AGNPH Stories

Strength and Beauty by blazikenpwnage


Beauty and Strength

?auty & Strength

Bellesa sighed as she glided across the forest floor, lamenting the lack of Gallades in the area. Bellesa was in heat, and had been for the past few days. She'd been approached by several males already, including a particularly disgusting Muk, but despite the Gardevoir's strong urges to mate, her will to preserve her virginity for someone special was stronger still. She thought about all the males she had ever met, trying to sort out which ones had meant something to her, whether it was a simple friendship or a youthful infatuation, the ones who had tried to have their way via Attract, and the ones who had just been males. Her mind lingered for a short while on her former trainer, who had been very close to her. He had died several years earlier of some disease Bellesa couldn't name, and his sister had released his Pokemon, unwilling to keep them in captivity after their trainer's death. Bellesa had taken his death the hardest, being a Gardevoir, and nearly tried to kill herself several times. One of the others, who she'd had a crush on since she was a Ralts, was always there to stop her, though. She didn't know why, but despite her feelings about him, she couldn't remember anything about him or the others. Or their trainer, for that matter.
Bellesa was so lost in her thoughts she floated straight into a tree and fell back on her rump. A somewhat clear fluid dripped onto her nose, and she gazed up at the tree, noticing the Ambipom hanging from one of the higher branches, looking curiously at her. The Ambipom was male, and Bellesa quickly got up and straightened her skirt, her heat starting to take effect again.
"I know what you're thinking," Bellesa told him as he dropped down a few branches, still staring. "I'm not interested," she continued, desperately trying to ignore her urges.
The Ambipom hung from a branch, then jumped to the ground. "Ooh, look," he said, looking her up and down. "A sexy little Gardevoir in heat. This'll be fun."
"I just told you, I'm not interested," Bellesa repeated.
The Ambipom wrapped his tails around her body and forced her to the ground. "Who said you had to be interested?" he smirked, using his hands to pull up her skirt, exposing her dripping pussy. He brought his body closer to hers, and she realized what he was going to do. She started to use a psycho cut attack to free herself, but the monkey saw her eyes glowing and squeezed her hard with his tails, causing her to lose focus, and the attack dissipated.
"Now, now. None of that, there's no need to get violent," the Ambipom chattered in a singsong voice, smirking as he drew his cock closer to her until it was just touching her nether lips. Bellesa shut her eyes and screamed as loud as she could, then waited for the pain.


Not far away, a lone Lucario strode through the forest, bored and looking for something to do. Jakost had lost his trainer a long time ago, and been released by the family of his trainer. He had loved his trainer like family, and when he died, Jakost had sworn to try and prevent other people's pain, whether it be physical or mental. Suddenly, he heard a scream, and, using extremespeed, rushed to the point where it originated, leaping up to an overhanging branch and surveying the scene. Seeing the Ambipom about to rape the Gardevoir, who seemed vaguely familiar, his eyes narrowed.


"This is gonna be really fun," the Ambipom grinned, drawing his hips back and preparing to thrust into Bellesa. Then, there was a yelp of surprise and a small explosion, and the tails wrapped around her were abruptly pulled away. She opened her eyes to see a Lucario standing in front of her, facing the Ambipom with an aura sphere charging in his paws. The Ambipom glanced at him in terror, jumped into a nearby tree, and fled into the woods.
"You should cover yourself," the Lucario said without shifting his gaze from the spot where the Ambipom had fled. He lowered his paws and let the aura sphere vanish as Bellesa rose to her feet and straightened her dress once more.
"Thank you for saving me," she told him, feeling that she knew him from somewhere.
"It's what I do," the Lucario replied before using extremespeed and vanishing into the forest, leaving Bellesa alone to wonder why he seemed so familiar.


Jakost dashed from tree to tree, trying not to think about the Gardevoir and her heat. He was focusing so hard on not thinking that he underestimated the distance to the next branch and fell to the forest floor below, landing on his feet. Some hero you are, he thought to himself. Save someone and vanish before they can see you, then fall out of a tree. Smooth. Jakost cleared his mind and looked around the forest, detecting the auras of all the nearby pokemon. He saw the Gardevoir, and automatically his mind tried to figure out where he knew her from. The only time he'd ever formed lasting friendships were with his trainer's other pokemon. He seemed to remember there being a Garchomp, a Drapion, and a Typhlosion, other than himself. Jakost thought his trainer had one or two others, but he couldn''t be sure. He dashed off again, this time to save a Caterpie that was being bullied by a Fearow.


