AGNPH Stories

The Zangoose Clan by dairu123


Story Notes:

Zeya gets her human half from her great grandfather which fell in love with her great grandmother.

is time really the problem?

Disclaimer: do not read further if you are under 18. If you are offended then do not read further.

Author: A quick note. If you are offended by the nature of what is in this lemon then why the hell are you on Agnph site in the first place. Am I right fellows?

Chapter 3: Is time really the problem?

Three days later:

"How is he doing?" Manami asked.
"Well he can barely lift his head and he refuses to eat." I said sadly holding back tears.
"How much longer before Gardevoir learns the technique?" Manami asked.
"Gardevoir didn't grow up with other psychic pokemon so it's taking her longer than I expected." I explained.
"I'm sorry." Gardevoir said walking up behind me with Colsta.
"It's not your fault." I said sighing rubbing my face.
"Lets go train some more." I said standing up.

Minutes later at the trail:

"Ok tell me what you feel when you try to use Healing Wish?" I asked.
"Well the energy flows to my hands then build and boom." She said holding out her hands making an exploding action with her hands.
"Ok try circularizing the power in your hands and never let the energy settle." I commanded.

Gardevoir's hands glew bright and then glowed bright and I braced myself for an explosion. Instead, her body slightly lifted off the ground and sparkles surrounded her body. She let the energy go and surrounded the ground with an array of light.

"Congrats you just learned Healing wish." I said smiling.
"Snap!" We heard a twig snap.
"Hurry hide someone's coming." I whispered.

Gardevoir darted into the bushes but as I took a step, my head felt woozy and I fell.

"What do we have here?" A human said with purple hair.

I started to growl and bared my teeth.

"Hey hey I just want to catch you." The trainer said holding out a pokeball. "I choose you Hitmonchan."

Hitmonchan formed with a red beam and the trainer then yelled, "Use comet punch."

With no time I, pain shot through my head as the punch landed square in the side of my face. Being weak against fighting I had a disadvantage. I tried using quick attack but before I moved, the pokemon sent another punch into my side. I was left motionless with my back against a tree. Then the trainer started to throw a pokeball, "GO pokeball."

I squinted my eyes closed and waited to be captured when a purple beam destroyed the ball. Gardevoir had come back realizing I was not behind her. She had released confusion on it. She then grabbed my shoulder and used teleport.


We were instantly back at the waterfall with all the other Zangoose and Zach.

"What happened?" Manami asked.
"A trainer attacked us and tried to capture Zeya." Gardevoir said holding my head in her lap.
"Are you ok Zeya?" My mom asked.
"Yea." I answered getting onto my feet.

As I stood, I became woozy and fell. This worried my mom.

"There is something wrong." My mom said franticly.
"No I don't think so." I replied.
"Gardevoir could do us a favor and use your psychic powers to look over her body?" my mom asked.
"My pleasure." Gardevoir said lifting her hand.

Purple energy covered her hand as Gardevoir slowly hovered it over my body. She pulled back smiling.

"So what is wrong with her?" Manami asked concerned.
"Well nothing but you might need to congratulate her!" Gardevoir stated. "She's pregnant."
"I'm pregnant?" I said stunned.

Sadness and happiness struck. On one hand, if Zach lived then we could be a happy family then on the other hand what if he died. I would be stuck alone with a baby. I did not know if I should cry or be happy. Either way I was worried as hell. Even if Zach did live, would he still want me?

"Don't worry he will want you." Gardevoir said.
"What did you just say?" I asked a little freaked out.
"Sorry I couldn't help reading your mind." Gardevoir said grinning a bit.

I did not say anything but looked at Zach then back at Gardevoir as I said, "Well you should use Healing Wish."
"Ok ill start right now."

Gardevoir moved over Zach's body and energy formed in her hands just like before. This time though the energy constantly fluxed around Zach's motionless body. Sweat appeared on Gardevoir's face as her breath quickened and she began to get tired. Several minutes passed and everyone's hearts were pounding. Mine included. Even unconscious Zach looked so handsome and strong. His body covered with sparkles from Gardevoir's healing wish.

"Healing wish takes health from Gardevoir to heal Zach then what's the risk to Gardevoir?" Colsta asked.
"No telling, it's risky but we will definitely lose Zach if we don't try." I explained.

Right then the sparkles dispersed and Gardevoir collapsed onto the ground.

"GARDEVOIR!" Colsta yelled running to her body.


The next day:

"You're awake?" I said grinning at Zach.
"Yea did it work am I cured?" Zach asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"If it worked then why do you look so sad?" Zach asked.
"Gardevoir wasn't strong enough to cure you and have enough energy to stay alive herself." I said slowly.
Zach hugged my body crying as I started crying too.

