AGNPH Stories

Wisteria Sky - Grey Night by Lunis1992


Story Notes:

A fight between light and darkness had began and now a simple teen will find himself in between while searching for his dearest friends.


Darkness covered the sky in its evil hand. White scars erupt in the clouds, giving the world a small glimpse of light. A huge blast of energy makes its way to the sky and explosions are heard from the top of the mountain.

The field below was scarred by the devastation of the battle above. Craters were on the ground and boulders were either melted or burned. Lying on the field were three different dragon-like.

One was kneeling on its four legs with weakness, its blue skin with markings that shined through the thunder faintly lighting the area around it. It was wearing armor that seemed to never break and a gem had been placed in the center of the chest plate that was dimming as if it was losing power.

Another was lay on the ground completely unconscious, its white skin covered with pink markings and carried enormous pink orbs on both its shoulders. The orbs were dimming the same way as the crystal on the blue being's chest.

The final being had collapsed between the two; its yellow headwear was scratched and its six legs spread away from its body. On its back were massive black wings that rested against the ground. It only stared up to the heavens, watching the chaos ensue

These three had fought a battle and had lost. They were battered, bruised, and bleeding. Thunder struck across the sky once again, the sound covering the impact of the two other beings that were still battling in the sky.

Two shadowy figures clashed in the darkened sky with a force that seemed to shake the earth below them. With one more blow, the figures flew back and halt their movement. The thunder flashed again, revealing the two figures that are facing each other.

One had a radiant white fur and a black face with intimidating green and gold eyes. Its quadrapedial body was very slim with pointed yellow claws at its hooves and a strange golden ring around it waist.

Its opponent was a mysterious creature. It had no legs below its waist and a black armor was on its torso. Its hands were the same as its chest, protected by the armor. The orb on its head and chest glowed with an ominous black hue. The white hair on its head flowed down its long neck to its base. The being showed its fierce fangs to its opponent

These two beings had fought for what seemed like ages and not once shown any weakness to the other. After the long wait, the rain begins to fall, landing on the deities. As fast as the lightning surrounding them, the two figures began to attack again.

Even with their incredible speeds, they seemed to match each other's strength. The rain flowed down on their forms and each focus winning over the other. The dark being speaks to the arced one with a voice that seems to summon darkness from the world.

"It's no use" the dark being stated, "You can't win against me Arceus. I will be the new god of the universe and there is nothing you can do that will stop me!"

The being that was Arceus never removed his eyes. His fur began to bring in electricity, making it stand on end. He drew his head back and roared, releasing the static energy. The dark being swiftly shifted out of the way of the wave and flew towards Arceus; his clawed hands glowing with a dark aura..

Green sparks began to spiral around Arceus' ring. They suddenly flashed out around him and became a barrier that stood ready for the dark being's attack. Soon enough, the dark energy contacted the shield, leaving a huge crack where the attack landed. The attack was able to shove Arceus back quite a distance as well.

The green energy vanished and Arceus quickly made his next attack. An orange ball of energy began to form in front of his mouth and growing wider by the second. Within a few moments, a bright white beam blossomed from the sphere.

The dark being's hand shrouded itself in a dark aura once again and swatted the powerful attack away from its body as if it were just a pesky insect, sending it careening into the side of a nearby mountain, creating a huge explosion. When the dust cleared, there was nothing but a deep crater in the side of the mount.

Arceus had been fighting this dark being for too long now and he needed to help his children, the suffering creatures lying on the ground, if they were to survive. However none of his attacks were finding themselves past the shadowy figure's defenses.

"What's wrong, Arceus?" mocked the dark being, "You finally realize that there's nothing that can stop me?"

-No. There is one way, - Arceus thought, - but I may have only one attempt to use it. if it stops this madness though. I will be willing to do it. -

Arceus shot a Thunder attack from the sky which the dark being easily dodged. It rapidly opened his mouth wide and formed an orb of dark energy, which quickly compressed itself until it erupted into a wave of darkness. The golden deity was barely able to dodge the attack by moving out of its path. The dark wave continued towards the sky and then shattered, becoming nothing but black smoke.

