AGNPH Stories

Lunar Hearts by mizugiwa


Story Notes:

I don't own Pokemon, or Umbreon. They both belong to Nintendo. The characters Cairo and Nade belong to me, as do the contents of this story.

Lunar Hearts

Not again...aughhhh...Cairo rolled over in his sleep, scratching his side with his back leg. He didn't want to move at all for at least another three or four hours, but he knew he would have to nonetheless...after all, the tribe needed food.

Cairo was an Umbreon, and part of a special herd of Umbreon who had been labeled as "outcasts". Many of them believed Umbreon were an "inferior" species of some sort, because you only became one if you had a dark heart. They considered themselves worthless and unwanted, and believed that many others, including humans and other pokemon shared their beliefs. So a select group banded together and formed a tribe of sorts. They called themselves "The Banished". Cairo was a part of this tribe.

He wanted to just lay asleep for the rest of the day, possibly even tomorrow, too...but part of the tribe's code was that everyone had a job to do, and he was the hunter. It was his job to find and bring food for the camp, which he was required to do every two weeks, or whenever they were close to running out. The tribe elder had called him over specifically yesterday to request that he make an extra run today, due to the fact that they were running low. He wondered how so much food could disappear so fast...Honestly, it's as if they were being stolen from or something. It only felt like a few days ago when he last brought back a large amount of fresh kill. But whether he like it or not, he had a job to do, so he moaned as he pushed himself up onto his legs, yawning and stretching out his forepaws and tail.

Cairo had fallen asleep in the forest last night, which was a short ways away from the actual tribe's base camp...the camp was in a large clearing, and he didn't particularly like that. There was just something about the canopy of branches watching over him as he slept that he just loved...He always had to sleep with the protection of the trees over him. It made him feel secure and happy. He almost felt as if the short amount of energy he had so early in the morning was drained from him as he exited his precious shade and walked into the clearing that the camp was situated at.

The whole place seemed more empty than usual...most everyone was probably either still asleep, or gone off somewhere...It was still very early, the sun was just barely setting. He slinked over to check the food storage, which was basically a large hole that was dug into the ground, which opened up into a larger, tunnel-like area where kills could be stockpiled. The entire hole was covered by a large rock, so only those inside the tribe knew where to look for the tunnel. It indeed seemed very empty...not much was left at all. And no matter how much he hated it, it was his job to re-fill it. But if he ever caught who was stealing from the tribe, they'd be in a world of hurt...he already hated his duties, it didn't help when his workload doubled. But he couldn't really do anything except set back out into the forest, scavenging for the sake of the rest of the tribe.


It took a while, but after a few hours, Cairo managed to get a large enough stockpile to feed the tribe for at least a few weeks. It was comprised mostly of dead pidgeons and sparrows, seeing as those were the easiest to hunt and they fed the pack well. He filled in what he couldn't catch with fruits and berries - he needed to either way, seeing as some of the tribesmen were vegetarians. Cairo truly hated his job...he wished he could leave the tribe forever. He had regretted ever joining it in the first place...

He had evolved into an Umbreon when he was only young. Cairo used to belong to a pokemon trainer, likely around the age of 23 or so. He had been with him most of his entire life - he couldn't even remember his real family anymore. He thought he'd be able to stay with him forever...but he was eventually abandoned for a better, stronger partner. And he wasn't just disowned - he was left in the middle of nowhere with no goodbye, no food or water, nothing. He had always thought he was loved, and cared for...but in reality, he was just another tool for fighting and contests. And when he was done, he was done. Ever since then, he had been an Umbreon, his heart filled with darkness, hatred, and unforgiveness. When the leader of the tribe found him after he was badly injured from fighting off a pack of wild Houndoom, his fate was sealed from that point on. The punishment for leaving the tribe was death.

Cairo sighed to himself, buring his finds into the hole where the food was kept. He felt like going back to bed, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep...He would have a bite to eat himself from what he caught, but he wasn't hungry. He was just stressed, and he didn't know what he could to to make himself feel better.

"Something on your mind?" A familiar voice caught him by surprise, causing him to jump backwards and turn to face who spoke to him. It turned out to be Nade, someone else from inside the tribe, and a good friend of his. Cairo had known Nade for several years by this point...he was the first one he met when he came to live with the rest of the tribe, and he showed him around and helped him out with the customs he didn't know of. Since then, the two had become best friends.

"Uh-uhhm...n-nothing" Cairo responded nervously. His voice cracked as he talked, but he didn't know why.

"Sure...? You seem...upset." Nade tilted his head in confusion, seeming worried.

