AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 Mystery Sightings

Ash had been sleeping uneasy since he knew that Bayleef was injured. But when he had learned she was going to live, he sat on his bed looking at the wall for a time. He then saw something out of the corner of his eye. Turning around he looked at the window, but nothing was there. Neo woke up and saw Ash looking out the window. "What is it, Master?" Neo asked. "I thought I saw something at the window." Ash said. He looked out the window again.

Hours later, Ash was at a park that was in the city. Standing in front of him were Mana and Slate. "Now we are going to play a game that would help you later in life." Ash said. Mana and Slate nodded. "This is a game called Hide and Seek." Ash said. "How do you play it?" Mana asked as she was literally jumping in joy of learning a new game. Ash smiled knowing that Mana was so playful. "Well, two will have to hide while one of us will have to find them." Ash said. "Sounds fun." Slate said as he wanted to play as well. "Now let's see. Who should hide?" Ash said as he looked down. "How about we hide, Dad?" Slate asked. "Yeah, but no going out of this park." Ash said. Nodding, Mana and Slate ran into different directions as Ash turned away and started counting. When he got to the number he was counting to, he turned around and said "Ready or not, here I come!" Mana hid in a bush that was nearby while Slate hid behind a tree. Ash moved as he began the search. Ash looked for about ten minutes before he found Slate. "You found me!" "That was a good spot to hide in. Now, where is Mana?" Ash asked as he looked in all the places in the park. Mana laid low at the bottom of the bush and was well hidden from sight as Ash walked in front of the bush. Ash looked at one of the trees and climbed up it. After searching he jumped back down. He looked at one of the bushes. He jumped into it and pulled out Mana. "Found you!" Ash said smiling as he held up the laughing Bagon. "Hey, where's Uncle Neo?" Slate asked. "He had to build Bayleef some new armor." Ash said as he looked at Slate. "Let's play another game!" Slate said. "Yeah, let's play another game, Daddy!" Mana said as she begun jumping in joy again. "Okay, how about Tag?" Ash said. Both Mana and Slate looked at Ash with confused looks. "How do you play that?" Slate asked. "Well, we basically run around trying not to get tagged by the played that is It." Ash said. "Then who is It?" Mana asked. "How about you?" Ash said as he touched Mana. "Okay Slate, now we run!" Ash said as they began to run trying not to get touched by Mana.

The three of them played for two hours before Ash held up his hand. "Okay, we'll take a break. Have something to eat and drink before we play again." Ash said. Nodding, Mana and Slate walked after Ash as they made their way to a concession stand that was located in the park. After paying for the food and drinks, they made their way to a bench and sat down. "Mana, Slate, there is a place I would of like to take you to if we were on Earth." Ash said. "What is it?" Slate asked. "It is a place call Altomare." Ash said. "Why would you want to take us there?" Mana asked. "Well it is the place where I first saw the girl I fell in love with." Ash said. As he ate his lunch, he saw something out of the corner of his eye again. He turned around and looked up in the sky, but it was gone again. "What are you looking at, Daddy?" Mana asked. "I thought I saw something." Ash said now getting confused on why he was seeing things out of the corner of his eye when there wasn't anything there. Ash just sat there as he pulled a bag of bread crumbs and threw some on the ground and watched as Pidgy flew in and started to eat the bread crumbs. After eating, the three of them all went back to playing.

Ash, Mana and Slate sat in their room as Neo came in. "Well, Bayleef should recover soon. But she would recover a lot faster if it wasn't for that damn generator." Neo said. Ash suddenly glared at him, "Neo, don't swear in front of the kids!" Neo brought his hands up over his mouth as his face went red with embarrassment. "Oh man, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I said something like that!" Ash chuckled, "Just don't do it again." Neo was still sweating buckets as his nephew and niece laughed at his expression.

"So what have you been doing?" Ash asked. "Well, with help from the Klingons, the Chozo, and the Vhozon, I was able to make better armor for Bayleef." Neo said as he pulled out what looked like a metal bracelet with two buttons. "I'll explain what this bracelet has to do with the armor." Neo said. Ash got up and turned on the TV to watch the news. It went on with the same thing. Two planets were freed from the rocket empire while one had fallen. But then, at the end of it, "And last of all, a mysterious creature has been sighted at different parts of the planet." the news reporter said as Ash turned the TV off. He went to bed as soon as he felt tired.

The next morning, Ash was out walking down the street and saw several humans and aliens gathered around a newspaper stand. "What is it?" Ash shouted. One of the humans turned around and said "They managed to get a picture of the creature." Ash ran up and saw on the front cover a very blurry picture of the creature. Ash had a feeling he had seen it somewhere before. "What do you think it is?" a human said. "Not sure, but it could be an enemy." a Klingon said. "Yes, but the creature could be peaceful and simply be trying to find a place to live." a Luminoth said.

Ash went back to his room after his walk. The moment he entered, he was tackled by Bayleef, Mana and Slate. "Okay, can everyone get off me now?!" Ash said as everyone got off him. "You too, Bayleef?" She blushed a deep red, "Sorry, they talked me into it." Neo walked up and said "Now I will tell you about the new armor. Bayleef, if you would like to show us?" Nodding, Bayleef activated her new armor. It soon spread from the bracelet and covered her body. "It looks just like her old one." Ash said. "Yes, but it has been vastly improved. It acts more like a second skin and also, if it takes a hit, it regenerates itself as it has tiny robots that will repair it should it get damaged." Neo said. Bayleef's armor retracted back into the bracelet. As she looked at it around her right foot, she thought, (Just like a wedding bracelet.)

A few days later, Ash, Mana, Slate, Bayleef, Latios and Neo all were camping out in the woods somewhere outside the city. "It sure has been awhile since I last did this." Latios said as he roasted marshmallows over the camp fire. "Yeah, as much as I like it here, I can't wait to get back to my own time." Ash said. Bayleef looked up and asked "So Latios, who won that staring contest?" "Well, I did as I tricked Mewtwo to look in the other direction." "That was a very dirty trick! I'll never forget it!" They all laughed. They swapped stories and laughed at different jokes.
In the morning, Ash woke up. Getting out of his tent, he saw a figure he thought he would not see in a long time. The figure soon woke up and turned its head and looked at Ash and said, "Hello, my son."
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