and happy birthday." Mook said back,catching Dawn by surprise with a birthday comment.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Well you were looking for Rowan so i thought it was your 10th b-day."

"Oh,well thank you,i'll see you later,Brendan." Dawn thanked Brendan as she turned around for the final time.

As soon as she was out of distance from Brendan and the others May's fist came rocketing towards brendan's head,causing him to crash his face into the pavement hard

"What...was that for?" Brendan asked very weakly.

"Nice to meet you and happy birthday? You were flirting with her!" May's said turning her cheek to Brendan.

"No i wasn't." Our half conscious hero said a little more quietly.
After the whole commotion with Brendan hitting the floor,Eevee came out from Mook's backpack yawning and stretching. "Whats with all the rumbling dude."

"Brendan just got his ass kicked,by May." Bruce answer causing Norman to laugh.

"Ok,whatever,can we just get back to finding some place,like the lab?" Brendan interupted as he let a wave of sparks wash over him to transforming his previous form into that of a raichu.
his raichu form was favoured mostly by May being his cutest form(so far).
His raichu form had shorten his height to a 4'07" and like a regular wild raichu his belly was just as chubby,once again he was the exact image of a raichu.
Brendan finally got himself off the ground and brushed off his barret,his pants,and his shirt.
"Let's get back to buisness,we'll find this lab if it's last I do!" Brendan said being a bit childish on that last sentence.

After brendan was done talking Eevee hopped on his head making a suggestion."Or we could follow that chick with the pink boots who's following the old guy in the trench coat." Eevee said pointing to Dawn and a man in a brown trench coat with a suitcase in his hand.

"Or we could do that yeah." Brendan spoke giving in to Eevee idea.

"It's agreed then,we follow the chick with the nice ass." Eevee said outloud which made Brendan grab him by his tail and shove back into his backpack.

"Let's just go." Brendan said as he started walking on all fours,soon followed by May and Bruce.

After 25 minutes of following Dawn and the old man they finally arrive at building which was claim to be Prof.Rowan's lab. as Dawn and the mystery person went into the building Brendan and friends were a few distance away from them. "Well looks like we finally found the place." Brendan spoke smiling for once after what seemed like hours.

"Awesome,so what pokemon are you going to pick?" Norman asked a bit muffled from being in Brendan's bag.

"A fire type,duh." Mook replied not a bit annoyed by Norman talking. before Mook started walking,he heard a growling noise which was coming from May's stomach.

"Brendan,i'm hungry can we get something to eat,please?" May complained while holding her stomach.

"What?! We're right here at the lab and now all of a sudden you're hungry?" Brendan spoke back until his stomach started growling too,he immediatly closed his mouth as he started blushing and placed a paw on his stomach.
"Fine we'll get somthing to eat and then we come right back here,got it?" Brendan said very sternly.

"Mm-hm." May replied by nodding.

"Okay,then,now find someplace near-by so we don't get lost again." After Brendan said that there was another long awkward silence between the group,because once again nobody knew their way around this region,they both let out a long heavy sigh.

Suddenly Brendan ears started to twitch when he heard something coming in the directions they was in. Brendan looked all the way down to his left and saw a wagon on wheels,along with two mysterious persons pushing the mobile object.
As it got closer,Brendan and May's eyes lit up with excitment as they saw it was a food wagon,equipped with a stove heated by fire created by two gas tanks on the right side of the moving device. "Awesome,we found the lab and food comes to us for once,our luck's turning around."

Eevee popped out of Brendan's bag at the smell of food and hopped on top of Brendan's head to see if it was close-by,even Bruce began to salivate at the smell of delicious food.
After a few seconds,the cart and the couple pushing it,came to a stop. They were a bit winded,but who wouldn't be after pushing that thing around.
"Hamburgers,get your fresh hamburgers while they're hot." A woman with long red hair said,as her two comrades popped up on the left side of the wagon behind the grill. One was man who had lavander short cut hair,the other was a Meowth in a chef uniform with a fake moustache.

"Yes what can we do for you?" The man with the short hair asked.
Brendan had a feeling that these people looked familar,as if he seen them from somewhere,then it hit him,they were team rocket!

"These guys again,i would send them flying into the sky,but i am getting food for free,i guess." Our little raichu hero thought to himself. Brendan and May walked up to the mobile cooking machine.

"So wat can i cook for ya today,huh?" The Meowth in disguise asked(i tryed to copy the way meowth talks).

"We'll have two hamburgers,sir." Brendan replied even though in his pokemon form he wasn't suppose to talk. James and Meowth were a little shock to hear Brendan talking,but they kept their cool,working with a talking pokemon and all(meowth).