"Yeah...just...k-kinda tired." Cairo laughed nervously. For some reason, as of late, he always felt uneasy and shy when talking to Nade, even though he was his friend.

"I can's getting late. The sun might be rising soon and weren't planning working all through the daylight, were you?" Nade said, concerned as usual. "You should get some rest..."

"Yeah...I-I...I think I'll just go to bed..." Cairo did feel tired...tired, unnerved, and...confused. He didn't know why, but he felt really shy talking to Nade...even though he did every day. He decided he'd just go to sleep...but first he had to put up all that food first. He groaned.

"I'll handle the rest of that for you." Nade said, knowing what Cairo was thinking from the look in his eyes.

"Uhhummmm...y-you sure? I don't want to seem too much trouble..."

"It's fine. Trust me." He laughed, smiling and winking at Cairo as he walked past him, brushing up against him and rubbing his face with the tip of his tail. "It's no problem, and besides, that's what friends are for, right? You go get some rest." He grinned, and winked again.

"A-Alright..." Cairo replied, feeling...awkward at best. He smiled back, and wandered off into the woods that he came from. But he decided to head in a different direction this time...This time, he headed off for a nearby cave he had been to before. It was his favorite place to retreat to whenever he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, he knew it was getting late, so he made a dash for the mouth of the cave, running in and finding the deepest part he could to be alone. After he was satisfied that he was fairly far into the cavern, he stopped to lay down and catch his breath...He had a long day. He deserved some rest...and besides...he...had a lot to think about. There was one thing that just didn't leave his mind as he was falling asleep...


Cairo dreamed odd dreams that night. He was on the top of a large hill which overlooked an enormous valley, forests stretching it as far as the eye could see. The moon hung high in the everlasting night sky and a light layer of mist blanketed the air. He stared off into the distance, not knowing where he was or why...He was just completely entranced by his new location's beauty. He would never have moved if it weren't for the pressure he felt at his side.

"Hm?" Normally he would have screamed and jumped at this; Cairo was a very nervous and easily-surprised Umbreon. But for some reason he was just too calm tonight. He looked to see who was pressing up against his side - it was Nade. The two were very close together, Nade leaning up against him and staring off into the moonlight as well. He could feel the warmth coming off his body. "Oh, hi Nade...what are you doing here?"

"...Isn't it beautiful?" He said, not really noticing what Cairo had said at all. He continued staring off into space, not moving at all and speaking quietly.

Cairo turned and looked off as well. "You mean the moon?'s so full and perfect tonight." He had to admit, he was completely entranced.

Nade turned and looked at Cairo, smiling...oddly. "Well...that too I guess." He laughed. Cairo returned his stare, noticing something about the way Nade was looking at him. After what he just said, and the way his eyes were penetrating his own, he could've

" what you were talking about, right?" Cairo asked, starting to blush a little.

"...Not really..." Nade responded, edging closer to Cairo, his breath visible in the cool night air.

"O-Oh...uhh-uhhh..." Cario choked out his words at this point. "You mean the view then?"

Nade laughed, and continued looking at Cairo seductively. "Yes...the view. Let's go with that." He snickered, giving Cairo's face a firm lick, making him blush hard. "What do you think?"

Although he was blushing and clearly very embarassed now, Cairo seemed to have calmed down quite a bit. "' of the nicest things I've ever seen..." He replied, edging even closer. The two stared into each other's eyes, unblinking and grinning widely. This would have lasted forever, had Cairo not woken up.

He rolled over, moaning. Feeling the cold cave floor, he remembered where he was. Cairo hated how light a sleeper he was. Because of this, he was never getting enough sleep, so he was always tired. It was an endless cycle. Oh, how he wished he could drift back off to sleep and return to that dream...that gorgeous moonlit hilltop...and those beautiful eyes...

...Wait, what? Well, yeah, it was nice and all...but Nade was just his friend, right? That was just...a weird dream. He was only enjoying the view of the forest, shimmering in the glow of the moon. ...Right? Well, that and the company of his friend...but that's all it was, Just...hanging out is all. There wasn't anything funny going on. Nope.

...Dammit, he couldn't lie to himself.

Cairo couldn't believe the urges he was feeling right now...was he really falling in love with Nade? It was impossible...After all, he was another male...and males don't fall in love with each other. At least it had never happened in his tribe...But it was still true. He continued trying to deny it, but thoughts raced through Cairo's mind about earlier in the day...he could've sworn he was being flirted with...But what if he wasn't? It's not like he could just go up and ask...but the way Nade looked at him just seemed so...seductive. The way he looked at him with those bright green eyes...Oh, those eyes...Cairo had never seen such beautiful eyes before, not on any other Umbreon he had ever seen. And that pelt of just seemed so smooth, and he longed to have that shimmering pelt all to himself...

