AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 14


The Hunter's sword was about to hit Mana when he was tackled from behind. Ash looked to see Slate standing there. The Hunter turned around and saw Slate. "You dare attack me from behind?" The Hunter said as he moved toward Slate. The Hunter didn't get far when Ash slammed him with his tail. Getting up, Ash jumped on top of the Hunter, pinning him to the ground with his sheer weight. "Mana, Slate, get out of here now!" Ash shouted as he picked up the Hunter in his massive hand and threw him into several trees. Nodding, Mana and Slate ran. The Hunter tried to go after them, but was knocked down again by Ash.

Mana and Slate had been running for ten minutes before they stopped. "Slate, we should go back and help Daddy." Mana said. "We can't! You heard what Daddy said. He wants us to stay away." Slate said as Mana started to cry. Slate walked up to his sister and said "We might be able to help Daddy, but only if we can find a way to help them." Slate said. "Maybe if we find Mr. K'tal, he might help Daddy." Mana said. "It will do. You know we can't help. Not until we evolve, whatever that means." Slate said as he comforted his sister. As they walked, they heard a noise. "We gotta hide." Slate said as they hid in a bush. A few minutes later, K'tal and a group of soldiers walked by. Slate and Mana ran out of the bush in front of K'tal. The Klingon general saw Ash's kids. "What are you two doing out here?" K'tal asked. "Daddy is being attacked!" Mana said as she continued to cry. "You lot say here to look after them. The rest you follow me." K'tal said as he and several troopers move slowly through the brush.

Ash opened his eyes and saw that he and everyone was tried to a tree or rock. When he saw Amber and Onyx tied up next to him he got a pained feeling. Both of them were knocked out. He turned and saw the Hunter walking forward with his sword held in his hands. "Now you will die." the Hunter said. Ash's eyes felt very heavy as he was nearly about to pass out again. He saw several figures jump down, firing guns at the Hunter. But Ash slipped back into sleep.

When Ash opened his eyes again, he saw that he along with everyone else was in bed. Looking out a window, Ash realized that he was in a mobile hospital. The door opened and Mana and Slate ran in and gave Ash a hug. "Daddy, we were so worried about you!" Mana said as she cried. "What happen to the Hunter?" Ash asked as he tried to get up but was too weak to. Jake walked in. His arm was in a sling and a bandage was around his head. "K'tal and a group of Klingons managed to capture the Hunter. He is being shipped off to a prison planet as we speak." Jake said. "We also searched his computer on his ship. We found out how he did that body swap thing." K'tal said as he entered. "But the hard part is that it was an incantation of some sort and it will take time for us to reverse the effects." Jake said. Ash sighed as he tried to hug his children, but was still too sore to move.

A while later, everyone was back on their feet. Lugia turned around and said "Well I guess I can't blame you for injuring my body as I injured yours." Mana was still awake and next to Ash while Slate was a sleep. "It looks like Mana really looks up to you." Latios said. "Yeah." Ash said as he hugged Mana. "Hey, where's Uncle Mewtwo?" Onyx asked. "He should be back from a patrol soon." Amber said.

After a few hours, Ash, Lugia, Latios and Neo were in a room as they got ready to reverse the effects of the body swap. "We have to close our eyes in order to pull this off." Lugia said. "Okay Dad." Ash said as he closed his eyes. A chant was heard as Ash felt an odd feeling that could not be described, and then it was over. He opened his eyes and looked around. He then looked at himself. "Something went wrong. I'm in Latios's body." Ash said. Neo was in Lugia's body. Lugia was in Neo's body. And Latios was in Ash's body. "We will have to try it again." Lugia said. Ash closed his eyes again and the chant was said again and Ash felt the odd feeling again. He opened his eyes. This time he was in Neo's body, Latios's was in Lugia's body, Neo was in Ash's body and Lugia was in Latios's body. "I guess I could settle with this, but red hair just doesn't suit me." Ash joked. "Well, black hair isn't my thing either. Anyway, one more time should do the trick." Neo said. Nodding, they all closed they eyes and the chant was heard again. Ash opened his eyes again. When he looked at himself, he was in his own body. He then found out everyone else was back in their own bodies. He walked out and Mana, Slate and Bayleef jumped him again. He laughed as he hugged all of them, happy that he wasn't covered in feathers anymore.

On a ship in the far reaches of space, several soldiers laid on the floor dead. The Hunter looked around and hopped into a shuttle and flew away as the prison ship exploded.
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