"Okay that'll be two dollars,please." Jessie said.

"Sure thing." Brendan said trying to keep his convincing smile and trying his hardest to stop eletricity that was flowing from his tail to his tail tip. He started to hand the money over to Jessie knowing he was going to regret doing Brendan was about to give his money to the trio,everyone had their own thoughts going through their minds.

"I know what they're doing,they're going to take my fucking money,try to take my fucking pokemon,until i break their fucking heads!" Brendan's thoughts were dark because he remembered all the time team rocket tried to steal his pokemon.

"Man,i'm hungry." Eevee thought thinking about food as usual.

"For some reason i feel like something bad is going to happen." Bruce thought.

"I can't wait to eat,then take a bath and then spend some time with Brendan." May thought,her happiness at the same level of Brendan's when he found the lab.
Brendan finally gave jessie his two dollars.

"Thank you." Jessie said still thinking Brendan was convinced by their act.

While all this was going on a pidgey flew over our heroes heads,while it passed by one of it's feathers fell towards Brendan and co. It fell and fell,until it hit Eevee's little brown nose.
Eevee felt the feather and then his nose began to twitch. "Ah-ahh-ahhh."

"Okay,just let me turn up the heat on this here grill." Meowth said actually reaching for button to capture Brendan and May's pokemon,the only thing keeping Brendan from stopping them is that he didn't know it was there. Meowth was only a inch away from the button,until.

"Ahhhchooo!" Eevee accidentily sneezed,releasing a blast of blue,sapphire flames from his mouth directly at team rocket,sending them rocketing through the sky.

"We were so close!" Jessie shouted still soaring through the air.

"On the bright side we got their money." James tried to calm Jessie down.

"An' the flight's free too." Meowth said relaxing the group with a joke.

"Looks like team rocket's blasting off again!" The trio shouted just before they turn into a star in the morning sky. After team rocket was gone Brendan,May and Bruce were standing with their jaws dropped,while Eevee was recovering from his deadly sneeze.

"'Scuse me." Norman said.
Once again everyone except Norman let out a long sigh,for their luck had went from good to bad again.

"Why,we could've gotten food,why did that had to happen?" May thought,falling to her knees,almost on the verge of tears.

"I knew something bad was going to happen." Bruce thought,also on the verge of tears.
Brendan just kept his head down not wanting to look back up,knowing something else bad was going to happen.

"Great,now those team rocket idiots are going keep coming back at us and they still have my 2 dollars." Brendan thought and then let out a short sigh.
He brought his head back up and then took Eevee off his head and place him on the ground. "Alright let's get moving to the lab." Brendan said his voice sounding like nothing happened and pointing a paw at the lab.

"I'm not leaving this spot!" May shouted having the same bad feeling as Brendan. Mook once again sighed and walked up to May,he picked up Bruce off her shoulder,placed him on the ground and wrap his arm around May.
"Listen to me May." Brendan said sternly and seriously.
May looked into his brown eyes,still a little depressed.
"May,listen when i get my pokemon i'll buy you anything you want to eat until you can't eat no more,i promise." Brendan said and then gave May a short kiss on the lips. "Ok?"

".....Ok." May said giving Brendan a small smile.

"Ok then,let's move on to the lab shall we?!" Brendan asked with a little more energized pointing a paw back at the lab facility,getting everyone esle pumped up as well. Their sprits were deminised as the door to the lab opened automatically,allowing two birds with white,grey and black feathers,followed by a small red looking simian with flames coming out of backside and a little blue bird that looked like a penguin to come out,the blue one seem to be chasing the other one,letting out a stream of bubbles to attack the simian. Soon after they disappered into the forest,Brendan was standing there mouth agape,looking shocked and letting his arm fall back down to his side.
"Son of a fucking bitch!"

To Be Continued...

Ike:Yo guys ok look i know i didn't give team rockets much lines or stuff like that an some of the characters are copied and the story is a little short but i'm willing to learn from my mistakes an also i'd like to introduce some of the people who make up the staff of Manaja inc., i'm Ike:The Boss/Creator/Writer of Manaja inc.

Brendan:The name's Brendan:Hero/Manager

May:Hi i'm May:Secratary/Hero's lover

Bruce:Bruce.G.Birch:Smart guy/Editor

Norman:Everyone knows me:Hero's pet/Co-editor

Gargomon:I'm not really in the stories but i still work here,i'm security

Ike:Well you meet the crew and you can expect more story soon,have a yiffy day.
Chapter End Notes:how was it? i think it was good for a noob like me. next chapter is wen it starts to get yiffy so just stick around til then alrite
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