AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 16


Several years have gone by since the death of CyberRayquaza. Ash and Bayleef didn't look any older than they did when they first arrived in the future, but Neo suspected it had something to do with not being in their own timeline.

There was a crashing sound and an angry yell. Ash looked up from what he was doing to see a humanoid Salamence appear at one of the doors. "Alright, where is Slate?" the Salamence said. "Why do you need to known, Mana?" Ash asked. Mana looked at her father and pointed to a bucket on her head. "This is why." Mana said. "Uh...I'm pretty sure he went that way." Ash said as Mana ran down the way he pointed. Bayleef looked up and said "I am pretty sure Slate will be in trouble this time." Neo nodded with a sigh. All of them looked at a clock and said in unison "3, 2, 1." A scream was heard from down the hall. A Tyranitar ran past the doorway. "Get back here, Slate!" Mana shouted as she carried a bucket full of water. "I said I was sorry!" Slate shouted as he ran. "Sorry won't cut it this time!" Mana shouted as Slate ran to the door. Amber opened the door and quickly got out of the way as Slate ran by while followed by Mana. "Do I need to known what that was about?" Amber asked. "No, you don't need to know." Neo chuckled. "Well, they will be back soon hopefully because I'd like to say something to you all." Amber said. "They'll be back soon for sure." Ash said.

They all waited for several minutes. The door soon opened to reveal a wet Slate. Mana followed after him a smile of happiness of her face. "Well now, for all of the help we got in the war, I thought maybe we can go on a vacation." Amber said. Ash cheered as the others watched him dance around the room. "Umm, yeah, we leave in the morning." Amber said as she moved her way out of the room. They spent most of the day packing for the vacation.

When morning came around, everyone waited for Amber and Onyx to show up. "So where do you think we are going?" Bayleef asked. "We plan on taking you to a beach just a bit out of New Altomare." Amber said as she and Onyx approached. "Wait. There is a new Altomare?" Asked Ash. "Yes. It has been around for only a short time. It was only newly built." Onyx said. "Let's go." Ash said as they walked.

Hours had passed and they arrived at the beach. Ash turned around and looked at the ocean. "This planet is much like Earth." he said. "That is why we call it New Earth." Amber said. Slate looked a little nervous as he gazed at the ocean. "Why are we so close to the ocean?" he asked. "Don't worry; we will be sleeping away from the ocean." Amber said.

As they set up and played games or relaxed, everyone was unaware of two figures watching them. But the two figures didn't know about each other. But both had plans.

Ash had taken a break from playing and was resting while watching Neo and Mana train. Ash smiled, knowing that she was such a good fighter. She had always shown concern for his safety on missions and stayed by his side during them. But a splash was heard, when he turned around, Ash saw something starting to arise from the ocean. A rustling was heard and he turned around to see a figure emerge. "Oh no, not you again!" Ash groaned as the Hunter stepped forward. Turning around, he saw something floating above the water. It looked like a Mew, although it seemed to be composed of metal. He then realized it was CyberMew.

"What are you doing here?" The Hunter asked CyberMew as everyone got into one spot. Slates's, Mana's and Bayleef's armors activated. They weren't taking any chances. "I could ask you the same question." CyberMew said as he floated forward. "I am here to hunt my prey." The Hunter said. "And I am here to kill them. But I can always kill you instead if you choose to interfere." CyberMew said. "Me? Being killed by an overgrown tin can? I would like to see that happen. But it will be you who will die along with them, not me. Now stand aside." The Hunter said. "We'll see about that." CyberMew said.

Before anyone could do anything, a slot in CyberMew's chest opened and two circular blades flew out, barely missing the Hunter's head. The Hunter charged the Cyber Legendary. But CyberMew floated up into the air wrapped his tail around the Hunter's neck. Landing on his hands, CyberMew used his tail to throw the Hunter into the ocean. CyberMew then turned around and faced his next targets only to be hit by one of Slate's arm mounted cannons. CyberMew flew forward to counterattack, but Mana quickly reached out and grabbed his tail before throwing him into the ground. CyberMew got up as his hands turned into what looked like Gatling guns. "Hide!" Ash shouted as they took cover behind large rocks. CyberMew fired the Gatling guns. Slate fired several lasers from the cannon that was attached to his armor's right arm. CyberMew sent two more blades their way. The blades hit the rocks, but didn't get through. The Hunter jumped out of the water and grabbed CyberMew's tail before slamming him into the ground and tossing him into the ocean. "Stay outta my way!" The Hunter jumped onto one of the rocks with his sword drawn. His sword was blocked by Mana's own energy sword. Slate turned around and fired his laser cannon, hitting the Hunter in the chest, causing him to fall off the rock. CyberMew surprised everyone when he burst out of the ground. The Hunter jumped to his feet and charged him. CyberMew's tail came forward as spikes popped up along the end of it, slamming into the Hunter and sending him flying into a rock. CyberMew's arms turned into Gatling guns again and fired at the Hunter. Ash and the others hid behind the rocks until the sound of gunfire stopped. Peeking over one of the rocks, Ash saw CyberMew was gone and the Hunter very dazed. Ash let out a sigh. Suddenly, the ground behind them erupted and he turned to see CyberMew floating above a hole in the sand. As the blade slot opened and the Gatling guns appeared again, the Hunter jump tackled CyberMew to the ground. The Hunter's fists were pounding away at the cybernetic creatures' metal face. The Hunter then threw CyberMew as hard as he could into the ocean before turning around just in time to see Neo's fist hit him hard in the face. The Hunter jumped up and used his own fist to punch Neo in the face. The Hunter quickly wrapped his hands around Ash's neck, but Slate pulled the Hunter's arms away and punched him hard in the face before throwing the Hunter to, Mana who quickly kneed him in the gut. CyberMew appeared again, this time going for Neo. Neo was hit in the face by the Cyber Legendarie's tail. Turning around CyberMew fired several more blades. The blades missed Ash's head by only a few centimeters. Mana jumped up and grabbed CyberMew's tail and slammed him into the Hunter. Slate then fired a laser, hitting them both before Neo got up and with Ash, threw them into the ocean. "How many more times are we gonna have to give them a splashdown?!"

The surface rippled as if a fight was going on under the ocean. The Hunter was soon thrown out of the ocean as CyberMew charged after him. Ash watched as they continued to fight. The Hunter pulled out a laser blaster and fired several shots at CyberMew. Slate joined in at firing lasers at CyberMew. The injured Cyber Legendary quickly flew up into space in an effort to escape capture. The Hunter turned and said "I will be back for you soon. I've got a bone to pick with him." The Hunter then ran off into a different direction. Several minutes later, the sound of starship engines were heard and they saw the Hunter's ship take off in hot pursuit. "That was.....weird." Ash said. "I know, being attacked by a Cyber Legendary and the Hunter at the same time." Neo said.

As there was time left, Ash and the others went over to New Altomare. Ash and Neo were amazed at how it looked almost like the original Altomare. "This looks almost identical to the original Altomare!" Ash said. "We built it just like it was according to what we were told by Uncle Latios." Onyx said. "Well, you did a good job at it." Neo said while looking around. "But you haven't seen the best part yet." Amber said as they continued to walk through the city. After a while, they came to a place that was very familiar. "This is the secret garden Latias used to live in with Latios." Ash said. "Yes, and now to show you one thing." Amber said as they made their way to the center of the garden. There was a fountain and in it was a pool of water and in the pool was a red orb. "Is that the Soul Dew?" Ash asked. "Yes. We moved it here for safekeeping." Amber said. Ash made his way to a familiar swing. He sat down on it remembering the first time Latias revealed her true self to him.
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