Bellesa couldn't stop thinking about the Lucario and how he had saved her, or why she thought she knew him. She tried to picture him in her mind, but all she'd seen of him was his back, so she couldn't form a good picture. Just focus, she told herself. Think about him and where you've seen him before. You don't know what he looks like from the front, so just focus on that nice, muscular back of his... Bellesa stopped that train of thought, as her heat had started up again with the thought of his muscles, and she was afraid some other, stronger male would try to rape her like the Ambipom had. As soon as she thought of the scene with the Ambipom and the Lucario, she realized that the Lucario was the only male she had seen during her heat who had showed no sign of arousal, which aroused her further. Bellesa stopped thinking altogether, and decided to ask the Lucario himself where they had met before. She opened her mind and tried to locate him by his thoughts...


Jakost sensed a subtle probing in his mind, and blocked it out, unwilling to share his thoughts with anyone else. He finished off the Fearow and set off yet again into the woods, carefully guarding his mind in case the psychic tried to read it again.


Bellesa returned to her own thoughts, realizing the Lucario had shut her out. She didn't care, though, because she had already found out where he lived. Bellesa teleported herself to a large cave in the side of a cliff overlooking the forest, and waited.


Jakost was returning to his cave when he sensed an intruder. He readied an aura sphere in one paw and a dark pulse in the other, then stepped around the corner, preparing to strike.


Bellesa sensed him coming, but was unprepared for the attack. She managed to dodge the dark pulse, which blackened the cave so she couldn't see, and the aura sphere struck her in the side, sending her sprawling on the ground. The Lucario approached her.


"You..." Jakost murmured.
"I have some questions for you," the Gardevoir told him, rising.
"I don't do questions," Jakost replied, walking past her.


"I'll stay here until you answer them," Bellesa told him stubbornly. She was somewhat startled at how easily he had dismissed her prescence.
The Lucario sighed, then sat on a log against the wall. "Fine. Just make it quick."
"For some reason, I feel like I've met you before. I don't know where or when, but I think I knew you, and maybe even fought beside you." Bellesa didn't know how she remembered this, only that she did.
The Lucario looked at her strangely. "I had the same feeling," he said.
"Huh," Bellesa looked out of the cave at the forest below. It was getting late, and the sun was starting to set. "Tell me about your life."
The Lucario raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, why are you alone?" Bellesa asked. "Why do you prefer to be alone?"


The question was unexpected, and it dug into memories Jakost would rather forget about. He avoided the question.
"You first."
"You're avoiding the question."
"I don't trust pokemon I know nothing about. The only thing I know for sure about you is that you're in heat."
"Fair enough."


Bellesa thought back on her whole life.
"I was hatched somewhere near that place the humans call 'Petalburg City'. My mother was a Gardevoir, and my father was a Blaziken. My trainer captured me when I was about four or five moons old, and he raised me from a Ralts until I eventually evolved into a Gardevoir. A lot of the time, I trained with his other pokemon, a Garchomp and a Drapion. I can't remember what the others were," Bellesa was too busy remembering to notice the odd look the Lucario was giving her. "I think there was a Fighting type of some sort, but despite the type advantage, I could never manage to win. He was too fast, and he had a nasty dark pulse attack..." Her voice trailed off as she finally remembered why she knew him.
"It is you! I knew I knew you!" Bellesa cried in joy, jumping up to embrace her long-lost friend. "It's so good to see you again!"
"Yeah, you too," Jakost replied, hugging her back.
"You're just as quiet as you always were," she accused, smiling. "I can't believe that didn't tip me off."
"All Lucario are quiet," he informed her, blushing as she hugged him again.
By this time, the sun had set and it was pretty dark. Bellesa used a fire punch to light a fire, a trick she learned from her father when she was a Ralts.
"I'll go gather some food," Jakost offered, walking to the cave entrance.
"Sure," Bellesa replied.
Jakost vanished. Most likely using extremespeed again, she thought. Once again, she thought about him, but now she remembered how they used to hang out with the others as well. Scorpio, the Drapion, was always extremely aggressive, and more often than not, Drake, the Garchomp, and Flare, the Typhlosion had to hold him down to keep him from lashing out at most of the jokes anyone made. Siren, their trainer's Mismagius, was usually the perpetrator of these jokes, and seemed to enjoy pissing Scorpio off. Secretly, or so they thought, Scorpio and Siren were actually mates. Bellesa, Jakost, Flare, and Drake laughed about how oblivious the two of them were to the fact that even their trainer knew about their relationship.
The thought of her trainer brought tears to Bellesa's eyes. She had failed him. It was a Gardevoir's duty to protect her trainer at all costs, and Bellesa hadn't been able to prevent his death. Her tears rolled down her face as she remembered how her trainer had always been there for her. When she had lost a battle against a Sneasel as a Kirlia, he had abandoned the fight to rush her to a pokemon center and stayed by her side until she recovered, having Flare and Jakost, still a Quilava and Riolu at the time, bring his meals to him. But the one time he had needed her, she hadn't been there for him. She had failed him, she had failed herself, and she had failed as a Gardevoir.
And so Bellesa wept before the warmth of the fire.


