AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 15


Ash was busy talking to Mana and Slate, telling them about all the different Pokemon he had seen. But then they both brought up a question. "Daddy, what kind of Pokemon will we be when we evolve?" Slate asked. "Well you, Slate, will evolve into a Pupitar and then a Tyranitar." Ash said as he showed Slate a picture of them from his Pokedex, which he had brought with him from the past. "I will become one of those when I am older?" Slate asked as he pointed to the picture of the Tyranitar. "Yes, you will." Ash said. "What about me, Daddy? What would I grow up to be?" Mana asked. "Well Mana, you will evolve into a Shelgon and then a Salamence." Ash said as he showed Mana a picture of the two Pokemon. Mana looked wide eyed at the picture of a Salamence. "I will become on of them?" Mana asked as she pointed at the picture. "Yes, you will!" Ash said. "That means I can fly! That will be so cool! I can't wait for that to happen!" Mana said as she started jumping in joy. Neo walked in and sat down. "Well, you two will be a lot stronger when you evolve into them." Neo said. "How do you know, Uncle Neo?" Slate asked. "Well I hope you two remember that I have the DNA of a lot of Pokemon, including those two. Also, it's natural to become stronger through evolution." Neo explained.

An alarm suddenly went off. Ash and Neo knew what it was for. One of the Cyber Legendaries was on the offensive. They ran into the main control room. Amber and Onyx were already there. They turned around and said "The moment we have been dreading about has arrived. CyberRayquaza has begun to attack again." K'tal looked around as everyone in the room began to talk. "This time, he has been upgraded with new weapons." Onyx said. "What kind of weapons?" K'tal asked. "We don't know. All we know is that his Hyper Beam cannon has been repaired." Amber said as a hologram appeared of the new and improved version of CyberRayquaza. Ash looked at the hologram. It had been a month or two since he last saw him. "Do you think we can take him out this time? I mean I barely had enough time to destroy that cannon in the first place!" Neo said. "He hasn't made any attacks on bases or outposts. Just attack groups." Amber said as she looked at everyone in the room. "We need to plan an attack on him and try to destroy him for good." Onyx said. "But where are we going to attack him?" Latios asked. "We plan on attacking him in space with at least three attack groups. But General Mewtwo will bring in his attack group to help in the battle." Amber said. "Now all ships will be listed and those who will be on them." Onyx said. Ash looked to see he was going to be on the same ship as Amber, Onyx and Neo. After the names and all disappeared, Ash heard K'tal say "Ah, today is a good day to die." Shrugging his shoulders, Ash made his way back to his room. "We have been called out to battle." Neo said as Bayleef, Mana and Slate looked at them. "Now Bayleef, I want you to look after Mana and Slate for me. And when I get back, please don't jump me again" Ash said. Bayleef, Mana and Slate nodded. Ash walked out the room knowing that he may not see them again.

Hours later, LFR warships along with several Klingon battle cruisers were flying in an asteroid belt. On the bridge of a LFR warship, Ash watched the main view screen as the ships, crews and fighters waited for the right moment. Suddenly, an asteroid exploded as an orange beam sliced into a Klingon battle cruiser. The cruiser exploded into a fireball. CyberRayquaza flew from the direction the Hyper Beam came from. "It's him! All pilots to the fighters! We've got to take him out!" Amber said into a communication device. All fighters were launched from the hangers of the larger ships.

