AGNPH Stories

Mariah by box_of_lunches


Story Notes:

Nothing here yet

Past and Present

Mariah (Mar-I-ahh)

Where to begin a story I have yet to write? Hmmm. Lets see....

Morning... for the love of Mew I have always hated mornings. The feeling of getting out of a warm bed, the feeling of your body refusing to move, and The feeling that this day is going to be like the last... Utter shit... Heh. So who am I you're asking? Just your average Pokemon trainer with a not so average life you could say... My name, you ask? If it's so important I'll tell you. It's Brandon, but I have other names I wouldn't like to share or talk about. I grew up a humble life in the region of Sinnoh, in a town called Solaceon Town. When I was born my parents gave me the one gift that would stay with me for all of my life, a little Riolu that when I was old enough I named her Mariah. And to preempt your next question, my old man was one of the very few to go thought the master's league and win. He was the champion of the Hoenn region. He came to the Sinnoh long before I was born. As for the Riolu, he had his own Lucario that he bred with a ditto, he was planning on selling the egg off but I was born days after he found the egg and decided it was better to let me keep it then to make money off is own Pokemon.
I turn in my bed looking at the now stunning Lucario that was sleeping next to me. Mariah got out of her ball again... That brat. I thought to my self and smiled to my self. It was a typical thing for her to do that. I only kept her in her ball to keep her out of my hair. She was more than a handful after my 24th birthday, like trainer I guess...
Well let me tell you the start...

The past

The young boy ran up to an older man and hugged him tightly "Dad!" he shouted. The man in his mid 40's looked down to his son and smiled warmly.
"Well it's your 16th birthday in seven months. I think it time for you to get out in this world and learn to be like your old man, Brandon" he smiled and patted him on the head.
"Well Dad, can I borrow some of your Pokemon?" Brandon asked, remembering the day he saw his father used an Absol to knock down a wild Luxray.
"Nope champ, you can't," His father grinned and shook his head, "They won't listen to you no matter who you are. You need to go out in this world and make your own team if you want to be a champion," his father said as he mashed the boy's brown hair into a mess "Besides, you got Mariah" he nods "And your going to need some martial training before you can become a full on trainer" Brandon's father added
"But why?" Brandon looked up to his father and studied him closely. The way his father turned gave him the look he was carved out of the side of a mountain, made of granite with the endless wreathing that has creases its stone walls.
"Because there maybe times where you might just need to defend your self where your Pokemon can't" he nodded, his voice coming off like a cool breeze from the side of a mountain. Brandon almost froze when his father locked his eyes onto him, those emerald eyes always seemed to have this way of commanding respect. Dumbfounded by his fathers gaze Brandon nodded and shook his head to break the spell of his father's eyes.
"Am I going to train with Mariah?" he asked in a sheepish tone to his father as Brandon turned to watch his little Riolu play with his father's Swampert. He couldn't help but smile at the way the two played. Exo, his father's oldest and one of his starters had helped his old man get through the final four with little to no trouble at all. And for such a powerful Pokemon Exo was of the gentlest his father had. Where his Absol was wild even to his mother and had bit Brandon when he tried petting her a few years ago. Memories of Exo once sleeping with Brandon when he had a terrible fever came to his mind.
"Well it wouldn't hurt," he father said softly to snap his son out of memories. "When she evolves she'll be a very powerful fighting type" his father smiled down at Brandon and he nodded "Yup" he turned his gaze form Bandon to Exo and smiled "I know a friend that will give yaw another Pokemon if you pass your training"
At the news of this Brandon's eyes light up "Another Pokemon?" he asked his father. At the back of Brandon's mind was bristling with what it could be, Sure he loved Mariah and she was close to him since his first breath in this world, but to become a mighty trainer like his pa was going to need more than a little Riolu .
After a few shouts form both father and sun Exo and Mariah started running back to the house following their respected master into the home.
"Have fun you two?" Said a lady and Brandon turned to his mother with a slight smile
"Yeah mum, man to man talk" he grins up at his father who was shaking his head at his son's comment and spoke up
"Yeah telling our kid he needs to get ready for his journey soon" his father laughed softly and patted his son on the head messing up the boy's brown hair.
"Well Brandon," his mother smiled at him "Its time for you to get ready for dinner it should be done in an hour or so" Brandon smiled and nodded to his mother before bolting up into his room to get out of his clothing. After a quick shower Brandon hopped over his bed and sat down in front of his computer to do a quick look in the internet for an old video from Pokemon finals. Smiling seeing the old video was still up on Poketube he clicked on it and watched the finals from 16 years ago. It was a battle between a Weavile and a Lucario. The quality was poor at best seeing it was recorded on one of spectators' cell phone. There were no sounds and really poor quality, but this didn't stop Brandon from dreaming that one day his Riolu would evolve into something that mighty.
"Hey Brat," his mother called up to him with a hint of humor "Dinner is ready in
"Alright ma" Brandon said as he turned to watch the slow mo of the Lucario splitting a hyper beam with some strange move.


