AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 4


Ash and Neo had been exploring the city for several days now. They also learned more things about the alien members of the LFR. The Chozo are very kind and respectful and harbor much reverence to Ash for all the stories they have heard about him. They always referred to him formally, as he was a hero. He also learned that their warriors made a formidable combat force, as they had the most advanced technology in the galaxy. The Luminoth are among the gentlest people in the galaxy and are a very spiritual people. The Vhozon are somewhat cold since they are ever vigilant about their hatred of evil, but are compassionate and are very loyal to their allies. The Diamont are very friendly and open, despite their somewhat intimidating appearence. Although they look like they could easily crush a human with an embrace, they wouldn't even hurt a fly. But when it came to life or death situations, like combat, they are a force to be afraid of. Ash had returned to the LFR headquarters where Bayleef was. He walked into his room, which he shared with Neo and Bayleef. As he walked into the room, he saw the door that led to a set of rooms where the group of elite soldiers that he was in charge of were living. He knew that the attack they were planning was fast approaching. He walked in to see Bayleef looking at pictures of the place they were to attack. It was a large outpost that was meant for observing LFR activity. It had a large number of soldiers and a group of warships in orbit around the planet. Ash looked toward the map of the galaxy, which had a lot of it controlled by the Rocket Empire and only five systems that belonged to the LFR. He sighed as he laid in his bed before going to sleep. He was awoken by Neo shaking him. "You have to get up. The attack is about to begin." With that, Ash sat straight up and quickly put on his clothes. But he noticed Neo was still wearing his green uniform. Walking into the hallway, he saw the group of humans, Pokemon and Chozo awaiting orders. Ash headed out of the large building and walked towards where the ships were docked. After minutes of walking, they made it to the fleet of ships that were waiting. After boarding one of the ships, they lifted off and into space.
Deep inside the outpost, a soldier was drinking coffee as he watched the monitors for LFR activity. He hated this job, as nothing happened. But then several dots appeared on the screen. He ran to a button and hit it, still in shock, but it was really happening. The LFR was launching its first attack.
The LFR ships appeared as they slowed down. Fighters were launched from the LFR ships and a large battle began. Troop transports went flying from the ships. Two of the troop transports exploded into fire balls as the Rocket Empire warships turned their weapons on them. Ash looked out a window to see the colorful lights of laser bolts zoom in between the battling ships.
As the troop transports landed on the planet, the doors opened and the LFR soldiers charged out of them at the group of Rocket Empire soldiers. They were killed as the soldiers went into the building. Gun fights broke out all over the place. Ash was somehow able to summon his sword and swung it over his head and brought it down towards the neck of one of the enemy soldiers in front of him. Neo punched a soldier in the stomach before he slammed his head into a wall and broke his neck. Bayleef, whose armor had activated, jumped on top of a soldier and tackled another into a wall. They continued their way down the hall with the group. More soldiers were in the hallway. All of them fell as the group made their way down. "I wonder what Mewtwo and Latios are doing?" Ash asked as he slashed his sword across the chest of another soldier.
At another part of the outpost, Mewtwo slammed a Rocket soldier into the ground before he brought his foot down on the soldiers neck. Latios slammed another soldier into a wall and rammed his claws into the soldiers neck. They moved down the hallway, where they met Ash's group. More soldiers were killed as they moved down towards the command section. The leader of the outpost was killed as Ash ran his sword through his chest. As they cut the communications off, the last of the Rocket Empire warships were destroyed. "Well, it's time to celebrate our first victory!" Latios shouted as the soldiers in the room cheered.
On the Rocket Empire controlled Earth. The Rocket Empire leader looked up from a
screen and hit a communication device. "Unleash CyberRayquaza." the leader said. In a hidden lab, the scientists were running back and forward as a large metallic creature that looked like a Rayquaza flew out of the tube it was in. It had only one thing on its mind; to destroy the LFR.
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