AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 2


100 years later. Two groups of soldiers fired at each other in a hallway of an abandoned building. One group of soldiers wore black uniforms which had a symbol of a galaxy with a red R on it. The other group wore camouflage uniforms with a triangle with the letters LFR in the middle. The leader of the camouflage wearing soldiers was an ageing Mewtwo. Mewtwo fired his specially modified blaster at the enemy soldiers. One of the camouflage soldiers standing next to Mewtwo went down as he was hit by a laser bolt. Another soldier moved through the debris to Mewtwo and said "Sir, we are close to the source of the temporal energy." Mewtwo nodded "Okay. We have to use attack pattern Omega 4." Nodding, five soldiers moved forward, two of them pulled out grenades and started throwing them at the other group while the other three fired. The other soldiers, along with Mewtwo, began to head down the hallway while firing at the enemy soldiers. Several meters down the hallway they came across a door. "The temporal energy is coming from here, Sir" one of the soldiers said. With a nod, a soldier kicked down the door and they moved in while holding their guns at the ready. But they were greeted by the sight of three bodies. Two were human looking and one looked like a Bayleef. Mewtwo walked in and saw the bodies and had a look of pure shock on his face. "It can't be..." he said as a soldier just looked at him and said "What should we do, Sir?" "Contact the ship; tell them we're ready to leave with the three bodies." Mewtwo said as the soldier spoke into a communication device. After a few seconds, a shimmering blue light appeared around them all and they disappeared.
The platoon reappeared in a large room. Walking out of the door, Mewtwo stopped a few people. "Tell the Captain to get the ship out of orbit. And take our three guests to the same room." Mewtwo said. "Sir, why do these three need to be in the same room?" a soldier asked. "Don't you know this is the Chosen One?" Mewtwo said, pointing at the boy with black hair. Everyone in the hallway stopped and let out a gasp. "Then the one with the green clothes is Neo?" the soldier asked in surprise. Mewtwo just nodded. The soldiers, along with passing crew members, picked up Ash, Neo and Bayleef and took them to a room as Mewtwo followed.
A large ship with a saucer at the front attached to something that looked like a boat with two engines fired two weapons at a larger ship before it took off at a speed that was faster than light.
Ash opened up his eyes to see that he was in a metal room. He sat straight up to see that Neo and Bayleef were in beds similar to the one he was laying in. He looked around the room towards the door. Near the door was a Blaziken. The Blaziken saw Ash awake and pulled out a communication device and spoke into it. After a few moments, the door opened and two soldiers walked in, followed by Mewtwo. "Mewtwo, what is happening?" Ash asked. "We are going back to our base." Mewtwo said. "What do you mean?" Ash asked with a confused looked. "I will tell you as soon as Bayleef and Neo wake up." Mewtwo said as the soldiers left the room and he sat down. After a few minutes Bayleef and Neo woke up. "Now what I am going to tell you is the truth, even though you will probably not believe me or think I am crazy." He took a deep breathe and then said, "You three have been missing for one hundred years." Both Ash and Bayleef were shocked by this news. Neo looked just as shocked as Ash and Bayleef, but he said, "Impossible." Mewtwo knew they would have a hard time with what he just said. "I'm sorry, but it is true." Ash and Neo just noticed something. "I can't sense anything...all that power I could feel sleeping inside's gone." Neo said. Once again, Mewtwo looked sad and said, "That is because there is a generator that was made that drains energy from Pokemon, but just enough so we can't use our attacks." Mewtwo said. Just then a voice came over a communication device "We are approaching the base and Commander Latios wants to meet with you, Sir." Mewtwo got up and turned to the door, "You should come with me. Latios and our leaders with be filled with joy." They walked down several corridors while passing humans, Pokemon and strange aliens. They reached an airlock and when it opened, they were greeted with a large futuristic city. Walking out they could tell the ship had landed in an airport like structure. Walking out of the ship, they were greeted by Latios. He had a look on his face that was both of joy and shock. "Ash, Bayleef, and Neo alive? But how?" Latios asked as he looked at his brother-in-law and brother. "We will explain everything to each other as soon as we meet with our leaders." Mewtwo said as they walked through the city. They were getting a lot of gasps from the humans and pokemon. A few more minutes later, they arrived at a large building. Walking in, they headed up several stairs until they came to a door. They walked into the room where a green Latios and a yellow Latias were levitating. "Ash, Bayleef, Neo, allow me to introduce you to our leaders, Amber and Onyx." Mewtwo said as Ash just looked shocked, while Onyx had a speechless look on his face and Amber looked at her father with tears in her eyes.
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