I turned back to the Lucario sleeping on the bed with me. Why does she always do that? I asked my self. But know real answer came to my mind, I know if the room service comes in and see her sleeping on my bed with me its going to be bad, not as bad as being called a pokephiliac, thought the idea wasn't bad if you Had some one like Mariah....What am I thinking, sex with a Pokemon? I shuddered softly at the idea and tried to get it out of my head. "Wake up brat" I said softly and shoved the Jackal like Pokemon in her ribs making her wince a bit. Then I braced my mind for the assault it was about to receive for waking her early in the morning. Like usual when waking Mariah my mind was assaulted with random things, first it started out as shades of red followed by totally random pictures of violence then followed by equally random and violent words.
'What the hell was that for!" she shouted into my mind. The force I felt was sending my mind reeling like a boat fighting the ocean.
"If you're found here sleeping in my bed when room service show up to give me my breakfast we're going to be thrown out of the hotel and I for one am not going to be happy when I sleep on the dirt again" I said to her, My eyes locked onto her red orbs returning the death look Mariah gave me.
"Oh...I'm sorry I just don't like being in there, that's all." She said in her sing song way. I smirked at her as she fumbled about getting out of my bed and looked back at me with a weird smile...Why is she doing that? ...Where are my shorts?!
"Mariah! Stop with your mew damn pranks!" I half shouted at her as I threw one of the pillows at her. She laughed loudly and audibly. This display always made me feel she was an odd sort. She could speak normally like a human; in fact it said so acceding to this strange device I bought while back, it stated she could speak human. But then again Mariah was always a weird one. She would talk to others and my self via telepathy. I made sure with one of the "cloned" nurses that her vocals worked. With the display of her laughing I got confirmed she wasn't a mute, but why?
"Because I like to talk like this" she said as she picked up her ball with her name crudely scratched into the top. She tossed the ball at me and all most hit my own pokeballs.
"I still want a better reason" I asked her still trying to pry away at her defenses. Mariah struck a strange pose as she always did before she was recalled into her ball for temporarily holding. I held back the urge to send her into the ball and set the lock on it that my father installed a while back. My old man's Lucario gave him hell too, but that was for different reasons. Jax was a male Lucario and during the seasons he would get every agitated and extremely aggressive to the point of utter violence. Seeing that Lucario were possibly rare and even a pain in the ass to find another my father opted out to using a ditto a friend of his had. While Mariah never met her shapeless mother she had a very solid bond with her father, just like me in a way.
"Why?" she made a dog like whine at me and stopped her pose. I quickly fumbled with my sheets to find my boxers and quickly put them on and stood up. I always enjoyed being much bigger than my own Lucario, she always showed a dominant side that was almost common with a new wild Pokemon trainer but almost unheard of between trainer and owner with a bond of 24 years under their belt. It was almost as if we were brother and sister fighting for the love of their mother but just hinted there was something more to her dominance, like she was sizing me up for more
"Why?" I repeated her question and tapped my chin softly "Well I want to know what your voice sounds like in the first place" I nodded and smiled at her, "That and to end this paranoia that you're a mute Lucario" I laughed.
"Well I can tell you that I am not mute," she gave me a curt nod and then mentally spoke up "I have my reasons and I want to keep them to my self. By mew you're always paranoid about small things" she crossed her and snorted audibly to change the subject. While it was common for us humans to worship a god like Pokemon known as Arceus, but when you hang around Pokemon as much as I have to them their god is mew and the odd line sticks to me.
"Since you like changing subjects," I turned my brown eye to her red eyes "Why have you been so aggressive with me? It's not like I have ever harmed you in away" As soon as I said that her ears went flat and he made a scowl at me like I just said the wrong thing.
"You have, with your thoughts, but I will get my payback" she made a strange grin, the best she could at me.
"Wha-" I was interrupted by the door swinging open and a voice chimed in.
"Room service" the maid let out a gasp and I quickly looked back.
"No... No... This isn't what it looks like, my Lucario got out of her ball and I was trying to call her back." I gave her this sheepish grin as I held up my ball
"Sir you need to leave, the hotel has a strict rule of no Pokemon in the room." I sighed loudly and turned to Mariah who was wagging her tail
"Just as planned" she beamed into my head and I shot her a death glare. Pressing my hand into my face I started to speak up to the maid.
"Leave the food here I'll be out in an hour..." I sighed and started getting dressed. Mariah did s strange dance that reminded me of a music video I saw in my youth with the line "You can't touch this" where the back up dancers here hopping about. Strange Pokemon, strange female Pokemon..... I thought to my self locking up my mind as best as I could from the nasty telepath. After eating my breakfast and sharing some to Mariah, I shouldn't of but I'm not the kind of person that harbors hate even to my own life long friend.

