AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 19


Amber and Onyx were in front of a large army of soldiers. "Now, as most of you know, we are planning to attack the Rocket Empire directly and free Earth." Amber said. "We plan on attacking soon, so say goodbye to your loved ones as most of you might not make it." Onyx said. The soldiers moved off as preparation for the largest battle was about to happen. Ash looked at Amber and Onyx and said "How are we going to destroy that generator?" "Don't worry. I might have a way to destroy it." Neo said as they began to prepare for battle.

Ash sat in one of the five hundred warships heading towards the Rocket Empire controlled earth. He was thinking about the large battle ahead. They knew they were going to be met with very heavy resistance. Neo looked at him and said "We will destroy that generator and the Rocket Empire and then we will go to our own time, right?" "Yes we will." Ash said. "What about the Klingons?" Neo asked. "K'tal has gone to gather the Klingon fleet and they should meet us there." Ash said. An uneasy silence fell over them as they looked out one of the windows as stars passed as streaks of light. The ship shuddered as it slowed down. "We have just passed Mars. Everyone to battle stations." A voice said over the comm. device. Ash and Neo ran towards where the troop transports were waiting.

The LFR warships flew towards the Earth. Ash saw on the view screen of his troop transport that the Earth was surrounded by at least twice as many ships that were in the LFR fleet. Lasers and missiles were fired from the Rocket Empire ships. Two warships were immediately destroyed in the barrage. Troop transports and fighters flew out of the LFR warships as the battle began. "So it begins. The Battle to retake the Earth." Ash said. His transport departed from the warship. As it flew in between the battling ships, Ash thanked the people who modified the transport to be an attack vessel as well. "Neo, take the left gunner side. I'll take the right." Ash said. Both of them jumped into the gunners pods. "We've got fighters incoming." Jake said. Both Ash and Neo fired the cannons, blowing up fighter after fighter as they made their way towards the earth. "We've got a battle cruiser with at least twenty fighters following us!" Jake shouted. Ash activated the rearview screen to see a large ship chasing them. Before Ash could say anything, the ship was bombarded by green lasers. A voice came over the comm. device. "It's the Klingons! They have come to aid us in our final battle!" the voice shouted with happiness in his voice.

The fleet of the Klingon Empire flew in blasting all Rocket ships in sight. "Ash, I really hope you get a move on. You've got to destroy that generator." K'tal's voice said. "Will do, and thanks for the help." Ash said. The transport flew down as several enemy ships tried to take them out. But the Klingons and LFR warships intercepted them. Ash looked as the transports finally made it out of the battling ships. As the transports entered the Earth's atmosphere, they were greeted by more laser fire from the ground. "AA guns. They're trying to shoot us down!" Jake shouted as a transport next to theirs exploded into a fire ball. Ash waited next to the door of the transport as it continued on its way towards the capital of the Rocket Empire Earth. As soon as the transport landed, the soldiers charged out with guns blazing. Ash's sword sliced into the first soldiers that got in his way while Neo hit pressure points of enemy soldiers, snapping the necks and killing the soldiers. Mana joined them with her armor activated and her sword slicing into enemy. Slate punched, kneed and fired his arm cannon at soldiers. Latios ran his claws into the throats of enemy soldiers. Mewtwo slammed his fists and feet into soldiers, his physical strength more than enough. Amber and Onyx, who had joined them, fought in the same manner as Latios. Bayleef tackled and body slammed soldiers, as well as lashing out with the various weapons in her armor. Ash knew then that he was fighting for and with his family. But he put those thoughts aside and sliced through another soldier.

The Rocket Leader, along with his top generals, watched the battle proceed. "We can't let them near that generator." a general said. "If they do get near it, then we will have to use the Cyber Legendaries and if they fail, then we will call on their leader." the Rocket leader said.

In the unknown location. "The time draws near. When the generator is destroyed, I will join you in battle." the leader said as he got up. The Cyber Legendaries moved out while their leader waited for the right time.