"Stop your making me cry." I said hugging him.
"She can't be gone." Zach cried.

Colsta watched us as we cried and I pulled back from the hug to ask, "Colsta how you holding up?"
"I loved her." Colsta said sadly.

He looked so sad. He was not crying he just looked like he didn't care about anything. Today was the saddest moment of my life. Then I remembered.

"Zach I have some good news though." I said.
"What is it I could use some good news." Zach said wiping some tears away.
"Well I guess I should just say it." I paused a moment and took in a deep breath as I said, "I'm pregnant!"
"What? Is it mine?" Zach stupidly asked.
"Yea you are the only one I've had sex with in a long time." I said looking down feeling kinda as if I was a slut or something.
"At least something good comes out of it." Zach said in a quite tone.

I was shocked and relieved at his words.

"So does this mean that you will stay with me?" I asked.
"Yea if your Zangoose clan doesn't mind?" Zach said looking at me.
"I think they will be ok with it." I said grinning slightly and I brought his lips into a kiss.

Zach then broke the kiss and asked, "Can my pokemon stay too?"
"Yea how many do you have?" I asked back.
"I have Charmeleon, Pikachu, Flygon, and a Zangoose." Zach said pulling his balls one by one from his belt.
"Bring them all out." I said pointing at the balls.

Zach tossed the balls into the air sending out each pokemon with a beam of light. All the pokemon looked around at all the Zangoose and to Zach and me. Zach started to explain, "Everyone I will be staying with Zeya here and you are all welcome to stay with me if you like."

All the pokemon nodded and went on to their own business as they played with some of the younger Zangoose of the clan. Zach and I watched as Zach's Zangoose walked over to Colsta that was now sitting lonely against a tree.

"Hello." The Zangoose greeted.
Colsta looked up and started stuttering, "I um I"
"My name is Suzie." Zach's Zangoose said grinning bashfully.
"Mine is Co... Colsta." Colsta said trying to spit out his words.


In addition, that was the story of how I met Zach so long ago. Currently I am still pregnant and any day now, I will be delivering. I am not the only one pregnant though. Suzie is also baring a litter of little Zangoose in her stomach. Colsta has not forgotten about Gardevoir and never will. Zach's Pikachu left awhile back and joined the Pikachu tribe. He visits often and thanks to him, we have an alliance between the Pikachu and Zangoose clan. Zach has learned how to forage and been my little sex slave. He is more than willing. (He-he.)

"IT'S TIME" Suzie yelled.

Everyone rushed to her side including me. Pain shot through my stomach as my water broke. All I could do was whisper to Zach, "It's time for me too."
"Ok lay against the tree and breath." Zach said.
"What the hell did you think that I wasn't breathing or something?" I screamed.
"Sorry but I heard doctors say that." Zach said.

My right hand held Suzie's and my other hand held Zach's. The contractions were getting closer together as I felt the little baby kick in my stomach. I was in so much pain I accidentally rolled onto my stomach as I pushed. It was too late to sit back down so I ended up giving birth in the doggy position. Zach was behind me waiting to catch the baby. I hugged the tree in front of me as I howled. Ripping the bark off the tree with my claws as I came nearer to becoming a mother. Finally with a pop the baby was born. I relaxed finally collapsing with my back to the tree. I looked over and saw that Colsta was watching Suzie nurse his three daughters. Three girls in one litter.

"Is it a he or she?" I asked Zach.
"We have a son." Zach replied happily.

Zach handed me our baby and he had a powder blue fur. Unlike any Zangoose, I have ever seen, and his stripe down his body was blue instead of red like all the other Zangoose. He was a shiny half-breed Zangoose. I smiled as I looked down at him nursing on my nipple.

"What should we name him?" I asked.
"Colsta." Zach said looking at me.
"Colsta it is then." I said smiling.


Akio: well I thought it was a happy ending.
Dairu: Yea well, it was kinda sad about Gardevoir.
Akio: Yea what can ya do though?
Dairu: I had to put some kind of twist/action in their.
Akio: it kinda worked out.
Dairu: what do you mean?
Akio: Well Gardevoir and Colsta are not from the same egg group so they could not have had pups.
Dairu: I guess but love is love either if you can or cannot have kids.
Akio: ya I suppose so.
Dairu: I guess you do not believe that.
Akio: Nah, it is just whatever Floatzel your boat.
Chapter End Notes:here it is finished. i was really tired when i finished it and over read it for problems. send requests to [email protected] or just talk chat whatever
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