Jakost picked berries as fast as he could, gathering all sorts, from cheri to liechi. Then, he headed to the river and caught a few Magikarp. As he returned to the cave, he too remembered his time with his trainer and the other pokemon. Drake had been his best friend back then; they did almost everything together. Siren made several comments on that, most of which they ignored. Finally, Bellesa had told her that nobody thought that particular joke was funny anymore, and Siren had moved on to teasing Scorpio, in more ways than one. Jakost grinned as he remembered how those two had thought their relationship secret, sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet up. Jakost never was able to figure out how they were able to mate, because Siren seemed to lack any defined form, but he had never really wanted to know, either. When their trainer died, Drake, Flare, Bellesa, and him had gone their separate ways. Scorpio and Siren, still under the impression that nobody knew about them, set off in different directions but met up shortly after.
Jakost was approaching the cave now, and he was a little confused to find Bellesa with her knees pulled up, crying into her skirt.
"What's wrong?" Jakost asked her. "That Ambipom didn't come back, did he?"
"No," Bellesa sobbed.
"Then what is it?"
"I failed him."
"Who? The Ambipom? He was going to rape you."
"No, our trainer."
Bellesa looked up at him, her face wet with tears. "A Gardevoir is supposed to protect her trainer with her life, and I couldn't stop him from dying."
"Don't be ridiculous," Jakost told her. "He was sick. You couldn't have done anything to prevent it."
"That's my point. I couldn't do anything."
Jakost sighed. "Look, the only ones who could possibly have saved him were Celebi, Arceus, or Suicune, none of which would be willing to anyway."
"Giratina could have saved him, too."
"Only once he was already dead."
Jakost knew as soon as he said it that it was the wrong thing to say. Bellesa burst into tears again, and stood up, walking toward the cave mouth.
"Now where are you going?" he asked.
"Where I belong," she replied. "With him."
He dashed in front of her, blocking her way. He cared too much about her to let her kill herself.
"Get out of the way," she cried.
"Don't make me hurt you." She prepared a fire punch, her right hand catching fire.
Jakost didn't flinch. Instead he just crossed his arms. "You won't."
"Yes, I will!"
"No, you won't."
Bellesa let the flames on her hand die, and rammed into Jakost, trying to push him out of the way. He was stronger though, and didn't budge. Instead he lifted her by the waist and used extremespeed to take her to the back of the cave. Bellesa tried to push past him yet again, but he grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him, looking deep into her crimson eyes.
"Listen," Jakost told her. "His death wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped him from catching the disease any more than you could have stopped the sun, much less keep him from dying of it. It was just a horrible twist of fate."
Bellesa gave up struggling. "I don't have any reason to live anymore. Gardevoir live to protect their trainer. I failed, so--"
"Stop saying that!" Jakost stopped her. "First of all, you didn't fail. You did all you could to keep him alive. Second of all, you have plenty of reasons to live."
"Like what?" Bellesa demanded. "What do I have to live for?"
Jakost hesitated, then pulled her close to him and kissed her. Her eyes widened for a moment, then she blushed and closed her eyes. After a while, he broke the kiss. "I love you," he told her.
"You're just saying that because I'm in heat and it's making you horny," she said, unsure whether she wanted to believe it or not.
"No, I'm not. Actually, I completely forgot about your heat."
"Oh," she murmured, blushing again.
Unfortunately, the feel of Jakost's chest pressing against her own was turning Bellesa on. She could feel each of his powerful muscles beneath his fur, and the kiss really didn't help much. She realized she was already wet. Jakost smelled her scent, and despite his best efforts to stay under control, he was getting turned on as well. They both realized this at the same time and blushed.
"Sorry," Jakost apologized.
"It's alright," Bellesa replied. "I've actually been waiting for someone special to mate with."
"Oh." Jakost blushed even harder and began to turn away.
Bellesa stopped him. "I think you count," she told him, and kissed him.
They kissed for a long while, then Bellesa felt something bumping her lower stomach. She looked down to see Jakost's member protruding out of his sheath. It was about ten inches long and an inch and a half in diameter.
Bellesa stared. "Wow."
"It's huge."
"Thanks." Jakost blushed. He carried her to a side chamber in the back of the cave, where Bellesa lay on her back, pulling him down with her. She kissed him again, then parted the slit in the front of her skirt, revealing her shapely legs and dripping cunt.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked. "I love you, but--"
"Just mate with me," she replied, spreading her legs. "I want you to be the one. I'd also rather have it be you than some male I don't even know."
"If you say so." Jakost knelt between her legs and positioned himself so the tip of his member was touching her lips. He slowly pushed into her, spreading her inner walls wide, and they both moaned in pleasure.
"Be gentle," Bellesa moaned. Jakost just moaned in reply as he continued his entry before bumping into her hymen. "Take me," she told him.
Jakost quickly thrust into her, taking her virginity and hilting himself within her as she screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Are you okay?" Jakost asked worriedly, instantly halting.
"As long as you don't stop, yes," Bellesa replied through gritted teeth. "This feels wonderful." Jakost smiled, although he could tell she had experienced intense pain, and leaned over so he could kiss her as he started to withdraw slowly. His tongue pushed through her lips much as his cock had penetrated her inner walls, and he started toying with her tongue with his own. Just when he had pulled out to the point where only the head of his member remained inside of her, he thrust back into her, as slowly as before, and they both moaned through their kiss. As they continued their lovemaking, Jakost placed his arms at her sides, then slid them down Bellesa's back, using it as leverage for his quickening humps. He broke the kiss and gazed at his lover. Bellesa's cheeks were flushed, shading them a bright pink color rather than the usual white, and she looked at him with love in her beautiful red eyes. He didn't realize the full extent of her feelings, however, until she linked their emotions psychically, and he felt her love as strongly as his own. Then, his shaft bumped a sensitive spot within her, and she closed her eyes and moaned loudly. Through their bond, Jakost felt her pleasure, and increased the speed of his humping, and they moaned together as each felt the other's bliss rivaling theirs. Jakost lowered his head and nuzzled her neck, kissing it every so often between thrusts.
"Jakost...," Bellesa moaned, unable to say more. He felt her pleasure increase dramatically, and she in turn felt this and knew she didn't need to speak. They both closed their eyes and moaned in ecstasy as Jakost humped her faster and faster. Soon, they could feel their climaxes approaching.
"Jakost," she whispered. "I'm going to--"
"I know," Jakost murmured back. "Me too."
Just then, they came together, and Bellesa screamed in ecstasy as Jakost jammed his cock into her so far she thought his balls might go in, as they shared each other's orgasmic pleasure. The Gardevoir's juices splashed across the Lucario's groin, and he released wave after wave of his cream into her. Their mental bond forced each of them to feel the other's massive pleasure as well as their own, and it drove them both over the edge again and again, forming a sort of feedback loop of orgasms. After about half an hour, Bellesa was finally able to focus enough to break the link, and even then they continued to climax for another five minutes or so. By this point, Jakost's entire lower body was covered in Bellesa's fluids, and so much of his seed was leaking out of their union it was forming a massive puddle on the ground that extended nearly a foot in all directions. Jakost collapsed next to Bellesa, facing her, too tired to even pull out of his mate.
"That...," Bellesa gasped, trying to catch her breath. "...was...amazing."
"Yeah...," Jakost panted. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, kissing her with passion nearly equal to that which with he had just made love to her. Neither of them broke the kiss, as they both fell asleep before it ended.


