AGNPH Stories

Fight for the Future by cameronjc


Story Notes:

I wrote this a few years ago. So it won't be good as my others. But just bare with me

Chapter 7


Several days had passed since Latias regained control of her new cybernetic body. LFR scientists tried their best to repair the damage done to the body. They learned a lot about what the LFR had came to call the Cyber Legendaries. They also learned that a lot of the original legendaries were in the hands of the Rocket Empire. But an unknown power source was discovered in Latias's new body. However, it was hidden. Ash, Neo, Bayleef, Amber and Onyx were now in the same room as Latias. "Latias, can you please tell us what happened to you?" Ash asked. "This happened to me one year after you disappeared." Latias said. Just then, all of them in the room got a strange feeling as a white light filled their vision. When it cleared, they were all in a large building. A voice came out of nowhere. "The subject has escaped. Capture it at all costs." it said as soldiers wearing black combat uniforms with a galaxy with a red R in the middle ran carrying guns. "This is the Rocket Empire at least two years after you left." Onyx said as they looked around. As soon as the soldiers passed, a figure appeared out of mid air. It was Latias. She had a scared look on her face. She turned invisible again and flew away looking for a way out. She stopped when a man in a white coat holding a clipboard walked out of a room where loud screams of terror were heard. Flying in, she saw a horrible sight. Clear tubes holding humans and Pokemon. The screaming grew louder as blades, needles, and other stuff came out of the ceiling and began taking their bodies apart and replaced them with mechanical parts. She didn't want to stay in the room any longer. She had to escape from this horrible place. As she flew through the building, a large shock went through her body and she collapsed. Soldiers ran up to her and pinned her to the floor. She struggled and shouted, "No! Let me go! I need to see my children!" But she was knocked out and another white light appeared and Neo, Ash, Bayleef, Amber and Onyx were in the room again. "I gave up trying to escape after awhile." Latias said. "So what have you been doing?" Ash asked. "I kept on causing trouble for the Rocket Empire's attempt to change me, but I gave up. I had been spending years thinking about if I made the right choice. And whenever no one was looking, I would look at my soul." Latias said. "What do you mean by that?" Neo asked. Latias revealed a panel in her left arm and type in a few buttons and the black triangle on her new body opened up and revealed a small metal pyramid attached to a metal arm. The pyramid opened up to reveal a glass pyramid. Inside was water and a small reddish orb. Ash and Neo looked shocked at it. "Is that what I think it is?" Ash asked. Amber asked "What is that?" "That is a Soul Dew." Neo said. "Okay, what is a Soul Dew?" Onyx asked. "Well, it has contained the soul of Latios." Ash said. "There is another thing I can tell you." Latias said. "What is it?" Amber asked. "It is the Rocket Empire's master plan. They plan of wiping out the LFR with the Cyber Legendaries. Then they plan on sending them into the past and destroy Neo before he was created and then go back and kill Ash's mother to prevent his birth. Then they will be used to take over the timeline. And then they will invade all the other universes." Latias said. Amber, Onyx, Neo, Bayleef and Ash looked on in horror. "B-b-but that's insane!" Neo said in horror. "We must stop them at all cost now!" Amber said. After a lot of planning, they all went to sleep in their rooms.
The next morning, they woke up to a scream that sounded like a mix between a mechanical voice and Latias's real voice. They all ran to where the scream came from. On the ground laid one of Latias's mechanical arm's. Latias was facing a mirror and they could see why she screamed. Her right arm was replaced by her real arm. And the blank eyes had been replaced with her old golden brown eyes.
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