He didn't like what was going on in his head...he almost felt like he was attracted to Nade...not just in love, but...attracted...he sighed, leaning back against the cave wall and letting his thoughts run wild. Absentmindedly, he had reached his paw down in between his legs and began rubbing the edges of his member's sheath. At first, it was just to calm him down. He was hoping that he wasn't seriously having these kinds of thoughts about one of his own male friends. He had had them about a few female members of his tribe before, and he had even gone so far as to pleasure himself while thinking of them. It was the closest he could ever get to relieving himself of his hormones, because Umbreon within his tribe weren't allowed to breed or reproduce. So he'd find a way to blow off some steam one way or another, he was, after all, just like any other animal in that sense...So he continued rubbing himself, not realising how truly deeply he was getting into his fantasy.

Cairo was no longer trying to rid his mind of the thoughts he had been having earlier...quite the exact opposite, in fact...he had completely lost track of his train of thought, as he continued thinking of that soft coat of Nade's rubbing up against his own body, Cairo continued to become more and more aroused, until his member had extended completely out of his sheath. He didn't care anymore. He knew his tribe would probably exile him if they ever found out about he decided to keep it a secret to himself for now. He looked back and forth, checking to make sure nobody else was around in the cave but him, and only after calming his paranoia, laid down on the cool stone floor of the cave and began pleasuring himself.

He imagined that the two were together, alone in the same very cave, and it was not himself but Nade that was causing him such pure bliss...He thought of nothing, nothing at all except those gorgeous eyes, that perfect coat, that enchanting voice...visions of Nade never once left his mind as he continued rubbing himself off, moaning in pleasure. He was so deeply into it, that he didn't realize how loudly he really was screaming, until just as he was about to climax, he heard voices, snapping him out of his trance.

"Hello? Is anyone in there? Helloooo?" A worried-sounding tone echoed across the cave walls. Had someone come looking for him? Either way, it was too late. He tried to stop himself, but he was already too far into it. Cairo climaxed, sending his seed shooting all over the cave floors and himself due to the position he was sitting in. He panted for a moment, having enjoyed himself...a lot. He hadn't gotten to do that in a while. But before he could move, the source of the voice turned the corner and found him.

"Uhh...h-hey...?" Looking confused, and possibly even somewhat disturbed, Nade stood there staring at Cairo, those green eyes drilling into his own.

"AHHH!!" Cairo screamed, panicking and out of his mind at this. He tried to scramble to his feet to hide the patch of ground which was now covered in his semen, but it's not like it would have mattered. A large part of his fur on his legs and stomach were covered as well, and he did a poor job at standing up. "It's...Uhhhmmm...It's not what it looks like!!!" He screamed. He knew he was busted, and he didn't know what to do.

"" Nade looked away, not sure what to say either, although there was one thing about what he witnessed that did bug him. "Uh, Cairo...?" He looked at him. "Were you calling out my name?"

Cairo's heart stopped. "I...was?" He had no idea how to reply, his eyes glazing over. "I...didn't know...I...w-..."

Nade chuckled. "It's okay." He seemed to change...he became less concerned and shocked and more...calm. "I'm not don't have to keep it a secret anymore."

"Wh-What?! What are you talking about?!" This caught Cairo off-gaurd.

"I've seen the way you look at me. Do you think I was born yesterday? I've been dropping hints too, but apparently you're a bit slower to pick up than I am..." He laughed.

"...uh..." Cairo was never one of many words.

"It's okay. I like you too." Nade said, winking and moving closer.

" do...?" Cairo had began to change his posture too. He was blushing and smiling back at Nade, as he had been in his dream.

"I sure do...come here, big boy." Nade growled playfully, walking over to where Cairo was and beginning to lick his fur. He started at his neck, giving him a thorough grooming, before working down to his sides. "Lay down." He said, smirking and pushing Cairo over onto his side. This caught him off gaurd, but he didn't seem to mind. He stared up at Nade, still smiling. Nade continued to work his tongue across Cairo's body, now cleaning his stomach. Moving down, he began to approach a more sensitive area...he got to where Cairo's fur was still covered with his own sticky seed. He started licking it up as well, making sure to get every inch clean. He loved the way he tasted...he wanted more. Cairo's member still being slightly extended, he changed his focus and started licking that. This caused Cairo to jump and scream a bit, it was very unexpected. But after that, he calmed down and laid back again, moaning in pleasure. It didn't take long for his cock to become fully extended again, Nade taking the whole thing in his mouth. Pre mixed with his seed from earlier, forming a blissful taste in Nade's mouth. Both of them were experiencing pure ecstasy. Cairo was moaning and screaming again, still unaware of how much noise he made. He didn't know how experienced Nade was exactly with this, but he certainly seemed to be good at it. As he worked his tongue back and forth, up and down, Cairo began absentmindedly pumping his hips. It didn't take long before he orgasmed for the second time that night, cum shooting out of the tip of his member and all over the insides of Nade's mouth and throat. Licking up every last drop of it and savoring the taste, Nade cleaned up the mess he made and licked his lips, looking up to glare at Cairo with that smirk of his again. "Enjoy yourself?"

