AGNPH Stories

TEST by box_of_lunches


Story Notes:

Brandon and Mariah brlong to my selfLucas and Jessica belong to Ysrnty.This story has no impact to the respected owners stories nor will ever happen in their stories. As stated this is just a test.


Brandon stared at the other trainer for a while as Mariah moved to his back and shifted into a position that was slightly seductive as she leaned into him.

"Unofficial match with one Pokemon each?" Brandon asked as he pushed up his pair of sunglasses.

"Sure, but your fighting the master here" Lucas said, smiling as his Lucario stood by his side, "Not every day we face another trainer with a Lucario"

"Indeed, But this is all for fun good sir" Brandon said as he bowed to him gently "This one clinging to me trying to be the center of attention is Mariah." She quickly smiled showing off her dog-like teeth in a poor imitation of a grin. "I'll be using her." Brandon said, gesturing to her and gently slipped out of her paws.

"Very well, this is Jessica" Lucas said, gesturing to her with his right hand before starting to whisper to her. Brandon took a relaxed posture standing there watching the two as Mariah forced her words into his head

-I can tell you what they are saying, - she muttered.

"I rather not know what they say Mariah. Leave them to their own devices! I have my plans" Brandon said loudly as he shook his head. Lucas glanced over at them, then nodded and smiled to his partner as he realized that someone was trying to read their minds.

"Mariah you need more self control," he whispered angrily to her, "remember our training?" Brandon then thought that it was a big mistake to get close to his Pokémon, as Mariah gave him a big long wet lick on his face.

-They're lovers, - she injected into his mind -Why can't we be like them eh? - with that last word Mariah Jabbed her elbow into Brandon's gut. Brandon just stared at her for a long time and pointed to the clearing that was going to be their arena. Mariah's ears went limp as she looked at her master and sighed a bit -I know, I'm pushing it, - she said sadly in her thoughts.

-Maybe when I am ready, - Brandon thought back to her as he waited for Lucas to get ready. Lucas let out a soft laugh as his Lucario said something to him before slowly walked over to the clearing.

"Ready, Mariah?" Jessica said aloud.

"See Mariah, she can talk!" he shouted to her with a grin on his face.

"Are we going to battle or point the obvious out?" Lucas said with a smile.

"Yes, very well" Brandon said and waved to Mariah to get ready. It was a huge difference between the two Lucarios. Jess stood a good foot over Mariah and seemed more weathered by fighting, while Mariah, though smaller in size, hid her power quite well.

"Let's dance!" Brandon said. It took a second for Lucas to figure what he meant out, but understood it after a momentary look of confusion.

The two Pokemon took to their battle stances; Jess taking a traditional Lucario fighting stance, while Mariah took a more human stance that looked defensive rather than offensive.

"That's... unusual," Lucas muttered before giving his command

"Jess, Extreme Speed!"

"Me First!" Brandon Shouted. He smiled as both blurred out of sight. Every few seconds there was a loud crack and a blurry outline of two Lucario locked in combat.

"Enough Mariah," he said and nodded as she appeared at the edge of the arena directly in front of him. Her left knee was touching the ground while her right leg was extended behind her giving her a strange crouching pose with her arms and paws in front of her.

"Impressive," Lucas said, slowly clapping his hands before folding his arms against his chest; his Lucario mirroring his motions perfectly, "But see if she can stop this! Aura sphere!"

"Mariah," Brandon barked as he nodded to the little jackal Pokémon, "avoid her attacks and use Giga impact!"

Mariah let out a wolfish howl as she ran towards her target, narrowly dodging the first Aura Sphere, but was nailed by the second. Her howl got louder as the trainers could see she had punched her way through the attack, and was flying at Jessica like a missile.

"She is strong!" Jessica yelped as she flipped to her left nearly avoiding the impact and launched another aura sphere into Mariah's side. The blow tossed Mariah off to her side and sent her tumbling.

-How can I hit something that fast?! - Mariah roared into her master's head.

"We'll try something else" Brandon said mentally back to here as he watched his Pokemon tumble across the landscape with a slightly pained look in her eyes. He then had an idea that caused a wicked grin to spread across his face.

"Mariah," Brandon shouted to her "Use Bulk up followed by Attract!"

"You're going to use that?" Lucas said, starting to laugh "It won't wor-"

He stopped as he felt distress in his link with Jessica. As Mariah used Bulk up to get stronger, then charged at the now-confused looking Jessica. Mariah jumped the last 10 feet to get at her target and use her weight to knock her over. As they fell to the ground Mariah placed both her paws onto Jessica's face and locked lips.

"Woah... that's... that's unusual..." Lucas muttered as Brandon grinned widely. Clearly Lucas was getting aroused by staring at the two Lucarios. "Come on Jess, Get up and use force palm!" He blurted after shaking the perverted fog from his thoughts.

But she refused to move under Mariah as her paws roamed over the smaller Lucario's body. Mariah murred loudly and broke the kiss. Both their mouths were open as they panted loudly.

"I don't like where this is going!" Brandon said "Come on Mariah Use Hyper beam and end this!" But just like Jess she refused the command as she started to paw at Jessica's chest while grinding her crotch into Jessica's belly. Both trainers looked on dumbfounded at their Pokemon match was ending up as love match between the combatants.

Brandon slowly walked around the two over to Lucas keeping his back to the women and their 'play'.

"So..." Brandon whispered as he leaned over to Lucas' ear. "We call this a draw?" he tried hardest not to turn around as he heard a rather loud moan from Mariah as she was lost in pleasure.

"Yeah..." Lucas muttered as he blankly stared at the two pokemon, who were still romping in the center of the makeshift arena, "That was a really dirty move you pulled there."

"Meh," Brandon said, shrugging his shoulders, "Wasn't what I expected."

Another moan came from the pair, and Lucas' eyes widened further. Brandon almost looked back, but decided to change the subject instead."

"These two might be a while longer," he said, "How about we go to town and get something to eat in the meantime."

"No thanks," Lucas muttered, his cheeks turning bright red, "I-I'm fine right now."
Chapter End Notes:Ysrnty, If you read this I wrote it up not to be published but I thought it was a waste of my time and so on not to. Its written in humor and I hope you don't get upset with this.

Disclaimer: I DON"T OWN POKEMON, NINTENDO DOES (LOL it prints money!) All caracters are owned by their respected owners
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