AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 18


Ash walked down the street as the last part of the vacation was being held in New Altomare. Ash had just gotten the last things for a special event that night. "Well, I think we've got enough." Ash said as he looked at Neo, who was carrying most of the bags. When they got to where they were staying, they dropped all the bags on the floor. "Tonight will be an event to remember." Amber said as they waited.

A ship came flying out of the sky before landing in the ocean. The pilot sat in his ship waiting for the time to strike. "I hope those damn Cyber Legendaries don't interfere again. But should they do, I am ready for them." The Hunter said as he opened up his laser pistol and put in a cartridge full of purple energy. He pulled several more from the ships wall and put them on his belt and waited.

Ash watched as shooting stars filled the night sky. "Does this happen all the time?" he asked. "Yes." Onyx replied. Neo watched as several stars seem to crash into the ocean. "And does THAT happen all the time?" he asked. "Yes, it does, but they've never hit anything." Amber said.

Three metal spheres lay on the bottom of the ocean. Then all three of them uncurled to reveal three metallic figures. Two of them looked to the largest one who nodded and then made their way to the surface. One of them released a metal object into the sky. When it got to the right position, it projected an energy barrier which surrounded the town.

Everyone was asleep, but not Ash as he stared at the night sky. Something was not right, but he didn't know what it was. "Is something bothering you, Master?" Neo asked. "Yeah, it's just that we have been stuck in this future for years, yet I don't feel any older than I was when we left. I wish that this never happened in the first place..." Ash said. "I agree. I miss our friends and family." Neo said. "But when we go back to the past, we'll have to say goodbye to our friends here. But I really miss Latias..." Ash said. "It's hard to say goodbye, but we will have to when we go back." Neo said. Ash sighed before he said "But what about Mana and Slate? I don't want to leave them here too." Neo looked at Mana and Slate, who were fast asleep, before he turned around and said "I have a feeling that they were meant to be in the past along with us. I can guarantee you they will refuse to leave you." Ash looked at the night sky. "I got a feeling my role as the Chosen One wasn't over yet." Ash said. Neo looked at him and said "What do you mean?" "I mean what if the Nightmare was not that 'ultimate evil' I had to destroy? What if something more powerful than him is out there ready to strike? Even because of that generator, but I think some powerful evil is out there waiting to attack us." Ash said as Neo thought. "What makes you think that?" Neo asked. "Well, not too long ago, I had a weird dream. It was about these figures that looked like men, only they were made of metal. They were about seven feet tall. I can remember hearing screaming and being on a battle field with hundreds of soldiers and Pokemon dying trying to hold those things off. Then I remember seeing a large creature that looked kinda familiar somehow holding Latias by the throat. I tried calling your name out, but you were being attacked by creatures far stronger than you. And then everything went black and I woke up. But not before the creature said "This is only the beginning of our conquest of this universe and we will move on to the others. All because you failed." But what do you think it means?" Ash asked. Neo looked at Ash with a worried look on his face. "I will never let anything happen to you or Latias. I promise you. This evil will be defeated." Neo said. But a lot more was still on his mind. He had remembered hearing stories about a universe before this one and how these metal creatures attack without emotions, destroying everything in sight. He sighed as he looked back at the night sky. Ash spoke up again and said "I also remember something else. They said they wanted to complete something to bring back something they called The Brain of Unicron. They say he was trapped in a place between the universes called the Void." When Ash looked at Neo, he saw him shaking in fear. "D-did you say The Brain of Unicron?" Neo said, obviously aware of what it is. "Yes. Why? Is there a problem?" Ash asked. "Yes, a big one. If he was ever set free from his prison he would be unstoppable. Nothing can stop him. He is the most powerful being in existence. More powerful than me and you. According to legend, it is said his power could destroy a universe with one attack." Neo said. "But...but that's impossible..." Ash said. "There is one hope though. What needs to be completed to bring him back is hard to do because it is near impossible to accomplish. However, how he was trapped is hard to explain. But he can't come into this universe because the race that helped imprison him doesn't exist in this universe. But if he was set free in another universe, he could come to this one." Neo said. "But what if that does happen?" Ash asked, worried now. "Don't worry about that. According to legend, his prison is perfect as it is eternal. Besides, he can't be destroyed." Neo said. Ash looked at him and said "Why?" "Because it will throw the balance of every universe out of order." Neo said. Ash looked up at the sky, but saw instead what looked like an energy barrier lowering around the town. "What is that?" Ash asked.

The Hunter made his way though the town when he saw the barrier beginning to lower. He let out a growl. "Those Cyber Legendaries will pay for this time. And I will destroy themthis time if they decide to personally get in my way." he said as he pulled his gun out and broke into a run.

Ash and Neo, along with Mana, Slate, Bayleef, Amber and Onyx watched as the barrier's extension stopped, sealing the town off from the rest of the planet. Then three figures erupted from the surface of the water. When they landed, the group saw that they were CyberLugia, CyberDoexys and CyberSuicune. "Three Cyber Legendaries?" Mana said in fear as she looked at the three cybernetic creatures in front of them. Without warning, something jumped from the top of the building. It was the Hunter and he slammed into CyberSuicune. Pulling out his blaster, the Hunter fired several shots of purple energy. "Shadow energy!" Ash shouted as the Hunter pointed the Blaster towards Neo and fired. Ash quickly pushed Neo to the ground and threw himself to the ground as well. Slate's armor activated and he fired his laser cannon at the Hunter. Ash gave a very angry snarl and jumped over the balcony, tackling the Hunter. The Hunter barely had enough time to react. Ash picked up the Hunter and threw him into the side of a building. Before he slammed his fist into the Hunter's helmet, Ash yelled "I'd have had enough of you!" as he summoned his sword and sliced the Hunter's left arm off before kneeing him in the gut. Picking the Hunter up again, he threw him into the water. Ash then looked at the Cyber Legendaries and charged, his sword slicing through one of CyberSuicune's legs and one of CyberDoexys arms. "Retreat!" CyberLugia said as they flew off. Ash watched as they left. The sound of starship engines was heard. Ash looked to see the Hunter's ship flying off. "Not this time!" Slate fired a missile, hitting the Hunter's ship before it could go any faster, causing a large explosion. Ash watched and calmed down. Slate fired a laser, destroying the projector keeping the barrier up. Ash looked up to them and said "Gather the fleet and army. We are going to strike the Rocket Empire and destroy them once and for all."
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