It had taken them several minutes, but Ash and his unit made their way into the Rocket Empire HQ, where they were met with fierce resistance. Ash and Mana sliced their way through soldiers. Neo jumped on top of one of the soldiers, crushing his head before attacking another lot. Thirty minutes later, they had gotten to the deepest part of the stronghold. The generator was being contained in the place where it was built. "This is way too easy..." Jake said as they walked into the large room. "That's because you walked into a trap." a voice said. Lights turned on to show all the Cyber Legendaries and the Rocket leader standing in front of the generator. Without warning, Ash, Neo and Mana charged at the Cyber Legendaries. Ash jumped onto CyberMew before grabbing him by his tail and threw him into the Rocket Leader. "Neo, do it now!" Ash shouted. Neo brought his hands forward and an orange sphere appeared in front of them. (I've only got one shot at this...) "Impossible!" everyone said. Neo fired the Hyper Beam at the generator. As it hit, everyone watched in silence. Then it began to glow and erupted into a fireball. At that instant, all Pokemon in the universe felt a weird feeling as they felt power building up in them. "It's so good to have that generator destroy." Mewtwo said as he then used Psychic to pick up a bit of rumble. "Never forget! I am the strongest pureblooded Pokemon in existence!" He then sent the rubble slamming into CyberLugia.

"Unleash him now." the Rocket Leader said. A hatch opened up and a figure came up. It looked like armor similar to the one Mewtwo use to wear when in the service of Giovanni, with robotic Mewtwo parts like arms, legs and tail. "I am CyberMewtwo and I am the leader of the Cyber Legendaries." it said. "Leader or not, you guys are dead. Now that the generator isn't keeping us held down, there's nothing stopping me from turning you into scrap metal!" Neo's hair and eyes went emerald in color as Ash went into his most powerful form, his hair long and white with slivers of gold running through them and his clothes like armor while his eyes turned a ghastly white. Mana could also feel power in herself as well and was blown away at the feeling of seeing her father at his strongest. "Daddy...? I never imagined..."

"Don't get cocky. Now, finish them!" However, CyberMewtwo did something that shocked everyone. "Hm? Wait...what are you doing?!" He turned around and fired a ball of shadow energy killing the Rocket Leader. Neo gulped, "Oh man...I was hoping I'd never have to deal with that accursed energy again..." He turned back around. "Kill them all." he said in a cold emotionless voice. As ordered, the Cyber Legendaries attacked. Neo quickly went for CyberMew and CyberLugia while Ash focused on CyberDeoxys. Soon, a battle was under way. Neo jumped out of the way as several of CyberMew's blades came at him. He then slammed into CyberLugia with a Mega Kick. CyberMew came forward with his tail about to hit Neo in the face. "Not this time." Neo said as he threw CyberMew out the building and followed him, firing Hyper Beams at him in rapid succession. Ash joined him when CyberDeoxys flew after him. Ash and Neo began to battle the two Cyber Legendaries in a tag team fashion. Mana watched as CyberHo-oh and CyberLugia flew up. "I've got to do something!" Mana said and flew up, wings flapping a bit. She slammed into CyberLugia and used her sword to slice both of his wings before she jumped to CyberHo-oh. However, CyberHo-oh saw her and flew straight at her. Both of them met head on, slamming into each other. Both of them fell out of the sky as they fought each other in close combat.

CyberMewtwo turned and watched the others in the room fight the rest of the Cyber Legendaries. He looked back up to look at Neo and Ash. With a skillful stroke of his sword, Ash sliced CyberDeoxys in two. Neo blasted CyberMew with a Hyper Beam at point blank. CyberMew fell to the ground, completely fried. Neo just had enough time to see CyberMewtwo punch him hard before beating him and throwing him to the ground. Ash turned to see CyberMewtwo fire a large blast of energy at Neo. CyberMewtwo turned and said "So you are the Chosen One. You don't look like much for an inferior creature. I always thought that you would be older and more powerful. But you are just a twelve year old kid." CyberMewtwo then flew forward and began to pound Ash with many blows and energy blast. Ash felt so much pain as he got the worst beating of his life, despite being at his absolute strongest state. Ash tried to bring up his sword, but he couldn't because of the pain he was in. With a final blast, Ash fell to the ground. Ash was caught by something when he was half way down. He looked to see Mana was the one who caught him. Neo flew up and grabbed the cybernetic version of Mewtwo and threw him into the side of a building. Parts of burning ships had begun to enter the atmosphere at this time, giving it the appearance of a hellish meteor shower.

