AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 11


Ash looked at Lugia and then ran forward and hugged him. "Dad, I thought you were killed!" Ash said crying. "Well, I survived the battle of the legendaries." Lugia said. "But how?" Ash asked. "I will tell you the moment everyone else wakes up." Lugia said. Mana and Slate moved out of Ash's tent. They stopped when they saw Lugia. "Daddy, who is this?" Mana asked a bit scared. "There's nothing you should be scared about. This is your grandfather." Ash said as Mana and Slate walked slowly towards Lugia. "Dad, these two are Mana and Slate." Ash said as Lugia looked at them with a smile on his face. "Hello there." Lugia said as he moved his head closer to the two of them. "Careful there Dad. You might scare them. They're not used to strangers." Ash said. Mana and Slate shocked them both when they hugged Lugia's face.

Neo woke up and walked outside his tent. "What the...?" Neo stood there in shock when he saw Lugia. Ash looked towards Neo and asked, "What's wrong? Come over here, Neo!" Lugia whispered, "Give him a moment. This is the first time he's ever laid eyes on me." After a moment, Neo very slowly walked towards his father, his breathing erratic as if he were sobbing under his breath. When he finally walked up to Lugia, he stared up into his eyes. "Dad?" Lugia nodded, "It has been too long, my son." Neo walked forward a little more and buried his face in Lugia's soft blue feathers on his belly. As everyone listened to Neo quietly sobbing, Ash whispered, "He always had brothers and sisters, as well as many friends, but he never knew of the love of a mother or father. Until now."

After awhile, everyone woke up and saw Lugia, giving everyone a shock. "But we thought you were captured and turned into a Cyber Legendary." Latios said. Lugia looked down with a sad face. "I managed to escape, but they turned Silver into one of those creatures." Lugia said. Neo was sad to learn that. "" "When you disappeared, most of the legendaries thought it was the end of all Pokemon" Lugia said as he looked at Ash. Ash looked down, realizing that because of his disappearance, he could have endangered the entire Pokemon race. "So I could have killed all Pokemon..." Ash said in shock. "No, because the Rocket Empire would have done that anyway if it weren't for the LFR." Latios said. "A lot of people died when the war started." Lugia said. "What I don't get is how did you escape when you were captured during the battle?" Latios asked. "Well, it will be a long story, but I will tell you all if you want me to." Lugia said. "Go on, Dad. Tell us." Ash said. "Well okay. Here it goes." Lugia began.

Flashback 95 years. It was a nightmarish scene. Smoke filled the sky as tanks rolled across the ground, stopping every now and then to fire tank shells. Bullets flew across the air as soldiers battled each other. Pokemon ran in different directions trying to escape. The League was losing as the Rocket Empire continued its assault. Mewtwo ran with Latios, Amber and Onyx beside him. "We have to warn them now!" Mewtwo shouted over the noise of explosions and gun fire. They ran up to a cave where the Legendaries were. "All of you have to get out now! There's not much time!" Mewtwo shouted. The three Regis then began to dig a way out. The Legendary pokemon that could fly flew out of the cave while the others ran, leaving the Regis with Mewtwo and the others. Soon helicopters filled the air, firing nets at the escaping Legendaries. Lugia flew as fast as he could, knowing that all he had to do was hide. Four Rocket Empire helicopters appeared behind him. They fired nets, but Lugia dodged all of them. That is until one if the helicopters fired a bolt of electricity at him. Lugia blacked out just as he was caught in a net.

When he woke up, Lugia found himself in a large metal cage. As he looked around, he saw other cages that contained the others that were caught. He looked at the cage next to him and was shocked to see Silver in it. A man walked in the room. "Now, I bet you want to know what we plan on doing with you. Well, you will be used in an experiment. But rather than tell you, I'll show you. Bring in the first subject." the man said. Several soldiers came in carrying a Latias. "Place it in the tube now." the man said pointing to a large tube. Nodding, the soldiers placed Latias in the tube. When the glass covered the tube, the top opened. Blades, needles and other stuff came out and began to remove the body parts and replace them with cybernetic parts. Lugia could feel his stomach turn as he tried to not vomit. After ten minutes, the only untouched part, the brain, was lowered into the new body. "Now put the next subject in the tube with the big Lugia." the man said as the soldiers moved toward the cage. The moment they opened up the cage, Lugia roared, "MONSTERS!!!" and flattened the group with a slam of his powerful arm. He then flew off, knowing that he couldn't do anything to save the others.

For several nights, Lugia felt uneasy about his choice. He knew that he would never see his son again. He watched as large spaceships flew off the planet toward space. Sighing, he looked out of the cave. Then several humans entered the cave. "Do you think Lugia's in here?" one of them said. "I don't know, but we made a promise to the commanders that we will find him, plus he might help us find the Chosen One." another one said. Lugia appeared in front of them. "Why do you want to find the Chosen One?" Lugia asked with a glare. "Because we want to help overthrow the Rocket Empire." the lead human said. "We also want to tell you that the children of the Chosen One and the rest of their family have taken off to seek refuge among the stars." one human said. "But we will take you to them if you want us to." the lead human said. Lugia thought for a moment. "So what is your choice?" the human asked again. "I will come with you." Lugia said. He followed them towards a large ship that was docked nearby. "This ship should take us to them." the lead human said as they boarded the ship and lifted off.

Present day. "So that is how I came here traveling on a ship for a very long time as we searched for this planet." Lugia said as he finished telling them. "So Silver became a Cyber Legendary?" Ash asked. "Yes, they have. I should have saved him. I should of have been the one to be turned a Cyber Legendary." Lugia said as he cried a few tears. "Dad, listen. You've got to think. All that happened a long time ago. You can't change the past. But we might if we can get back to our own time." Ash said. They then spent the rest of the day playing with Mana and Slate and swapping stories again. However, Neo pondered the rise of the Rocket Empire. (It doesn't make sense. We left our timeline after the death of Giovanni. Team Rocket had completely fallen apart. Who founded it again?)

After waking up the next morning, Ash made his way to a stream that was next to the campsite. But he was feeling a bit different. When he looked into the water, he had a big shock. It wasn't his reflection that he saw, but Lugia's.
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