Bellesa awoke early the next morning, too tired to remember anything that had happened the previous day. She tried to sit up, her eyes still closed, but unknown to her, Jakost's arms were still wrapped around her. When she realized she couldn't rise, she opened her eyes to see Jakost lying asleep beside her, his chest pressed to hers. Still too tired to remember anything, she panicked. What's going on? Who is this guy? She quickly threw his arms off of her and rose. As she did so, Jakost's limp member, which had still been inside her, slid out, and a large amount of their mixed juices drained out of her and down her legs, pooling around her feet. Despite the overwhelming panic flooding her mind, as he slid out, still asleep, she moaned, still being pleasured by its sheer size even without an erection. The pleasure triggered something in the back of her mind, and the memories of the previous day came rushing back to her. She smiled as she recalled what had occurred between them the night before, noticing a large stain on the cave floor, in the middle of which Jakost lay. She turned and entered the main chamber of the cave, gliding an inch or so above the floor.
Bellesa looked around the cave, spotting two other tunnels leading from the chamber. She explored the one on the left first, drifting down the tunnel absentmindedly. She was thinking about how Jakost had kept her from jumping off the cliff. As she remembered this, she seemed to remember him doing similar things after their trainer died. Memories suddenly flooded her mind, images of the two of them. She remembered a time when she'd started a rock slide, using psychic to move a boulder that supported several others, and stood there, waiting for it to crush her. Jakost had abruptly appeared in front of her, using force palm every time a boulder came near her. There was a time she'd intentionally angered a local ghost gang, hoping they would kill her, but Jakost had driven them all off with a single dark pulse. She'd even tried to drown herself, tying her foot to a large rock and dropping it in a lake. Jakost somehow managed to take control of a Gyarados, who had bitten through the rope tying her to the rock and brought her to the surface. Every time she'd tried to kill herself out of shame from not saving her trainer, he'd been there to save her. The only reason she hadn't kept trying was because he'd forced her to promise to stop, and because she'd had a crush on him.
By this time, Bellesa had reached the end of the tunnel, and she emerged into a small cavern with a waterfall. She returned to the main chamber and took the other passage, which ascended on a steep incline. By the end of the tunnel, Bellesa was shivering slightly from the lower temperature, and there were patches of ice on the walls. She was surprised to see several Magikarp and a couple of Goldeen, all long dead, hanging by their tails on a wall, and several plain white eggs sat in a niche along the opposite wall. Bellesa was starting to get a bad feeling about Jakost when she saw several dozen berries of all sorts in a basket on the floor. This must be like one of those "fridges" HE had, Bellesa thought. She'd made breakfast for the team several times during her time with them, and so she knew how to make all sorts of food. She gathered some stuff.