Everyone watched as they streaked through space toward CyberRayquaza. But several hatches on CyberRayquaza's body opened up as two laser cannons and three missile launchers appeared. "Well that's new." Ash said. The fighters flew around CyberRayquaza while firing lasers and missiles. But the cybernetic creature twisted in space firing his own weapons at the fighters. After destroying a few, he flew towards the larger ships. All laser cannons on the ships turned and fired at CyberRayquaza. But he twisted his slender body, dodging all the lasers. Missiles, Lasers and the Hyper Beam cannon all fired at the ships. Several ships got damaged by the attack as CyberRayquaza flew away from the ships. The fighters followed, all still firing lasers. Turning around CyberRayquaza flew straight into the swarm of fighters. His lasers blowing up several fighters before he flew right threw a Klingon battle cruiser. He twisted around and flew up again, his lasers blowing up another warship. He fired another Hyper Beam, blowing up another ship. Several fighters followed him again firing, but several more were destroyed when CyberRayquaza sent a few asteroids at them. Ash watched as the Cyber Legendary flew around and headed for the ship. "Bring the shields up to full power!" Amber shouted as the shields came up. "Bring secondary shields up just in case." Onyx said. The shields buckled under the attack as CyberRayquaza flew over the ship. The Cyber Legendary flew over another ship, but his tail came down and sliced the bridge of the warship off. As the cybernetic creature flew over another, all of the warships laser cannons fired at point blank range. One of the missile launchers was blown off CyberRayquaza. Another ship fired more lasers at him. Turning around, he made for the ship Ash was on. He flew over again, his lasers firing. "Fire all laser at his Hyper Beam cannon!" Onyx shouted as all lasers fired. CyberRayquaza flew over as smoke came from his mouth as the cannon had been damaged. Turning around, CyberRayquaza saw the ships and fighters fly at him. He flew forward again, slamming into more ships. He was about to ram the main ship when several lasers hit him from above. Looking up, CyberRayquaza saw another lot of ships fly into the battle. "Mewtwo's battle group has joined us!" Ash said as the ships all fired upon the Cyber Legendary. Knowing that he was out numbered, CyberRayquaza was about to escape. "He is about to escape again!" Mewtwo shouted. "No he's not. All ships lock tractor beams on him!" Amber shouted. Blue beams of light hit CyberRayquaza. The lights caused the Cyber Legendary to slam into an asteroid. "Now destroy him!" Onyx said. All lasers fired at the struggling Cyber Legendary. Several parts of his body were blown off into space, exposing circuitry. His head was taking quite a pounding from the lasers as more and more hit him. A part of his head was blown off to reveal what looked like a glass case with fluids and an organic brain inside. The lasers continued to hit him until two missiles slammed into his head, destroying his brain and half of his head. The tractor beams deactivated as the body stopped struggling and floated in space as bits of metal hanging around him. Silence hanged over the crew of the ships and fighter pilots. "He's dead. We did. We killed CyberRayquaza." Ash said as cheering was heard from the crews and pilots.

When the ships landed in the city, they were greeted by a cheering crowd. Ash walked off just to see Mana, Slate and Bayleef. Ash kneeled down and hugged Mana and Slate. "You did it, Daddy!" Mana shouted as she hugged her father back. Ash turned and saw injured crewmen been taken away for medical treatment. "We wouldn't have won if it wasn't for Mewtwo." Ash said as Mewtwo walked out of his ship. As Ash looked over at the cheering crowd he felt happy that he was giving these people a reason to fight the Rocket Empire.

On the Rocket Empire controlled Earth, the Rocket leader slammed his first into the face of a soldier. "Damn! That's two Cyber Legendaries down. We must improve the other Cyber Legendarie's bodies so they won't end up like CyberRayquaza and CyberLatias. Begin modifying their bodies the moment we find a way to improve them." the Rocket leader said as the soldiers ran to the labs to tell the scientists.

In an unknown location. "CyberRayquaza is now dead." CyberRaikou said as he paced around. "Yes, he is dead because we are too busy waiting." CyberLugia said. "His sacrifice was a necessary one." CyberMew said as he floated in the air. "We must continue to wait until it is logical to strike." their leader said from the shadows. CyberGroudon looked at the shadows and said "I say it is logical to strike now." CyberHo-oh looked at him and said "You're only saying that so you can fight right away." "Hey, I was made to fight!" CyberGroudon said. "No, you were made for conquest. We all were." their leader said from the shadows. "Besides, we don't know if we stand a chance against the Chosen One or XD-385." CyberMew said. "XD-385 is inferior to us. We were created to take him out. That means we are stronger then him." CyberSuicune said. "Yes, but if the Chosen One helps him..." CyberMew said. "We will take him out as well" CyberRaikou said. "We can't just yet remember what happened to those he had fought before." their leader said. "You've got a point there" CyberGroudon said as he thought. "We will continue to wait and when the time is right, we will strike and rebuild our fallen comrades." their leader said again.
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