"Y-Yeah..." Cairo said back, smiling and panting. He couldn't be happier, that was nothing like he had ever experienced before. "Uhm...I-I...I suppose you'll be wanting a turn now too?" He blushed again.

"Well, only if you don't mind. I don't want to put you through anything you wouldn't enjoy." Nade replied, looking concerned. Cairo didn't sound happy when he said what he did, so this worried him. But then again, with the way Cairo spoke, he sounded like that every day...

"Umm...I don't mind, but I don't know if I'd be as good as you..." He replied, embarassed.

"Hmm..." Nade chuckled, his eyes gleaming with an idea. "I think I know something you might" He helped Cairo stand back up.

"A-Alright...?" Cario replied, stuttering as he always did.

"This may hurt a tiny bit at first, but I promise afterwards you'll like it..." Nade positioned himself behind Cairo, climbing up onto his back with his forepaws. His long pink member had become fully erect some time ago, so he positioned the tip of it at the base of Cairo's tailhole. "Here goes..." Nade pushed in as hard as he could, penetrating Cairo's behind completely.

"YYYY--EAAAAGGHH!!" Cairo screamed louder than he ever had before. He wasn't expecting that, and it did hurt...a lot. But after a few seconds, the pain died down, and it started to feel...good...He sighed, first a sigh of relief, and then pleasure.

"You okay? I hope that wasn't too much..." Nade said, sounding worried.

"Y-Yeah...I'm...fine now. Keep going."

"If you're sure..."

Nade pushed himself in further, getting as much of his member into Cairo as he could. After he was sure that he was fully in, he slowly pulled himself out a few inches, then pushed back in again. Working up a slow rythm, which sped up after a while, he began pumping his hips back and forth, going to work. Both he and Cairo moaned in pleasure, Cairo the louder one once again. Yesterday he never would have even considered that he might enjoy something like this...but he didn't just enjoy it. It was the greatest thing he had ever experienced. Having Nade be inside him was the best thing he had ever felt, it was pure didn't take long before he cummed for the third time that night, his white seed once again plastering the cold stone of the floor. He screamed in pleasure, sighing and panting afterwards. Nade, however, was still going at it. His strong legs, which had been used for nothing but running all his life, continued pumping back and forth. He too was feeling on the verge of climaxing, his precum coating the inside walls of Cairo's tailhole. He started pumping faster and faster, his heart rate increasing by the second as he neared his ejaculation. "Cairo...this might hurt a bit..." The base of his cock had swollen into a large knot by now, and he pumped even faster. He pushed as hard as he could one last time, cramming his knot into Cairo's tailhole with a 'pop' sound. As soon as it was in, Nade reached his orgasm, exploding and painting Cairo's insides with his white seed, spurting like a fire hydrant.

Afterwards, he collapsed to the ground, along with Cairo. The two panted, exhausted and bound for a short while. Nowhere else to go, they just stared into each other's eyes and smiled, kissing passionately.

Normally this would have felt weird, but after what he just experienced, Cairo didn't think he could do anything that would make him feel awkward for a while. His lips locked with Nade's, his tounge worked it's way around the insides of his mouth as the two shared the kiss.

"Well...that was fun." Nade said, breaking the silence after the two separated their mouths.

" really was...but what will the tribe think?" Cairo's fears had come back...would they be cast out, or even put to death?

"Bah, who cares...Let's run. They won't be able to find us."

"Y-You sure...?" Cairo had always considered this, but he was worried that he'd be caught.

"Yes, I'm sure. If they do, we can fight them off. Let's ditch the jerks and run away to somewhere peaceful and quiet...then we can truly be alone together, forever." Nade replied, smiling and locking his lustful, passionate green eyes with Cairo's once again.

"...Sounds good to me." Cairo replied, kissing Nade again. He was finally happy with his life.
Chapter End Notes:And so ends my first story. First one I ever uploaded here, anyways. :B I had to re-upload it because my account was hacked and such. Hope you enjoyed it
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