"I shouldn't of shared breakfast with you after that stunt" I said in a gloomy manner to get across I was pretty mad at her at losing the only room we could stay in for a few days before upcoming finals. I turned to door and we left rather quietly. I stopped at the front desk to drop my card off and take what was left over from renting the room. I had gotten half my money back. It didn't help the sour mood I was in but it was a start. With a nod to a friend I haven't seen in a week I Left the hotel and walked down the street.
"Awww but you love me!" she forced into my mind. I snorted loudly and turned to head over the market place, knowing full well Mariah would follow me.
"It's a love-hate relationship" I quickly retorted and started my normal shopping. Stopping every once and a while to buy things we needed for living out in the wilds. Repellent to keep the annoying Pokemon away, food for my Pokemon and I, Swiss cheese for Mariah to keep her mouth shut and out of my hair. Finally I found a tent cheep enough to keep both of us sheltered.
"I would have had that nice tent that could of fit all of us in it but some one decided to claw their way out in the middle of the night and tear it to shreds"
"I said I was sorry" she made another dog like whine at me and then hugged me form behind as I carried our newly acquired supplies. I almost screamed as I felt climb up my back and nip the back of my neck... She was getting stranger every day ever since she evolved. When she was a Riolu she never gave me trouble, then I found the ever stone my father hidden on her.
"Will you please stop doing strange things to me?" I asked her softly and I felt her climb down my back and whimper a bit.
"You're no fun!" she protested and stomped down her foot behind my back.
I let out a long sigh as I walked off the path not to far form the city to look for a good camp site in private. I absolutely hated the other trainers trying to get a fight in when I wasn't in the mood. Then I made a wicked smile remembering the bug trainer from last year who pestered me. I gave him a swift black eye while he kept going on and on about bugs and insulted Mariah. I shook my head as I found a nice clearing in the middle of the woods and turned to Canalave City. Far enough away from prying eyes but close enough to make it to the match in two days if I over sleep again. I thought to my self with a smile
"Yes far from prying eyes." Mariah echoed my thoughts....
Boy was I in for a night if I knew the meaning behind her words..
Chapter End Notes:Please leave a review

No sex in the next chapter so you gotta wait
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