AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 1



It was a normal day for Ash and his friends. Neo was sitting on a branch above the campsite. He looked at the camp. Ash and Latias sat side by side and watched Amber and Onyx play with May and Bayleef. Latios and Mewtwo were having a staring contest with each other. Brock was in the middle of cooking dinner. After ten minutes Brock finished making the dinner. "Hey Mewtwo, Latios you going eat something" Max asked. "No, we are in middle of a tough contest" Latios said without even looking away. After they had eaten they all stayed awake and watch the sunset. It was after midnight when Ash woke up. He got up from his sleeping bag and went for a walk. After a few minutes he stopped but he knew Neo was behind him. "Neo can I ask you something?" Ash asked. "You can ask me anything Master" Neo said as he walked to Ash's side. "I want to have a brief look into the future" Ash said. Neo nodded and stepped back a bit and began to gather energy. In front of them a portal appeared. The Image of the portal was a field but then something began to happen. "What's happening?" Ash asked. "I don't know it as if something is messing around with the time portal" Neo said as he tried to contain the portal. "What happens if it is not contained?" Ash asked as Bayleef come by and watched. "I don't know this thing has been do at least three time before" Neo said as he could no longer controlled the portal. "Bayleef go away now" Ash said as the portal began to drag in several things near them. Ash tried to get away but the force of the portal was strong and began to drag him in. Bayleef and Neo were trying to get to him and get out of the force of the portal but all of them were sucked into the portal. Then it disappeared leaving no evidence that it was there at all.
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