AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 17


Ash, Neo, Mana and Onyx walked down a street towards the spaceport. "Well, sorry if the first part was sort of ruined." Onyx said. "Wait...that was the first part of the vacation?" Ash asked. "Yeah, it was." Onyx said. "So what's the next part?" Neo asked. "We are going onto a luxury cruiser." Onyx said. "What!?" Ash, Neo and Mana shouted in unison. Onyx snickered a bit. "Yep, you heard me right. We are going to go on that cruiser and sail around several star systems and come back and meet up with Amber, Bayleef and Slate, where we will hold the last part of the vacation." Ash couldn't wait to get there; but Neo had a feel that something bad was going to happen again.

After awhile, they come across to see the cruiser. The large ship was almost like the luxury liners from Ash's time where they were on the water. But it was a lot more futuristic looking. "So this is it? It looks a lot like the ships from my time that travel on water." Ash said. Onyx gave a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head and said "Yes, well, it has only been 100 years since you left and, well...we haven't gotten far on designing luxury cruisers to make them have no basic structure to the old designs." Ash looked at his son before looking back up to the ship. "That's fine. Looks aren't everything, ya know."

A few hours later, the ship had left dock and was flying smoothly through space. Ash was sitting down at a table watching as several human guys were flirting with Mana. Ash laughed a bit when Mana gave them a growl and a look that was saying 'Continue doing that and I will rip you apart'. As the men left, she let out a sigh. "Why always me?" she said as she sat down next to her father. "Maybe because you're a beautiful humanoid Salamence" Ash said. Mana looked at her father, "You really think I'm beautiful?" Ash grinned, "You bet. Anyone with eyes can see that you're beautiful." Mana looked away while blushing deeply. After thinking about her father's words, she sighed before taking a drink of her cola.

A figure moved towards the engine room. Looking around, he made his way to a computer console. He punched in a few numbers and the screen turned on to show the ships course. He punched in a few more numbers and watched as the screen show the ship's course change towards the nearest star. The figure then moved to another part and fiddled around with stuff and then laughed as the ship began to move towards the star.

On the bridge of the ship, a technician ran up to the captain. "Sir, we have a problem." the technician said. "What is it?" the Captain asked. "Well, someone has changed our flight path and we are heading for a star." the technician said. "Can we change course?" the Captain asked. "No sir, unless we fix the problem within the one hour we have before the ship impacts with the star." the technician said. The Captain thought for a bit before saying "We will have to tell the passengers."

Ash looked at the dancing couples on the dance floor. He could see himself dancing among them with Latias. He sighed a bit as he imaged Latias again. Neo noticed the spaced out look Ash was getting and knew who he was thinking of. A voice was then heard on the comm. device. "This is the Captain speaking. We have a problem. We are heading towards a star and only have sixty minutes. We will try to fix the problem, so please remain calm." Despite the Captain's orders, panic erupted. "Mana, get these people to the escape pods or their quarters. Onyx, go and see if you can help the Captain. Neo, you and me will go down to the engine room." Ash said as they all began to do what they were told.

Ash and Neo ran down to the engine room. Steam and smoke was coming out of various bits of machinery. "What going on?!" Ash shouted. "We don't know. Someone has really messed around with the engine and we can't seem to fix it." a technician said. "Who ever did this sure knew what they doing." another one said. "We got a blockage somewhere up there." another technician said while pointing up a ladder. Ash looked at it and said "I'll go and check it out." Ash said. "Hold on. You might need this." the first technician said as he handed Ash a space suit. "Neo, I need you to stay down here to help them." Ash said as he put the suit on and climbed up the ladder. He got to the top and walked down a corridor when something hit him in the back. A figure looked at him and pulled his body away as Ash fell unconscious.

Onyx had gotten to the bridge where it was in complete chaos. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Someone has locked out the controls of this thing. We can't get control of the ship." the Captain said. "We must try anyway." Onyx said as he tried to help. "Sir, an airlock is opening." a technician said. "Try to keep it shut!" The Captain shouted. "Doing it now, Sir" the technician replied.

Mana was busy trying to keep people calm with help from the staff. "Everyone, can I have your attention please?!" Mana shouted. Everyone stopped and looked at Mana. "We are working as fast as we can to get the ship back online. Now, I need everyone to keep calm." Mana said. Most of the passengers tried to keep calm, but some kept on being problems.

Back on the bridge. "Sir, we can't keep the airlock from opening." the technician said. The ship shuddered a bit. "What is going on?!" Onyx shouted. "All of the escape pods have been launched!" the technician said. "Whoever did this knows what they are doing." the Captain proclaimed. "Sir, the airlock it has opened." the technician said. "We have detected a life form in the airlock." another technician said. "Who was it?" Onyx asked. "It was Commander Ash, Sir." the technician said. Onyx looked with a pained expression on his face. "Who's the closet to the airlock?" the Captain asked. "Mana is the closest to him." the technician said as he contacted Mana.

Ash woke up to see a door open and he was sucked out into the void of space. He quickly grabbed onto a handle and began to try to walk on the hull, but something knocked him off and he grabbed hold onto a bit of wiring.

Mana ran as fast as she could towards an airlock. "Wait, what am I going to do? I don't have a space suit!" Mana said. Then she heard Neo's voice over a communication device. "I designed your armor to act as a space suit. It comes with an eternal oxygen supply." Neo said as Mana activated her armor. "Whew, I owe you one, Uncle Neo." She then made her way to the airlock and opened it.

Mana was standing on the hull of the ship when she saw something dangling on a bit of wire far away from her. She then noticed the ship was turning as it continued to hurl towards the star. She quickly ran towards Ash as fast as she could, but was knocked down by something. Turning around, she saw a creature standing there wearing a strange looking space suit. She recognized the creature from a description of its species. It was a Zygon. Not wanting him to get away with a sneak attack, Mana charged at the Zygon. But the alien moved out of the way and elbowed Mana in the back of her head. Turning around, Mana pulled out her sword and charged at the Zygon again. The Zygon was about to attack again when Mana sliced one of his arms off. The Zygon cried out in pain. Mana then grabbed hold of him and ran her sword right through his neck and pulled off his head. Mana watched as the Zygon's lifeless body floated off into space before she ran across the hull. When she reached her father she quickly grabbed him and ran across the hull again to where the airlock was. "What happened?" Ash asked. "You and I were attacked by a Zygon." Mana said. "What a minute...if we were attacked by a Zygon..." Ash said. Both of them had the same thought and ran to the engine room.

Neo and several technicians stood in a circle holding different tools as weapons, as they were surrounded by Zygons. The Zygons quickly jumped them. Neo brought the weapon in his hand down on a Zygon's head, breaking his skull. Ash and Mana jumped in with their swords in their hands as they sliced away at the Zygons. Mana sliced arms and heads of the Zygons off while Ash just sliced their chests and legs. After several minutes, the Zygons all laid down dead and in pieces. "How many minutes have we got left?" Ash asked. "Just 15 minutes to go." Neo said as everyone rushed around trying to fix the engine.

On the bridge. "Sir, engines are back online." a technician said. "Then get us out of here!" the Captain shouted as the ship turned and headed away from the star.

Hours later, the ship was on course again and all Zygons left alive on the ship were dumped out into space along with the dead. Ash sat down. "That was close." he said with a sigh. "At least we're now back on course." Onyx said. "Now why don't we go play some video games in our cabin?" Ash said. They all agreed and began to run there to play the games, which were nothing like the ones from the past.
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