Arceus halted himself in mid-air and started to concentrate. No sooner, the rain around him seemingly had stopped. It was still raining, but it was as though Arceus had stopped the rain drops that were close to him. The little drops of rain came together and formed a massive orb in front of Arceus.

He fired the attack as it moved just like the dark being's own shockwave of shadows. The water from the orb had now turned into a pulse of massive pressure, attempting to crush his enemy. Unfortunately, the shadowy figure swayed to the right and the attack crashed into the ground when the water lost its momentum, but not without leaving behind a crater and scarring the landscape further.

Arceus wasn't done yet though. He vanished before the dark being's eyes and reappeared behind him. He then launched a stream of flame which his enemy dodged skillfully. The dark being wheeled about and swiped with his claws, launching three streaks of dark energy at his target.

Arceus teleported once again to dodge the attack and appeared behind his enemy, standing on the peak of a nearby mountaintop this time. He concentrated once again, and soon the ground started to quake. Cracks began to form around his body in ten complete circles. The earth contained within these disks rose from the ground in the shape of long spires.

With a swift movement of his head, Arceus launched the ten spikes towards his enemy, who was barely able to dodge them with ease, swiping his claws again and releasing the dark purple streaks of energy.

Arceus jumped up from the ground to dodge the shadowy claw and took the battle to the sky once more, hovering over his enemy and staring down at him. The wind began to be pick up, swirling around Arceus, blowing his fur grey in every direction as he rose slightly higher into the sky.

The winds surrounding him suddenly split, forming twin spheres of swirling air. With just as much intensity as Arceus' last attack, the spheres split into countless razors of air that rapidly spiraled around the deity's body. With another swift movement of his head, Arceus launched the razor-sharp wind-blades at the dark being, the rain giving view of them to a human eye.

The dark being easily dodged again them again by swiftly weaving in between the spiraling scythes of air until one slashed him across the chest, knocking him to the ground. Shaking the attack of the attack off, he floated up the deity's level again.

Both Arceus and the dark being stared at each other, waiting for the other to make some sort of offensive move, seemingly as if they still hadn't broken a sweat. Arceus, though, was growing tired from the attacks that he used and the amount of time he had spent fighting this being.

-I only have one more attack left in me. - Arceus thought, -If this doesn't work than this will be the end. The world will be shrouded in darkness for eternity. -

Arceus tilted his head back for his final attack. The dark being looked on as Arceus began to glow in a bright light. He knew what kind of attack was coming, and grinned with amusement

"Finally getting serious, Arceus!?" he called out, "That's perfect! We'll see whose power is more greater!"

Just like Arceus, he began to glow. But instead of Arceus's white light, his was an ominous black. Both of them glowed brighter and then small amounts of their light began to form in front of both of them. Arceus's light energy was the same as the dark being's shadowy energy, combining in the form a giant sphere of energy.

Simultaneously, they launched their attacks at each other, firing lines of light and darkness, aiming to finish it with this last attack. Both of the beams collided with each other. Both combatants pushed out more of their energy to try and overpower the other; each one aiming to destroy the other. But the dark being was more determined to finish this.

While on the attack, the dark being threw his head back and let out a roar as more dark energy soon flowed into the attack making it bigger and powerful. The now-supercharged beam pushed back Arceus' attack and soon contacted his body, giving out an explosion on impact. He fell from the sky and landed hard on the solid ground below. His body was battered and broken.

The dark being chuckled at his own power as he slowly floated towards the injured god before him. Arceus had just enough strength to get to his feet but was having trouble keeping balance. On shaky legs, Arceus stood where he was staring at the dark being. The shadowy demon stopped his advances and laughed with a laugh that seemed as though it can be heard around the world. He soon stopped and looked pathetically at his defeated opponent.

"Don't you see now, Arceus!?" he called out, "There is nothing that can stop me! With your demise, I can finally enter Heaven's Heart and take this world under my ruling! There's nothing else that you can do, so surrender!"

