AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 20


Ash woke up to see that he, Neo and Bayleef were laying in the same place where they entered the temporal rift that led to the future. "Was that all a dream?" Ash asked. Neo got up and said "I don't think so." "What makes you so sure?" Ash asked. "Well, look at Bayleef's leg." Neo said. Ash and Bayleef, who had just woken up, and saw the bracelet that contained the new armor. "So, should we make our way back to camp?" Ash asked. "But we have been gone for years." Bayleef said. "Yes, but it could have been hours or seconds here. Time travel can be very convenient if you know when and where to return to." Neo said. Ash grinned, but said "Where's Mana and Slate? They should be here as well." Neo closed his eyes for a moment and said "They must have landed somewhere else when we came back here. I can't pinpoint the exact location, but I do detect both of their bio signatures." "Well, let's just get back to everyone." Ash said. They walked back to where they were camped out. Brock was already up cooking breakfast. "Ash, Neo and Bayleef, what are you three doing up so early?" Brock asked. "We'll tell you when everyone else is awake" Ash said.

A few hours later. "So you three went to the future by accident and spent what were several years to you there?" May said as Neo and Ash finished explaining what happened. "Yeah, we did" Ash said. "But what happened to Mana and Slate?" Max asked as he looked at them. "They must have been separated from us when we returned back here." Ash said with a sad look on his face. "We will find them someday, but for now, let's eat something before your stomach reminds you." Neo said as Brock began to hand out food for them.
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