Jakost woke up to find Bellesa gone. All that was left where she'd laid beside him was a puddle of cum.
"I should have known" he muttered. "She just wanted to use me to get rid of her heat."
Suddenly a vaguely familiar scent filled his nostrils, and he went into the main chamber to see what the source was. He had to shade his eyes for a moment, as the sun was shining directly into the cave, but he could hear the crackling of a fire and a sizzling noise. After a while his eyes got used to the light, and he could see a small fire in the middle of the cave.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Bellesa called from next to the fire, where she'd been cooking breakfast.
He smiled, relieved to find that she hadn't gone, and crouched next to her.
"You found my makeshift refridgerator, then?" he asked, breathing in the delicious smell rising from whatever it was she was cooking. It looked like small yellow circle with bits of various berries strewn about.
"Is that what you call it?" Bellesa replied, taking her eyes off of her cooking for only a minute to look at him. "I must admit, I was kind of spooked when I saw the fish and the eggs. Then I saw the berries."
"You didn't honestly think I would do something like that, did you?" Jakost asked her, slightly hurt. "After seeing what I go around doing most of the time?"
"No, it was just kind of weird, that's all. By the way, what's with the waterfall?"
"I use it to clean off, kind of like those chowder things..." he paused, knowing she didn't like to think about their trainer. "...humans use."
"You mean a shower," Bellesa corrected, not noticing his hesitation.
"Yeah, that."
They sat in silence for a bit, then she finished their breakfast, berry omelettes, and gave him his. Jakost took a bite and almost didn't want to swallow, it was so good. She noticed his reluctance and stopped eating.
"What's the matter?" she asked. "Not very good?"
"Actually," he replied, finally swallowing. "it's delicious."
"Thanks. Can I try yours?"
"Aren't they the same?"
"No. I couldn't find enough berries of any one kind for two omelettes, so yours has bluk berries while mine has razz berries."
"Oh," he said, making a mental note to gather more berries. He took another bite, then held his omelette out to her. "Sure, go ahead."
She glanced at it momentarily, then leaned towards him and kissed him, their tongues intertwining. When she broke the kiss, she looked at him mischievously. "You were right. It does taste good."
Jakost blushed, realizing he could taste the razz berries from her omelette on her lips. "Yours does too," he told her. She blushed as much as he had, and they finished their omelettes in silence, both of them thinking about how much they loved the other, but unable to form words. Instead, they simply gazed into each other's eyes, basking in the warmth and love they saw there.
Chapter End Notes:Written because I think that Gardevoir and Lucario are definitely the two most popular pokemon in terms of sexiness, Blaziken being third, since they have LOTS of pics and stories dedicated to them. But I've never found a single one featuring the two of them together.
I would have had the rapist be some other pokemon, like a weavile, but I couldn't think of a good way for him to show up, and I think that, apart from Lickilicki and Mamoswine, Ambipom is probably one of the less useful evolutions out there. Oh, look, my Aipom has two tails now. Yay!In case you're wondering, Bellesa means beauty in Catalan, a foreign language I've never heard of, and Jakost means strength in Croation. Hence the title
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