Arceus was breathing hard. If this dark being were to get to Heaven's Heart then everything he had created, along with his family, will be destroyed. Hopefully, that would never happen on his watch. He started to laugh to himself while breathing hard. It wasn't quite as subtle for the dark being not to hear though. He was surprised that Arceus would be laughing even though he was going to be defeated.

"Nothing? Is that right?" Arceus said quietly, "Take a look around you!"

The dark being was suspicious at Arceus's sudden ambition and took a look around him. He was surrounded by the five elements. There was a small flame floating above the ground. Another one was that of water. Then came lightning and earth and finally wind. Each glowed in its own color. The dark being then looked above him to see two other lights floating around in a circle above him. One glowed brightly with white light while the other glowed darkness.

The demon looked left and right at all the elements that surrounds him. He knew what this attack was. It's the kind of attack that needed the elements: fire, water, earth, lightning, wind, light, and darkness. He turned to Arceus with pure anger in his eyes.

"You.! How dare you use this against me!?" the dark being yelled out. Arceus lost his balance for one second but fixed himself. He replied with his tired voice.

"I.was hoping that you would use that attack. If you hadn't.then I would've been finished."

"Using my own attack to complete the seal!" The dark being growled. "You.!" The shadow finally noticed the error of his ways. Because he used the shadow-beam attack, Arceus could manipulate the energy that he normally would have to borrow from him, as Arceus could not collect dark energy himself.

"You will never get to Heaven's Heart as long as I'm still in this world. With this seal you will not escape."

It was the dark being's turn to laugh.

"You're a fool Arceus. I know how to counter the seal. Using all the elements you can seal anyone, but you can also break the seal. All I need to do is have someone with enough energy to break it for me!"

"That may be true. But there's one way to stop it. That's to seal the magic on this world along with you," the demon snarled, "and you know what will happen if you do."

"Nearly everything shall have the image of a human." Arceus said calmly, some of his strength returning to him

"And you know that you can't seal all the magic in this world."

"I'll get rid of all the magic from the humans and morphs; only the creatures in this world shall keep their power. You know that they can only use one of the elemental energies at one time. Therefore, the seal cannot be broken."

"There's nothing that can stop me," The dark being growled even louder, "I swear I will be free and when I do I'll go back to this place and get to Heaven's Heart."

Arceus didn't want to hear another word. With a chant, he began the seal. All the elements glowed even brighter and shot in the air above the dark being. They combined into one and shot towards him in a ray of light. He screamed in agony as he was the energies collided and began to for a seal around him.

The light enveloped his body. It soon grew so bright that the dark being couldn't be seen. The powerful light shrank in size and it seemed as though the dark being had too. Soon a small ball appeared where the dark being once stood. The black orb fell to the ground and rolled across the ground until it came to rest in front of Arceus. Exhausted, he fell to the ground. He could hear his three children limping towards him. The white dragon helped his father stand on his feet since he had the hands to help more.

"Are you okay, father?" the white dragon asked.

"There's no need to worry about me, Palkia" Arceus said turning to his other children, "Dialga, Giratina, are you two alright?"

"We are fine father" Giratina said, stepping forth; "but what about you?"

"I'll be fine once I take time recover." He said.

"But you know that you won't be able to heal the wounds from that fiend's attacks." Dialga stated.

"I'll heal the wounds that weren't from his attacks and let my other wounds heal on their own."

"What do we do now, father?" Palkia asked.

"Go and find Uxie," Arceus said, looking at his son; "Tell him to wipe out every memory from all living things about their ability to use magic."

"But, father, what about." All eye fixed on the small orb that lay in front of them. It being too small to pick up, Arceus levitated the small orb so it can be at his eye level.

"We need to keep this hidden. There's no telling what will happen if a mortal were to come across it"

"But what will happen if he were released, father?" Giratina asked.

"He will need to regain his strength once that happens. Fortunately, it will take years until he's fully charged. It may take him many millenniums. But once he is at full power we will be ready."

Arceus stood up slowly, watching the stone warily as the shadows cast reflections off of it.

".but when that day comes. It could spell disaster."
Chapter End Notes:Please leave a review. They fill me. I'll be making a schedule for which story I'll be doing. After this I'll get to work on Urauna

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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