AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 5


Explosions erupted all around a ruined city as artillery shells fell. Ash quickly hid behind a wall as another artillery shell exploded. Dirt rained down onto Ash and his group. Another shell fell down onto a LFR tank. Ash looked through a gap in the wall to see more artillery shells fall all around the battle zone. Lasers from both sides were being fired as LFR soldiers moved through the ruined city. Neo quickly came up next to Ash, his green uniform covered in dirt and mud. One of Ash's soldiers fired a rocket launcher at a Rocket Empire tank. A laser hit the wall next to them. A whine filled the air. The whine grew louder as a fighter flew over the battlefield. The crescent moon shaped fighter fired its two laser cannons as it flew overhead. A Chozo warrior ran next to Ash as more lasers, artillery shells and dirt rained down all around them. "Sir. we are pinned downed." the Chozo shouted as another artillery shell fell right in front of a LFR tank, causing it to flip up in the air. "Yeah, I can see that!" Ash shouted over the noise. Looking around, he pointed at the soldier with the rocket launcher. "Take out that fighter!" he shouted as the soldier nodded. But before he had a chance to fire it, a laser hit him, bringing him down. Ash looked down at the fallen rocket soldier, then at the fighter and then at Neo. "Neo, take that fighter out." he said. Neo nodded and said "Already on it." He quickly picked up the fallen weapon. As the fighter flew around for another pass, he fired the weapon and scored a direct hit, destroying the fighter. Then, all of a sudden, the weapons fire stopped as an eerie silence fell over the battlefield. "What happened? Have we won this battle?" the Chozo asked. A large shadow flew above them. Then a large orange beam was fired near Ash. "What was that?!" a human soldier shouted. "It looked like a Hyper Beam attack!" Neo said in shock. "Impossible! No attacks of Pokemon origin have been used in ninety five years. How do you know it is a Hyper Beam?!" a Blaziken said. "I have used Hyper Beams before so I know a Hyper Beam when I see one!" Neo shouted as another Hyper Beam was launched. Ash looked up into the sky and saw a large metallic serpentine creature with rudder-like wings. Black rings ran across the length of its body with an additional black ring on the top of its head and had arms with three-fingered hands. It had long, flat horns on its head and two smaller horns below them. "Is that Rayquaza?" Ash asked as the large thing flew overhead. "Impossible. Rayquaza was killed during the Rocket Empires' battle against the Legendaries!" Mewtwo shouted as he and his group ran up. Then a booming mechanical voice broke the silence. "I am not Rayquaza. I am CyberRayquaza." CyberRayquaza said. "So, are you a robotic version of Rayquaza?" Latios shouted, who had joined them. CyberRayquaza hovered above them. "No, I used to be Rayquaza." CyberRayquaza said as it looked down at them. "What do you mean by 'used' to be?" Mewtwo asked. "His brain is inside this body." CyberRayquaza replied. "So you are Rayquaza?" a soldier said. "No, I am an improved version of him." CyberRayquaza said. Everyone on the ground got a confused look. "His brain has been improved so he no longer has any weakness and can have eternal life." CyberRayquaza said. "What do you mean weakness?" Ash asked. "You call them emotions and now you must die." CyberRayquaza said before it flew overhead while firing another Hyper Beam at them. "If Pokemon can't use attacks, then how are we going to defeat it?!" Ash shouted as another Hyper Beam destroyed two tanks. "With what weapons we got now, we may not be able to defeat it." Mewtwo shouted. "No, we can not destroy it with the weapons we have now, but we may be able to damage it's weapon systems." Neo said. "How can we do that?" A soldier asked as he and other soldiers fired at CyberRayquaza. "Someone will have to get close to it to fire a weapon at the cannon in its mouth. That should disable it.And that will allow us to escape this planet." Neo said. A soldier looked at him and said "But who will do that?" Ash shouted as he picked up a fallen weapon and began to fire on CyberRayquaza as well. "I will, but I will need some help getting up there." Neo said as he watched CyberRayquaza fly over the battlefield again. "I will help you, brother." Latios said as he floated over to Neo. Grabbing a rocket launcher, Neo jumped onto Latios. Before Latios flew off, a Chozo warrior handed them two small boxes and said "These are portable shield generators. We never had a chance to test them out on Pokemon attacks." Nodding, Latios took off into the air. CyberRayquaza turned to see them coming. "You can't hope to defeat me!" It said before launching another Hyper Beam at them. The orange beam slammed into a blue bubble as the shield came up around them. More Hyper Beams slammed into the shield, but had little effect. When they were in the right position, Neo fired the rocket launcher right into the cannon in CyberRayquaza's mouth. The resulting explosion damaged the cannon. Knowing it could no longer fight, CyberRayquaza flew away while saying "You may have damaged me, but I will be back and will be even more powerful then I am now." The soldiers all had a sigh of relief as they continued to fight the Rocket Empire's forces on the planet. A few hours later, they had destroyed all enemy units.
The Rocket Empire leader slammed his fist into a table. "Sir, we are nearly ready with the other two." a soldier said. "What about the one that causes us trouble every time the time we attempt to improve it's brain?" the Leader said. "We have found a way to improve the brain, but we had to clone it, as the original is dead now." the soldier said. "But it will still have memories of it's old life before we captured it, will it?" the leader asked. "Yes sir." the soldier said. The leader laughed and said "I wonder how they will deal with what we have done. We will defeat the LFR with this plan."
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