Ash floated out of Mana's arms and together they flew towards CyberMewtwo. Neo once again fell towards Earth after another beating. "Dang...he's tough!" Ash and Mana delivered a double punch to CyberMewtwo's face. Mana then delivered a huge kick to CyberMewtwo's mid section. Ash came from behind with a kick of his own. The kick connected to the back of CyberMewtwo's head. Neo came up with a Sky Uppercut. Extending a Leaf Blade out of his forearm, he, Ash and Mana attacked again. Unfazed, CyberMewtwo blasted them all down again. All of them regained their balance again and attacked. "You three don't know when to quit." CyberMewtwo said before he used his tail to hit Ash. He then fired a blast at Mana and then fired another blast at Neo. Ash flew forward again and used his sword to slice CyberMewtwo's tail off. Neo and Mana fired two powerful Hyper Beams at him while CyberMewtwo was still floating there. He was then blindsided by a Luster Purge and a Shadow Ball attack. Ash turned to see Mewtwo and Latios fly up to them. "What are you two doing here?! I thought you were down there helping against the other Cyber Legendaries." Ash said. "Hey, you wouldn't think that we would want to miss out all the fun, right? Besides, I vowed 107 years ago that I would always value you as my closest friend. Standing by while you fight against this abomination would mean going against my promise." Mewtwo said. "Okay, now let's take him out together!" Neo said as they all flew forward.

Mewtwo nailed his cybernetic self with an Iron Tail then a Shadow Ball to his face. Latios followed up with a Dragon Claw and another Luster Purge. Neo fired a Solar Beam from his right fingers, a Hyper Beam from his left arm and fired an Aeroblast from his mouth. The three attacks combined into one big and powerful attack. The attack hit CyberMewtwo, blowing off some of his armor causing a bit of circuitry to be exposed. Ash followed up by punching CyberMewtwo as hard as he could and used his sword to slice one of the cybernetic creature's arms off. Mana then punched him repeatedly before blasting him with a Hyper Beam. "Now all together!" Ash said as he slammed into CyberMewtwo once again. After forming a circle around him they all launched an attack. Neo fired the three attacks he used before. Mewtwo used a Shadow Ball while Mana used a Hyper Beam and Latios used another Luster Purge. The badly damaged CyberMewtwo fell to the ground. The moment he hit the ground, he had seen the rest of the Cyber Legendaries laying down badly damage as well. "Emergency Temporal Shift!" CyberMewtwo said quickly and he and the remains of the other Cyber Legendaries suddenly disappeared. Cheering was heard as the last of the Rocket Empire ran away.
Ash panted, "Where do you think they went?" A weary Latios answered, "Good question, but I doubt they will be bothering us again, now that they know what you're capable of."

A few hours later, Neo got ready to travel back in time to the past. Ash looked at his unit and Amber and Onyx, as well as Mewtwo and Latios. "I shall miss you all, but I've got to go back and stay with your past selves." Ash said as he hugged them all. He turned to Jake and said "I'll leave you in charge of my unit." "Thank you, Commander Ash." Jake said as he saluted him. Ash saluted back and said "Just call me Ash." He turned and saw K'tal standing there. He walked up towards the Klingon and said, "We have fought side by side for many years. I hope you have more days and more battles to look forward to." K'tal said "You may be human, but in battle you have the heart of a Klingon." "Its time." Neo said. Ash, Mana, Slate and Bayleef moved next to him. "Goodbye to all of you." Ash said as they disappeared.
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